Prologue - Dalla

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Jun 2, 2016 6:17 pm
"A minute ago you implied you were going to kill him. Are you really interested in why the Imperials would want him dead? Because I have a theory."
Jun 2, 2016 6:33 pm
A minute ago I was going to kill him. Now there may be more here., Dalla says as she grabs her blaster and slings it over her shoulder, standing up from the table.

You can tell me what you know, and maybe give me the info that might save his life, or you can walk out of here and I will find where he is and I will kill him, I say as I pass her and head towards the door to the establishment. I stop and look back, So, are you coming?, motioning to the door with a nod of my head.
Jun 2, 2016 6:40 pm
With one last look around Saquesh makes her decision and follows Dalla out into the night.
Jun 2, 2016 6:44 pm
I'll bring her back to the crappy hotel, where I've already sweeped the room for bugs. This is my sort of secure safehouse. I pull out my datapad and setup a secure data folder to move these notes into. I prop my blaster against the crappy bed and toss my armored jacket onto the bed, over the pillow where my stims are hidden. Wearing a pretty standard white tank top underneath that. I really only have the two or three outfits. I generally travel light all the time.

Alright, why are the Imperials after Ganjo?
Jun 2, 2016 6:53 pm
"It's pretty simple really; he's one of only a few independent operators around now. The Imperials have to be seen to be clamping down on crime, but they aren't going to move against their buddies in Black Sun, so they put bounties out on any independents that come on their radar; pushers, smugglers, con artists, whatever. It's all for show. And meanwhile Black Sun sit back and take over everything. Honestly, pretty soon you won't be able to get a single stim without becoming indebted to a Vigo."
Jun 2, 2016 7:04 pm
I type out the notes as fast as the critter can talk, taking particular note the talk of stims. Black Sun is in the pocket of the Empire? Krif. Does Ganjo even know he has a bounty on him?
Jun 2, 2016 7:21 pm
"Ganjo is... I suppose you would call him street-smart. Imperial bounties are totally over his head. And I'd just like to clarify; Black Sun aren't in the Empire's pocket. They are the Empire, the illegal side of things anyway. I hear Palpatine and Xixor like to have competitions to see who can break new prisoners first. They share them out and just torture away! At least, that's what I hear."
Jun 2, 2016 7:35 pm
Trust me, you don't want to challenge my ability to take out Ganjo, I clarify with a seriousness.

Tell you what. Ganjo. He might be of use to me. Maybe we can help each other out. However, to do that, I need to find him. So..., I say, and gesture towards Saquesh.
Jun 2, 2016 7:41 pm
"How do I know I can trust you?" she asks in despair, then looks Della in the eye and says, "I suppose I have no choice. Go to the Lucky Rancor, but not into the bar..."
Jun 2, 2016 7:46 pm
I let out an exasperated sigh. Of course. Of course it would be him. At least I'm probably on his good side at this point, I say, mostly to myself.

I log the final few notes and put away the datapad. Thank you for this info, I say with a sudden sincerity to Saquesh, You have no reason to trust me, but I think you may have saved Ganjo's life. Could I get a communicator number for you? I think our meeting may end up being beneficial to us both.
Jun 2, 2016 7:53 pm
"Uhm, no. You can contact me through Ganjo, assuming he is alive."
Jun 2, 2016 7:55 pm
Fair enough, I say, as I get up and open the door, giving a clear signal the meeting is over.
Jun 2, 2016 8:00 pm
Saquesh is out of the door and down the corridor without even a backwards glance.
Jun 2, 2016 8:02 pm
I wait until the next night to go find the speeder in the Lucky Rancor lot. Upon finding it I will knock on the side of it a lot more politely than I did the other day.
Jun 2, 2016 8:06 pm
Ganjo sees Della and opens his window,

"Hey, big blaster lady! How much you want to give me today? A thousand each?"

He obviously finds his own jokes hilarious as he cracks up laughing.
Jun 2, 2016 8:14 pm
I lean down a bit to be at about the same level as Ganjo, with a congenial smile on my face. I'll tell you what I'm going to give you today. There are two options.

One is that I will put a hot blaster round right through one of those big eyes of yours. Care of the Imperial bounty boards. You will probably run, hide, or try to fight it. This is a planet of around 3 billion after all. Unfortunately for you I am...persistant. There is only one person I see on this entire planet. It is you. You won't see the end coming. You may even feel comforted because I will be in the peripheral of those big ocular bulbs. It's always easy to avoid that which you can see. It will be weeks. Months even. I will watch, and I will wait. Then one day, I will be gone. You will never see me again after that point. That will be the most terrifying moment, because you realize I've seen enough. Your only hope will be to find a deep dark bunker in a hole, and lock yourself there, because the only remaining thing is pulling the trigger
, I say as my smile fades to a very serious look.

Or, I can help you get off the Imperial radar, and you can help me out in the process, I add, the smile returning to my face.
Jun 2, 2016 8:18 pm
"Look, lady, if your a xenophiliac that's your business, but me, I like to stick to my own species. Now if it's a choice between getting shot right here and me caressing your pale pink skin, I'll go out gladly!"
Jun 2, 2016 8:22 pm
I roll my eyes. Look, I'll cut to the chase. I have a bounty on your head, and I always collect. But I've decided in my benevolence that you might enjoy if the Imperials got that contract fulfilled, and you got to keep your life. So I will help you with that, if you will help me out with stims and some smuggling. Things that go against the desires of the Empire.
Jun 2, 2016 8:39 pm
Ganjo turns to Della, she obviously now has his full attention,

"You serious?" he asks, "Hold on," and he grabs an old beat-up datapad and pulls up the Imperial bounty lists.

"Haha! Look at that! You see that? I, Ganjo Keet, am wanted by the Empire!"

For some reason he is happy about it.
Jun 2, 2016 8:42 pm
Yes. And if you don't want my help, your head will gladly help line my pockets, I add, pointing out the listed credits on his head.
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