CHOPWOOD OPERA: A Weirdmageddon Roadtrip [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
Dorohedoro, Chainsaw Man, Fear and Loathing, Mandy, B-Horror Schlock

The thing running behind is keeping pace, limbs flailing and squelching, splatters of something red, congealed and sizzling are accumulating on the trunk.
YOU did a line of BLACK off the dash not ten minutes ago and so did the car. You are both going faster than anyone ever intended.
YOUjust loaded a half-dozen teeth into something not entirely unlike a lobster, the trigger is warm to the touch. Your bleeding mouth hurts from where the teeth are growing back in.
YOUare clutching to the briefcase and a walkie-talkie, the batteries are missing but the cracking static continues to pour out. You were told not to peak into the briefcase. Why did you peek?!
YOU were pronounced dead on scene two days ago. A massive debt and a hasty escape from a deep-freezer later, you can’t afford for this delivery to fail.
This is a game of surreal B-movie schlock, a descent into the mythic underworld of the 1980s as much informed by the oeuvres of such luminaries as John Carpenter, Stephen King, David Cronenberg, David Lynch and their ilk as by any actual true fact about what life was like back then. The world is beset by rampaging anti-Satanist moms and government cover-ups, the hordes of cultists or zombies or whatever are out there just begging to be taught a lesson through lethal force, the prog rock is overcomplicated and glorious, and the gore is rendered in loving detail. It's got a coy psychedelic undertone and maybe even some capital-T Themes drifting through the opaque red haze?
Think Dorohedoro and think Fear and Loathing, think Heavy Metal and Pink Floyd's The Wall, think MUSCLE CARS and CRYPTIDS and MEN IN BLACK VERSUS TOKYO GORE POLICE.
THIS is not a game for you to get attached to your character or their LIMBS too quickly!
Dorohedoro, Chainsaw Man, Fear and Loathing, Mandy, B-Horror Schlock

The thing running behind is keeping pace, limbs flailing and squelching, splatters of something red, congealed and sizzling are accumulating on the trunk.
YOU did a line of BLACK off the dash not ten minutes ago and so did the car. You are both going faster than anyone ever intended.
YOUjust loaded a half-dozen teeth into something not entirely unlike a lobster, the trigger is warm to the touch. Your bleeding mouth hurts from where the teeth are growing back in.
YOUare clutching to the briefcase and a walkie-talkie, the batteries are missing but the cracking static continues to pour out. You were told not to peak into the briefcase. Why did you peek?!
YOU were pronounced dead on scene two days ago. A massive debt and a hasty escape from a deep-freezer later, you can’t afford for this delivery to fail.
This is a game of surreal B-movie schlock, a descent into the mythic underworld of the 1980s as much informed by the oeuvres of such luminaries as John Carpenter, Stephen King, David Cronenberg, David Lynch and their ilk as by any actual true fact about what life was like back then. The world is beset by rampaging anti-Satanist moms and government cover-ups, the hordes of cultists or zombies or whatever are out there just begging to be taught a lesson through lethal force, the prog rock is overcomplicated and glorious, and the gore is rendered in loving detail. It's got a coy psychedelic undertone and maybe even some capital-T Themes drifting through the opaque red haze?
Think Dorohedoro and think Fear and Loathing, think Heavy Metal and Pink Floyd's The Wall, think MUSCLE CARS and CRYPTIDS and MEN IN BLACK VERSUS TOKYO GORE POLICE.
THIS is not a game for you to get attached to your character or their LIMBS too quickly!
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Roll d6 for each, Swap as you like, Reroll all if the total is under 10.
1: -2
2-3: -1
4-5 +1
6 +2
GUTS- Basically STR+CHA, Ability to LIFT and FACE **** without pissing yourself
SAVVY- Basically WIS+DEX, Ability to suss out meanings and do suss stuff with your hands
WEIRD- Basically CON+INT, Ability to handle Weird **** with your Mind and Body
****S- You have a number of ****s (HP/Sanity) to give equal to GUTS + WEIRD(unless otherwise stated)
When you only have 1 **** left to give, you can spend it to do something HEROICALLY STUPID at the price of dropping unconscious and dying immediately afterwards.
You have a number of inventory slots equal to GUTS. A sword is an inventory slot. A machine gun is an inventory slot. A full backpack is an inventory slot. A severed head is an inventory slot. Some things are bigger, like a Rocket Launcher, and take up more slots. Anything small enough to fit in your pockets doesn’t take up a slot.
Both sides roll D20+Stat, higher roll does VIOLENCE to the other.
Roll d6 to see it soaks Damage. Armor can only take so many hits before it breaks, some damage bypasses armor. Armor stacks. Most armor takes up 1 inventory slot per piece, some take up more.
A Hard Hat 1 in 6. Takes 1 hit
A Kevlar Vest 3 in 6. Takes 3 hits
Dragonhide 5 in 6. Takes 6 hits
A 2 in 6 armor that only works when no other armor is available and only soaks damage once. Refills if the fight is survived.
Roll +GUTS to defend against attack, declare before the start of the round.
You have a number of Skills equal to your Savvy stat. These can be anything from Swimming to Biochemistry to Ancient Languages. Declare them when it comes up, fill a slot. If you have the Skill you can usually DO THE THING without having to Roll or it will give you a bonus to the roll. Once your slots are filled you need to level up to get another slot or INVEST TIME AND MONEY into retraining a slot.
If you can Do Magic, you have Magic Dice (MD). You have 1 Magic Dice per template, it is a d6. Spells have [DICE] which is equal to the number of dice you rolled and [SUM] which is the sum of the numbers on the rolled dice.
CHAINSAW WIZARD- If you want to be a PSYCHO who can do BADASS things with your CHAINSAW
Radical Anarchist Catgirl- If you want to COMMIT ARSON and DO CRIMES and SAY NYAA~
Re-Animator- If you want to DEFY DEATH and MAKE NEW FRIENDS
Blacksmoke Sorcerer- If you want to BLEED MAGIC and MANIPULATE REALITY.
Accidental Splatter Killer- If you DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS **** and EVERYONE AROUND YOU DIES
Loser Assassin- If you are the PAWN OF ANOTHER POWER who is an efficient KILLING MACHINE
There are other more traditional (and NOT traditional) classes. Lots of them. Let’s talk if you’re into something else.
Which of the FOUR are YOU? What's your name? What do you do?! WHY ARE YOU SO DESPERATE!?
Roll d6 for each, Swap as you like, Reroll all if the total is under 10.
1: -2
2-3: -1
4-5 +1
6 +2
GUTS- Basically STR+CHA, Ability to LIFT and FACE **** without pissing yourself
SAVVY- Basically WIS+DEX, Ability to suss out meanings and do suss stuff with your hands
WEIRD- Basically CON+INT, Ability to handle Weird **** with your Mind and Body
****S- You have a number of ****s (HP/Sanity) to give equal to GUTS + WEIRD(unless otherwise stated)
When you only have 1 **** left to give, you can spend it to do something HEROICALLY STUPID at the price of dropping unconscious and dying immediately afterwards.
You have a number of inventory slots equal to GUTS. A sword is an inventory slot. A machine gun is an inventory slot. A full backpack is an inventory slot. A severed head is an inventory slot. Some things are bigger, like a Rocket Launcher, and take up more slots. Anything small enough to fit in your pockets doesn’t take up a slot.
Both sides roll D20+Stat, higher roll does VIOLENCE to the other.
Roll d6 to see it soaks Damage. Armor can only take so many hits before it breaks, some damage bypasses armor. Armor stacks. Most armor takes up 1 inventory slot per piece, some take up more.
A Hard Hat 1 in 6. Takes 1 hit
A Kevlar Vest 3 in 6. Takes 3 hits
Dragonhide 5 in 6. Takes 6 hits
A 2 in 6 armor that only works when no other armor is available and only soaks damage once. Refills if the fight is survived.
Roll +GUTS to defend against attack, declare before the start of the round.
You have a number of Skills equal to your Savvy stat. These can be anything from Swimming to Biochemistry to Ancient Languages. Declare them when it comes up, fill a slot. If you have the Skill you can usually DO THE THING without having to Roll or it will give you a bonus to the roll. Once your slots are filled you need to level up to get another slot or INVEST TIME AND MONEY into retraining a slot.
If you can Do Magic, you have Magic Dice (MD). You have 1 Magic Dice per template, it is a d6. Spells have [DICE] which is equal to the number of dice you rolled and [SUM] which is the sum of the numbers on the rolled dice.
CHAINSAW WIZARD- If you want to be a PSYCHO who can do BADASS things with your CHAINSAW
Radical Anarchist Catgirl- If you want to COMMIT ARSON and DO CRIMES and SAY NYAA~
Re-Animator- If you want to DEFY DEATH and MAKE NEW FRIENDS
Blacksmoke Sorcerer- If you want to BLEED MAGIC and MANIPULATE REALITY.
Accidental Splatter Killer- If you DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS **** and EVERYONE AROUND YOU DIES
Loser Assassin- If you are the PAWN OF ANOTHER POWER who is an efficient KILLING MACHINE
There are other more traditional (and NOT traditional) classes. Lots of them. Let’s talk if you’re into something else.
Which of the FOUR are YOU? What's your name? What do you do?! WHY ARE YOU SO DESPERATE!?
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