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Jan 13, 2019 4:27 am
Alalla looks around at the men in the room, then makes a quick decision. "Erevain, guard the stairs." Al draws her sword and cuts Morrugh's bonds. "Pull that body free of the table, Morrugh." She stands near the frightened man, sword still bare, ready to protect him or fight him, depending on what is found.
Jan 13, 2019 4:35 am
Morrugh moves quickly to do as asked. He grabs the ankle of the bare foot with one hand and pulls, revealing a gruesome corpse of a human man. Wide gashes mar his chest and abdomen, as though he was mauled by some wild beast. His face, however, is intact and free of blood or wounds. Remarkably so, compared to the rest of him.

The frightened man wails at the sight of the body. "It all h-happened so f-f-fast! That man, the h-hero, the one w-with the odd l-look about him..." It would seem he is referring to Vincent. "H-he was fighting it!"
Jan 13, 2019 4:39 am
Al siezes the man's wrist with her free hand and pulls it away from his face.


Athletics (for speed and grip) - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Jan 13, 2019 4:52 am
Alalla finds the man's hand surprisingly hard to pull, but she moves quickly enough that she manages to yank it away from his face long enough for her to get a good look. His features nearly match the corpse's, but there are small discrepancies. The nose is slightly too large, the eyes too close together, and the face is entirely clean-shaven.

The man grins, lips pulling away to reveal a mouth far too wide, and with way too many teeth. "Gbortlak!"

The air in the room ignites as a magical fireball blossoms between the man and Alalla.


Al Dex save DC 17 - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Erevain Dex save - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Morrugh Dex save - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Man Dex save (adv) - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d20+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

Fireball damage - (8d6)

(36235244) = 29

Jan 13, 2019 5:00 am
As the flames rise up around her Alalla brings her sword alight out of reflex and strikes out at the man. She misses, but then the fire dies down and leaves him exposed. She strikes hard and fast, and is surprised to feel extra strength in her blows.

Dude takes 90 slashing, 45 fire, and 26 radiant damage. He must make 2 strength saves or be knocked prone, and 2 wisdom saves or be afraid.

HP: 92/144
AC: 19
Last edited January 13, 2019 5:29 am


Retroactive hit dice - (6d10+24)

(259274) + 24 = 53

Attack 1 - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Attack 2 - (1d20+10)

(19) + 10 = 29

Attack 3 - (1d20+10)

(19) + 10 = 29

Attack 2 damage - (2d10+5, 2d6)

2d10+5 : (18) + 5 = 14

2d6 : (24) = 6

Rerolls - (1d10+13, 1d6+4)

1d10+13 : (1) + 13 = 14

1d6+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Divine smite - (2d8)

(84) = 12

Attack 3 damage (weapon, superiority, fire, divine smite) - (2d10+5, 2d6, 2d8)

2d10+5 : (108) + 5 = 23

2d6 : (64) = 10

2d8 : (68) = 14

Attacks 4-6 - (1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (20) + 10 = 30

1d20+10 : (12) + 10 = 22

1d20+10 : (2) + 10 = 12

CRIT - (2d10+25, 2d6+12)

2d10+25 : (46) + 25 = 35

2d6+12 : (64) + 12 = 22

Damage 5 - (2d10+5, 2d6)

2d10+5 : (85) + 5 = 18

2d6 : (21) = 3

Damage reroll - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Jan 13, 2019 5:43 am
Though the flames of the fireball spell suck the oxygen from the air in the common room, neither Alalla or the man seem particularly bothered by the heat. The man is bothered, however, by Alalla's sword. Still, even after a devastating flurry of solid hits knocking the man back and to the ground, he still lives. And before Alalla's eyes, his wounds start to slowly heal. Even more strange, the blood and water in the room slowly rise into the air. A click of beads announces that Alalla's hair is doing the same. With a surprisingly deep snarl the man vanishes, and then liquids and hair fall once more to the floor.

The man is gone.

Erevain picks himself up from the floor where he had thrown himself upon Morrugh. While the elf seems to have fared well against the magical flames, Morrugh's chest is sickeningly blackened. Erevain looks up with concern. "Alalla, he's dying. My magic is all expended... We need a healer now or he will die. Rastix? Zenithral? Where are they?"
Jan 13, 2019 5:56 am
"No," Alalla snarls at the man's disappearance. She turns to see Erevain and Morrugh on the ground. "No!" She stalks over, cursing heavily. "They could be anywhere. We'll never find them in time."

Al kneels beside the men and places a hand on Morrugh's chest. Her midnight skin should be cracked and burnt like his, it should be greener like his, but it isn't. And now he goes alone to Gruumsh in his rebellion.

"I'm sorry, brother," Alalla whispers in their native tongue, voice equal parts sorrow, anger, and frustration. She watches his chest for the death rattle, but it doesn't come. Instead her hand begins to tingle, and the reddened skin beneath it becomes greener and healthy again as the char falls away.

Alalla uses Lay on Hands and heals Morrugh for 5hp.
Jan 14, 2019 12:06 am
Morrugh's breathing eases, and then his eyes open. He looks down at Alalla's hands, expression twisted in confusion.

Erevain own frown turns to an excited grin. "Alalla! Just now your blade shone with light as you smote evil, and now the touch of your hand heals. Surely this is a manifestation of divine power!" He strides quickly across the room and then back. "Such feats are generally the hallmark of holy champions such as paladins - like Jhonen! How is such a thing possible?"
Jan 14, 2019 12:29 am
"I prayed to Torm for strength to protect and do my duty." Her voice is still threaded with irritation and frustration to Erevain's trained ear. Alalla stands and offers a hand to the fallen orc. "I suppose this means he was listening."

Al frowns as she looks over the scene in the common room. Half mopped bloodstains, fresh ones beneath the ravaged corpse, a bloom of charred wood along the floor and wall. She thinks she sees her horns still lurking under another table. She quickly looks away.

"Murdering shapeshifters," Alalla grunts. "Exactly what I needed." She recovers the sliced rope and begins to rebind Morrugh's hands as best she can. "I've never seen such thin ice to stand on." The muttered sentence is practically a curse.
Last edited January 14, 2019 5:52 am
Jan 14, 2019 6:40 pm
Ug bows his head in tired thanks to the dwarf, but doesn’t head back to town as the dwarf leaves. Instead Ug trudges out further into the wild his thoughts almost as deep as the snow around him. He had faced his enemy again, had seen the death of allies around him again, and now the beast had threatened his family, his mother. Ug growls in frustration as he leaves massive footprints in the snow behind him.

He did have one comforting thought, he had struck his enemy again, he had wounded it. If bellyfat hadn’t had allies around the. Ug would have hit him even more. The devil could be hurt, and Ug had been able to do that on their last two meetings. But it still has not been enough. His best is still not enough. And now the beast had threatened Nancy, what would happen if Ug failed now?

Ugs anger takes over again as he falls to his knees clutching at his head. He throws his head back and lets out a desperate howl into the night. A howl not of a barbarian but of something more. Something wounded, something desperate, and something fierce.
Jan 14, 2019 11:53 pm
In spite of the beginnings of spring appearing in the Ten Towns, sudden bouts of snow are not unknown to happen. So it is that a flurry of snowfall comes upon Ug outside the town.

As far as Ug wanders from the Targos and it's piles of bodies, he cannot wash the stink of blood from his nose. When he finally stops, overcome by anger, to unleash his howl of frustration, it seems for a moment that the frigid wind is turning his own cry back upon him. Then as the sound splits into several voices, he realizes that the howl is not his.

And he is not so alone as he first supposed.

Six shaggy figures rise from the snow all about him. Their coats of thick white fur and their curled horns mark them as tundra yeti, likely drawn so near to Targos by all the blood on the wind. With guttural snarls they draw closer to Ug, sniffing and clenching their furred hands.

One of them moves in front of Ug, it's feral eyes wide as it investigates the goliath. Staring straight into that chilling gaze, Ug feels a certain kinship with this savage creature...
Even with disadvantage, Ug just barely passed the saving throw against the yeti's paralyzingly gaze! That means you can go ahead and describe how this scene plays out! Or write some, and I can write some more. However you like! With Ug passing his save, these yetis likely recognize Ug as one of their own.


Ug con save DC 13 (disadv from exhaustion) - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)

1d20+8 : (5) + 8 = 13

1d20+8 : (12) + 8 = 20

Jan 15, 2019 12:15 am
A thump from the stairs reveals Lord Ulbrec. The man looks a little better than he did when Alalla last saw him, but there is still a deep sadness behind his gray eyes, no doubt at the loss of his wife, many friends, and his home. His expression brightens as he hears Alalla and Erevain's words, however. "You are manifesting the abilities of a paladin? So soon! But of course, why not? I had a feeling that book would be useful."

The mayor descends the stairs and surveys the common room. He shakes his head sadly at the sight of the dead man. "A shapeshifter, you say? Well, if it is true that you have been granted the abilities of a paladin, you may also have been blessed with the the divine sense of one. You may very well be able to locate a shapeshifter, or discern its true nature."

Ulbrec starts as he notices Morrugh's presence for the first time. His hand twitches to his side for just a moment, but then he clenches it into a fist, then allows it to relax. "You must be vouching for this one, Alalla?" He eyes the orc's bonds. "Only to a point, it would seem."
Jan 15, 2019 1:37 am
"My lord, I'm glad you're safe." Alalla salutes sharply. "I can think of a few reasons why not..." She clears her throat. "But that isn't pressing."

"Lord Ulbrec, this is Morrugh." Al presents the tall orc to the older man. "He and all of the other prisoners have forsaken Gruumsh and what his pantheon teaches, so I have accepted my rightful place as chieftess over them." She does not allow the frown she feels within to mar her calm facade.
Rightful? You aren't even orcish. "He is now mine, as well as the rest, and I vouch for them all. But you are my chief, and he is your prisoner, so he remains bound. I've brought him for you to see, and to be a witness to the rest of the tribe.

As chieftess of the Cagebreaker tribe, I have come to negotiate the release of my people, and to offer what reparations we can."
Alalla takes in the look of Lord Ulbrec once more. The sadness in his face resonates in her bones. "Though it will never bring back what we lost."
Last edited January 15, 2019 1:38 am
Jan 15, 2019 4:08 am
Ulbrec straightens and looks Morrugh in the eye. "Does he speak Common? Translate for me, if you would."[ He clears his throat. "I would not blame a soldier for following the orders of his commander in a time of war, but I cannot guarantee the same for the people who have been damaged by the recent events. I will let it be known that you and your Cagebreakers are to be considered allies."

He turns momentarily toward Alalla. "They will need some way to mark themselves that the people of Targos and the other Ten Towns know they are not enemies. Something quick to do and intuitive to comprehend."

He clasps his hands in front of him as he looks back to Morrugh. "My primary concern right now is that we have no idea how many orcs and others might have deserted or escaped out across the tundra. How many do you think are out there? Will they turn to raiding? Would they also perhaps join your Cagebreakers?"
Jan 15, 2019 4:10 am
Morrugh inhales deeply before responding. "I speak your language, sir." Common obviously does not roll easily off his tongue, and he seems to chew each word before spitting it out - though that may be more a sign of thoughtfulness than discomfort with the language. "Maybe two hundred. Some will listen. Some will not. If I go, more will listen. Those who do not will raid and kill."
Jan 15, 2019 4:11 am
Lord Ulbrec considers this for a moment. "Alalla, would you trust your Cagebreakers to track down these groups of deserters, or is that asking too much of them too soon? How much supervision would they need? Would they accept humans as a leaders over them in such an endeavor?"
Jan 15, 2019 4:47 am
Alalla covers a smile of relief with a hand. "You are kind, my Lord. To mark us, perhaps a headband? Made from anything, until we have a better idea."

Alalla taps her lips thoughtfully, missing the feel of her glaive in her hands as her mind works.

"As for search parties, I trust their intentions, and I believe most would agree to anything I commanded. What I worry about is their ability to follow through. It is unfair to expect change immediately. There is deep seeded hatred on both sides, and I don't want to risk anyone's safety, orc or Targosian, by setting them up for failure by expecting too much too soon. I do believe many are capable, though, though it will still be hard for them.

Like Morrugh."
Al turns to the orc. "I've already seen his resolve and restraint. I trust him." She takes a deep breath. Time to prove it.

"There are others of us in the mountains, Morrugh, but until we meet with them I make you my second in command over this branch of our tribe. As my second, I would have you choose people to confront the deserters. I need people who will be able to stay loyal to me in the face of temptation, and work with and take orders from humans as though they were me. Do you think there are some capable of this amongst our clansmen? There is no shame in admitting any are not ready."
Last edited January 15, 2019 4:47 am
Jan 15, 2019 4:59 am
"Or an elf," Erevain interjects. "I would be pleased to assist the Cagebreakers in tracking deserters - at least until we depart." He nods in respect toward Morrugh, and even attempts to offer an encouraging smile, though that quickly falters as a thought occurs to him. "Though, given to how Keggruk's previous forces disliked working with Erestor, perhaps it would be better that I not get involved..."
Jan 15, 2019 5:11 am
Morrugh stiffens at Erevain's comments, but then relaxes. "If Chief Cagebreaker cannot be with us, her mate is welcome. Easier to prove our..." He fumbles momentarily for the correct word. "...truth."

He pauses for a while longer, considering Alalla's request. "Many will be confused. You tell us not to fight, but now also to fight our own kind." He gives a slight shake of his head. "I think... some will do this. But maybe some deserters will listen, and not fight." Morrugh shrugs. "It is cold. More will listen if given food, I think."
Jan 15, 2019 5:52 am
Alalla raises her eyebrows. "Really? If you obeyed and respected Erevain like you would me, then I would have no reason to doubt any of you." She sighs and scratches her head. "It is confusing. But you will learn. We fight to protect. In this case, the deserters will pillage and kill if we leave them be. Better for all of us if they join our tribe, but if they won't we must fight them to protect the innocent people they would harm."

Al turns to Ulbrec, an idea filling her with equal parts relied and pain. "My friends and I have to go after Poquelin soon, or there won't be a Dale worth living in. If Erevain stayed to guide them, would my tribe be alright here until I return? Goods are probably scarce with winter coming to a close, but there is always fish in the Lac. I have coin enough to pay for what my tribe needs. They can help dig graves in the short term and help repair the wall and buildings in the long. They won't be idle."
Last edited January 15, 2019 5:53 am
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