Shuffle City Hustle (Perfect Draw) [ EDIT ]

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Perfect Draw's World seems at first like the modern world we're all familiar with, but under the surface it's brimming with cults, mad science, conspiracies, weird powers, supernatural beings, and aliens. All of these elements are tied together by their fixation on a game from antiquity. Rediscovered in a temple in Athens Greece, this ruleset was released into the world as an open source document - then multiple companies started churning out product for it which has lead to a surge in global popularity (and put kids who spend their lunch money at card shops in dangerous proximity to all the weirdness mentioned before).

The action is going to orbit around Shuffle City, a multicultural coastal city with a long standing history with card games. It is the birthplace of the Battle Disc, an arm-mounted portable play space that liberated gamers from the table top. It's also the home of Dimensional Mechanics, a premier card game accessories company, and one of the largest contributors to The Game. As such, it's a city that regularly hosts major tournaments, where the schools have TCG teams on par with their other sports teams, and the college level game design courses are recognized world-wide. We'll follow the trials of some of this city's gamers in the run-up to the annual Shuffle City Invitational Tournament.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Standard Powered by the Apocalypse fare, pick a playbook, fill it out, and the form connections with the rest of the group. This time around we'll need to build some cards according to Perfect Draw's system as well.


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