Castle of the Silver Prince [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

Wicke Castle has been emptied; the same war bringing ruin to your family has redirected the attention of any potential buyers. The family has liquidated everything. You have your clothes, your patentes of nobility, and the money from the fire sale.

This seems to be all that's left of a lineage and legacy that has, for the moment, outlived its glory. War is everywhere. The Six Kingdoms are neck-deep in blood. Even Ormolu is now fending off zeppelins over the Great Cloud Rift.

But the Wickes were cunning warriors before they were cunning merchants and you will not go down without a fight.

So you have gathered, with the few loyal servants and staff that have opted to see the family drama through to the end, and have set your eyes on the far north.

Though rumours of war are building even there, between the Country of Mirayhr and the Kingdom of Greymoor, conflict has not yet erupted. In the foment lives an opportunity for the Wickes, to leverage their name and reputation, capitalise on the needs of anxious governments, and thereby survive to rebuild the family's holdings.

Therefore, with no leads, you have disseminated a rumour that the Wickes are seeking in-roads with the governments of the north.

This course has now produced two very different proposals, delivered only days apart, but seemingly about the same point of interest. Unfortunately, neither proposal relates to mercantilism or matters of court. Instead, both seem anchored in difficult, filthy work - work your warrior ancestry would be more familiar with.

An attempt to play rules-as-written 1st edition AD&D according to the guidelines and tools provided by Anthony Huso, using his campaign "Castle of the Silver Prince".

I suggest you read at least this post from Huso before deciding whether this game is for you.

Players must be prepared to take full responsibility for managing their characters. I expect you to know your characters’ weapon adjustments for different armour classes, the ingredients, casting times and effects of your characters’ spells, your current encumbrance and movement rate, etc., etc. I will not be checking such matters (I will have enough on my plate) - players will be trusted to manage this themselves.

We will use "miniatures" for combat.

This is a challenging adventure. Player characters will die. Success is far from guaranteed. It is very much a sandbox; the story will be led by the players, rather than the DM.

{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Each player will run a "stable" of up to three characters.

Each character will either be a member of the Wicke family or their house staff. Players must establish the fictional familial ties and previous household duties of each character.

There are some custom elements to character creation, so we’ll do it in-game.


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