Tomb of Annihilation Chapter I [ EDIT ]
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The Game System and Setting
Tomb of Annihilation is Dungeon & Dragons 5e official module. Will play first chapter and if everyone enjoy can continue to next.
Note: first chapter has very little combat and lot of social encounters, exploration and opportunity to role-play a traveler in an exotic city/country
The Pitch.
You are one of 100 000 citizens of Baldur’s Gate city located on the Sword Coast (Forgotten Realms Settings). You are not an adventurer (yet) and probably don't think of it as a real profession in the Sword Coast.
And yet you are going to be hired for a risky job far away from your home: you will travel to Port Nyanzaru - the only city of Chult and you will accept the high risk job in a desperate attempt to save your someone you love (player to choose it is relative, beloved or who knows - maybe a priest, teacher a mentor).
Port Nyanzaru
City Port Nyanzaru in the Bay of Chult is the only spot where travelers can find welcoming civilization. The rest of the peninsula is a breeding ground for bloodsucking, disease-bearing insects, monstrous reptiles, carnivorous birds and beasts of every variety, and murderous undead.

The person hired you will give you time to get used to local climate while she is taking care of technical details. PCs will have opportunity to learn culture, gather gossips, earn some money so valuable to supply expedition with everything necessary.
Perhaps make some local friends or who knows - even companions.
Tomb of Annihilation is Dungeon & Dragons 5e official module. Will play first chapter and if everyone enjoy can continue to next.
Note: first chapter has very little combat and lot of social encounters, exploration and opportunity to role-play a traveler in an exotic city/country
The Pitch.
You are one of 100 000 citizens of Baldur’s Gate city located on the Sword Coast (Forgotten Realms Settings). You are not an adventurer (yet) and probably don't think of it as a real profession in the Sword Coast.
And yet you are going to be hired for a risky job far away from your home: you will travel to Port Nyanzaru - the only city of Chult and you will accept the high risk job in a desperate attempt to save your someone you love (player to choose it is relative, beloved or who knows - maybe a priest, teacher a mentor).
[ +- ] Chult
Chult is untamed tropical wilderness: dense jungles and snaky rivers ringed by mountains, volcanoes, and sheer escarpments.
Chult is hot, humid, and rainy throughout the year. The temperature regularly climbs as high as 95 degrees F (35 degrees C) during the day and seldom falls below 70 degrees F (20 degrees C) even at night. A day without rain is rare, but rain varies from a steady mist to drenching downpours.
Chult is hot, humid, and rainy throughout the year. The temperature regularly climbs as high as 95 degrees F (35 degrees C) during the day and seldom falls below 70 degrees F (20 degrees C) even at night. A day without rain is rare, but rain varies from a steady mist to drenching downpours.
Port Nyanzaru
City Port Nyanzaru in the Bay of Chult is the only spot where travelers can find welcoming civilization. The rest of the peninsula is a breeding ground for bloodsucking, disease-bearing insects, monstrous reptiles, carnivorous birds and beasts of every variety, and murderous undead.

The person hired you will give you time to get used to local climate while she is taking care of technical details. PCs will have opportunity to learn culture, gather gossips, earn some money so valuable to supply expedition with everything necessary.
Perhaps make some local friends or who knows - even companions.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
DnD 5e
Class/subclass: any official published sources.
Races allowed: PHB races and all of their sub-races recommended. Other races mentioned in Sword Coast official materials are also be negotiable.
Backgrounds allowed: Acolyte, Anthropologist, Charlatan, Cloistered Scholar, Criminal, Entertainer, Faction Agent, Folk Hero, Inheritor, Mercenary Veteran, Noble, Outlander, Sage, Soldier.
Ability scores: Point by or roll (bad roll back up - standard array)
You start lvl 1 with starting gear as per DnD rules
Note: your background defines your PC current occupation/lifestyle and will influence you
Class/subclass: any official published sources.
Races allowed: PHB races and all of their sub-races recommended. Other races mentioned in Sword Coast official materials are also be negotiable.
Backgrounds allowed: Acolyte, Anthropologist, Charlatan, Cloistered Scholar, Criminal, Entertainer, Faction Agent, Folk Hero, Inheritor, Mercenary Veteran, Noble, Outlander, Sage, Soldier.
Ability scores: Point by or roll (bad roll back up - standard array)
You start lvl 1 with starting gear as per DnD rules
Note: your background defines your PC current occupation/lifestyle and will influence you
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