Character Creation

Jun 22, 2016 9:38 am
Welcome one and all! This thread is where we will discuss our character concepts to flesh things out a bit. Remember, you are all playing padawans who have struggled within the confines of the Jedi Order. Think about how your character might have had a problem (without nerfing yourself!). Also remember that each of your characters already knows each other quite well, so discuss how that dynamic might work.

When the characters all seem to be coming together you can each post a single summary post which includes a short bio, how you are spending XP and your Morality. I'll give you a template for this when we are ready. Once those posts are up I will delete the discussion so that it is easy for us to refer to our character bios.

EDIT: Actually, I will create a new forum for the final character bios and XP spends. Each character will have their own thread. This thread is more for discussion of initial concepts and how they will fit into the group.
Jun 22, 2016 10:14 am
So i was looking through the F&D core book and I think I'm gonna go with a Zabrak Shadow Sentinel. He will be skilled in stealth and combat but lacks control and focus to use many of his other non-physical force abilities such as push and pull. Because of his impatient and impulsive nature when ever he tries to use these abilities he over compensates and send objects sailing through the air, usually completely destroying them in the process. He also had a tendency to sneak out of the temple during training to go exploring in the Corusant lower levels, which gave with some knowledge on the seedy under belly of the republic/empire.
Jun 22, 2016 11:27 am
Sounds interesting. And a stealthy combatant will be very useful in getting the group out of the museum initially, I would imagine.
Jun 22, 2016 1:32 pm
Added an edit to my first post above.
Jun 25, 2016 2:14 am
Okay, I'm building A Togruta Mystic Seer. Her strengths are knowledge of Lore and planets of the Outer rim. She has ranks in vigilance which I've improved with two ranks of Uncanny Reactions (which add boost dice) and one rank in Keen eyes (which subtract setback dice). She has high Perception and Forewarning which allows her to boost the defense of her buddies within medium range as an action.

She isn't much of a fighter, but she can more or less sense danger. I imagine her as predictive and attribute all of her talents to that. She doesn't have a lot of ability to manipulate the force, but she has a strong perception of it.

I imagine she would just start with the padawan robes and a training saber and Togrutan Jewelry. I didn't write down the stats on the training saber, so if someone with the book could please post them here, I think I'm about ready to submit my character.

I worry that I might be making a mistake by not making her much of a fighter.
Jun 25, 2016 3:21 pm
justin77 says:
I worry that I might be making a mistake by not making her much of a fighter.
Oh, don't worry about that. I don't tend to run a combat-oriented game. I like to give you free reign to come up with creative ways to solve problems.
Jun 25, 2016 3:58 pm
Okay, I have set up a sub-forum for characters. When you are ready just start a new thread in there called, for example, Boba Fett - human bounty hunter. But obviously with your own character details. In a moment I'll post an example of the XP spend tracker that you can post in that thread. Whenever you gain XP you can add it to your post. Don't worry, this will all make sense shortly.
Jun 25, 2016 3:58 pm
Starting xp- 110

Obligation- Family 20- +10 xp
duty- intelligence 0 +10xp

total xp- 135xp

brawn 2-3, 30 xp
cunning 2-3, 30xp

Total xp- 60/135

dodge- 5xp
frenzied attack- 5xp
defensive stance- 5xp
Soft spot- 10xp
grit- 10xp
stunning blow- 10xp

recruit specialization- 0xp (given for free)
basic combat training- 5xp


total xp- 110/135

Brawl 1- 5xp
charm 1- species
computers 1- Spy
deception 1- Spy
deception 2- Infiltrator
melee 1- 5xp
perception 1 -5xp
ranged-light 1- 5xp
skulduggery 1 Spy
skulduggery 2 - Infiltrator
stealth 1- Spy
streetwise 1 5xp
vigilance 1 species


total xp- 130/135
Jun 26, 2016 2:43 am
Welp, I've thought of a sort of back story, though I don't know the mechanics for it. And of course thinking on it, suddenly sounds like an anti social anikan skywalker, but i'm not sure what races besides human are available.
Jun 26, 2016 5:18 am
I have a spreadsheet with a master list of species, but it's not totally complete. Should get you started, though.
Jun 26, 2016 8:12 pm
I was trying to find something to explain the Morality mechanic for you. Didn't manage to find that, but this looks pretty useful!
Jun 27, 2016 8:51 am
A bit about Morality from the book:

Each character’s Morality is described in two ways:
• A strength, a weakness, and a description of both: These do not have specific rules effects. Instead, they offer an explanation that allows the player to develop the character’s personality and temperament.
• A numeric value: This represents the character’s moral standing and determines the PC’s relationship with the light side and dark side of the Force. It is tracked on a scale of 1 to 100. The mechanical elements associated with shifting up and down this scale are described in detail on page 51.

Starting Values
Initially, each character begins with a Morality of 50. However, to represent their prior experiences in the galaxy, they can choose to modify their starting Morality or to gain additional experience points or credits with which to purchase additional gear. When creating a character, each player may select one of the following options for that character.
• Gain + 10 starting XP. This XP increases the starting XP the PC gains when the player selects a species, and it can be spent to increase skills or characteristics, purchase talents, or obtain new specializations or Force powers.
• Gain + 2,500 starting credits. This money may be spent on the PC’s starting gear or saved to be spent during gameplay.
• Gain + 5 starting XP and + 1,000 starting credits.
• Increase or decrease the PC’s starting Morality by 21. This gives the PC the option of beginning with a Morality of 29 or a Morality of 71.

You can choose (or roll if you like) your Moral strengths and weaknesses from this table.
Jun 27, 2016 2:47 pm
Does anybody need any help with character creation? Or do you just want to talk through your ideas?
Jun 27, 2016 2:50 pm
I'll have mine up either tonight or tomorrow night. Just depends on life and how busy i get. I'm still planning on doing a Zabrak shadow sentinel. You explained it pretty well so I should be ok.
Jun 27, 2016 10:57 pm
I'll work on mine tonight as well. I think I'm going to take a Morality bump in order to get some sort of piloting skill. Do we still take obligations as well?
Jun 28, 2016 4:03 am
So, I've got a general character Idea, be a little bland with being a human, but I'm going to be a human Guardian armorer who is fairly socially inept but is really good with machines and gadgets, born and start early years on an outer rim planet fixing small things in a space port to help provide for the family before being discovered and inducted into the Jedi academy.

On a side note, I've ordered my own copy of the core rule book but I won't have it until the middle of next month, like July 11th or something along those lines.
Jun 28, 2016 9:44 am
justin77 says:
Do we still take obligations as well?
No, for this game I'm going to keep it (relatively) simple and only use Morality. Also, from a narrative point-of-view these guys have been stuck in the Academy for most of their lives, and then frozen in carbonite for a couple of decades, so any Obligations they might have had would probably have melted away. :-)
Jun 30, 2016 5:09 am
Simple question, How does spending XP to increase base stats work? I've seen the basics for some skill stuff but not sure on everything quite yet.
Jun 30, 2016 2:07 pm
I'm working on tweaking a character I tried to use in another game but was not accepted into the group.

His name is Keirso Dayn. He's a human male Makashi Duelist. He's pretty combat oriented, not because I particularly like combat, but because that's the sort of thing he's drawn to and finds heroic. He's a little too quick to interpose himself into dangerous situations with little regard for the trouble it caused both his master and fellow padawans. He makes up for this by being something of a sweet-talker.

His views on the Jedi Order are, on the whole, positive. However, he struggles to conform himself to their more rigid codes of conduct. In his view, many of the Masters are too uptight, particularly with their prohibition on attachments. Still, Jedi fill a role in the galaxy that is needed - no matter how old-fashioned their rule are.
Jun 30, 2016 6:06 pm
Sounds good so far. Looking forward to seeing these guys in action.
DrekRok says:
Simple question, How does spending XP to increase base stats work? I've seen the basics for some skill stuff but not sure on everything quite yet.
It is pretty simple; you raise by 1 point at a time and you spend XP at ten times the number you're raising to. For example, increasing from 2 to 3 costs 30XP. 3 to 4 costs 40XP.

It is s good idea to increase base stats at the beginning because there is no opportunity to increase them later (except with cybernetics, but even that is limited).
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