Prologue - Dalla

May 28, 2016 9:40 pm
The mottled clouds of hyperspace shine outside your viewport, casting dancing lights on your datapad. You have a standard 'pedia entry open about Corellia, but your mind wanders as you try to read,

Its not like this thing can tell me anything I don't already know, you think.

Your trip has been long and uneventful, and soon your transport will drop out of hyperspace above Corellia, and you will be home.

Home? you think, will I ever be able to call it that again?

A serving droid comes past offering drinks and snacks to the passengers, but you don’t feel like ordering anything right now. Your mouth is dry and your stomach feels like a lump of duracrete. You know that each time you have changed transport you have been heading deeper into Imperial territory. And you can’t get any deeper than Corellia without going to Coruscant itself. Security will be tight.
"Remember, you must each try to play to your strengths, but that won’t always be possible," the instructor had said, "in that case you will need to improvise. Always remember, the biggest mistake is inaction."

General Mirax Felidoron was a suave, handsome fellow who seemed to fill a room. His easy manner and the way he appeared to want nothing more than to become good friends with everyone he met must have been huge assets in his original career in the Imperial Senate.

He looked each of you in the eye as he was talking, his voice enunciating each point perfectly,

"But whatever other orders you get, I want you all to remember that this order over-rules everything else…"

He paused, checking that you were all listening and were aware of how important this was,

"Your cover comes first. Don’t jeopardise it."
The transport suddenly drops back to real-space and you see the planet hanging there outside your port. It sparkles in the light of Corell, glinting green and blue.

The transport banks and zooms straight down towards Coronet, the capital city. As it does you catch glimpses of the huge and numerous space stations that make up the industrial capacity of this great planet. In the distance the white arrow of an Imperial Star Destroyer sits in dry-dock, probably being refurbished. Bright drive trails dart about all around it, the whole scene a hive of activity.

Suddenly three TIE fighters come past from behind the transport in tight formation, escorting the ship to the atmosphere. Your heart beats harder in your chest, but you reassure yourself, this is all normal.

The transport joins a queue of other ships approaching Coronet spaceport, the pre-eminent hub of spacecraft in the entire galaxy. Craft of every type imaginable can be found, from sleek one-person racers to huge cargo scows, and even top-of-the-line military craft. The average Corellian is a true spacecraft fanatic, and one glance at the traffic here is enough to confirm that.

After a few minutes in the queue the transport touches down in its allotted docking bay and the passengers start gathering their belongings to disembark.

This is it. This is the point where the odds would say this is most likely to go wrong. You grin as you hoist your bag onto your shoulder,

A Corellian doesn't care about the odds!
You step off the mag-lev and into the terminal, which is clean, shiny and spacious. The crowds file through in orderly processions, following illuminated tracks on the floor. At corridor intersections and in the corners of the larger areas Imperial Stormtroopers stand conspicuously watching all who pass.

This is new, the terminal had until recently dealt with its own security, with back-up from CorSec. It would appear that despite their protests that this "rebellion" is just a few troublemakers, the Empire is starting to take some notice.
Last edited May 28, 2016 9:41 pm
May 28, 2016 9:42 pm
Dalla stepped off the boat and headed towards the security check. The check have her slight pause. A small voice in the back of her mind saying they knew. But her credentials were air tight. She had her bounty in hand. One the Empire was after. Walking with a confident stride, and her heavy blaster rifle slung over her back, she walked up to the security trooper.

Dalla Creel, bounty hunter, she said, sliding over her hunter credentials.
Last edited May 30, 2016 7:55 pm
May 30, 2016 7:35 pm
The customs official looked completely unimpressed as she scanned Dalla's ID and motioned for her to go down the narrower corridor to the right.

The corridor took Dalla away from the crowded public parts of the spaceport and into a search area for more 'exclusive' clientele. As Dalla entered another bored-looking official looked over her weapons and motioned for Dalla to put them into a small scanner.

"Is that a BlasTech A280?" he asked, "Good choice! If I had the credits that's what I'd go for."
May 30, 2016 7:54 pm
My pride and joy, she says with a slight grin as she sets the gun in the scanner. She doesn't grin at the person on the scanner but at the weapon itself.

She sits awkwardly awaiting some response, not entirely sure how to keep the conversation going on her own. Her people skills aren't what they used to be.
Last edited May 30, 2016 7:56 pm
May 30, 2016 8:08 pm
The guard presses some buttons on the scanner,

"I've logged her, if you lose her and she turns up anywhere we should be able to reunite you two," he says with a grin, "got an interesting contract? I was thinking of turning bounty hunter myself one day so I'd love to hear your stories."
May 30, 2016 8:15 pm
Her job is the one thing that gets Dalla to talk, though her social cues are not the best.

Favorite job was probably a gungan. He was smuggling goods for a rebel base, she says as she retrieved the weapon. Sighted him at a good two hundred meters. Longest shot I ever made, she continues and then raises her hand and puts two fingers up slowly to touch the scanner tech on the bridge of his nose, caught him right here. Or where it would be on a gungan.

She quickly splays open her palm in front of the techs face, POW! Almost didn't leave enough to identify by sight, she says now grinning at the tech. She turns and starts to walk away and turns back. Good luck on being a hunter.
Last edited May 30, 2016 8:16 pm
May 30, 2016 8:32 pm
"Thanks!" he calls out after her, "uh, can I look you up?"
May 30, 2016 8:35 pm
No, she says flatly and walks on.

The last thing I need is more Imperials knowing my movements, she thinks as she goes.

Once she gets planet side she sets up in a cheap motel block. Thanks to some credits from the rebels.
May 31, 2016 5:30 pm
After a few days of half-assed searching for her target Dalla makes sure to make note of the more seedy establishments and bars. She won't seem out of place at any of them.

She also feels a small itch in her mind. It's like a nervousness and unease. She knows the need for a neural stim is creeping up back in her mind. She can generally keep the thought back when not on a job, but pretending to do a job is feeding the same thoughts in her mind.

She needs to track down a dealer here on planet. Someone inconspicuous.
May 31, 2016 6:38 pm
How do you want to go about finding a stim dealer?
May 31, 2016 6:41 pm
Hoping I can dredge one up from the seedy bars I've been inhabiting. If I haven't been approached by a Elan Sleazebaggano type trying to sell me death sticks. If not I'll have to suss out a character I might think is a dealer.
May 31, 2016 7:05 pm
After subtlety trying to figure out where the local dealers are and getting nowhere, Dalla finally cracks and just asks somebody she meets in a bar. The young Drall looks at her in confusion,

"Why do you think I would know? Do I look like a stimmy to you?"

Dalla notes the bags under her eyes and the way she is guiltily rubbing her whiskers.

"Are you a narc?" the little Drall then asks suspiciously.
May 31, 2016 7:20 pm
Have you ever seen a narc with this kind of firepower? I gesture at the gun still slung over my back. Bounty hunter. Look, do you know anyone or what?, she says with a dry flatness. Her leg starts to bounce impatiently. Or maybe it's the stim calling again. It's hard to tell sometimes.
May 31, 2016 7:29 pm
When Dalla says she is a bounty hunter the Drall almost looks like she will faint,

"Okay, okay, I know a guy! Please don't hurt me!"
May 31, 2016 7:51 pm
No need for violence, Dalla says as she lays the large blaster rifle on the table in front of her. The gesture is quite clear. Her hand never actually leaves the grip of the weapon. Just give me the info and you can go about a nice evening.
May 31, 2016 8:32 pm
"So that's all you want? Just to find some sticks? Really?" she says, looking very relieved, "Just go to the Lucky Rancor, but don't go in, go to the speeder parking next door, go to the third level from the top and look for an XP-38, a tan one with orange flash. That's his speeder. Just tell him Saquesh sent you, he'll be cool."

She hesitates, looking everywhere but at Dalla,

"So can I go now?"
May 31, 2016 9:33 pm
Hey!, I slam a hand down on the table loudly, causing her to instincively look at me. The seconds she locks eyes my direction I say in a low even voice, You're not lying to me...are you?
What skill would I roll to detect if I'm being deceived?
Jun 1, 2016 7:55 am
You can choose Skullduggery or Perception.
Jun 1, 2016 8:13 am
Skullduggery then. What's the difficulty?
Last edited June 1, 2016 8:13 am
Jun 1, 2016 10:16 am
Oh, average. She isn't a practiced liar.
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