[YZE] Obsidian International [ EDIT ]

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"Espionage is a game. A deadly game to be sure, but it is a game, nonetheless. And all games have rules." - from Crimson Tide, written by Michael Schiffer and Richard P. Henrick
Names such as James Bond, Jason Bourne, Napoleon Solo, Ethan Hunt, Loraine Broughton, or even a title such as The 355, bring to mind a genre of storytelling known as the Spy Thriller. Such characters have for generations made us wish to either be them or be charmed by them.

With its roots running back two hundred years, to the publication in 1821 of James Fenimore Cooper’s Spy. Thanks to numerous movie and television adaptations and series, the spy thriller genre covers a large range of settings or themes. They run the gamut from a gritty, "more realistic" approach, used in the John Le Carre novels which feature George Smiley, to a glamorous and more exciting cinematic approach involving gadgets, high-speed chases, and parties with well-dressed, attractive protagonist as exemplified by nearly any of the James Bond films or in the recent Kingsmen feature films.

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Players take on the role of agents for Obsidian International, a covert independent intelligence agency.

Agents are created using the method shown in the rules document (available here or in the game itself).


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