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Sep 16, 2015 1:13 pm
Toth takes a deep breath and winces against the pain. He pats out any residual fires on his beloved fuscia-coloured FunCorp t-shirt, and reloads his speargun. Adjusting his rugby helmet, he turns back to face Haven, gripping the cab fiercely. "Dem scavs be found it! Smeg it all! Not without a fight, I say."


Second Wind - (1d12+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Sep 16, 2015 7:43 pm
"So much for leaving the wars behind." "Come along Quath, there are more to deal with in Haven." Garrthon goes about minor self repairs.


Second Wind - (1d12+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Sep 16, 2015 7:49 pm
The rat pile clings to the side of the car and, once the topmost make it through the window, pull the remaining rats up and into the car. "Let us be on our way then." Quath puts the car in gear and the three rats who argued before now work the pedals in perfect timing. Once Garrthon is back in, the truck kicks up dust as it speeds off to Haven. The dust settles over the sparking halves of the drones.
Sep 16, 2015 7:51 pm
(ooc: I'll also use second wind, I forgot we all have it.)


Second Wind - (1d12+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Sep 16, 2015 8:18 pm
As you get to Haven you see a fairly widespread compound. It takes up the space of what would once have been considered about 5 square city blocks. The walls are over 40 foot high and there is a large opening where a gate should be closed waiting to be opened. It is already open. This can't be good.

As you drive into the compound you can see those smoking stacks you had seen before, they are some of the squat buildings here, engulfed in fire. There are people running everywhere. You suddenly see two quite large badgers. They have to be at least 5 feet tall. One grips a wooden club as it chases people down. Another is firing some form of makeshift handgun into the crowd. Both wear long brown coats with the signature Mecha-Nazi red armband.

The one with the club turns to you, "Haven is closed. Git if yer know whats good fer ya."

[ GM: If you don't want to discuss things, now is a time to roll for initiative again. ]
Sep 17, 2015 12:19 am
"Very well..."
Ssilas puts the truck in reverse and backs up a bit as if going to turn around and leave, then throws it in gear and tries to ram the Nazi Badger.
"I don't take disssrespect from Nazi scum!"


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Dexterity Drive check if necessary - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Sep 17, 2015 12:29 am
I guess that's taking the initiative, Toth mumbles to himself. He gets a bead on the other badger and readies himself for the impact. "Good eatin on a badger that size, hee hee!"


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Sep 17, 2015 3:51 am
Quath aims at the second badger with his truck. "This rodent problem is getting out of hand." The tinny vibrations in everyone's head does not hint at tone. It is impossible to tell if Quath is joking.
Last edited September 17, 2015 3:52 am


Initiative - (1d20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

Dex Check (Truck) - (1d20-1)

(9) - 1 = 8

Sep 18, 2015 2:26 am
"Here we go again!" Garrthon leans out the window to aim his pistol at the badger they are about to ram.


Initiative - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Ranged Pistol Attack - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Pistol Damage - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Sep 18, 2015 2:30 am
Initiative Order:
Sterlin > Badders > Garrthon > Ssilas > Quath


Badger Initiative - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Sep 18, 2015 2:58 am
Toth, aiming at the second badger, sees Quarth steer toward it and turns back to the one in front of Ssilas' path. He grits his teeth, Badgers with clubs... Shame we can't start a lacrosse league and fires. "Let's win a teddy badger!"


Speargun attack - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Speargun damage - (1d12+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Sep 18, 2015 5:00 am
The spear shot flies wide of the badger in front of Ssilas' path. The badge with the gun fires back at Sterlin.

The second badger with the club-like object takes his turn diving out of the way of the incoming trucks. Both trucks fly narrowly by the badgers but Garrthon scores a hit on the badger with the gun.

It's all the way back to Sterlin again.


Attack vs Ac - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Damage - (2d6+3)

(13) + 3 = 7

Sep 18, 2015 1:15 pm
Toth yelps from the gunshot and nearly falls from the bed of the pickup truck. He pulls himself up and focusses his will on the gun toting badger. He wormholes the badger in front of a truck if it's close enough, otherwise straight up. 20'.
" that creature must make a Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus [DC 12]


Force damage - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Sep 18, 2015 1:21 pm
As the badger lets out a mix between a cackle and a screech after he hit Sterlin, a wormhole suddenly appears and sucks him in. It drops him right in front of one of the speeding trucks. He withstands the damage of the wormhole itself, but finds himself in a very bad predicament.

[ GM: Who's car did you want to put him in front of? That person will gain advantage on the attack with the car if they want to try and continue running it over. I'm going to say being hit by one of the trucks is going to be 4d6+DexMod for whoever does it. ]


Strength Save - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Sep 18, 2015 1:28 pm
Our truck... More satisfaction that way.
Sep 18, 2015 1:37 pm
The teleported badder is still too turned around to move this turn. Temporal translocation can be a bit disorientating.

The club badder tries to grab on to the back of Quath's truck as it speeds past it. But he can't make the grab on to the truck and just grabs empty air as the truck passes.

Garrthon goes next.

[ GM: I'm going to call that a DC 15 to be able to grab on to the car with a dexterity check. If he succeeds he can try and climb into the back on his next turn. On Ssilas' next turn if he chooses to try and attack with the car again he will have advantage on the attempt to hit the badder. ]


Dexterity to climb onto the passing truck - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Sep 19, 2015 12:31 am
Takes a shot at the badger trying to climb on the back of Quath's truck. "Sorry badger, no more animals allowed on this truck!"


Ranged Pistol Shot - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Bullet Damage - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Sep 19, 2015 1:01 am
The bullet flies stray from the badger.

Ssilas moves next.

[GM: Ssilas will get advantage on his truck attack if he wants to run over the badger that has been teleported in front of them. ]
Sep 19, 2015 5:47 am
Ssilas lets out a primal war cry of mixed aggression and joy at seeing the nasty Nazi scum badger teleported right into his path, and hammers down on the accelerator.
"Oh thisss gon' get MESSSSSY!"


Truck Attack with Advantage - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Truck Attack with Advantage - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Truck DAMAGE - (4d6+3)

(6322) + 3 = 16

Sep 20, 2015 3:59 am
The force of the truck leaves little left of the badger after it careens through the unsuspecting creature. Sterlin manages to avoid most of the guts as they spray past, but he certainly feels a good bit of the warm mist of blood.

Quath is next to move.

[ GM: One badger down. The other is now behind Quath's truck, so if you wanted to circle back around and try and hit it on this turn you could, or you can try and fire while driving. Or just stop and get out. however you want to work it. ]
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