Exigency: The Old Guard

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Sep 3, 2015 3:00 pm
Serana isn't sure how to reply. To her knowledge Uclasion artifacts are worth millions perhaps even billions. She can't picture such a prize being used for an illusionist's act.
Sep 3, 2015 3:42 pm
"You're very astute! Yes, it's my family's heirloom, and it's very useful. Is there something you require as a gesture of my good faith? I do have a number of Garlen's items..." He flashes what he hopes is a reassuring smile as they tense up at this. "...which he was not aware I took. Some of it is just police stuff, which was probably in the trunk when he first 'acquired' the car. But it was quite packed in there, and I had to make room for myself. I was hoping he'd lead me to whoever his employer was. I still have the things with me, if you'd like to see. I brought them with me when I got out. Once you destroyed the car, there was no point in staying there. So...I need a ride."

(edit to insert quotation marks; somehow I keep missing them)
Last edited September 3, 2015 3:53 pm
Sep 5, 2015 2:16 pm
"Well no point in waiting around here any longer. You got leads? Because we need to move."
Sep 7, 2015 3:40 pm
"Indeed. The closest thing we have to a lead is the name of a nightclub. And I imagine this planet's nightlife is frightful."

Serana raises her communicator. "Caletti? I know the High Council's embassy still has a couple of drone cars to its name. Send one to the end of 31st street and nobody needs to ever know about the confiscated psi steroids you 'lost'." She lowers it again. "Caletti works reception. She might ignore me. But worth a shot."

(PS deleted past post to make this new one with dice roll.)


Calling in a favor - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Sep 7, 2015 5:48 pm
A luxury drone car is soon on the scene. It's a sports-model, and it's currently sporting still-warm scorch marks, suggesting that some people fired on it while it made its trip. Like most vehicles on Valon it's not a true flier, and can only hover thanks to the grav units embedded in the road.

It's a slightly garish bronze colour and the interior will prove unpleasantly cramped for four passengers laden with equipment and large bladed weapons, but the car's simple AI will glady drive the party wherever they ask it to.
Sep 8, 2015 1:34 pm
"Wonderful! You are a wizard!" Darghibous inclines his head respectfully to the heavily-armed cyborg aristocrat, turns to start to enter the cab, and then thinks better of it. "Ah, please. I do not wish to cause offense; on my world, we defer to the ladies to go first." he says, thinking to himself especially ladies who chop through engine blocks with giant swords...

(Edit: closed the bold text)
Last edited September 8, 2015 1:35 pm
Sep 8, 2015 2:20 pm
After some consideration, Serana places her giant sword on the car's luggage rack. Along with the SMGs and heavy repeater she helped herself to from the ambush's aftermath.

"No offence taken Darg. If anything maybe you should get in first and tell the car where to take us. We were just considering a place called the Diamond Cavern, if only because it seems to be associated with some of the gangers on this planet."
Sep 8, 2015 8:36 pm
Darghibous nods at the sense of this and clambers into the cab. He's still a little disappointed that there wasn't more wonder that he was able to sneak out of the trunk and make it into the alleyway unobserved, but...hey, it's a tough crowd.

Once everyone has finished cramming themselves in, he'll tell the autocab's mic to go to the Diamond Cavern. As they ride, he'll recall what he knows/has overheard about Garlen and his employer. Result: his name was Garlen, right? All these thugs start to look the same after weeks of fruitless tailing...
Last edited September 8, 2015 8:38 pm


FOC+Insight - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Sep 9, 2015 9:01 am
The Diamond Cavern is based off the remains of the original town hall, built centuries ago when Valon was freshly colonised by the Ploror Conglomerate. It is not a pretty sight, despite the best efforts of generations of settlers to soften the edges and liven up the dirty-grey stone. It's sombre and unpleasantly akin to a headstone.

Regardless of the morbid architecture, it remains a massive and robust building and it's no wonder that a Mercenary League detachment has seized it for use as a base. What's less expected is the fact that it still seems to be operating as a nightclub: in short, all that has changed is that the private areas of the building are occupied by Mercs instead of gangs. None of the clientele seem particularly fazed by the League presence, and the Leaguers themselves seem quite content to have their own watering hole. Hole being the operative word.

Most of the Leaguers boredly guarding the street are in dark blue armour and sport a stylised "9" on their shoulders: it looks like a skull with its jaw gaping open and one maddened, bloodshot eye. Very subtle and tasteful. They don't stop or obstruct the drone car as it comes to a rest just outside the front entrance, where a gaggle of would-be customers, both regular and League, wait to be admitted by hulking bouncers.

There are already half a dozen of the High Council's distinctive bronze autocabs parked up on the street, or in some cases latched on to the walls of the Cavern's upper stories. As the party watches, one such cab disgorges its robed and regal passengers into the penthouse suite, then disconnects itself from the door and hovers off. The Mercs are entertaining High Councillors this evening, and they must have assumed the party was part of the retinue...
Sep 9, 2015 12:45 pm
"Guys, let's just hold in here for a moment, shall we? I'll try to get us inside... without incident. If my plan doesn't work, you guys can try WITH incident." Pudge smiles, blinks, and his eyes go glassy.

Pudge spends a few moments searching for a weakly encrypted opening to get into the clubs network. Once he finds a way in, he quickly locates the folders containing the guest list and drops in all four of the party's ident files into the VIP section. While he's there he copies the rest of ident files of the other guests.

"Alright, we should be all set." Without explaining what he's done, Pudge opens the car door and begins striding toward the bouncer.

OOC: While I'm hacking, I'd love to see if I can get a layout of the building itself, along with any relevant information about who might be where, if possible. I'm also going to leave a (very discreet) kernel, so that if I need to hack the club's system again, I don't have to roll. :)

I just didn't know how much I could do with one roll.
Last edited September 9, 2015 12:54 pm


Hacking the Club's Mainframe - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Sep 9, 2015 5:04 pm
I would draw a map but alas I'm lazy!

Through a mixture of historical records and live security feeds, Pudge assembles an image of the Cavern's interior. The nightclub proper is on the first level, with a coat check (and security room) just beyond the main entrance before the dance floor and bar. The two basement floors house a backup generator and seem to be used as storage for the Mercs. Previously they were a drug lab for the now-evicted gangers who once held the place, and so the camera coverage there is very limited.

The two upper floors are a mix between staff-only areas and the VIP lounge. The topmost floor is a penthouse suite, reachable only via a private elevator one floor below, and this seems to be where the majority of the High Councillors are heading.

There are three more elevators that run through the other five floors, although one of these elevators appears to be out of order. It seems it might have been the site of a firefight when a few of the braver gang members decided they didn't want to leave. There's also a staircase but it sees very little traffic.

The building's computer system is a bit piecemeal, partly because the less-brave-but-smarter gangers tried to trash it before the Mercs threw them out and party because they weren't actually that smart and didn't set it up that well in the first place. While this made it even easier for Pudge to access, it also means that the Leaguers are having to use a portable military-grade hub they established in the basement: perhaps the pertinent information about guests and visitors is held there.

When Pudge strides towards the bouncer, the man looks at his communicator, shares a word with his colleague, and then gives the tech expert a perfunctory nod and stands aside so he can pass.
Sep 10, 2015 2:04 am
Darghibous has performed at this club previously, so he might be recognized by the bouncers...which may be good or bad, given that he's now on the guest list. Not knowing this, he strolls confidently into the club after Pudge.
Sep 10, 2015 4:38 pm
The bouncers watch Darghibous with no reaction. When he walks past them, one leans close to the other and mutters something about "going up in the world".
Sep 10, 2015 5:31 pm
Falsatff pulls the brim of his hat down over his face and strides into the club, trying his best not to draw attention to himself.
Sep 10, 2015 5:57 pm
Serana retrieves her sword and follows too. But she keeps it on her back and hopes no one tries to confiscate it.
Sep 10, 2015 7:53 pm
The bouncers seem wary, but the guest list is the guest list and High Councillors are renowned for being able to afford to keep strange company. Swords and scythes could well be fashion statements back in Lodori space.

The Diamond Cavern is surprisingly busy considering that Valon is on the cusp of becoming a full-blown warzone. One or two people recognise Darghibous and wave to him in passing or point him out to their friends. There are Leaguers amongst the customers, but no visible High Councillors: or at least there's nobody on the dance floor wearing traditional High garb.

There is, however, an Arbiter— one of the High Council's elite guard— arguing with a trio of drunken Mercenaries, themselves from unit 9. The Arbiter is clad in power armour with orange highlights, and is a head taller than the Mercs. They don't seem intimidated by her and are in fact insisting that one of their number, a bulky woman with a knife in each hand, would be able to take on the Arbiter in a straight fight.

Arbiters are a rare sight. This one is most likely serving as a bodyguard for a particularly important High Councillor. They're trained and conditioned to be psi resistant but are rarely, if ever, actually psi-capable themselves.

The argument is starting to get heated, and the other club-goers are doing their best to ignore it. There's an ocean of empty space slowly expanding out from the four of them.
Sep 10, 2015 9:44 pm
Wilhelm, intrigued by the standoff building by the bar, strides towards the commotion. He pulls up a stool and sits right next to the Arbiter, who has her back to him. He says to the bartender, "Mulhatan Bourbon. Straight." He waits until his drink arrives before continuing loudly enough for the circle of belligerents to hear. "And three coffins for those mercs over there. They won't last 30 seconds against an Arbiter, and they won't last 10 against both of us."
Sep 11, 2015 8:40 am
Serana smiles. She has no love for the Highs but their employees aren't all bad.

"The actuators used in Arbiter power armor are closely related to my own implants," Serana says to no one in particular. "But for the record: even if an Arbiter takes the armor off, you still wouldn't stand a chance. And I'm not even going to get started on Wilhelm."
Sep 11, 2015 6:20 pm
Darghibous, standing next to Serana and Pudge, also comments: "It's not subtle, but the man's instincts for drama are superb! What a performance!" Darghibous glances around, and continues out of the side of his mouth. "I suspect we'll have quite a show in a moment. What can we find out, while others are watching the show, I wonder?"
Sep 12, 2015 9:21 pm
"I'd love to get to the on-site computer system in the basement... and it seemed like the Mercs here might be storing some useful stuff," Pudge whispers back. Then, sarcastically, "But I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave these bigs all alone. They may need our help."

Pudge looks at the bartender, "Vodka & lime, please."
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