LMoP game thread

Jun 28, 2015 7:53 pm

In the city of Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagonload of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin. A couple of days‘ travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big," and that he’d pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen's Provisions, a trading post in
Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to "take care of business."

You‘ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you've just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You've encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.

Introduce your characters - how did you get to know your dwarf patron Gundren Rockseeker?
Jul 7, 2015 1:46 am
For nearly five days, the patreons of The Iron Stag, a local tavern in Neverwinter, had been regaled with tales by a particular Tiefling Bard. At first, he had been reeceived rather poorly due to his horns, even being called some rather choice names reserved for his kind and infernals. None of it was anything new to Temerity though, as it was standard fare. Once he started into his tale, the words seemed to be replaced with awe and interest. However, those five days were enough for the traveling solo act. Neverwinter was certainly a wonderful place, but it didnt seem to hold the workings that would weave his name into Legend and win the heart of all. At least, it wasnt today.

As he was leaving the city on his own feet, he overheard a particular Dwarf offering ten gold to any man who would help protect his cart on its travels. It seemed to be the direction he was intending to head anyway, so he stepped forward when none others seemed to and took Gundren Rockseeker up on his offer. The only catch, he requested to be paid up front. Everyone knew that the trail Gundren wanted to take was certain to be watched by thieves and bandits.

It had been a few days since the conversation with Gundren, and they had been on the trail for a few days at least. Any attempts to ask Temerity even his name were certain to send the bard into another tale of glory involving a magical item at the heart. For the moment he had been left alone and was busy strumbing on his lute, playing a few folk songs that he knew just to liven up their boring march through this dull road.
Jul 7, 2015 6:42 pm
Travok stood before the crowd, holding his hammer up proudly. "Stay vigilant! Torm seeks out the corruption that plagues these lands! With the aid of the order of the gauntlet we shall free too people of Faerun from the oppression of evil!!" Travok's voice was unnaturally loud, and as he stood underneath the great gauntlet statue before the temple to Torm in Neverinter, his eyes blazed with holy light, brought on by the magical thaumaturgy granted to him by his deity Torm.

Travok had finally earned himself an assignment. A new initiate to the Order of the Gauntlet, and representing the great church to Torm, he was eager to head forth to seek out corruption and evil to stamp it out. He'd been assigned to seek out Gundren Rockseeker, a Dwarf who was heading to the frontier town of Phandalin. He would escort the Dwarf to the town, representing Torm and His passion for courage and duty.

The trip thus far had been slow, with no opportunities to fight the forces of corruption and evil. The Bard Temerity had tales to help pass the boredom, though Travok was getting starting to get antsy, even questioning this assignment from those above him in the order. He was quite sure that Torm hadn't ridden caravan guard duty before ascending to the celestial realm. Duty, however, was far more important, and Travok took his Penance of Duty quite seriously, he would continue, maintaining vigilance as he rode on the cart, anxious to make it to Phandalin to uncover greater challenges that might await him there.
Jul 7, 2015 10:19 pm
You remember his words: "I do not blame you, horned one, but I have already arranged for your payment in Phandalin. Elmar Barthen will pay you when you arrive with the goods at his shop in the top end of town. Not that I expect that you will be waylaid by bandits, but what good would gold be to you dead, or if you were robbed on the road? He is a kind-hearted and trustworthy man. Of course, from the troupe assembled so far, I expect you'd be left well alone when travelling the trail. Just make sure the goods get to Phandalin, I'm counting on you".
Jul 7, 2015 10:34 pm
Terrible dreams. In his younger days these were of far off, unknowable places and were affecting far off, unknowable people, each dream seemingly unrelated and unconnected to any of the others. As he grew older these dreams became more vivid, more refined, each telling a different part of the same terrible story, but still, nothing more than nightmares that would startle him awake.

That all changed a few weeks ago when the dreams started haunting Medve while awake. Visions that would rock him to his knees. Visions so strong he could swear he was living them. Visions that foretold of terrible events to come; unless he acted now. Leaving the wilderness and isolation that he had embraced since a child Medve was determined to find the two people who had been haunting him in his latest visions; a dwarven patron and singing tiefling...
Jul 8, 2015 3:44 am
Ten gold for bringing provisions to some village in the middle of nowhere. It was not exactly a dragon's hoard, but it was something. It was far more than he would make serving as his father's assistant in the shipyard, but he'd done business with the dwarf before, so he knew something was in the works. Nothing would make Gundren act this excited unless there was a big profit to be made, and if he paid close attention, Salix knew he could do well.

He's never been an adventurer until now, never even left Neverwinter before, but everyone by the docks knows him as Salix Stormborn. They know he has a gift with magic. That's why he was able to hire on with the dwarf. Even if he'd never been in a fight more serious than a tavern brawl, he was able to convince the dwarf he'd be a capable guard.

After three days on the road, he's starting to see the life of an adventurer is a lot more to do with trudging along an endless road and sleeping on the ground than any great heroism. As long as Marina waited for him, he'd endure whatever the world threw at him, as long as it led to riches.
Jul 8, 2015 5:02 am
Shane was not accustomed to working in a group. Although, to be fair, the job didn't sound much like work to the Halfling. Gundren tended to hire Shane for the more dubious jobs which were best accomplished on one's own. He was a bit surprised at himself for taking up Gundren's offer, as it meant working with four other hired goons, but Shane would never turn down easy coin.

More than the ten gold pieces, though, Shane hoped to make a quick run to the first tavern he could find in Phandalin. He had made a name for himself as a bit of a schemer, making easy coin at bars with the winning combination of drunkards and his trick dice. With few choices in local watering holes, Shane had been considering moving on from Neverwinter anyway.

The trip so far had been unremarkable, both in landscape and in company. Shane had not held close company with a Tiefling before, but was glad to have Temerity's tales and music to pass the time. He had kept mostly to himself, silently measuring up his comrades should things take a turn for the worst.
Jul 8, 2015 9:24 am
All characters receive inspiration to begin. You know you have each been hired for your skill, and although this is a menial job, there are still basic but important tasks to delegate. Someone must drive the wagon, as the oxen stop the second you drop the reins. They are gentle, domesticated animals and start grazing on whatever is in front of them. All of you could fit in the wagon, but perhaps someone should watch the rear too. How do you go about your journey?
Jul 8, 2015 3:30 pm
"By taking the reigns of these great beasts, I will ensure that we reach our destination, and that our courage will carried forth should the need to defend these supplies arise."

Travok will gladly take the reigns in a situation where volunteers are needed. He will also likely be the first to drop the reigns and leap over the oxen into battle as well ;)
Jul 8, 2015 3:47 pm
Temerity certainly wasnt the right person to hold the reigns of the domesticated animals pulling the cart. It just was not possible to hold the reigns and play a lute at the same time. Instead, the teifling found a comfortable spot near the front of the cart, leaning against the left side. From there, he was able to comfortably strum away. "Now if only we could have reached our destination yesterday. The gold is waiting and this road is quite dull." A dissonant chord was struck on the lute, just to add a little tension to the drab day that they were having. It was sure to make the hair raise on at least a few of their backs, but it was better than singing everyone to sleep. In two days, the only thing they'd seen is the road and some trees.

For the meager wage, Temerity was quite content to travel this direction. It was doubtful that this cart would lead him to fame, but he was traveling anyway. Might as well be paid to do something that he planned on doing anyway.
Jul 8, 2015 5:12 pm
"I'll keep an eye out for an potential danger as we journey to Phandalin."

Shane gets himself to the highest point he can on the cart and surveys the land.
Jul 8, 2015 6:20 pm
"I suppose I'll ride on the back of the wagon, and keep a lookout behind us, Salix said, comfortably believing that the dangers to be feared would be from the front.
Jul 8, 2015 9:48 pm
During the trip Medve alternated between walking besides the oxen and taking up positions in the carts next to the others. Living in isolation most of his life he wasn't quite sure how to interact with strangers but made an effort to at least introduce himself to each of them and have a little chat.
Jul 9, 2015 12:27 pm

You've been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day. As you come around a bend, Shane is the first to spot two dead horses sprawled about 50 feet ahead of you, blocking the path. Each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side.
Jul 9, 2015 12:45 pm
"Travok, halt the oxen! The path ahead must be cleared before we can proceed. Everyone keep sharp, we will be more vulnerable while not moving."

Shane looks around and if he doesn't see any danger, he will move forward to examine the horses.
Last edited July 9, 2015 1:44 pm
Jul 9, 2015 12:56 pm
The saddlebags have been looted. Nearby lies an empty leather map case. It seems evident enough that these horses belonged to Gundren and his escort, Sildar Hallwinter.
Jul 9, 2015 1:57 pm
Shane Investigates the area, looking for signs of a struggle or tracks leading away from the horses.


Investigate - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Jul 9, 2015 2:24 pm
With the cart halted, Temerity would stop playing and stand in the cart so he had a better view. Clearly this was a good place for an ambush and the attackers could hide in the trees to each side. With that thought in mind, his gaze quickly went to the forest around them in search of other ambushers.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Jul 9, 2015 2:46 pm
Salix hops off the back of the wagon and looks around the front to see what the situation is. Seeing the others coming to attention, he feels a prickle of fear running up his spine. He puts his hand on the hilt of the dagger at his belt as he scans the area, looking for danger.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 9, 2015 3:00 pm
Shane finds tracks around the path. There is evidence that about a dozen goblins have passed this way, and that there is a visible path that heads off into the woods on one side. There are also patterns in the ground where two bodies have been dragged towards that path.

It's clear that the goblins have left now and followed the trail down, taking their bounty with them.

Temerity spots the path from his position near to the cart. It seems like an obvious ambush site really, and it is really no wonder that bandits do lurk on this trail.


Secret Roll

Jul 9, 2015 3:05 pm
"What cowardice was this? To ambush a convoy instead of wait for open battle? Torm will show me the perpetrators"

Travok leaps from the side of the caravan, mounting his Shield and warhammer as he does so. He'll then make a big show of standing tall, casting thaumaturgy, so his footsteps seem to rumble the Earth beneath him as he marches toward the dead horses.
Jul 9, 2015 3:22 pm
"Fools and Cowards. Anyone could see that this was clearly a perfect place for an ambush. And it appears that there is the path that the cowards ran away on. Gentlemen, I fear we have a paradox of sorts." Temerity would jump onto the driver's seat of the cart and stand tall for the moment. "It appears these men were taken, or at the worst, killed. But we have been hired to take this caravan through to Phandalin, and we would be doubly humiliated if we were to lose the cart because we left it to help others."

Truth be told, the bard wanted to dash down the path and attempt to rescue the men, should they be alive. He just wanted someone else to be along side him. Protecting a cart didnt often make a good story, but saving someone from the clutches of death was an entirely different story. Ambush be damned, he was the great Temerity! "But...double the glory if we hide the cart to protect its goods or take it with us and save the fallen riders!" He'd jump up and fall to the seat, grabbing the reigns of the oxen. Giving a tug, he would try to guide them to the path. If the path appeared like it would not carry the cart or was too narrow, he'd attempt to find a place away from the road to hide it and tie up the oxen.
Last edited July 9, 2015 3:24 pm
Jul 9, 2015 3:26 pm
You could easily drive the cart around the horses if you wished to continue your journey to it's completion. The forest is not too thick but it's evident that you could hide a cart in there with a little bit of work.
Jul 9, 2015 3:32 pm
"Temerity is right. We can't abandon the cart, but we have to hope that Gundren and his companion are still alive. If we save them, you can bet we will earn more than ten gold pieces!"
Last edited July 9, 2015 3:32 pm
Jul 9, 2015 3:33 pm
"Help me with this cart, you ragtag band of misfits! And then let us make haste after these coward bandits! They felled two horses and likely took their riders as hostages!" Temerity would guide the oxen towarad the forest, hoping others would help speed up the effort to hide the cart and oxen for the moment. With the ambush all ready sprung, he felt that another group was unlikely to use the spot in the immediate future. The potential for double the glory and maybe more gold was full worth the risk in his mind.
Jul 9, 2015 3:34 pm
"If these are indeed the horses of our patron, then even if greed were my motivator we'd need him alive. We should stow the oxen and seek out these perpetrators."
Jul 9, 2015 3:41 pm
Shane assists by cutting low hanging branches to use to conceal the cart.
Jul 9, 2015 4:05 pm

Opportunity struck, and the goblins launched an incredibly well-executed sneak attack. It couldn't have been possible for a creature to have been waiting behind that tree? Yet two arrows fly, one from each side of the road. The archers make a swift roll back into the shrubs, wincing from the earth tremors of their hardy foe. Two more leap from concealment, screaming "AH - YEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYE!" and thrusting their jagged scimitars high into the air, simple wooden shields half-concealing their scrawny bodies.

You are all surprised and cannot function in your first round of combat. Roll initiative and decide on your plan of action.
Gob 4: 18 (South west, Hidden)
Salix: 18
Gob 2: 14
Travok: 8
Gob 3: 8 (north east goblin, hidden)
Shane: 6
Medve: 3


Goblin 1 IN - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Goblin 2 IN - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Goblin 3 IN - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Goblin 4 IN - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Goblin 1 scimitar Travok - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Goblin 2 scimitar Shane - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Goblin 3 shoots Salix - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Goblin 4 shoots Temerity - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Goblin 3 stealth (hide) vs your passive perception - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Goblin 4 stealth (hide) - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Goblin 1 HP - (2d6)

Goblin 2 HP - (2d6)

Goblin 3 HP - (2d6)

Goblin 4 HP - (2d6)

Travok damage - (1d6+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Temerity damage - (1d6+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Jul 9, 2015 4:12 pm
Shane will attempt to get out of the fray, then sneak around behind the nearest goblin to attack.

Initiative roll
Last edited July 9, 2015 4:54 pm


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Jul 9, 2015 4:16 pm
"You want battle then?! Har! Torm will happily oblige."

OOC: I plan on charging in like the (I promise I'm not a Paladin)War Cleric that I am. Smashing goblin heads with hammer. I'm going to be chincy with spells as I've only got a few castings at level 1.


Inititative - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jul 9, 2015 4:48 pm
Even if he was surprised, he felt like he should have known that they would be there. And apparently he left himself wide open, as he took an black feathered arrow to the chest. It certainly looked like it hurt, but Temerity seemed undeturred. "Wretched goblins! As if an arrow would take me down!"

(Temerity plans on attacking still, but is definitely quite hurt by the arrow)


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Jul 9, 2015 5:04 pm
Salix was just heading around the cart to help the others, when the whole clearing seemed to fill with goblins. An arrow wings past his head and he ducks out of the way, looking to see where it came from, and seeing nothing. He sees another archer in the woods, though, and calls on the power of ice.

On his turn, he will Ray of Frost at goblin 4, or any other goblin he can see, if 4 is down or hidden. Then he will move to take cover behind the cart


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Ray of Frost - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Damage - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Jul 9, 2015 8:43 pm
Medve Fa rolls IN

Goblin 4 pulls another arrow to take another shot at his mark, before diving into the brush again, disappearing from sight.
Goblin 1 is down in one, it's face scarred by the burning frost. (Ignore gob 3 rolls) Goblin 2 lashes at Shane, "BREe GrAh TIKi!!", distracted by the blue flash of frost that slay his comrade, and the thunderous quakes coming from that direction.


Medve initiative - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Goblin 4 shoots Temerity - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Goblin 4 stealth - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Goblin 3 shoots Travok - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

With advantage - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Stealth - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Goblin 2 scimitar shane - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Jul 9, 2015 9:23 pm
After Temerity's action...

Travok bellows in rage at the pain that the arrow caused as it bit through his chainmail. "I WILL NOT BE COWED BY PATHETIC GOBLINS"

Travok turns to the Goblin near him and swings his warhammer down on the beast. Feeling Torm's fury rolling through him, he continues his onslaught any target foolish enough to stand before him.

OOC:He turns and attacks the goblin immediately to his northeast(if it's still alive), if it survives his first attack he'll use his War Priest feature to use a Bonus action to attack again.

Otherwise, if he gets lucky and one shots the first goblin, after attacking, he'll move to the NE toward where the goblin had been visible, hopefully moving into a position where he can see the goblin, and will use his bonus action attack there if he finds the goblin.


Attack 1 w/ Warhammer - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Attack 1 Damage if necessary - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

War Priest Bonus Attack - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Bonus Attack damage - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Jul 9, 2015 9:46 pm
Seeing how Medve rolled a 1, I'll wait to see what happens before deciding on what action to take.
Jul 9, 2015 10:29 pm
Two of the goblins disappeared back into the forest, so he aimed his attack at goblin 2. It wasn't an attack directly, but he struck a chord as he spoke. "Even if your friends hit me with their arrows, they have done nothing to harm us at all! Your puny little pathetic weapon cannot even scratch us!" (Vicious Mockery, Goblin 2 needs to make a Wisdom Save DC13, if failed, he takes 1d4 damage (below) and has disadvantage on his next attack)

Once his enchanted words left his mouth, he'd jump back into the cart and attempt to hide behind the items there, wanting to gain some cover. That arrow in his chest really hurt.


Vicious Mockery Damage (if it hits) - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Jul 10, 2015 10:32 am

The goblin's ears prick with pain...but it does not seem fazed. Goblins are used to being insulted, and it never hurts the same way in a foreign tongue. Travok's hammer seems to hurt it much more, dropping it to the ground with a heavy thud. Travok heads towards the woods to the north, just reaching the bottom of the embankment (providing half cover to himself. It's as if the creature had disappeared. War priest feature not expended). Sure enough though, the goblin takes a pot shot from a low shrub at his thunderous foe. The shrub shuffles and the goblin is gone.

Gob 4: 18 (South west, Hidden 40ft into forest)
Salix: 18
Travok: 8
Gob 3: 8 (north east goblin, hidden, asleep)
Shane: 6
Medve: 3


Goblin save vs. insult - (1d20-1)

(19) - 1 = 18

Goblin 3 shoots Travok (+2AC) - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Goblin 3 stealth - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Jul 10, 2015 2:18 pm
Shane looks around and doesn't immediately see another goblin. He will sneak while looking for another enemy. If he finds a goblin he will attempt a rapier attack.


Perception to find hidden goblin - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Stealth to sneak while looking - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Rapier attack - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Rapier damage if necessary - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Jul 10, 2015 5:29 pm
Medve, caught a little off guard by all of the sudden action, grabs his staff and will take a look to where he thinks he may have seen one of the goblins run off to. If he's able to find one, he will attack with is staff.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Attack Roll [+4] - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage [2-Handed] - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jul 10, 2015 5:56 pm

Shane climbs up the south embankment a sneaks through the trees (moving at full speed gives -5 to stealth). But he is watchful enough to spot the hidden creature 10ft ahead of him, a patch of pastel-brown skin showing through a bush. (Ready action substituted)

Medve strides swiftly forward with elven grace, and begins climbing the north embankment (half cover)

It was too late for shane, the bow was drawn. He sees it and tries to dodge. The goblin knows it's location is marked, and retreats 30ft south into the woods, where it attempts to hide. Having been shot, Shane reverts to passive perception and only knows it's rough location


Goblin 4 shoots shane - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Shane damage - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Goblin 4 stealth - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

At disadvantage while being watched - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Jul 10, 2015 8:29 pm
(On his turn, after Salix attacks)

Temerity was getting tired of two things: the goblin games and the sharp pain in his chest every time he breathed in. And he hoped he could cure both of those items rather quickly. First, he gripped the arrow and gave it a sharp tug, pulling it from his chest. He then spoke a word and used his magic to heal himself (healing word, bonus action). With that completed, he pulled his crossbow from his side and placed it on the side of the cart, using it to steady his aim while he pointed toward the northeast. If that stupid goblin showed its face again, it was going to get a bolt to the chest. (readied action, when goblin 3 reveals itself, shoot with crossbow)
Last edited July 10, 2015 8:30 pm


Healing Word - (1d4+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Attack - Light Crossow - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage (if it hits) - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Attack disadvantage (prone/not visible) - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Jul 10, 2015 9:34 pm
Medve, making his way up the north bank, pauses for a moment to survey the immediate area. Once again, he'll see if he can find where the northern goblin has run off to and if he can attack, he will.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Attack Roll [+4] - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Damage [2 Handed] +2 - (1d8+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Jul 12, 2015 10:25 am
Ha ing a general idea where the goblin went, Salix steps out from behind the cart and casts sleep over the area.
((OOC: Begging everyone's pardon. My phone doesn't like this site's dice. Will someone go ahead and roll for me here? ))


Sleep - (5d8)

(53152) = 16

Jul 12, 2015 2:00 pm
A soothing energy settles over and you hear a thud and clatter sounds in some bushes to the north. It was enough for Temerity to train his bolt on, launching it into the dense shrub not knowing if it hade made it's mark.

Gob 4: 18 (South west, Hidden 40ft into forest)
Salix: 18
Travok: 8
Gob 3: 8 (north east goblin, hidden, asleep)
Shane: 6
Medve: 3
Jul 13, 2015 2:07 am
(on his turn)

After getting shot, Shane retreated back to the cart. Seeing that Temerity had a pretty good setup, he readied his shortbow and waited.


Stealth (if necessary) - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Jul 13, 2015 1:32 pm
Confident, that the thunk from the North was either Temerity's bolt, or Salix's magic dropping the Goblin, Travok will dash to the southwest, trying to locate the goblin in that direction.

OOC: Going to try to best my passive perception to locate the stealthed Goblin. If I locate it, I'll call out. It was ~ 45 ft away or so, so I'll just take a move and a dash action to move as close as I can until I find it.


Perception (+3) - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Jul 13, 2015 1:43 pm
Salix moves northeast, to the area where the goblin disappeared, looking for the thing to deal with it before it wakes up.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Jul 13, 2015 1:44 pm
You thunder towards the goblin, causin mild tremors as you run. It's wide eyes are perceptible in a shrub just ahead of you. You call out it's location. Shane dashes to the cart.
Jul 13, 2015 9:53 pm
OOC: Can Medve see anything to attack at this point?
Jul 13, 2015 10:51 pm
Neither are visible. Travok has pointed to one deep into the woods.
Jul 14, 2015 1:53 am
Medve, seeing Travok move with some purpose, decides to run in behind him while keeping his eyes peeled for the other goblin.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Jul 14, 2015 8:34 am
Medve Dashes towards and up the south slope, nearly catching Travok (-10ft), and spots the goblin 20ft ahead. Knowing it's time is up, the goblin leaps from the bush, launching another arrow at Travok. It squeals and climbs a tree (10ft) in panic, but cannot hide.


Goblin 4 shoots Travok - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Jul 14, 2015 12:53 pm
(on his turn)

Temerity really didnt feel like his bolt hit the goblin that was in the brush, but decided not to waste more bolts on that one. Hearing that the others were nearing in on a goblin to the south, Temerity decided to turn his gaze that way for a moment. "Your puny ambush is thwarted, you wretched little twerp!" His crossbow was then brought up and leveled at the goblin in the tree, who was easily within range, and let his bolt fly.


Attack - Light Crossbow - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Light Crossbow Damage - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Jul 15, 2015 12:21 pm
Salix continues to search for the sleeping goblin.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 15, 2015 4:39 pm
*Assuming the goblin survives Temerity's bolt shot

Travok laughs as the Goblin's arrow is shrugged aside by his Torm-crested shield. He runs up to the foolish little monster and brings his warhammer down in a furious smash.


Attack 1 w/ Warhammer - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage w/warhammer - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Jul 16, 2015 10:19 am
Salix peers through the woods, climbing the rest of the embankment. He dashes forward, not finding the goblin in his initial movement, but the goblin is sprawled beside a shrub in a magical slumber.

Temerity's arrow strikes true into the small goblin's fragile body, and it suffers instant death. It falls at Travok's feet as he reaches the tree, who strikes it again for good measure.

The encounter is resolved - each character receives 40 experience points.

Now that you have explored some of the woods during combat, you determine that it could be suitable for concealing the provisions if necessary, if careful measures were taken.
Jul 16, 2015 4:27 pm
"We need to find out where these fiends took Master Gunderson. Perhaps that slumbering devil might yield to some questioning? Does anyone speak its foul tongue?"

Travok walks over to the sleeping Goblin, cuts off a small bit of rope from his coil of hempen rope and hog-ties the goblin's hands and feet.
Jul 16, 2015 4:35 pm
"There is a path right over there." Syran points to the path leading away from the spot they had been fighting in, which he had noticed earlier. "It is likely they went that way." The bard put his crossbow away again and grabbed his lute, choosing it to use for the moment. He then jumped into the drivers seat and grabbed the reigns for the oxen. The cart was guided to be hidden again, so they could further investigate the missing dwarf.
Jul 16, 2015 5:43 pm
Shane hops down from the cart and rejoins the others. He motions to the wound he received from the goblin.

"Anyone got a poultice or something? Hurt pretty bad over here."
Jul 16, 2015 6:02 pm
"Torm will mend the wounds of the courageous who have stood before this cowardly evil. Who among us is most in need of Torm's favour?"

Travok will walk up to Shane, clutching his holy shield close, and reaching out to lay his hand on Shane's head. "Torm, mend this brave hero's wounds, that he may continue to stand up to the cowardly evil that has waylaid the patron of this journey. Heal him that he might carry out the duty that we were contracted to perform. Let me be the implement of your divine will, should you deem this cause worthy of your gifts."

Casting Cure on Shane


Cure Wounds - (1d8+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 17, 2015 3:06 pm
Medve walks back towards the cart where he sees Travok working on Shane. "Hope you're feeling better, friend. If you're in need of any more healing please ask."
Last edited July 19, 2015 4:01 pm
Jul 17, 2015 5:57 pm
Salix checks the goblins for valuables and the looks at the trail.
"If we hide the wagon, it should be well enough for us to investigate. It seems these goblins have chosen this area as their robbing ground. We should see what other treasure they've taken. "
Jul 18, 2015 12:19 am
Shane thanks Travok for the care and Medve for the kind words.

"That's a great idea Salix! I bet they had some useful gear... or coin!"

Shane will search the dead and incapacitated goblins.
Last edited July 18, 2015 12:23 am


Investigation - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Jul 18, 2015 7:04 am
Here is what you find loosely strung about their bodies and torn clothing:
3 tatty, old but useful goblin scimitars
2 grubby shortbows, perhaps stolen
19 black feathered arrows, not badly made
Some pages ripped out of an accounting journal of 'Lionshield Coster'

You conceal the wagon in the wooded section and have a good feeling about the path away from the ambush site. Perhaps you will save the captives in time.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 18, 2015 10:16 pm
"Some of this probably belonged to Gundren. Let's stash it in the cart for now, there is little time to waste!"

While searching the goblins, Shane attempts to pocket the pages out of the 'Lionshield Coster' accounting journal. Gundren seemed like a good enough fellow. But Shane knows that all those who journey have secrets, and he would hate to think that this attack was a setup.


Secret Roll

Jul 19, 2015 12:26 pm
You watch Shane pocket the already dog-eared papers, trying to conceal his action but hampered by the rosy, bright weather. They might be useful to the group later.
Jul 19, 2015 4:05 pm
Medve doesn't find any of items turned up in the search of any interest and will leave the others take whatever they may want. Looking up he notices Shane's feeble attempt to stash some pages from what appears to be a book but doesn't act on it in any way.
Jul 20, 2015 2:05 pm
"Well comrades, shall we venture forth? What of this goblin fiend?" Travok gestures to the bound goblin. "Does anyone speak the beast's vile tongue wish to question it before it faces Torm's justice?"
Jul 20, 2015 4:42 pm
With the cart stashed away safely, Temerity jumped from the seat and moved to stand alongside Travok. "He's a goblin. I've yet to meet one that wouldnt stab you in the back the moment you turn away. I say end him here so he wouldnt be able to harm others again." He wasn't planning to be the one to kill the goblin though, as he turned away to see Shane very poorly attempting to pocket some papers. "I do hope you will at least share the information tht is contained on those, friend." A smile came from the tiefling for a moment. "We should hurry, for every moment spent standing here talking is another moment that could bring the end to our mutual friend Gundren."
Jul 20, 2015 5:37 pm
The path is clear to you as you set off, carved recklessly through the woodland, and becomes sparse past the ambush site. Grasslands and loose, gentle hills conceal the path from a distance but it is easy enough to follow, for the goblins seem to have been busy on this path of late.

Please specify marching order
Jul 20, 2015 10:12 pm
"I can either take the lead or guard from behind as is desired. This is my kind of terrain!" Meddle offers to the others.
Jul 20, 2015 11:28 pm
"I shall lead us. Stay close Medve, I would benefit from your keen druidic eyes."

Travok winces slightly from the arrow wound he took in the previous battle, but marches forward, boldly towards whatever enemy may await.
Jul 20, 2015 11:49 pm
Shane addresses Temerity:

"Well of course I would never withhold information that could be beneficial to the group! I... was just tucking these away to look over later. There's no time to waste reading them now!"

Shane marches behind Travok, but out to the side by a few feet so he can still keep watch of the surroundings.
Jul 21, 2015 1:52 am
"As you wish, Travok". Noticing the slight wince from his companion he ask, "If you're in need of healing I might be of some assistance."
Jul 21, 2015 1:58 am
"The cowards did but sting me, and I must save Torm's blessings in case further battle finds us this day. That being said," Travok will barely crack a slight grin, "we might travel faster were this wound already knitted."

OOC:If you've the magics to spare Medve, Travok will accept, saving his last Cure in case we need it later in the day
Last edited July 21, 2015 1:59 am
Jul 21, 2015 2:11 am
Taking the hint Medve quietly recites a few druidic works and places his hand on the back of Travok's shoulder.


Cure Wounds - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Jul 21, 2015 1:17 pm
You walk for some 10 minutes down the goblin trail. Travok notices a snare trap set up between an overhanging branch and the ground. It was not particularly well hidden, but could have been a severe set-back for a lone wanderer, who could have spent some time hanging upside down before the goblin scouts found them. Your group, however, can now simply walk around it.


Secret Roll

Jul 21, 2015 1:27 pm
Salix takes one of the bows and a quiver of arrows, "Just in case." He falls into place behind the others as they follow the trail into the forest.
Jul 21, 2015 5:56 pm
"Torm bless you Medve, your powers of nature have rejuvenated me for whatever challenges lie ahead." Travok stretches out, testing the wound. "Aye, it feels good."
Jul 23, 2015 9:24 am
10 more minutes of walking pass. Perhaps the freedom from injury let Travok forget that this was a dangerous path. The ground beneath starts to give way, and Shane watches Travok drop rapidly into a 6ft wide pit trap!

Travok is able to avert the fall quite easily now he is healed, avoiding the sheer 10ft drop by ducking low and grabbing support on the dirt ground, his legs dangling in the pit. The walls are not steep, so climbing out should be easy.

It seems the goblins were expecting someone to find this path and follow it.


Travok Dex save - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Jul 23, 2015 9:47 pm
Thinking Travok may be a bit to proud to except help out of the pit, Medve will none the less move into position to help, just in case it's needed.
Last edited July 23, 2015 9:47 pm
Jul 24, 2015 6:47 pm
Travok will attempt to haul himself out of the pit. "Bloody cowards!! Using your silly tricks to try and get the best of me! Torm's justice will be swift!! "

He'll accept Medve's help, no need to risk falling back into the pit.
Jul 24, 2015 10:13 pm
When Travok falls, Shane looks around to see if he sees anything coming to attack them in response to Travok falling in the trap.
Last edited July 24, 2015 10:14 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Jul 24, 2015 10:57 pm
The coast is clear. You continue your journey for at least another hour, and the path ends at a large cave in the hillside 5 miles down the road.

Story milestone complete - each add 75 exp to your character sheets


A shallow stream flows out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A dry narrow path to the right side of the stream leads into the cave.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 25, 2015 1:30 pm
Salix scans the thickets carefully, not wanting to get caught in another ambush. He glances at Travok and gives a shrug.

"I suppose we go in." he says.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 25, 2015 2:46 pm
"I'll take a quick look around inside entrance." Drawing his scimitar, Medve will enter the cave and work slowly ahead for about five or six feet before taking a second to let his dark vision adjust. He will then simply set there and take in the surroundings.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Jul 25, 2015 3:16 pm
Medve experiences a chill on the neck. There are goblins behind, but they seem not to have noticed you. Flicking your head around, you can see two of them in a hollowed-out lookout, or blind, carved out of the thickets on the east side, with planks flattening down a small area to allow access. They seem to be engaged in an arm wrestle, and it is taking all of their concentration.

It's hard to hear over the trickling of water, but there is something rattling on chains inside the cave.


Gobins Perception vs. Medve passive stealth - (1d20-1)

(13) - 1 = 12

at disadvantage - (1d20-1)

(4) - 1 = 3

Jul 26, 2015 12:03 am
Travok turns to Salix and whispers "he's taking too long..." we should be bringing the justice to these monsters... "
Jul 26, 2015 12:56 am
"Should let the others know about this."

Medve will work his way to the mouth of the cave and try to signal to the others that there are a couple of Gobos off to his left.


Attempt to stay hidden [Stealth +2] - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Jul 26, 2015 4:14 pm
"It would appear that Torm has found some foes for us. Shane, perhaps you could sneak around to their rear while I draw their ire"
Jul 26, 2015 5:15 pm
"Ok, I'll see what I can do."

Shane briefly scans the stream looking to cross the most shallow spot. He will slowly and carefully sneak to get behind the goblins that were spotted, and keep his eyes peeled for others.
Last edited July 26, 2015 5:15 pm


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Perception - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Jul 26, 2015 5:39 pm
Salix will move into the trees on the other side of the stream from the goblins and attempt to hide.


stealth - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Jul 26, 2015 6:12 pm
Temerity hung back a little while traversing down the path, letting Travok take the lead and even giving others a chance to be ahead of him. When they arrived at the opening, with the cave ahead, he held back and let those who were more sneaky do their thing. For the moment, he peered out and attempted to catch sight of whatever might be ahead, likely goblins.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

(adding disadvantage due to heavy obscurement - BF) - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Jul 27, 2015 11:20 am
Temerity spots the others in their positions, having made it obvious that they are setting an ambush on whatever lies deep in the briars.

Medve sees that one of the goblins has defeated the other, and they attempt slap each other forcefully over some disagreement. They then freeze in place, and one of them squeals "Tra kili Klarg! Porrg!", and they shake their heads nervously.
Jul 28, 2015 4:44 pm
Satisfied that Shane has made it into some position, mostly due to the lack of screams in that direction, Travok advances. He rounds the corner with a shout, "To arms Greenskins! Torm has come to seek revenge for your transgressions, and he wields my hammer with divine purpose!"

Travok will advance as fas as possible... and will go so far as to strike at both goblins if possible using his War Priest ability to attack with a bonus action. If not I'll roll now for when we actually kick into initiative.


Attack 1, in future round if necessary - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Damage 1 - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

War Priest Bonus Attack - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Bonus Attack damage - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Jul 28, 2015 4:59 pm
The goblins seem shocked as well as surprised, as you are not who they were expecting.

Travok earns a surprise round on these inattentive goblins. He catches a goblin, which rolls on the floor, avoiding the second attack. They scramble for their scimitars, and were not even wearing their shields.

Salix: 23
Gob 2: 21
Medve: 15
Shane: 13
Temerity: 8
Gob 1 (injured): 4
Travok: 4


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Goblin 1 IN - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Goblin 2 IN - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Shane - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Salix - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Travok - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Medve - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Temerity - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Jul 28, 2015 9:06 pm
Salix sees the the goblins and whispers an incantation, sending a ray of frost shooting through the trees at the second one.

((DC 13 con save or move reduced by 10'))


spell attack - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jul 29, 2015 10:04 am
The ray flies just above your heads (also, the goblins have 3/4 cover through the briar growth). Using the distraction, the goblin behind tumbles around to the back of Travok, taking a scimitar swing at his ankles and scurrying back into cover the second he spots the rest of the team. Travok keeps the goblin away with his shield.


Gob 2 scimitar Travok - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Flanking advantage - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Jul 29, 2015 1:55 pm
(on his turn)

Shane moves forward and attacks that goblin with his rapier

EDIT: I apparently didn't enter the damage roll correctly for sneak attack. Should have been 1d8+1d6, so I guess just subtract 1 from the damage roll.
Last edited July 29, 2015 1:58 pm


Attack - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Attack (flanking advantage) - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Damage if hits - (1d8+1, 1d6)

1d8+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

1d6 : (5) = 5

Jul 29, 2015 10:12 pm
Medve will dash forward next to Travok and attack Gobo #1 with a two handed strike from his staff.


Attack Roll [+4 / Bludgeon] - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Damage Roll [+2] - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Jul 29, 2015 10:41 pm
Medve knocks the goblin clean out. Shane doesn't have enough movement to flank, and loses balance as he runs around Travok.
Salix: 23
Gob 2 (barely injured): 21
Medve: 15
Shane: 13
Temerity: 8
Travok: 4
Aug 1, 2015 1:49 am
Temerity only needs to see the little green goblin to send mocking words it's way. So he moved to where he was in range and sight and let his mockery loose. "Foul little creature, you were never strong enough to win!.". (Vicious mockery: Wis save DC 13..failure also = disadvantage on its next attack...if it somehow lives that long)


Vicious Mockery Damage (if it hits) - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Aug 1, 2015 7:45 am
The goblin is perturbed...and bends over, weeping


Goblin save - (1d20-1)

(10) - 1 = 9

Aug 4, 2015 4:37 pm
"TORM guide this implement, and let it strike down the enemies of justice!!!!" Travok will bring his hammer down on the weeping goblin, unmoved by the pathetic monster's plight.
Last edited August 4, 2015 4:37 pm


Attack! - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage w/warhammer - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Aug 4, 2015 6:06 pm
Torm's might comes down upon the cowering creature.

All characters gain 20 EXP

The guards are finished, and no-one seems to have heard the racket. The dark cave is empty inside (for those with darkvision), and the music of the stream seems to be amplified by the long, hollow cave, which happens to stretch back as far as you can see. There is also an opening on the right side, just a few feet past the cave mouth, connected to the narrow path which is the only section of dry land entering the cave.
Aug 9, 2015 8:05 pm
"I'm going to take another look", Medve says to the others as he works his way back into the cave. This time he decides to follow the path to the right and will slowly make his way about 20' along before stopping to take a peek around.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Aug 10, 2015 11:13 am
Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps lead up to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end, and is filled with the stench of animals. Savage snarls and the sounds of rattling chains greets your ears where two wolves are chained up just inside the opening. Each wolf's chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.

Your darkvision allows you to see further. The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down it's west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream. This small passage bears left from the main passage, and appears very difficult to climb.

The stream passage continues up beyond another set of uneven steps ahead, bending eastward as it does. A waterfall sounds out from a large cavern somewhere ahead of you. A rickety bridge spans the passage, connecting two tunnels that are 20 feet above the stream.


Secret Roll

Aug 14, 2015 12:20 am
OOC: Waited a few days for others to jump in, but I'll go ahead again.

The thought of leaving the wolves chained up turns Medve's stomach. (Personality Trait: I was, in fact, raised by wolves.)

Slowing approaching the entrance of the den, he walks towards the animals, being very careful not to get within their 'chain range'. Lowering himself to one knee, he looks into one of the wolves eyes and attempts to calm him.

Not sure if 'Animal Handling' applies here, but I figure it might work with the personality trait.
Last edited August 14, 2015 12:21 am


Animal Handling [+4] - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Advantage, obviously! - bf - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Aug 14, 2015 8:37 am
An obvious time for Medve to gain inspiration. It also makes sense to give you advantage. Oh look...nat 20!!

The wolves do not appear to oppose you on terms of pack rivalries, and you seem to subdue them despite your unfamiliar scent. They tell you that they are starving, and that something is at the top of the steep rubble passage to to the east of this cave room. There is a dominant leader here. You're not sure what this means, as you are only interpreting their behaviour based on your years of close-contact experience.
Aug 15, 2015 6:36 pm
OOC: Does it look like it would be fairly easy to free the wolves?
Aug 15, 2015 7:01 pm
It doesn't look impossible. The stalagmites are chalky, but the wolves haven't successfully pulled themselves free. There's no telling how they would behave around the others.
Aug 16, 2015 5:51 am
After Torm smashes the last guard, Shane will look over the area and the guards for anything useful before heading into the cave after Medve.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Aug 16, 2015 8:43 am
Shane finds the goblins were wearing the usual tatty leather, with dog-earned scimitars and surprisingly well-strung bows and 15 neatly fletched black-feathered arrows. 9cp was scattered in their pockets.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Aug 17, 2015 2:24 am
Medve does his best to reassure the wolves that he will free them as soon as he is able and will move to investigate the rubble passage to the east of the room.

szemely sent a note to Biscuitfiend
Aug 17, 2015 8:27 am
due to outlander background,Medve does not start with food. Your speciality is scavenging! You would have to 'borrow' some or improvise. (Also, you don't need to 'allocate' spell slots. You can expend a slot to cast any spell you have prepared at that level or lower)

The wolves whine a little, and it seems their attention is drawn to the cave mouth where your companions are. The steep rubble passage tapers to a small opening at the top. It seems to be some kind of disposal pile as there are animal bones mixed amongst the rocks. There is the glow of a fire coming from that direction too.

There's about 20ft of it, it's difficult terrain and will require a successful athletics check to climb it. The lighting in this room is dim.
Aug 17, 2015 9:48 pm
OOC: The spell slot has been used, just my way of keeping track is all. :-)

Looking over the rubble, Medve decides to turn his attention back to the wolves and the rest of the party before going any further into the cave. "I'll be back for you shortly", he whispers to his new friends before working his way out to the cave entrance to speak to the others.

Running into Shane before exiting the cave he warns him about the wolves and says, "may as well let them fill up on goblin meat before we set them free", and then exits the cave to find the corpses.
Aug 18, 2015 4:12 pm
Shane heads back with Medve to collect the corpses, having no intention of upsetting any wolves.
Aug 19, 2015 7:56 am
Some consider goblin meat a spicy delicacy, and others find it fishy and repulsive. The wolves gladly accept the raw, slimy meat though, and pay no attention to you while they consume.

When you leave the cave to find the others, something catches your eye: owlbear tracks in the mud. You find no sign of your friends.
Aug 19, 2015 9:39 pm
OOC: I assume at this point it's just Medve and Shane?

Medve points down at the tracks to make sure Shane sees them as well. "Going to have a look at these and if it doesn't look like we're in immediate danger I'm going to go back into the cave and release my friends." he says quietly as he takes a knee and bends down to inspect the tracks.

Medve is trying to see if he can tell how fresh that tracks are and how big of an owl bear may have left them.


Nature Check [+2] - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Aug 20, 2015 8:47 am
It looks like there might have been several of various sizes, but it's hard to tell as the ground is not soft. Blood is also present on the ground, but there are no bodies. They can be silent killers at times.

They attacked while the two of you fed the wolves inside the cave
Aug 21, 2015 7:29 pm
Medve, refusing to believe that the rest of the party could have been killed and taken away so quickly, assumes that at least a few of them might be hiding. Looking over to Shane he says, "I'm going to release the wolves. The fresh goblin meat should have satisfied their hunger for the time being, but you'll probably not want to be in plain site when I lead them out."

With that said, Medve will return to the wolves and try and release them.
Aug 22, 2015 1:02 am
Movith approaches the cave entrance, javelin in one hand and warhammer in the other, two humans beside him. "Hail!" he calls out. "Anyone here? Gundren, you here?!?" Turning to Arashi: "Looks like there've been some owlbears prowling around here. Maybe they attacked Gundren?"
Aug 22, 2015 1:32 am
When Medve shares that he plans to release the wolves, Shane will look for a suitable tree to climb to both steer clear of the wolves and to get a higher viewpoint of the area.

(not sure if acrobatics or athletics to climb trees, will roll both)
Last edited August 22, 2015 1:32 am


Acrobatics to climb tree - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Athletics to climb tree - (1d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Perception from tree (if successfully climbed) - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Aug 22, 2015 7:03 am
The wolves exit the cave discreetly, avoiding the others, apparently grateful. Medve and Shane gain 50exp each
There are no trees for a hundred feet. The wolves run in different directions, but head for woodland once they are clear of the cave.

Movith's voice echoes, but isn't fully audible over the running stream water, which resonates throughout the passage of the cave.
Aug 22, 2015 12:00 pm
Egan scowls at the ground after hearing Movith call toward the cave. "Owlbears...I never liked 'em. I've seen what they can do to good folk and it isn't pretty."

Egan brandishes his mace toward the cave. "Gundren is too good of a man to be lost to them. If they are nearby, we'll be ready."

OOC: Are the Owlbears still within sight, or have they also vanished into the woods? Passive Perception: 13
Aug 22, 2015 12:26 pm
The owlbears are gone, having run back towards the woodland. They do not often frequent the day but were probably looking for shelter, and left injured, or because they smelt goblin urine, or to finish a meal undisturbed. Who knows...
Aug 22, 2015 12:48 pm
Movith and Egan's other companion is a strange-looking one, even for an elf. His simple blue trousers end in curious leg wrappings and light sandals. He is obviously a warrior of some sort but his torso is bare, revealing coppery skin. Sheathed in his sash are two outlandish swords: one curved and one straight. There are prayer beads twined around his wrist. Strapped to his back is a longbow and a quiver of arrows fletched with the shiny purple feathers of some exotic creature. His slanted, almond-shaped, eyes seem to glitter bright amber from the shadow of his strange conical hat. This is Arashi Stormwind, Paladin of the Tempest.

The three fan out as they leave the treeline and cross the clearing, to converge at the cave mouth. Arashi glances askance at Movith when he calls out, but says nothing. He only grunts in reply to Egan but crouches to inspect the owlbear feathers and tracks.
Last edited August 22, 2015 1:58 pm
Aug 23, 2015 10:57 am
There are feathers about, suggesting some kind of combat, though it must have been short.
Aug 23, 2015 11:23 am
Egan sees Arashi examining what the Owlbears left behind and wonders what information the Elf gleaned from them. He motions to Movith and says, "Cave?" and begins to walk, cautiously, toward the opening. He approaches the entrance and peers in, looking for evidence of Gundren, or foul play against our sought-after objective.

Passive Perception: 13
Last edited August 23, 2015 11:39 am
Aug 23, 2015 12:14 pm
The stream resonates sound through the cave, which is dark and goes back some way. You see a small, rocky room on your right with stalagmites, and broken chains that would have held dogs or wolves. A rocky chimney ascends upwards at the far east side. Upstream, it is too dark to see anything.
Aug 23, 2015 12:16 pm
"That's something I don't usually see owlbears needing." Egan proceeds into the room with the chains.
Aug 23, 2015 2:42 pm
OOC: Where is Medve at this point?
Aug 23, 2015 2:54 pm
Movith moves to the entrance of the cave, and upon noticing the chains, thinks that Gundren's captors might be using the cave as a hideout. He follows Egan into the room on the right. As he does so, he stores his javelin and pulls out his shield.
Aug 23, 2015 3:40 pm
Medve's location is not critical - probably at cave mouth

The cave is otherwise bare. It is evident that there are two ways forward - up the steep, tight and rough chimney in this room, or to follow the river up. The smell in this room isn't great - rotting flesh, excreted matter and goblins are easy smells to seperate.
Aug 23, 2015 3:40 pm
Medve's location is not critical - probably at cave mouth

The cave is otherwise bare. It is evident that there are two ways forward - up the steep, tight and rough chimney in this room, or to follow the river up. The smell in this room isn't great - rotting flesh, excreted matter and goblins are easy smells to seperate.
Aug 23, 2015 4:09 pm
Medve re-enters the cave, determined to investigate the slope that was in the wolves den. Upon entering the cave he will wait and let his dark vision adjust before slowly and quietly moving towards the wolves den.

OOC: I'm going to assume he was so involved in releasing the wolves he has yet to realize the two others have arrived.


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Aug 23, 2015 4:12 pm
There are others here, strange looking people who are armed to the teeth
Aug 23, 2015 4:18 pm
ooc: assuming Shane is some distance from the cave mouth after looking for a good tree to climb?
Aug 23, 2015 4:24 pm
Movith considers climbing the chimney, then scoffs. He re-enters the main chamber and notices Medve straight away. He doesn't look like a goblin.

"Halt! Make no sudden moves and you will not be harmed! We're looking for a Gundren Rockseeker."
Aug 23, 2015 5:20 pm
Hearing Movith challenging someone in the cave, Arashi gets up from inspecting the owlbear feathers and advances quietly into the cave, both swords drawn.


Stealth - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Aug 23, 2015 5:22 pm
"Not as sneaky as I thought, apparently" Medve laments to himself as sizes up the goliath in front of him. Raising his hands in front of him, palms out as to show he means no harm, he slowly stands upright. Unsure of the man's intention Medve answers, "and why would you be looking for Gundren?"
Aug 24, 2015 10:16 pm
Upon hearing voices, Egan turns around and stands near Movith's side. Seeing a new person standing near him, but not at the ready, Egan lowers his mace. "We've been tasked with making sure that Gundren is safe by a benefactor in Neverwinter. They caught wind that he was possibly ambushed. How do you know of Gundren?"
Aug 24, 2015 10:35 pm
Medve relaxes a bit after Egan lowers his mace and slowly lets his hands down to his side. "Gundren has asked us to escort some of his supplies from Neverwinter and had set out ahead of us on horse. About 12 hours into our journey we came across what appeared to be an ambush site, two dead horses lay on trail. It was fairly obvious to us that the horses belonged to Gundren and his escort."

Pausing a second, Medve looks back towards the entrance, wondering what has happened to Shane. He continues, "While I and another were investigating this cave, it appears that the rest of our party was taken away. You haven't seen any others, have you?"
Aug 24, 2015 11:56 pm
After finding no suitable trees to climb, Shane will return to the cave looking for Medve.
Aug 25, 2015 12:07 am
"We haven't seen any others; only the site of an owlbear attack. I hope your friends are okay, but I wouldn't bet that they are." Movith gives a slight bow.

"You've already investigated the cave? Did you find any information about Gundren?"
Aug 25, 2015 12:24 am
"We had just started our investigation when I came upon some wolves that were held here", Medve answers as he points to the chains on the floor. "The others in our group disappeared in the time I had spent feeding and freeing my friends. Strange, I didn't hear a sound during that time."

"I've no more information about Gundren than you do at this point I'm afraid, but my friends led me to believe that there is some sort of leader within this cave and that the rubbled passage in their den may have some answers for us."

szemely sent a note to d20dad
Last edited August 25, 2015 12:37 am
Aug 25, 2015 6:08 am
Hearing his companions conversing with the stranger, Arashi decides there is no threat (except, possibly, owlbears). He sheaths his swords and saunters forward into view. He gives Medve an outlandish, formal bow.
Last edited August 25, 2015 6:12 am
Aug 25, 2015 1:30 pm
"Well... shall we go find this leader who might have answers? Are we to expect hostility? I don't often find caves with chains to be hospitable, but I like to be prepared if possible.
Aug 25, 2015 2:49 pm
"Yes Movith, I agree. Gundren may need our help, and he has proven a valuable ally in the past. He has earned our loyalty."

Egan extends his hand to Medve, "I am Egan Thorne, follower of Selûne. Let us unite in our search for Gundren Rockseeker. Please, lead the way, the cave must have secrets waiting for us and I am anxious to discover them."
Aug 25, 2015 4:26 pm
Arashi says in a thick far-eastern accent, "I too am anxious to find our friend Gundren. I am Arashi Stormwind." The strange elf bows formally once more to Medve before adding mysteriously, "If only our paths had crossed in less troubled times, when the first rumblings of the End of Days had yet to fall on mortal ears."
Last edited August 25, 2015 5:03 pm
Aug 25, 2015 9:53 pm
Returning Egan's gesture, Medve introduces himself as the two shake hands.

"I am called Medve, it is my pleasure, good sir. We have...", he stops mid sentence as hears Arashi introduce himself in a unfamiliar accent, and his face visibly contorts at the words "End of Days". Caught off guard for a moment, he regains his composure, and noticing a fellow wood-elf answers back in elvish, "Pleasure to meet you, my friend. Not exactly the type of place us wood elves would enjoy so I am grateful to have your friends with us."

"Judging from the reception we received when we first found this cave, I expect nothing but hostilities from those within. I believe our first course of action towards finding out what happened to Gundren is to see what is up this passage.", Medve says as he points towards the steep rubbled passage.

OOC: Description of the passage from a previous post: "The steep rubble passage tapers to a small opening at the top. It seems to be some kind of disposal pile as there are animal bones mixed amongst the rocks. There is the glow of a fire coming from that direction too. There's about 20ft of it, it's difficult terrain and will require a successful athletics check to climb it. The lighting in this room is dim."
Last edited August 25, 2015 10:00 pm
Aug 26, 2015 10:57 am
No-one seems to have noticed your presence despite your conversations. You feel comfortable making open conversation because of the noise of the stream. A silver, warm glow sometimes flickers from the top of the rubble passage as you look at at.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Aug 26, 2015 11:37 am
Arashi peers in the direction Medve indicated and nods. Drawing swords once more, the nimble elf picks his way up the rubble.


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Perception - (1d30+2)

(23) + 2 = 25

Stealth - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Rerolling Perception (d30 was a typo) - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Aug 26, 2015 12:34 pm
"I guess Arashi here has decided we should move ahead without your remaining friend, Medve." Movith begins climbing the pile of sticks and bones behind Arashi, trying not to make too much noise.
Last edited August 26, 2015 2:20 pm


Athletcs - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Stealth - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Aug 26, 2015 2:04 pm
Arashi makes it 15ft up the chimney, only just disappearing from sight. Movith gets stuck on the rubble, falling prone and only making it 5ft up the slope. It's evident to Arashi that there is another 15ft to climb - it is a steep, tight climb but with good footholds.

"BRUUGH TOK, RIPPER?" Barks a commanding voice, probably in the goblin tongue. You hear paws, low barks, pattering feet and quiet panting coming from the very top.

More footsteps, and then the same voice, but much louder: "TIIRCh BAKA TRI KRA FONN!". After a pause, you hear footsteps, which get quieter as the figure walks away. You still hear the muzzling creature investigating the chimney.

Also, the warm silvery glow flickers brighter. There may be a campfire in the cave above.


Secret Roll

Aug 26, 2015 2:27 pm
"Jotun Garasje!" Movith curses under his breath. He stands and attempts to ascend the rubble again.


Athletics - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Aug 26, 2015 2:34 pm
Gesturing to Movith to stay quiet, Arashi stows his swords and keeps climbing.


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Stealth - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Aug 26, 2015 3:10 pm
Arashi gains no ground, but dislodges some of the rubble onto Movith as he climbs up behind him. Movith cannot pass Arashi because of the tight passage. The two of you are now 15 and 20ft respectively from the top of the chimney. It doesn't look too far now and there is no commotion up top other than an angry conversation between goblinoids - and there are more than one, but one appears to be dominant and perhaps is barking orders at the others.
Aug 26, 2015 4:45 pm
Bracing one of his swords, secure in its lacquered wood scabbard, against the walls of the chimney for leverage, Arashi tries to make headway upward.


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Stealth - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Advantage - bf - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Aug 26, 2015 5:33 pm
Arashi slips, but quietly catches himself on his sword and scabbard, scarring both the laquer and grip on both ends of the sword but not falling on his companions.
Aug 26, 2015 5:58 pm
ooc: has Shane made his way back yet?
Aug 26, 2015 6:19 pm
Yes :) enter stage left...
Aug 26, 2015 6:26 pm
Shane quietly enters the cave where Medve had released the wolves. He slowly proceeds in, whispering

"Psst, Medve, you here?"
Aug 26, 2015 9:42 pm
Medve, slightly amused by his new friends efforts to climb the rubble, hears a familiar voice behind him. Motioning for Shane to join him, he whispers, "It appears we have picked up some friends. They were sent to check on the well being of Gundren as word has apparently gotten back that he was ambushed."

Not wanting to add to the cluster that is currently working its way up the passage, Medve moves to the bottom of the rubble and will wait until the two before him have made their way.
Aug 26, 2015 11:03 pm
Egan, upon hearing voices from above the rock rubble and whispers behind him from a suddenly emergent halfling, quickly reaches for his mace. He begins to relax, however, when he sees Medve conversing with the newcomer. Egan peers up toward his companions and stiffles a chuckle at the comedy of errors. He motions to Medve and the halfling and points toward the rubble, cocking his head in a "who's next?" sort of motion. Being quite NOT nimble and fully clad in armor, Egan is hesitant to clamor up the chute w/o even knowing what could be waiting for them up top. He certainly doesn't want to leave his elven companion alone, however.

OOC: If I stand near the chimney, would I be able to physically reach up and touch Movith?
Last edited August 26, 2015 11:08 pm
Aug 27, 2015 2:46 am
Movith simply props himself on a crevice on the pile of rubble, waiting for the way to clear.
Aug 27, 2015 3:12 am
Arashi keeps climbing, using his sword to get some traction.
OOC: Needless to say, if he makes it to the top he won't pop his head out until he has a better picture of the situation.


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Stealth - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Perception - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Aug 27, 2015 4:06 am
Shane, seeing the others trying to climb up, tries to get a better look

"Hey, anything I could help with?"
Aug 27, 2015 4:20 am
At the top of the chimney, staying hidden, Arashi gestures silently to Movith to shush those below, as there are hostiles about.
Aug 27, 2015 7:03 am
Arashi had already ascended 15ft up the chute and so has passed touching range. He shoots up the remaining 15ft like a spider, almost silently, but all those on the ground can see is falling dust and dirt pin-pricking the base of the chute.

The creature at the top has moved away, but at least 3 humanoids are there. One is barking orders almost under his breath, and two more respond with a nervous 'yeeeaghh!' at regular intervals. Arashi can at any time use 1/2 speed to come out onto the top level (no check), or poke up his head.
Aug 27, 2015 9:58 am
Movith signals to those below to stay silent as there are hostile creatures through the chimney opening.
Aug 27, 2015 10:16 am
Arashi waits until Movith has closed the distance between them before springing into action. While waiting, he listens to the goblins bickering.
Aug 27, 2015 10:22 am
Moving attempts to scale the rest of the pile of rubble.

Upon reaching Arashi, Movith whispers, "Now that we know there are hostiles through this opening, perhaps we should regroup and go another way. I'm not certain all the members in our group will be able to scale this chimney, and we'll have a better chance against whatever's through there with a team of 5 rather than 2."
Last edited August 27, 2015 10:26 am


Athletics - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Aug 27, 2015 10:34 am
After watching the giant climb the rest of the way up the chute, Arashi launches himself into a backflip onto the upper level. Landing in a crouch next to the goblin leader, he delivers a slash to the knee and a straight thrust to the groin.
OOC: Do I have surprise here?


Katana - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Chokuto (straight sword) - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

damage (crit) - (2d8)

(75) = 12

Aug 27, 2015 12:21 pm
"Welp, I guess we're charging in!" Movith looks back down to the group, "Hurry up as fast as you can; we've got a battle on our hands!"

Movith squeezes out of the hole onto the next floor, and pulls out his hammer and shield, readying for a fight.
Aug 27, 2015 1:04 pm
Arashi and Movith arrive on the top platform, to the shocked faces of two goblins (with shields and scimitars) and a hulking bugbear. A brush of tail disappears and turns round to reveal a snarling wolf. A fire burns in the centre of the room, and boxes of supplies are strewn about.

I'm granting a surprise round to Arashi (you will need it!) I also added the +3 damage for dex, for a total of 20 - they are both finesse weapons. Those who are below must climb - the dash action can be taken but you will throw athletics with disadvantage

The bugbear cries out in mad rage, unstifled by the two sharp stings! One of the goblins squeaks a little and responds by slashing his scimitar at Arashi.



Initiative: Shane, Arashi, Egan, Medve, Movith - (1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20-1, 1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

1d20-1 : (10) - 1 = 9

1d20+2 : (17) + 2 = 19

1d20+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

Initiative: Bugbear, goblins, wolf - (1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (13) + 2 = 15

1d20+2 : (17) + 2 = 19

1d20+2 : (9) + 2 = 11

1d20+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Secret Roll

Goblin 1 scimitar Arashi - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Arashi damage - (1d6+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Aug 27, 2015 9:15 pm
Medve, hearing the commotion above, attempts to dash his way up the rubble. "Let's go!"


Athletics [+4] - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Aug 27, 2015 10:09 pm
Medve gains 15ft (35 if you roll disadv.)
Aug 27, 2015 10:17 pm
Next is bugbear?
Aug 28, 2015 2:07 am
Biscuitfiend says:
Medve gains 15ft (35 if you roll disadv.)
Yes, I'll row disadvantage (sorry, missed that above).


Athletics [+4] - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Aug 28, 2015 9:24 am
Medve reaches the top of the chimney having scrambled up. It will take half movement (no check) to arrive on the surface next turn.

"KLARG WILL MAKE PRIVY FROM YOUR BONES!", roars the bugbear in the common tongue. He brutishly swings an iron-spiked morningstar at Arashe, who falls sideways, crumpled.


Klarg clubs Arashe with Morningstar - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage - (2d8+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Aug 28, 2015 11:40 am
The sight of Arashi thrown to the side like a doll sends Movith into a rage. The tattoos on his back and shoulders begin to change from the inky black of a night sea to a glowing blood red. His eyes take on the color of flames. He feels his muscles tense as he purposefully strides toward the big oaf.

Movith positions himself in almost the exact spot that Arashi was standing second before. Using his shield to offer a little extra protection against the retaliation, Movith bobs high, then swings his hammer at the bugbear's knees.

EDIT: assuming a 15 hits, here's damage.

OOC: Rage gives advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Also, with the shield my AC is 18. It's not on my sheet anywhere.
Last edited August 28, 2015 1:43 pm


hammer attack - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

damage - (1d8+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Aug 28, 2015 1:13 pm
Klarg swings his free arm in, revealing a huge metal bucker. He blocks the blow at the handle, rattling the chains on his hide armour. His bloodshot eyes link with yours and his nostrils spray mucus of rage.

Goblin 2 ducks low to avoid klarg, and swings at your legs hopelessly.


Goblin 2 scimitar Movith - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Arashi death save - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Aug 28, 2015 1:58 pm
Egan looks at Shane, then looks at the chimney, then looks back at Shane...then back at the Chimney.

"Here goes nothing. Selûne bless my actions!" then attempts to dash up the narrow rock formation.

Rolling athletics with disadvantage.
Last edited August 28, 2015 1:59 pm


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Athletics - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Aug 28, 2015 2:25 pm
Egan makes 5ft, but slips and loses balance as the slope climbs more steeply
Aug 29, 2015 11:27 pm
"Careful not to slip!" Shane calls up before attempting the ascent himself

Rolling Athletics with disadvantage


Athletics - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Athletics - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Aug 30, 2015 6:52 am
In rushing, Shane falls where Egan did, having to rebalance himself to stay on his feet. They stand together at the wide end of the slope, hearing the clash and thud of combat above.

Movith dodges and blocks a few strikes.


Wolf bites Movith, pack tactics - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

Goblin 1 scimitar movith - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Aug 30, 2015 4:17 pm
Staff in hand, Medve will run towards the wolf. The thought of injuring such a beautiful beast turns his stomach, but he can't allow its attacks to continue. When (and if) he is within range he will strike at the wolf with a powerful two handled swing.


Attack Roll [+4] - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Damage [Bludgeoning/Versatile +2] - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Aug 30, 2015 7:48 pm
http://tbx.me/0or.png"RIPPER, KILL PUNY ONES! Make dinner for doggies!"

Klarg loses balance and drives his morningstar into the ground.


Klarg strikes Movith - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Aug 30, 2015 10:17 pm
Movith brings his shield down hard, right at the handle of the morningstar, hoping to disarm the big adversary, but, more strategically, trying to generate more momentum as his hammer comes over the top. He swings down towards the bugbear's collar bone, as his back and shoulder tattoos continue to glow dark red.


attack - (1d20+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Aug 31, 2015 8:47 am
Klarg swings out the way with surprising dexterity, with his weapon barely in his bruised fingers.

The goblin behind Klarg leaps out and takes a nervous swing.


Goblin 2 scimitar Movith - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Arashi death save - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Aug 31, 2015 1:58 pm
Egan grumbles something about knowing this would happen and charges toward the rock pile and formation like an angry bull.

Egan attempts to dash again (rolling Athletics with disadvantage)

Egan loses his step and flops back down on the ground, muddying his armor. He looks up at Shane, helplessly.
Last edited August 31, 2015 1:59 pm


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Athletics - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Aug 31, 2015 10:50 pm
Shane says to Egan,

I will toss down a rope if I make it up and don't get my skull bashed in immediately!


Athletics - (1d20-1)

(5) - 1 = 4

Athletics (disadvantage) - (1d20-1)

(10) - 1 = 9

Sep 1, 2015 7:19 am
Ripper winces at Medve, but lunges to protect his master at an opportune time.

Goblin 1 rolls out of reach of Movith and makes a panicked swipe at Medve


Ripper bites Movith, pack tactics - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

Movith damage (halved) - (4d4+2)

(3124) + 2 = 12

Goblin 1 scimitar Medve - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Medve damage - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Sep 1, 2015 4:00 pm

Wind in his hair. The smell of good, tilled earth. Arashi plays among the rice paddies. He is an elf-child. The mud makes sucking sounds as he lifts each small, sandaled foot. String in hand, he whoops with delight as his kite dips and soars, dancing in the wind.

Hammers clanging. Red hot steel. Charcoal smoke. Arashi is in his father's workshop. As a youth, a mere 120 years old, he is well into his apprenticeship to the old master swordsmith. He wields the large hammer while his father, seated, holding the blade being forged, wields the small hammer. The steel is folded transversely, hammered out, then folded longitudinally. They work together silently, meditatively.

Sand between his toes, salt on the wind. Thunder rumbling. Arashi has left home. He is on a strange shore. Strapped to his back, the first and last katana that he forged by himself, after his father died. Countless people of different races bustle about - sailors and fishwives, cutpurses and chaplains - all eager to conclude their business and find shelter before the storm hits.

Sweat in his eyes, blood in his mouth. Arashi fights on the losing side of a war. 'It has been a good life,' he thinks to himself, 'now I must make myself a good death.' He glances sideways at his brother in arms, Laikalasse, a human. Yes, a good death.

Snow crunching under his bare feet. The wind howls through the woods and knifes through his threadbare cloak. Arashi shelters in the ruined temple of some ancient, forgotten god. He has been on this solitary pilgrimage for 20 years. He ducks into a stone alcove and sits cross-legged to his supper of foraged herbs. He lays two swords before him: Tatsumaki, his katana. And Swansong, Laikalasse's rapier. His friend died in his arms in that war decades ago. Every time Laikalasse had drawn this blade he had known it might be the last time. He had always said that each duel should be fought in such a manner as to be worthy of a poem.

Thunder and lightning. An ancient empire, lost. Netheril. Eyes of flame, searing flesh. A warning: Cataclysm. The End of Days.

In the waking world, Arashi stirs, still unconscious, dying, his cheek caked with blood. The fight rages on around him but he is oblivious. In his delirium he is reliving the vision he was given among the ruins of Netheril on that winter night long ago. The vision that was burned into his mind and changed him forever.
Last edited September 2, 2015 11:17 am
Sep 1, 2015 10:26 pm
Surprised by the goblin's appearance Medve is pleased to have something other than the wolf to attack. Raising his staff above his head, he attempts to swing down with all of his might on the gobo's head!


Attack Roll [+4] - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage [Bludgeoning/Versatile] - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Sep 2, 2015 9:22 am
Medve smacks the goblin on the head with great force, which seems to make it angrier and more stupid.

Arashi gains inspiration, for that last save!



Klarg sidesteps near to Arashi's corpse, nearly shoving Movith into the fire, but instead swings his weapon over his head.


Klarg strikes Movith, flanking advantage - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

Damage, halved - (2d8+2)

(68) + 2 = 16

Sep 2, 2015 12:52 pm
Movith is down to 2 health

Enraged by the wounds he incurred by getting smashed with the morningstar, and bleeding from his head, Movith ignores any defensive posture the bugbear might be taking and with wild eyes simply tries to smash the creature with all his might.



(5) + 6 = 11

Sep 2, 2015 4:39 pm
Egan stands up out of the mud feeling completely foolish for being so pig-headed. He looks over at Shane. "Come Halfling! It's time to earn our keep around here! Need a lift?" Egan braces himself against the wall and forms a platform with his hands.

OOC: Egan will take his action to "help" Shane up the chimney, granting him advantage to his athletics check.

(Forgive me if this is out of turn, I'll be away from my computer for a bit and wanted to make sure to not be the cause of hold up on the action!)
Last edited September 2, 2015 4:40 pm
Sep 2, 2015 6:22 pm
On Shane's Turn:

"Much appreciated!"

With the assistance, Shane will attempt again to ascend


Athletics - (1d20-1)

(19) - 1 = 18

Athletics (advantage) - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Sep 2, 2015 6:35 pm
Goblin 2 swings at Movith, recoiling from his fury as Klarg steps sideways to avoid the blow.

Shane rises 10ft up the chimney with assistance.

Ripper senses Medve's wolflike agression and makes a tentative lunge. It sends him to the floor


Goblin 2 scimitar Movith - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Arashi death save - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Ripper attacks Medve, pack tactics - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

Arashi death save advantage - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Medve damage - (2d4+2)

(13) + 2 = 6

Goblin 1 scimitar movith - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Sep 2, 2015 7:44 pm
The wolf's attack renders Medve unconscious and he falls to the ground.

Death Throws: Succeeded = 0 / Failed = 1
Last edited September 2, 2015 7:45 pm


Death Saving Throw - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Sep 2, 2015 8:25 pm
Klarg swings at Movith, swelling with anger.

"HAHAHA, bugs are GONE!"

Klarg starts speaking in goblin.


Klarg strikes Movith, flanking advantage - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (15) + 4 = 19

1d20+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Damage, halved - (2d8+2)

(73) + 2 = 12

Movith death save - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Arashi death save - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Sep 2, 2015 8:31 pm
Arashi is conscious at 1hp and may act immediately
Sep 3, 2015 1:07 pm
Crows wheeling overhead, gigantic, unnatural. Smoke, heavy with the stench of death, rises to meet them from the scorched earth. The Eye, wreathed in lightning, speaks to him in a thunderous voice,

"RISE. You shall be my instrument of strife upon all the worlds. My Scourge Eternal!"

"NO! I will not do your bidding!"

"You already have. And you shall once more. In this world and the next, and all other worlds. You are Blackstar, Bringer of Chaos. Asterion, Devourer of Stars. Hereixth, Prince of Lizards. Grizel, the Orphan-Maker. Jarveena, Hand of Destruction. Kaxaon, the Enslaver. Urthask, the Dark Rider. Valrakas, the Horned One. In this world I shall make you Raijin, the Tempest."

"NO! I will not serve you! I would rather perish!"

The eye, the thunder and the lightning coalesce into a vortex, dispersing the smoke and the carrion crows. The tornado descends upon Arashi, suffusing him with strength. He is helpless to stop it.

Lying on the cavern floor in a pool of his own blood, Arashi feels strength and anger flowing into him. But he wants none of it. He does not stir.
OOC: Lay On Hands heals Arashi for 5hp.
Last edited September 3, 2015 2:19 pm


Stealth - BF - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Sep 3, 2015 3:18 pm
Egan, staring up the rock formation steels himself against the idea of falling. Then carefully placing his feet, making sure they are firm in place, he begins to pick his way upward.


Climbing (athletics) - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Sep 3, 2015 3:22 pm
After getting the boost from Egan, Shane will proceed to climb carefully


Athletics - (1d20-1)

(20) - 1 = 19

Sep 3, 2015 10:48 pm
Ripper the wolf runs into the darkness, hunting with his nose.

The goblin clutches his wounds, drags Medve 5ft to a wall, and removes his backback, while Klarg watches, sneering . Klarg moves to unlock and open a chest, watching the goblins.

Goblin 2 removes Movith's pack and pulls it to Klarg's supplies. (Arashi potential AoO)


Medve death save - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Movith death save - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Sep 4, 2015 7:54 pm
Arashi realizes that in seeking oblivion he is dooming others along with him. He surreptitiously reaches for Movith to stem the goliath's bleeding.
OOC: Attempting to stabilize Movith. Dang, I wish I hadn't used LoH yet.


Medicine check - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Stealth - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Sep 4, 2015 8:23 pm
Egan continues to carefully pull himself upward.


Athletics - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Sep 5, 2015 3:21 pm
Egan finds a sturdy foothold , giving Shane an advantage to climb the last 5ft. Shane will have 5ft of movement upon reaching the top and climbing out, and Egan may freely emerge next turn if Shane does so. Shane may also wait at 0ft below surface if desired
Sep 6, 2015 9:53 pm
Upon reaching the top, Shane moves 5ft toward Medve and surveys the scene. He will ready his crossbow and, if able, attempt to shoot Goblin 1


Shortbow attack - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage (if hits) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Sep 7, 2015 8:09 am
Don't forget to add dex to damage. Goblin goes down!

"TIG DIGHA, MORGH IGH!" bellows Klarg

Arashi gets a chance to attack Klarg as he runs past you to charge at Shane (disadvantage while prone)

(Egan heard a creature scramble at the bottom of the chimney, before disappearing)


Medve death save - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Klarg clubs Shane with Morningstar - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Damage - (2d8+2)

(53) + 2 = 10

Sep 7, 2015 8:28 am
As Klarg charges past, Arashi thrusts Swansong at the stupid brute's belly.
OOC: Do I get to get up after I make the AoO? Or I wait for initiative?


Opportunity Attack (disadvantage) - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20

Sep 7, 2015 9:04 am
AoO only lets you make an attack. If you survive the goblin that spotted you, you get to act immediately

The other goblin drops Movith's bag and leaps to attack Arashi on the ground.


The scimitar hits the dirt...


Goblin 2 attacks Arashi - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Advantage (prone) - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Sep 7, 2015 10:05 am
Arashi springs to his feet, swords a blur, and strikes at the goblin. Seeing Klarg put yet another of his companions out of commission, the nimble elf puts as much distance between himself and the bugbear as he can.
OOC: If goblin 2 goes down Arashi moves his speed (35') away from Klarg. If goblin is still up then moving as far from Klarg as possible without provoking any AoO. Man, this fight is going very poorly!


Rapier thrust - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

damage - (1d8+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Katana slash - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

damage - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Sep 7, 2015 10:39 am
The goblin dodges the rapier, but takes a hit from the katana, and emits a squeak. Arashi circles the goblin, ending up by Klarg's chest and piles of other (supposedly stolen) supplies
Sep 7, 2015 2:28 pm
As Egan emerges, he sees his new halfling friend clubbed aside. Angered by the sight of multiple comrades bludgeoned to the ground and feeling pressured by the noises below him, Egan begins to mumble sacred language and forms gestures with his hand.

A flash of light emerges from Egan's outstretched hands and streaks toward Klarg.

OOC: If I miss, I'm going to try to duck back into the rock chimney.

Egan casts "Guiding Bolt" - A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.

In case of hit, will roll dmg.


Guiding Bolt - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Damage against Klarg (if hits) - (4d6)

(2615) = 14

Sep 7, 2015 4:16 pm
Egan ducks back into the chimney, having shot his attack against a wall. Klarg is running towards him, and ripper appears back in the room entrance.

Klarg is slobbering like a dog. He tries to strike Egan whilst he is in the chimney. "COWARD!! Klarg HATE coward!!" Egan ducks to avoid death.

The goblin is trying to hit Arashi, swinging wildly but achieving nothing.


Shane death save - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Medve death save - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Klarg tries to hit Egan (disadvantage) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

Goblin 2 attacks Arashi - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Sep 7, 2015 4:19 pm
Round 11
Lighting: bright
Medve (19, stable)
Klarg (15, dead)
Movith (12, stable)
Goblin 2 (11, injured)
Arashi (11, dead)
Egan (9, 0ft below surface)
Shane (9, stable)
Ripper the wolf (7, injured)
Sep 7, 2015 8:46 pm
Arashi is bleeding heavily from where Klarg's morningstar smashed into him. His vision is swimming and it's hard to breathe. Everyone else is down. The stupid bugbear is pounding away at someone...Egan maybe, or his corpse. Arashi knows he will die soon. Finally. The Eye won't have him after all. He flings down his swords and unslings his bow. Swiftly, he nocks an arrow and fires.


Longbow vs Klarg. - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Sep 7, 2015 11:13 pm
Needless to say, that is a miss.
Sep 9, 2015 12:51 pm
Thunderous blows reigning down around him, rocky debris, dust. Egan feels like he's stepped into an Earthquake. Egan begins to pray to Selûne. The monster continues to hammer away at the top of the chimney. If this is what Gundren discovered, how would he have had a chance? He only had 1 escort, not an entire group. This...thing just chewed through his companions like they were nothing.

Egan begins to despair.

Wait...what was that? Between blows, Egan spies one of his new compatriots between the legs of the bugbear. He remembers the words of his adopted dwarven father. "Selûne always provides a path, we just have to see it, and have the courage to take it."

His eyes focus, unwavering when the dust threatens to break his concentration.

OOC: Egan casts Healing Word (second slot) A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. I also have the Life Domain benefit where all Healing Spells Restore 2+ Spell Lvl.
Last edited September 9, 2015 12:52 pm


Healing word on Medve - 1d4+5+3 - (1d4+8)

(1) + 8 = 9

Sep 9, 2015 2:58 pm
Medve returns to full health, but no-one has noticed. Ripper is dead set on a pounce at Arashi, while he is left open while facing the goblin. It's enough to send him back to the dirt


Shane death save - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Ripper attacks Arashi, pack tactics - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

1d20+4 : (19) + 4 = 23

Damage - (2d4+2)

(24) + 2 = 8

Sep 10, 2015 1:21 am
Lying on the ground, face down, Medve slowly tilts his head to orient himself to his surroundings. Finding the entrance way to the room that the wolf had appeared from he quickly formulates a plan. Jumping to his feet he runs as fast as he can into the hallway, "Come and get me!"

Once inside he stands and faces back out into the main room and readies himself for the first enemy that approaches.

OOC: As soon as any of the enemies attempts to attack Medve he will react with a Thunder Wave spell.
Sep 10, 2015 9:16 am
Egan sees Klarg spin around, nostrils flaring with spit.


Klarg paces confidently to the door to find Medve bracing responsively. As he goes to raise his morningstar, Medve throws forward a blast of thunderous energy.

The blast pulls Klarg's fur from his body, but he has one last thread of energy to summon. He lifts his morningstar again to strike.

The boom echoes deafeningly throughout the cave. Klarg collapses in exhaustion, ears ringing.

Seeing Klarg collapse, the goblin flies with rage to strike his master down with a finishing blow. Ripper swings his head and roars, as he sees his master fall on top of the elf.


Klarg CON save, damage - (1d20+1, 2d8)

1d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

2d8 : (58) = 13

Klarg strikes Medve - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Damage - (2d8+2)

(78) + 2 = 17

Goblin scimitar Klarg - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Advantage (prone) - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Damage - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Arashi death save - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Sep 10, 2015 1:28 pm
Egan see's his chance first, as Klarg charges away from where he is keeping shelter. Then he hears it. An ominous thunderclap. He pulls himself up and begins to pray to Selûne. He gestures with an extended forefinger toward the howling wolf. Flames begin to reign down around the wolf.

Egan casts Sacred Flame (cantrip): Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.

Save difficulty is 8+Wis.+Proficeincy = 8+5 = 13

Egan also steps so his back is no longer to the hole in the ground, but is instead in front of a wall. He draws his mace and shield and prepares for any additional attack.
Sep 10, 2015 1:40 pm
Ripper turns to face you, turning between you and the goblin. Lit by the wrath of divine energy, he chooses his first mark and challenges you while he still has the strength to be victorious.


Wolf DEX save - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Shane death save - (1d20)

(6) = 6

damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Ripper bites Egan - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Medve death save - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Arashi Death save - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Sep 10, 2015 1:44 pm
Weilding his mace, Egan moves toward the wolf and strikes with his mace. Bringing it down toward his head as hard as possible.


Attack Ripper - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Rolling Damage - (1d6+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Sep 10, 2015 1:47 pm
If Ripper is done, Egan will run to Shane and try to stabilize him. If Ripper is not done.…may Selûne smile on his soul.
Sep 10, 2015 1:49 pm
Ripper takes a heavy hit. Now seeing through one eye only, he attacks again with all his ferocity, but is deflected by Egan's heavy armour.

The goblin has fled away, now free from Ripper's wrath


Ripper bites Egan - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Shane death save - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Medve death save - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Arashi Death save - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Sep 10, 2015 1:52 pm
Egan once again attacks the wolf. This time, swinging toward its one good eye.


Attack Ripper with Mace - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Sep 10, 2015 2:15 pm
Ripper makes a dodge, countering by turning from side to side. He looks ready to retreat but makes another attack in hesitant despiration.


Medve death save - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Arashi Death save - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Ripper bites Egan - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Sep 10, 2015 2:17 pm
Egan takes another swing at the wolf.

On that miss, Egan runs toward the pile of bodies, where he saw Medve disappear.
Last edited September 10, 2015 2:18 pm


Attacking Ripper - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Sep 10, 2015 2:23 pm
Ripper turns to attack your side as you go to leave his reach. He views you as retreating, and attacks a second time, following you as you walk. You are able to dodge every shot, for the wolf is growing tired.

Egan approaches Medve, who is nearly ready to pass into the next world.


Ripper AoO - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Medve death save - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Ripper attacks Egan on his turn - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Sep 10, 2015 5:50 pm
Egan pushes the body of Klarg aside and scrambles to Medve's side. He consults with both his training and his goddess to guide his action as he attempts to stabilize Medve.

"Please Selûne, your servant requires your insight."


Medicine Check on Medve - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Sep 10, 2015 6:07 pm
Egan feels Selune's power assist him, and with little effort, Medve's wound stops bleeding.

Ripper's escape route is now blocked, so he tries to make Egan feel unwelcome.


Ripper bites Egan - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Sep 10, 2015 6:36 pm
Egan, feeling better that his companion is no longer bleeding out, turns his attention to the wolf nipping at his heels. He brings his mace down toward the beast.

OOC: Assuming a hit I'll roll dmg.
Last edited September 10, 2015 6:37 pm


Attacking Ripper - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Rolling Damage - If I hit - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Sep 10, 2015 6:55 pm
The mangy wolf hits the dirt, and the battle is over. Behind you, your companions lay unconscious, and stores of treasure lies piled high. Most of it looks to be supplies in sacks and crates, labelled with the symbol of a blue lion. The rest of the cavern is unlit, but you hear gently rushing and trickling water ahead.

each player gains 65exp. Jabes...looks like it's time to roll up a new one!


Secret Roll

Sep 10, 2015 11:37 pm
Egan begins to rummage around in the treasure piles. Maybe there's a health kit, or healing potions nearby. Something to get some of the party back up on their feet.
Sep 11, 2015 6:40 am
You find Klarg's chest, which he unlocked. It contains 600cp, 110sp, two potions of healing and a tiny jade statuette of a frog with golden orbs for eyes. The rest are marked with the blue lion:

They appear to be bulky supplies, containing things like grain, salt, spices, canvas, and other valuable materials.
Sep 11, 2015 7:24 am
The storm is howling outside but in here it's warm. The fire crackles and sparks spiral into the darkness above. Arashi hears the clanging of steel. Am I back in my father's smithy? Yes, that must be it. My father is alive and he will make everything right! Arashi rests his cheek on the stone floor, his life ebbing away as the battle around him winds down, his broken body in a pool of blood next to his beloved katana. Tatsumaki, you and I'll never serve the Tempest. Father won't let it take us. You should see the sword I made, Father! You'll be proud. Arashi smiles contentedly and draws his final breath.
Last edited September 11, 2015 7:26 am
Sep 11, 2015 1:15 pm
Egan takes quick inventory of what he's found and paces the cave, checking on each party member individually. When he stops by Arashi's lifeless body, he slows himself. He can hear himself breathing. He knows what he's looking at before he even gets to the Elf's side.

The flickering fire causes shadows to dance across Arashi's face. Is...is that a smile?

Egan cautiously approaches his lost companion aware of breathing again...but only his own.

The macabre sight brings a single tear to his eye. Egan retrieves Arashi's swords from the cave floor where he dropped them and places them across the elf's chest. He closes Arashi's eyes.

Egan kisses the symbol of Selûne that hangs around his neck, then touches Arashi's forehead.

"You crazy, crazy, idiot - May you have unending peace and the undying blessings of Selûne as you journey into your everlasting life."

Egan heaves a hefty sigh, then slowly returns to his feet.

He has other companions to tend to, they seem stable, but he doesn't like being alone with so little life around him. There is much to do...
Last edited September 11, 2015 2:12 pm
Sep 14, 2015 3:01 pm
At the mouth of the cave, his boots in the shallows of the stream, stands a man named Otto Rahn. Hazel eyes squint underneath a mess of brown hair. His worn leather armor creaks quietly as he scratches at the stubble around an old scar on his chin. He clucks his tongue at the creaking - it’s been a while since he last oiled his leathers. But armor maintenance is the least of his problems. For several months Otto has been studying centuries-old scrolls and manuscripts that hint of a great artifact called the Forge of Spells. His hunt for this artifact has led him here to this cave. Being a relic hunter, Otto is something of an expert when it comes to dungeons and caves and the underground. Sadly, his expertise hasn’t helped him overcome his claustrophobia. Otto scratches at his chin again and mutters, "Caves. Why does it always have to be in a damn cave?!"

Otto spots a clump of feathers nearby and kneels down to investigate. He picks up a feather and sniffs it. Owlbears. And signs of a fight. Looking more closely he realizes to his chagrin that this cave entrance has been a beehive of activity very recently: goblin tracks, wolf tracks, several sets of boot-prints ranging from small soft boots (a halfling, perhaps?), light sandals (some kind of elf? huh!) to some very large, heavy ones (what in the name of Tymora?). In his line of work, company is bad news. Relic hunting is delicate work. You can’t have a crowd tramping about, brawling with each other and breaking things. Otto reaches for his hand crossbow and loads it. He checks the thong attaching it to his packstraps that keeps him from losing the weapon when he drops it. Next, he unhitches his coiled bullwhip from his waist. Cautiously, he advances into the cave.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Investigation - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Stealth - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Sep 14, 2015 3:15 pm
The cave is incredibly dark, and you can hear that the water from the stream beside you rushes from deep within the long tunnel. A small room to your right seems just light enough to see, if you squint. There appears to be some thick stalagmites, and a pile of heavy rubble at the other side of the room where it is darkest.
Sep 14, 2015 3:47 pm
Otto stows his whip. Rummaging in his pack, pulls out a torch and lights it. Holding the torch aloft with one hand and his crossbow in the other, he scans the room.
Sep 14, 2015 3:57 pm
Egan administers a healing potion to Medve and Movith. He does a medicine check to see if there's anything that could give someone a boost in the stack of goods, or growing in the cave.


Medicine Check - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Healing Potion on Medve - (2d4+2)

(33) + 2 = 8

Healing Potion on Movith - (2d4+2)

(11) + 2 = 4

Sep 14, 2015 4:53 pm
Otto sees that some collared chains have been brokrn open. They had been secured onto stalagmites with a heavy piton. The freshest footprints here are humanoid, and they seem to lead up the rubble-covered passage. It seems strange as the passage looks tight, long and steep
Sep 14, 2015 5:08 pm
Otto decides to follow the tracks. He hopes it isn't that damn Belloq about to cheat him out of a find again!
Favored Terrain = caves & tombs.
"When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in."
Last edited September 15, 2015 12:21 pm


Perception - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Stealth - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Athletics - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Sep 14, 2015 5:45 pm
As Otto reaches the top of the chimney, he sees the warm glow of a fire flickering off the rocks.

(This isn't really underdark by any stretch, but I'll let you use it since it matches your character!)
Sep 15, 2015 2:20 am
Medve lets out a bit of a choking cough as he feels a warm numbness envelope his body. Struggling to sit up he looks about the room and notices that most of the party is down. Spotting Egan moving about he asks, "How is everyone?"
Sep 15, 2015 12:50 pm
"I'm alive... if just." groans Movith, who has pushed himself up to one knee, with one hand on the ground supporting his massive frame and the other rubbing his face. The dirt around him is soaked with blood, and he feels woozy. He finally opens his eyes, and the first thing his notices is Arashi lying on the ground next to him, seemingly having finally achieved peace. Movith looks up at Egan and Medve. "Did he... did he save me?"

Rather than feeling ashamed for having lost a battle against a defeatable foe as he would were he at home with his family, he feels a sort of affection for (and not a small amount of pride in) Arashi. That this imbalanced, crazy sword-wielder gave his life to protect people he knew for only a short time, in Movith's case, makes Movith's heart swell. He leans over Arashi's body and removes his empty scabbard, then turns and picks up the elf's sword that he had made. It's a beautiful blade, crafted with both love and anger. Movith rips off a piece of cloth from his pants, wraps the steel, ties it, slides it into the scabbard, and straps the sword to his back. To no one in particular, "I think he'd want..." Movith trails off.

Wiping at his eyes, he stands and scans the room to assess the situation.
Sep 16, 2015 2:42 am
With supreme effort Otto climbs up the rough stone chimney. He has had to stow his crossbow and leave his torch down below to be able to use his hands for climbing. Being in such confined quarters, cold sweat runs down his back and he fights to keep his limbs moving. Finally at the top he hears voices. Otto attempts to see what there is to see up there.
Last edited September 16, 2015 2:43 am


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Perception - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Investigation - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Sep 16, 2015 8:33 am
Otto spots the group in the top room, along with lots of trading supplies and humanoid/goblinoid bodies. The flickering glow was a campfire burning in the centre of the room.

The others are suddenly aware of his presence in the chimney.
Sep 16, 2015 6:15 pm
Egan, who has stopped rummaging to kneel beside Shane, lifts his head when he hears the 2 voices of the newly awakened Medve and Movith.

"Thank Selûne you weren't too far gone!" He exclaims.
"We're not in the best of shape, but none as bad as..." his voice trails off as his eyes glance in Arashi's direction. Egan spies Movith has already seen the tragedy before them and fixes his gaze on Medve instead. The Halfling still requires medical aid. Do you spy anything that we could use? I haven't been able to awaken him."

Egan hears skittering sounds in the rock chimney and springs to his feet.

"By Selûne's grace we will not have more death in my presence!" He readies his shield and mace, facing whatever threat that is about to emerge.
Last edited September 16, 2015 6:16 pm
Sep 16, 2015 8:25 pm
"Whoa, easy there, friend! I daresay you must be friends because no follower of Selûne would stoop to working for that toad-spawn Belloq!" As he speaks, Otto slowly emerges from the chimney in as non-threatening a manner as possible. He takes in the scene and nods, satisfied that his reading of the tracks was correct. "Looks like you've run into some goblin trouble..." He spots supplies the blue lion emblems, "Goblin thieves?"
OOC: What does Otto know of these blue lion emblems? Rolling History/Religion/Arcana
Last edited September 16, 2015 9:19 pm


History - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Religion - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Arcana - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Sep 16, 2015 9:15 pm
It does not seem familiar. Perhaps it is an ancient, long-forgotten symbol from eras ago. It does seem strange for such a symbol to be labelled on food sacks and supplies for building, farming and trading.
Sep 17, 2015 2:02 pm
Egan eyes the newcomer suspiciously and doesn't let his guard down. He doesn't like people just randomly appearing and his nerves are still a bit frazzled. He is relieved that many of his companions are now walking about though.

"Goblins, yes..and some others as well. That one in particular was no short task." He motions with his mace to the limp body that used to be the ferocious Klarg. "What brings you to a cave in the middle of nowhere? This certainly isn't a place one just happens to find." He says, while keeping his shield at the ready.

Egan moves to Shane's unconscious body - determined to protect what little life remains in him. He feels a little responsible for his well being, considering he was the one that pushed him up into this blasted room and into danger. He certainly isn't going to let this potential threat get the jump on him.

Though, at this point, Egan isn't even sure the man is even listening to him, he seems to be quite fascinated with the crates.
Sep 17, 2015 2:03 pm
"Well, I guess I should be about my own business and leave you lads to yours." Otto saunters over to the side tunnel leading away from this cavern.
Sep 17, 2015 2:34 pm
Movith straightens up. "Wait. I am Movith Brightheart Ugunakane." Movith looks around the room. "We could use your help. We're looking for someone, and, I gather you are looking for someone or something too. I cannot speak on behalf of the others, but if you help us, I promise to return the help in kind. We need to rest and are not in a state to defend ourselves should we be attacked again. Having another healthy body around while we treat our wounds would be most beneficial. If you choose to carry on after our rest, I will accompany you for one day, helping in whatever way I can." Movith pauses for a moment, swallows, and continues, "But, if you accompany us until we find the person we seek, I will stay by your side until you find what you seek or one of us dies."

Movith coughs up a little blood. He wipes his mouth. "Please."

Movith continues, looking the stranger in the eyes. "Please know that I do not trust you. In my culture, trust is earned, not given." Then Movith says, matter-of-factly, "If you try to take advantage of us, I will crush your skull like a melon with my bare hands."

"What say you?"
Sep 17, 2015 2:52 pm
Otto grins at the big man. "Straight to the point. I like that. To be honest I usually work alone but if you folks had a bad time of it then it wouldn't be very safe for me going solo if there are more of those about." he says, gesturing at the bugbear's corpse. "I'll take your deal. Who is it that you're after, exactly?"
Sep 17, 2015 6:21 pm
"Based on our brief introductions, I think we are all in search of a dwarf by the name of Gundren Rockseeker. Gundren was responsible for transporting some cargo from Neverwinter to Phandalin. Myself, the cleric here, and the dead elf were commissioned by an interested business party to follow up on the transfer after they had not received any news of the delivery. We came across Gundren's horse on the road; clearly the site of an ambush. I assume the others," Movith gestures to Shane and Medve, "were the original group hired to bring the supplies in the first place. There also seems to be an unusually high amount of owlbear activity around, but none around his horse or the road."

Movith then states, "Now it is your turn. What or whom do you seek.
Sep 17, 2015 7:34 pm
Otto hesitates a moment but decides to come clean. He whispers conspiratorially, "I'm after something, not someone. An ancient artifact called the Forge of Spells. My research tells me that it lies somewhere in these caverns - if it ever actually existed, that is."
Sep 17, 2015 9:30 pm
With a loud groan and with the help of his staff Medve slowly works his way to a standing position. He gives a quick glance to the new comer and wonders how many more people will just turn up out of the blue during his trek. As he edges his way over to Egan he says "I'll be of no help to my halfling friend until we've been able to rest a while. Once we've figured out the intentions of our visitor perhaps we should find a safe place to rest."
Last edited September 17, 2015 11:07 pm
Sep 18, 2015 6:23 am
"So I take it this stuff isn't your Gundren's cargo." Otto is looking the sacks and crates over idly when he spots the jade figurine. "Hello, what's that? May I take a closer look? I know a thing or two about these things."


History - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Religion - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Arcana - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Sep 18, 2015 12:01 pm
Movith and Otto gain inspiration. Especially Movith - picking up that sword is a cool gesture. Maybe it will come in later

Otto has heard of the Troglodyte god being some kind of toad. Perhaps it is linked to those creatures? Nothing seems magical about this item, although it does seem like it could be a talisman of some kind. There is nothing to indicate that it is not just decorative.

Nobody seems to be aware of your conversation, as the calming sound of waterfall and running stream fill the cave, masking your gentle echoes.
Sep 20, 2015 10:29 pm
Egan sighs with relief at the tentative agreement Movith seems to have tendered with the new guy.

He leans over to Medve and says, "I agree. Perhaps this is as good of a place as any? We have a fire already burning, and we have lots of crates we could hide behind, while keeping watch on the entrances."

Egan clears his throat and speaks a little louder for all people to hear. "Right then, perhaps we could rest here? I'll stand watch with this gentleman...sorry I didn't catch your name?" He looks at the man examining the jade statue expectantly.
Last edited September 20, 2015 10:29 pm
Sep 21, 2015 5:30 am
"I'm Otto. Otto Rahn. Pleased to meet you." The newcomer is not a particularly charming man, but has a casual easy-going manner about him that puts most people at ease. On the other hand, he wears a permanently bemused expression that annoys some people.
Sep 21, 2015 7:35 am
You set up camp for rest in the cave, opening your rations and setting down your equipment. Shane looks completely knocked out but still benefits from the warmth of the fire.

You think you hear footsteps in the cave somewhere, and it's not long before a band of goblins show up.

There are 9 of them. Their teeth are all filed into spikes, and are brandishing shield, sword and bow, but not aggressively. One stands in front as the leader:

"Human dirt-filths! You kill the Klarg now?"
Sep 21, 2015 5:03 pm
Otto has no idea what "the klarg" means but he knows the fight his new friends just survived - claiming the life of one of their number - involved goblins. He stays completely still but his hand slowly goes to his crossbow. If there's to be a fight then by Akadi's breath Otto would strike first.
OOC: Indy (er...Han) shot first!
Rangers strike first and strike hard. When you roll initiative, you gain a special turn that takes place before other creatures can act. On this turn, you can use your action to take either the Attack or Hide action.
Last edited September 21, 2015 9:59 pm
Sep 21, 2015 9:54 pm
As the goblins enter, Medve slowly get to his feet. Passing Egan he lowers his hand and touches his shoulder, casting the Guidance cantrip on his comrade. He gets as close to the goblins as he dares before asking, "Which one is Klarg?"
Sep 21, 2015 10:10 pm
"Klarg is bugbear. Big one. Big bully bad one. He lead Cragmaw Tribe. But you kill him! And now Yeemik is Cragmaw chief.

You kill our kind too. But we release you. If you leave with own things. Treasure barrels is our Cragmaw things!

Or, we spike your heads and eat your gutsssss"
Sep 21, 2015 10:47 pm
Otto is tensed like a coiled viper waiting to strike. He is reading his companions' body language. If any of them make an aggressive move he will attack the goblin leader.
OOC: I don't know if, to match my narration above, mechanically I should be readying an action or not. If yes, the readied action is an Attack (crossbow first, followed by a trip attack with the whip). The trigger is any of the PC's launch an offense.
Ambuscade - Rangers strike first and strike hard. When you roll initiative, you gain a special turn that takes place before other creatures can act. On this turn, you can use your action to take either the Attack or Hide action.
Last edited September 21, 2015 10:49 pm


Hand Crossbow - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

crossbow is probably a miss but rolling damage anyway - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Trip (shove) attack with whip - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Sep 21, 2015 11:52 pm
"Actually," Movith draws himself up to his full height and sticks out his chest, "my little friend Egan here is the one who killed Klarg. Where I'm from, that makes him the new chief. And, I am his loyal champion." Movith steps just slightly more forward than Medve.

"Now, I imagine that I could talk him into conceding leadership of the tribe to you in exchange for some provisions and information. Should you wish to challenge his claim, however," Movith begins tracing the runes on his hammer, "you would be required to fight in a duel, one versus one, until one person is incapacitated." Movith then scowls menacingly. "And, Chief Egan gets to choose a champion to represent him in this duel."

"So, here are your options: One, give us some medicines and information and become chief without any more bloodshed. Two, fight me one on one and certainly perish. Three, your little band here can attack, and I can see how many of your spines I can snap in half with one swing."
Last edited September 21, 2015 11:53 pm


Intimidate - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Intimidate (inspiration advantage) - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Sep 22, 2015 11:03 am
Most of the goblins behind stare blankly, wincing with almost real pain when they hear Movith talk of such violence. Perhaps they are used to cowering at threats.

"You speak many mouth-words about your customs! But you come in our Cragmaw cave and tell us terms for DUEL!!

Yeemik is shaking nervously and barely hiding it. He hasn't noticed that most of your group are not in a fighting state. Some of the goblins are clutching their weapons with obvious uncertainty.

"We have no medicine. Klarg take all medicine and hide. I have better solution. You no hurt us or snap our legs. And we not fill you with arrows. But we give you human person prize. Lord-man name Sil-dar. We give to you and he give you his money things. But you never come back!!!"

Movith gains inspiration again


Secret Roll

Sep 22, 2015 2:17 pm
"That sounds reasonable. Obviously, I will have to check with Chief Egan and his councilors to see if that is enough return for relinquishing his chiefdom."

Movith backs from the goblins and gathers the group together in a huddle, making sure not to take his eyes off the one who's been talking.

"It seems like a good plan. I'm not sure how many of them I could take out given my current injuries. Unfortunately, it would preclude us from searching for your Forge, Otto. I still need a rest, but it would likely be safer to rest elsewhere. What say you all?"
Sep 22, 2015 9:39 pm
"It does seem like a reasonable course of action." Looking down at Shane, Medve adds, "Good thing he's so small."
Sep 23, 2015 12:51 pm
Otto scratches at his chin. "Well I can't see that there's much choice. Live to fight anotherday, I suppose. We did agree I'd help you first so whatever you say. I can come back for the Forge later." Then to himself Otto adds, "I'll have to content myself with toadie here." as he pockets the jade toad idol.


Sleight of hand - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Sep 24, 2015 3:40 pm
"Are you done with questionings? Follow me for trade of Sil-dar. Others of goblins will watch you. Do not betray us or swift death for you!!"

Yeemik beckons you to follow, flanked by two guards with scimitars and shields. The remaining goblins stick in one group and will stay near to you, watching your every move. Half are equipped with bows. It's very dark in the rest of the cave, save for a strip of light leaving the doorway which glimmers onto a pool of water in the next room, evidently some kind of dam or goblin-made river control system.
Sep 24, 2015 9:25 pm
Medve will work on hauling Shane up and over his shoulder in preparation to follow.
Sep 24, 2015 9:50 pm
Egan will follow at the back looking very regal and chief-like.
Sep 24, 2015 10:56 pm
Otto keeps a sharp eye out, committing the cave system to memory.
Sep 24, 2015 11:03 pm
Movith, hammer in hand, makes a point of walking beside the goblin leader.
Sep 25, 2015 5:31 pm
Only Medve can see in the cave where it is dark. The first cavern is half filled with two large pools of water. A narrow waterfall high in the eastern wall feeds the pool, which drains out of the western end of the cave mouth below. Low fieldstone walls serve as dams holding the water in. A wide exit stands to the south, while two smaller passages lead west. The sound of the waterfall echoes through the cavern, making it difficult to hear.

Yeemik bellows at Movith: "Tunnel too tight for big person and Yeemik! Pinky, watch big man!"

A smallish goblin obediently steps in front of Movith and keeps an eye on them as you move forward. The group travel in single file down the tunnel. A rickety bridge spans the passage, connecting two tunnels that are 20ft above the stream. The path below evidently curves into the pool cave. Via a number of carved stone steps.

(new map available)
Sep 28, 2015 5:50 pm
Movith will continue following the Goblin leader, watching to try to make sure they aren't being led into an even more difficult situation than had they fought this group in the previous chamber.

OOC: Perception to get a better layout of the cave system, and to check for a trap/ambush situation.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Sep 29, 2015 7:04 pm
The cave is almost completely dark. As Movith's eyes adjust he can just make out the shapes of the cave, stumbling on his first step on the rickety bridge. You are led down a narrow, increasingly dark passage and into a room, and judging by the echoes it is medium-sized with two levels.

The air is hazy with the smoke of a cooking fire, and two small piles of warm embers add the tiniest amount of light to the room, making sets of crude benches around the old cooking fires barely visible.

The air is pungeant from the smell of poorly cured hides and unwashed goblins. Yeemik walks forward and takes some steps into an upper area, and the other goblins stop, haphazardly surrounding the group.

Seconds later, you hear a weak human grunt from a ledge somewhere above.

"Try anything and human die! Ten gold pieces for him and your safety to leave. Then you go."
Oct 1, 2015 7:05 am
Otto scratches thoughtfully at the old scar on his chin. This is a bad place to be, blinded by dark, surrounded by foes who can see in the dark. Never tell me the odds! is a common expression of his but with these odds... The big man who calls himself Movith has led them down this path well enough so far, maybe he can lead them back out. Otto decides to stay ready and take his cues from his new companions.
Oct 1, 2015 9:45 pm
Medve reaches for his pouch and holds it in his outstretched hand. "And how do we know you'll just let us walk from here if I hand this over?"
Last edited October 3, 2015 3:53 am
Oct 4, 2015 2:40 pm
Movith cocks his head slightly to one side, then a smile begins to just tug at the corners of his lips. He puts his hand over Medve's purse and slowly lowers it. Movith turns his head slightly toward the elf, "Medve, our new goblin friend has overplayed his hand." Returning his gaze to the goblin leader, "Yeemik," the Goliath lets out an exasperated sigh, "you've a lot to learn. I could teach you a thing or two about leading a tribe. In fact, we all could. But, I suspect you aren't interested in an alliance..."

Movith turns back to Medve, "See, elf friend, if the goblin leader here was willing to take our possessions by force, he would have done so when he has the element of surprise and we were all strewn about the room after our battle. The reward for that course of action would have been much greater than a measly 10 gold pieces. Now, he's given us a chance to collect ourselves, so any battle would almost certainly result in many goblin deaths. And, his bargaining chip is the life of a human that none of us knows nor has any reason to care about...?"

Continuing, Movith's muscles begin to flex, and he begins to appear somehow even larger than he did moments ago. "So, Yeemik. You are again faced with a difficult choice. You can battle us and try to take our gold from our corpses. Many of your tribe will die, starting with this one." Movith nods toward the goblin standing close by that appears to be second in the chain of command. "Or you can drop your human bargaining chip off the cliff. This will accomplish nothing and you will have cost yourself a prisoner. Thirdly, you can take my offer of an alliance. We will help you understand tribal leadership, and we will give you three gold pieces as a gesture of good will. You will not only gain invaluable knowledge that you can use in the future to gain great power and wealth, but you will also gain a group of adventurers friendly to you that exist outside your cavern here. In exchange, you give us the human prisoner and let us leave without conflict. This would gain far more for your group here in the long term, and is the best option."

Movith shrugs, "Lastly, I suppose you can simply let us leave without any agreement. You won't get any gold from us now or later, and you've no guarantee that we won't come back with an army to destroy you and your tribe, and collapse this entire cavern out of spite. I promise you that I make a much better ally than enemy, as do all my friends here."

And with a ferocity that no one expected Movith spits the last few words, "And if we battle, you will die today by my hands."


Intimidate - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Intimidate (inspiration advantage) - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Oct 5, 2015 2:45 pm
"No!!" Cries the weak human voice from the cliff. He is silenced by a knee to his back. The rest of the goblins have an air of fear, but Yeemik is fairly quick to reach a decision.

"Leave now!! Do quietly or many swords in ss-ss-spine. No find us again. Maybe we be gone! Is bad day for Ss-ss...Sil-dar if you do not pay for him."

The other goblins chatter and grunt, and Yeemik's tatty scimitar is unsheathed as he holds the human in his other hand. He spits a final broken sentence nearly under his breath.


Several goblins nearby are trembling and suffer from a temporary fear effect.
Oct 11, 2015 9:24 pm
Movith has become visibly angered. A scowl moves across his face as he places his hammer, standing on its head, on the ground beside him. He yanks he purse from his belt and makes a grand gesture of counting ten pieces of gold, one at a time so all can see. He slowly approaches the goblin leader, arms outstretched. When he gets about ten feet from Yeemik, he stops slowly opens his hand and lets the gold fall from his open palm. Movith spits on the ground.

He saunters over to the broken body of Sildar and gently picks him up and lays him over his shoulder. After Movith rejoins the group, he raises his voice and almost shouts. "I vow to return to this place and destroy every goblin and goblin-friend within its walls. If you do not wish to die by my hand, I suggest you find a new trash heap to live out your miserable lives." Movith turns and begins to leave.
Oct 12, 2015 9:16 am
Sildar groans quietly, but keeps quiet whilst in sight of the goblins. They are quivering silently in the darkness and brandishing weapons. The goblins say nothing as the group leaves, now glad to be rid of their aggressors. The group travels back down the tunnel, travelling slowly and in complete darkness, eventually finding the steps leading down from the twin pools cave.

As you reach the mouth of the cave, you catch the sight of two lone goblins running to the forest to hide, briefly looking behind them.

Each party member gains 375exp each (yup!). Movith gains an additional 50exp and a point of inspiration. Players may level up anytime they are not in an encounter
Oct 13, 2015 8:50 am
Otto gestures at the fleeing goblins. "Ambush, maybe? You think we're about to see our new friend Yeemik again so soon?"
Oct 13, 2015 10:06 pm
"Perhaps one of us should scout out ahead before we exit this place?"
Oct 14, 2015 1:17 pm
"I'm not sure if it's a trap, but scouting is almost always a good idea," Movith agrees. "Although, I don't see how they would have been able to set up an ambush so quickly. That scum only just became leader a few minutes ago, and he doesn't seem well organized."

Movith adds, "What do you think, Egan?"

Realizing that he has been temporarily distracted by the fleeing goblins, Movith says quietly to the man over his shoulder, "You hanging in there, Sildar? We'll find respite shortly."
Oct 14, 2015 3:09 pm
"I'll scout. You take care of your wounded." Otto moves into the bushes and goes in a wide arc to flank the goblins.
OOC: Otto's movement speed is 40.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Perception - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Oct 14, 2015 10:13 pm
"Friends, you have saved my life. Please, escort me to Phandalin and I will secure gold, 50 pieces for your rescue and escort".

His well spoken words come with great labour, for it appears that this man has been badly beaten. In torn but well-tailored garments, he is without possessions but instead left with bleeding cuts and painful bruises.
Oct 16, 2015 3:13 pm
The goblins are dashing towards the woods, some distance away. Running for 2 rounds, they are 120ft away. It is possible to reach them using the dash action, which means you won't be able to run stealthily
Oct 16, 2015 3:18 pm
Otto doubles back to his companions. He shakes his head, "I lost 'em. They had too much of a head start. I figured they're not worth chasing after all alone. We'd best be wary moving forward." Gesturing towards Sildar and Shane, Otto asks, "How are they?"
Oct 18, 2015 3:06 pm
"Seems like this one will survive... the little one is still unconscious. Sildar, can you walk? Would you prefer to walk? I do not mind carrying you either." Then to the group, "I see no reason not to help poor Sildar, here. Besides, he may have information to help us locate Rockseeker. I propose we find a relatively safe place to camp for a bit. Once we have recovered a bit we can head toward Phandalin, if you are all amenable."
Oct 18, 2015 3:50 pm
"Yes, some rest would do all of us good" Medve agrees. Motioning to the halfling draped over his shoulder, "And this one is starting to get a little heavy.."
Oct 19, 2015 12:18 pm
Egan has been very quietly contemplating their current situation. He is a little saddened by the fact that Movith's gambit didn't quite payoff. He also liked the idea of having goblin underlings, but this wasn't to be his path in life.

He turns his attention back to the general course in front of them.

"I agree that we need rest, but perhaps the wood isn't the best place for any of us." He motions to the grove of trees. "We already know that owlbears are around, and now, there are goblins amongst the trees, one's that aren't our best friends either."

Egan curses under his breath. "If only we had transport, we could allow Shane and Sildar some covered respite while we make way to Phandalin.

Egan's eyes look out at nothing in particular, as he remembers the brutal pounding and the sensation of rocks collapsing around him. Egan shakes his head quickly to clear it.

Egan reaches out to Medve. "I can take my turn holding him if you'd like. Forgive me for seeming to be cowardly, but I am still shaken by having a behemoth pounding at my head."
Oct 19, 2015 2:50 pm
"Rockseeker? Which of them do you mean? Listen, friends: I have information that you may find valuable. I do know that we should not remain here much longer - take me to Phandalin, but please walk slowly because I have been dealt many injuries during my captivity here.

The Stonehill Inn would be a good place to rest in Phandalin - please hurry."

Shane awakens at 1hp
Oct 19, 2015 11:51 pm
"Ouch. What happened in there? How long was I out?"
Oct 22, 2015 4:50 pm
"Welcome, back little one. I didn't know if you'd survive. You must have a dwarf's stubbornness."

To Sildar, "We're looking for Gundren Rockseeker... but as you say, we should seek safety before discussing further. Does anyone have any ideas about transport? Or shall we walk to Phandalin?" Movith swaps his hammer for a handaxe, and begins walking slowly toward the road.
Oct 22, 2015 6:27 pm
"I'm just happy to be finally out of the damn caves! I can only stand so much! Ugh!" Otto looks genuinely shaken. To Movith, he says, "Lead us to Phandalin then, my gigantic friend! I'll keep an eye on our flank." Otto moves off to the side, guarding the group's right flank.
Last edited October 22, 2015 6:28 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Oct 23, 2015 4:07 pm
"This Gundren you speak of, I am acquainted with him. Indeed, the three of them, with Tharden and Nundro, have certainly made a big discovery, so I am not surprised that you are looking for him. What is your purpose in meeting with him - is there a price on his head?

I will lead you down the path they took me from the road. It seems they have laid some crude traps there so watch carefully. From there, it is only half a day's travel to Phandalin"


Secret Roll

Oct 27, 2015 1:16 pm
"Point the way, Sildar. And, I reiterate, it is no bother to carry you to Phandalin. Should you wish to be placed down at any point, please indicate so." To the rest of the group. "Are you all in favor of traveling to Phandalin to find respite?"
Oct 27, 2015 1:32 pm
"Yes!" Egan says quickly. Eyes constantly on the tree line.
Oct 27, 2015 3:52 pm
On the path back to the road, Sildar asks if you have heard mention of a human wizard named Iarno Albrek: "Two months ago, he travelled to Phandalin to establish order. To this day, no word has been heard from him by anyone. In truth, I travelled with Gundren to Phandalin to investigate his disappearance, but the two of us were waylaid by the Cragmaw goblins in the spot just ahead of us."

Reaching the road where you too were ambushed, you find the two horses still blocking the road. Something large is obscured on the other side of the roadway, lying very still. A muffled but shrill voice can be heard coming from the same direction.
Oct 27, 2015 4:04 pm
Still stalking parallel to the road, Otto takes cover and trains his crossbow on the mystery object by the road, alert for danger.
Last edited October 27, 2015 4:05 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Stealth - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Oct 27, 2015 5:12 pm
Otto hears a tiny voice, straining. The dark object is about the size of a supplies wagon.
Oct 27, 2015 5:28 pm


Perception - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Oct 27, 2015 9:02 pm
Otto emerges from the trees and approaches the object, crossbow ready. He motions to Movith and the others, pointing at the wagon and silently gesturing that he hears something.

The thing is obscured by what, exactly?
Oct 27, 2015 11:18 pm
Shane is staying out of the way, still worse for wear. If he detects hostility, he will attempt to hide nearby


Perception (to find hiding spot) - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Stealth - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Oct 28, 2015 2:22 am
Catching Otto's warning, Medve quietly draws his scimitar, and will cover Shane's movement if things get hostile.
Oct 28, 2015 9:17 am
The object is obscured by a dark, dense spot in the woods, along with bushes and other plant coverings. It looks like it has been deliberately hidden. The grunt of two oxen catches Movith's ear. The tiny voice has stopped.

Shane can't find cover large enough and slinks up against a tree.

"Could that be a supplies wagon? Gundren sent a group with a similar vehicle"


Sildar perception - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Nov 1, 2015 1:27 pm
Movith sets Sildar down by Medve, and moves towards the sound of the oxen. Still brandishing a handaxe, Movtih begins clearing away the brush, trying to uncover what he suspects is a cart that might be useful to the group. He doesn't seem overly concerned about the small voice; it's likely someone who discovered the cart and is trying to take some supplies for themselves, which wouldn't really bother him.
Nov 3, 2015 3:31 am
Crossbow and whip ready, Otto has got Movith covered.
Nov 3, 2015 3:34 am
Medve will stand guard over Sildar as Movith moves to investigate.
Nov 21, 2015 11:14 am
The oxen stand obediently by the stealthily-covered cart. Beside it, a small angry goblin glares at you. It appears the ropes behind his back have been bitten and frayed. As it has only been hours since he was left here, no-one appears to have noticed the cart or his pathetic squeals for help.


Encounter - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Nov 22, 2015 2:52 pm
As Movith discovers the restrained goblin, he looks around. Seeing no other signs of threat, and knowing his new compatriots are ready, he relaxes, if only slightly. He sheathes his axe and unhooks his warhammer. With extra slow and deliberate movements, he gently lays the blunt end of the hammer on the goblins forehead. Then, Movith places a single finger over his own pursed lips, indicating that the goblin, for his own sake, should be silent.

Without turning, he says to the group, "There's a single goblin here, tied up. What shall we do with him?"
Nov 25, 2015 1:28 am
Sweat beads on the goblin's forehead, forming pools over his tightly shut eyes.

"Slay it, the creatures are no good to anyone except for the information they carry and the obedience they offer to the enemy! These goblins are servants to a creature whom they call King at Cragmaw Castle!"
Nov 25, 2015 4:09 am
Looking over Slider, Medve offers, "Perhaps question it before slaying. It may have some valuable information for us."
Nov 27, 2015 7:53 pm
"Question it if you may. These uncivilised beings should not be quickly trusted, however, and may even mislead you, even without meaning to."
Nov 29, 2015 3:02 pm
Otto only nods. He's anxious for Movith and his friends to be about their business so he can get back to his.
Nov 29, 2015 3:29 pm
Movith nods at the group.

"Goblin, look at me. If you make no sounds except to answer our questions, I will not cave in your skull. Your clanmates just killed my friend, and I would not think twice about extracting some modicum of revenge from your flesh. Nod if you understand and will comply. Any other response will be the end of your life in this world."
Nov 29, 2015 5:49 pm
The goblin slowly nods his head, the rest of his body being remarkably still.
Nov 30, 2015 12:16 am
"Why did you attack Sildar and Gundren on the trail? Was it random or specifically targeted?"
Nov 30, 2015 4:06 pm
The little goblin mutters some words in broken language from the common tongue whilst the giant towers over him:

"K-klarg....King Grohl...black spider!! Gundren ambush is order, and take map. Black Spider pay it!! Cragmaws obey Klarg!"
Nov 30, 2015 4:53 pm
"Klarg, was the bugbear, yes? As Sildar just mentioned, is King Grohl at Cragmaw Castle?"

Movith pauses while trying to put the pieces together. "So, the Black Spider paid King Grohl to retrieve the map, and Grohl passed the orders on to Klarg? Does the Black Spider have the map now? What has become of the dwarf that was with Sildar when you ambushed?"
Nov 30, 2015 5:36 pm
"King Grol lead Cragmaws! Yes, Cragmaw castle. Black Spider take everything of Gundren. They go to Castle. Only worthless Sil-dar stay with Klarg."

Sildar snarls, but confirms that the goblin's information sounds very familiar to him, and leaves the creature's fate in your hands.
Nov 30, 2015 10:38 pm
"It sounds as though the creature has served its purpose."
Dec 1, 2015 9:42 am
"No, I help you. Let Pinky go! Pinky not go to Klarg because traitor now! I find solitude somewhere to hide"
Dec 8, 2015 7:45 pm
"Solitude, eh? That's a pretty big word for a goblin." Otto says with a grin, crossbow still aimed at Pinky's throat.
Dec 8, 2015 8:02 pm
Egan approaches and stands next to Otto, looking intently at the goblin.

If we let you go, you promise you won't return to the Cragmaw, but where will you go instead? How can we be sure the Cragmaw won't find you?

OOC: I'll make an insight check on his answer to see if he's telling the truth or not.


Rolling for Insight - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Dec 8, 2015 10:00 pm
Pinky speaks rapidly: "Pinky is smartest of goblins! Not a brawler. Pinky know to stay out of humans spaces. Go south to find new tribe. Pinky not good bait for Cragmaw hunter."

He seems nervous and probably honest.
Dec 8, 2015 10:28 pm
Quietly to the others gathered about, "Perhaps we should cut him loose. I don't think he'll cause any trouble."
Dec 13, 2015 4:52 am
Releasing Pinky and grounding the wagon on the road, the team head to Phandelver for Sildar's payment and to deliver the supplies.
Dec 15, 2015 5:54 pm
The rutted track emerges from a wooded hillside, and you catch your first glimpse of Phandalin. The town consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings, some built on old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins—crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars—surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the cart track, which widens into a muddy main street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside at the east side of town. As you approach, you see children playing on the town green and townsfolk tending to chores or running errands at shops. Many people look up as you approach, but all return to their business as you go by.

Sildar seems much more at ease. "My friends," he says, "let us secure lodgings. I'm told the local inn is very quaint."
Dec 15, 2015 8:13 pm
"Sounds good to me!" Diverting himself from his hunt for the Forge has left a bad taste in Otto's mouth. Nothing a pitcher of ale won't wash out.
Last edited December 16, 2015 2:06 am
Dec 16, 2015 1:42 am
Movith grunts in agreement. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, his head is pounding and his muscles ache. A warm meal and a good sleep will do him well.
Dec 16, 2015 3:06 am
Medve simply nods in agreement as he shuffles along with the others.
Dec 16, 2015 6:12 am
"So what's the mission here exactly? Tell me about this Gundren you're all supposed to meet. I hope you don't mind my saying so but it seems like you've had a bit of a bad time of it, judging by the corpses back in those goblin caves."
Dec 16, 2015 7:22 am
During the trip back, Shane will pull out the pages from the 'Lionshield Coster' to see if there is any useful information.
Dec 16, 2015 8:47 am
The pages you found are a ledger from the Lionshield coster, being sent as business correspondance from Neverwinter. On closer inspection, you find 'Phandalin' scribbled alongside it, and on another page a list of food and metalwork supplies and their quantities and price breakdowns.

You also recall the blue lion symbol from the barrels in Klarg's cave, as the same (or a rough representation) can be found on the ledger.

You also see some filthy, incoherent figures scribbled in thick black ink.

Sildar looks pained, but he answers each question directly.

"Two months ago, a wizard named Iarno Albrek was dispatched here to bring order to this town as things were getting out of hand. But, I have received no word from him, so I have come here to find whatever became of him. Tread carefully, for this is not the quiet village it seems - it was taken by a bandit group or two and could be dangerous. If Iarno has been captured then they are a step above your common rabble.

Indeed, not all has gone as expected. It is important that I share some information about Gundren with you. I was guarding him on the road here, but we were totally unprepared for the ambush, unprecedented for a tribe of their size. It seems that a man named the Black Spider is responsible, and he had Gundren and his supplies shipped to Cragmaw Castle. An important map detailing the location to Wave Echo Cave, and in it the Forge of Spells, was also taken.

You rescued me from the goblins and I owe you a reward. What is more, I have greater rewards for you if you can help in this urgent matter, which I will discuss with you after I have conducted my initial investigation here.

For now, we should secure rooms and equipment".

Sildar leads you up the main road in with the wagon, and you reach a central hub with a small temple, a shrine made of stones. You take a right turn and find the Stonehill Inn.

Sildar suggests you leave the wagon outside and buy a room for the night before you head to Bildrath's Mercantile up the north road to deliver the wagon. He heads in to buy a room, without money.
Dec 16, 2015 9:58 am
"The Wave Echo Cave! The Forge of Spells! Why, that is MY goal! It seems our missions and our fates are linked, my friends!"
Dec 16, 2015 10:22 pm
"Perhaps they are... But the mission, for now, is to sleep." says a weary Medve.
Dec 16, 2015 11:21 pm
"Finally, an easy mission!"
Dec 17, 2015 5:23 pm
The Stonehill Inn, standing in the centre of town, is a large, newly built roadhouse of fieldstone and rough-hewn timbers. The common room is filled with locals nursing mugs of ale or cider, all of them eyeing you with curiosity.

"Sildar, your word is always fulfilled, but for today your room is on the house. Phandalin needs you here - some thugs calling themselves the Redbrands have destroyed all hope of security and peace in the town. If I had a sword to loan you, I would.

You say you have escorts? I have five rooms empty but I can't dole them all out on charity!"

The short, friendly young human male behind the counter eyes you all suspiciously, but realises that a halfling and a giant working together with a rabble of misfits probably isn't a recipe for evil.
Dec 27, 2015 7:31 pm
"No need for charity, my good man! Here are two gold pieces for my room and food and drink for myself and the rest of Sildar's friends."

OOC: I figure that's 20sp for a modest room and 5 modest meals.
Last edited December 27, 2015 7:38 pm
Dec 31, 2015 5:45 pm
"I cannot house and feed you all for 2 gold. 2 more, pray? Y'cannot expect to fit five bodies in one'o my rooms! Or thar's the stables if ye can clear the piles away!"

(This is assuming that everyone is comfortable on a modest lifestyle)
Jan 3, 2016 2:09 pm
OOC: Movith has no interest in this transaction. He'll sleep wherever he can find a place, so, he's going to let the others sort this out.

Movith grunts and wanders over to the bar and orders a strong drink.
Jan 4, 2016 12:58 am
Medve will ask "Two more gold will house us all?" as he reaches for his pouch.
Jan 7, 2016 1:05 pm
"Yes, certainly, and my patrons may help themself's to the foodstuffs left over in the morning, laid out on the long table."

Sildar then chips in:

"Seeing as you are set for a night, I shall go to take care of business and to secure your payment. I assure you, more work will come your way if you can make yourself available...it will be well-paid and will contribute to making this locale safer. Adventure, I can certain promise you that too as I have a special task for seasoned warriors such as yourselves. Find me at the townmaster's hall just south of here: look for the bell tower. I'm going to see who is in charge here. Try not to draw attention to yourself - I sense that something is not quite right. If you can find information from the local townsfolk I would greatly appreciate that too."

Sildar makes a courteous bow and leaves. It seems you have earned his respect, and that he has something on his hands that he alone cannot handle.
Jan 7, 2016 1:48 pm
Otto returns Sildar's bow as the man leaves. "Well then. I'm going to get settled in and then see who's up for some friendly wagers, and see what sort of gossip I can catch." With a wink, Otto does exactly that: he gets himself settled in the modest room he paid for, sets himself down to his meal in the common room, then tries to get friendly with the patrons without being too conspicuous.


Gathering information (Investigation) - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Jan 7, 2016 4:09 pm
Otto attempts to greet some of the patrons but the barmaid keeps bumping into him.

"What a handsome fellow. You remind me of someone I once knew. You must be an adventurer? Daran Edarmath, the orchard keeper is a former adventurer. Maybe he can give you some advice?"

She blushes a little, and starts giving you annoying and incoherent gossip about people in the village, preventing you from talking to anyone else and standing in the way. There are a few other townsfolk here and they look at you as if you're the one causing obstruction by talking to the barmaid.
Jan 9, 2016 12:07 pm
Otto is tempted to invite the pretty barmaid up to his room but decides against it for now. He settles himself at the bar and tries to chat up the barkeep.

"So. Tell me more about these Redbrands you mentioned."

OOC: I don't know if I'm allowed another Investigation check, but here goes.


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Jan 10, 2016 1:06 pm
I'll treat it as a persuasion roll, giving you a result of 8

"Don't you be worryin' about them honey. Stay out of their way and don't be causin' trouble an' you won't come to no harm!"

The statement seems more ominous because the bar falls deathly silent for a few seconds. It is replaced by a whispery chatter.
Jan 14, 2016 9:12 am
**So much for keeping a low profile!** Otto thinks to himself as he throws back his drink.

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