Mörk Borg - Malista's Mansion [ EDIT ]

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Malista's Mansion

The world as you know it is no more. Ever since the prophecies of Verhu started coming true, any hopes of maintaining a normal civilization has shattered. Now demons walk the earth, ghouls roam the streets and your dead mother's spirit won't stop complaining about her aching joints.

You all know it's going to end, but nobody knows when. Time to make the best out of a bad situation.

The Story

Some time ago, you woke up soaked in sweat, tears of blood on your face. The night was short but the dream seemed to take an eternity. A vivid prophecy of what's to be, that you can feel deep down. A vision not unlike that of Verhu, the basilisk who foretold the end of the world.

Your journey started in a tavern with a group of fate-mates, each holding your deepest desire in your hands. In between you only remember shards of what happened in the dream. A cave? Something that could be a mansion? The horrible face of a creature, indescribable...

What sticks in your mind most of all is the nameplate of the tavern. "The Broken Leg". You remember entering the door and meeting the others there. This is now your life goal. You really didn't have that much to live for anyway, right? Find the tavern and become a dreamer.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
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