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Dec 30, 2018 11:39 pm
"No! No, Alalla." Erevain grabs her other hand and swings around in front of her, holding her hands between them with his own. She realizes that Belhifet is looking patiently on over the elf's shoulder. Beyond the archdevil, the flames of the wall sink lower. "I know what must be done. It is your only way out of this mess."

Erevain calls out over his shoulder. "Belhifet! I agree to the terms of our second arrangement."
Dec 30, 2018 11:57 pm
"No! NO!" Alalla thrashes in Erevain's grip. "This is all his plot, all of it! He's using me against you, which is all to use you against me, so he can use me against the orcs! 'This mess' is his doing!" Her shoulders shake from both anger and tears. "This is what I was trying to stop. It's the only way."
Dec 31, 2018 12:18 am
Erevain refuses to let go of her hands. "No. None of this is your fault, Alalla. You asked for none of this. I can end it, but only if you stay strong, sharuhk." He shifts around in the snow to look at Belhifet. "The only reason he goes along with this agreement is because he hopes that you will give in once..." Erevain's voice chokes away for a moment. "...once the deal is done. But you must not. You are strong enough. I know you are."
Dec 31, 2018 12:33 am
"Don't you dare. Don't you DARE," Alalla snarls, tusks bared shamelessly. "You're playing his game! Where is the wisdom of the elves I've heard so much about? If I wanted a husband who would do anything for me I would have married Erestor!"
Dec 31, 2018 12:33 am
Ug sees his too friends both in anguish and the creature who started it all watching calmly by. He cannot just sit and watch, even if he fails again, he cannot sit and watch. "YOUR DEALS END TONIGHT BELLYFAT!!!"

Ug charges, his swing wild as he enters into his 4th frenzy of the night. He only connects once, but it packs the power of his hate behind it. bellyfat takes 24 slashing damage and 4 cold damage
Last edited December 31, 2018 12:50 am


Attack 1 - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Attack 2 - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Attack 3 - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Fumble - (1d100)

(13) = 13

Damage - (1d12+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Cold - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Dec 31, 2018 8:08 am
Erevain sucks in a breath at Alalla's outrage, but it is Belhifet who answers. The archdevil towers over the kneeling couple. "You are each of you bound by the vows you made to the other under the witness of one authorized to do so. Erevain, you swore to protect her. Alalla, you swore to let him."

Then Ug's axe crashes into the fiend, and the blade, powered by friendship and frustration, cracks through the hard ridges of Belhifet's skin. The archdevil hisses and speaks an infernal command, and from the flames licking at the palisade stride six figures - the orogs, but orogs no longer. Still burly and armored, their heads are now encased in metal masks all detailing the same vapid expression. The way they handle their weapons, however, shows that they are no less capable than before. Four of them efficiently cut Ug off from Belhifet, while the other two protectively flank the towering archdevil.
Dec 31, 2018 8:08 am
Player Phase for Ug and anyone else wanting to get in on the fight.
These guys are very good at being obnoxious and getting in the way. Two more of them guard Belhifet himself as he deals with Al and Erevain.
Dec 31, 2018 12:01 pm
Vincent walks over behind and to the side of Erevain. His bow slowly changes into a sword and after it elongates the tip rests on Erevain's neck.

"I don't like nor trust you little man. First you prevent me from killing someone who tried to kill me, mentioning offhand some deal. And now you are here, mentioning again some deal with this here devil. Now, I wonder, if I killed you, would the devil you made a deal with go away? What did you do?"

To Al, "You are right. You are being manipulated. Accepting the deal is a terrible idea. Killing yourself may be worse. But there is always another option. We just need to stall till we can figure it out."
Last edited December 31, 2018 12:02 pm


Intimidation with advantage to spill about BellyFat - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (3) + 7 = 10

1d20+7 : (19) + 7 = 26

Dec 31, 2018 3:49 pm
Erevain doesn't turn to regard Vincent. "What is there to tell? This is the only way to free Alalla from both Gruumsh and Belhifet. It has nothing to do with you, Vincent, or anyone else."
Dec 31, 2018 3:52 pm
Belhifet's horned head swings back to the couple. "The agreement is made, and so I do my part." The archdevil begins chanting in an unknown tongue, and each word rips into Alalla in a way she has never before experienced. Though she knows Erevain's arms are around her, all she feels is pain as something is being torn from her, ripped away like a scab from a half-healed wound.
Dec 31, 2018 5:30 pm
Zenithral watches in horror as the scene unfolds. Alalla wanted to be free from Gruumsh, but also free from Belhifet's plots. Killing herself might achieve one, but what about the other? Wait...orc souls...Erevain's sword...the Dragonheart...! If Alalla was killed, would Belhifet have her soul? No...the devil could kill her in an instant if it wanted to...Maybe it needed to be willing?

He could be completely wrong, but either way, he didn't want to lose his friend.

"Alalla!" Zenithral yells as the merregons rise. "If you kill yourself now, where does your soul go?!"

He looks at the devil for any confirmation of his suspicions and begins shooting at the risen orogs. (M1 takes 33 damage. M2 takes 16 damage)
Last edited December 31, 2018 5:35 pm


Insight - (1d20+8)

(18) + 8 = 26

Longbow 1, 2, & 3 vs M1 (Sharp) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (1) + 7 = 8

1d20+7 : (13) + 7 = 20

1d20+7 : (15) + 7 = 22

Curving Shot vs M2 (Sharp) - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Damage vs M1 - (2d8+30)

(21) + 30 = 33

Damage vs M2 - (1d8+15)

(1) + 15 = 16

Dec 31, 2018 5:38 pm
Ug watches as the devil once again makes one of his friends scream out in pain. "For Nessa!!! Ugs whole soul goes into his swings, bloodhubter, barbarian, gnome, son, friend. His understanding of his enemy guides him. Instead of crazed swings and misses, Ug is calculated. Bellyfat May shrug off one hit, but what if there are multiple. Ugs tired body is relentless as he pushes past the orog gaurds knowing he would incur their wrath. But he would not back down, not now. This time, the devils inside Ug unleash on the devil before him.

ug deals a total of 105 damage, though how much bellyfat takes Ug doesn’t know.
Last edited December 31, 2018 6:41 pm


Attack 1 - (1d20+11)

(20) + 11 = 31

Attack 2 - (1d20+11)

(12) + 11 = 23

Attack 3 - (1d20+11)

(9) + 11 = 20

Straib - (1d100)

(38) = 38

Crit dismemberment - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Damage crit - (1d12+30)

(6) + 30 = 36

Extra crit damage roll - (1d12+9)

(12) + 9 = 21

Damage 2x - (2d12+18)

(124) + 18 = 34

Cold 3x and crit - (3d4+4)

(343) + 4 = 14

Dismemberment inspiration - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Dec 31, 2018 5:52 pm
Ras watches the scene unfold, unable to move. Paralyzing fear grips him as the demon grows and distorts and it is only Al's and Ug's attacks that make him remember to breathe.

This is the creature that killed his Nessa.
This is the creature that almost killed Ug.
This is the creature that is going to kill them all.

Ras's legs begin to shake as he watches the exchange between Al and Erevain. This is not how it was supposed to be! Tears streak down his face, but he is still unable to move.

What can he do? What can any of them do?
They were all going to die here.
Dec 31, 2018 5:58 pm
Completely focused on his enemy, Ug wades through the merregons with no regard to his own safety. The four nearest stand firm - for a moment. But against the fury of this raging goliath, they can only slow him down, especially when a flurry of arrows from Zenithral Help to clear his way. As unstoppable as a boulder tumbling down a mountain Ug pushes through the ranks, accepting their rain of blows and continuing on, ice-encrusted axe raised high.

The axe blade comes down, but instead of meeting devil flesh it smashes into one of Belhifet's closer guards as it intercepts the strike (Merregon 5 uses its Loyal Bodyguard trait to take the hit for Belhifet as a reaction.

More blows fall upon Ug as the merregons close in.

Relentless, the barbarian tries again, only to find that once more a bodyguard intercepts the blow (Merregon 6 also takes a hit for Belhifet using its reaction).

Bleeding from literally dozens of wounds, Ug puts all of his force into one final swing. Enemies tumble away as the enchanted axe whirls in the goliath's hands, and the blade sinks deeply into Belhifet's side (Ug's crit makes it through!). From the sheer force of the blow, a corona of ice explodes around Ug, covering the nearest merregons in a sheet of frost.

These fiendish warriors are not the orogs they once were, however. They shrug off the ice and raise their weapons once more.

After resistance, Ug takes 62 slashing damage. Still on his feet!!!


Merregon 1 vs Ug (4 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (56) + 6 = 17

2d20+6 : (112) + 6 = 19

2d20+6 : (152) + 6 = 23

2d20+6 : (418) + 6 = 28

Dmg to Ug - (3d12+12)

(621) + 12 = 21

Merregon 2 vs Ug (4 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (1412) + 6 = 32

2d20+6 : (38) + 6 = 17

2d20+6 : (910) + 6 = 25

2d20+6 : (137) + 6 = 26

Dmg to Ug - (2d12+8)

(121) + 8 = 21

Merregon 3 vs Ug (4 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (710) + 6 = 23

2d20+6 : (1019) + 6 = 35

2d20+6 : (154) + 6 = 25

2d20+6 : (64) + 6 = 16

Dmg to Ug - (2d12+8)

(512) + 8 = 25

Merregon 4 vs Ug (4 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (1316) + 6 = 35

2d20+6 : (24) + 6 = 12

2d20+6 : (1517) + 6 = 38

2d20+6 : (1510) + 6 = 31

Dmg to Ug - (3d12+12)

(6112) + 12 = 31

Merregon 5 vs Ug (3 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (131) + 6 = 20

2d20+6 : (1211) + 6 = 29

2d20+6 : (610) + 6 = 22

Dmg to ug - (2d12+8)

(52) + 8 = 15

Merregon 6 vs Ug (3 attacks, adv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (92) + 6 = 17

2d20+6 : (810) + 6 = 24

2d20+6 : (134) + 6 = 23

Dmg to Ug - (1d12+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Dec 31, 2018 6:01 pm
Alalla's answer to Zenithral is cut off as Belhifet begins his chanting. Al has felt pain of every kind, but nothing like this. It is worse than death, in some ways, because when the pain ends it leaves an emptiness behind that Al's mind struggles to comprehend.

When finally she stops screaming, she blinks as her body and mind slowly regains it's function. Only darkness greets her. Her eyes! Alalla reaches up to feel them, but they are whole. A few more blinks and they have adjusted to the light, as much as they can. She realizes that she would not be able to see at all were it not for the flaming wall, and the dim lava glow of Belhifet himself.

"No." Alalla pushes Erevain away from her and stands shakily. As he stands as well, she notices that he looks different. She staggers back and squints through the darkness. Everything looks slightly off, as much of it as she can see. Her armour shifts uncomfortably as she moves, and she realizes with a start that she is shorter, and probably slimmer, too.

"No!" She rips off a gauntlet and puts her hand beneath her hair. It's smooth and rounded. Al's fingers move to her mouth and confirm what her tongue and lips already knew: her tusks are gone, replaced by tiny canines. Alalla continues her searching and with every discovery her stomach drops farther.

To the party's view, Al looks like a subpar artist's interpretation of herself. Very close, but not quite right. It's more than just the effect of viewing her from a slightly different angle. Her lips aren't as full without her tusks propping them up- or have they also changed shape?- and the slope of her nose and angle of her cheekbones are different too.

Alalla staggers towards Zenithral. "I would have gone to Gruumsh," she mutters, mind reeling. "But now..." What her physical senses confirmed, her gut already knew. She is no longer Orcish. She is no longer her mother's daughter.

Alalla should be raging and screaming- on the inside if nothing else- but the flame of anger and worm of bloodlust in her heart are gone. Instead she feels empty and cold. "Where does half a soul go?"
Last edited December 31, 2018 6:44 pm
Dec 31, 2018 6:50 pm
Belhifet has torn away Alalla's orcish blood and heritage. She is no longer half orc. What exactly she is now remains to be seen. More on that later! The main ramification of this is that she is now free of Gruumsh; The One-Eyed God has no claim on her soul. How exactly Belhifet achieved this transformation is unknown.

Her madness and the weariness of resurrection have also somehow been removed.
Belhifet sneers. "You are fortunate to have had such an honorable husband. He will one day serve me well in Avernus, facing the horrors that you chose to ignore. But you have made your choice, yes? Good luck reining the orcs in now. Reap the chaos that you have sown, 'heroes'."

Just then, Ug breaks through the merregons and scores his vicious blow on Belhifet's hide. The archdevil's snarl rips through the night air, and Ug sees only death in Belhifet's eyes... but then the infernal creature vanishes. A lingering voice sounds in Ug's mind as the merregons close in. Having reneged on the third part of our agreement, you can expect I will do the same with the first two. Thank you for bringing your mother to my attention.

With their commander gone, the merregons stand at attention, completely unmoving.

The wall of flames dies.
Dec 31, 2018 8:14 pm
The army of monsters steps forward through the ash hesitantly. It would seem that leaders to take control of the army are in short supply.

The sky, lightening subtly for some time during the fighting, gives the first hints of dawn as the sun creeps over the crest of the Spine of the World far to the east.

Faced with the choice to either fight or flee, it takes the companions a moment to notice the heavy beat of great wings. The faintest fingers of light paint a silver glint on the wings of an approaching dragon.
Dec 31, 2018 8:15 pm
Aerihykloarara's echoing roar halts the army in its tracks as orcs, goblins, and others crane their necks to search the skies. A moment later the silver dragon lands within the parade grounds with a deafening crunch of ice. The party can see that her wings and neck droop with exhaustion, but she puts on a good show for the army, rearing up and releasing a stream of ice from her wide maw.

As the front line of the army bucked in fear, Aerihykloarara's long neck angles back towards the companions. "I can't take them all myself, you all look pretty rough. Fight them, or scare them? It won't be easy on the surrounding towns if they flee."
Jan 1, 2019 3:40 am
Alalla takes a deep breath. She has honed her skill of centering herself her whole life, but it surprises her how quickly her mind and emotions calm. She is still angry as well as hurt, but the feelings still obediently with the defiant part of her anger having been torn away. It's a relief, but comes with a fair amount of unease.

"We fight," she announces, retrieving her sword and axes. Maybe her death would still be best, but she had lost her head. Her friends have a duty to stop Belhifet, and she has a duty to lead them. She will not shirk.

Al bites off a curse as her armour shifts. She quickly begins work on tightening it to her new body. "Erevain, quick, help me with my straps."
Jan 1, 2019 7:12 pm
Player Phase round 1!
Here's the deal: skill challenge! If you guys were to go straight up against the army, you'd almost certainly lose. Tactics will play a bigger role here, so skills are weighted more heavily than attacks.

You guys need to rack up a total of 65 points. Here's how you get those points:

DC 16 skill check - pass, you gain 5 points. Fail, you get a complication determined by me at the end of the round.
One option for this is to make a 'tactics' check which will be proficiency +INT modifiers if your character has military knowledge. This is probably just for Al and Zen.

AC 14 - you get 1 point for each successful hit. You take 5 dmg for each miss.

Spell - you get points equal to the spell level plus one. So a cantrip would get you 1 point. A 1st level spell would get you 2, etc. No chance of failure with a spell.

As per usual with these challenges, you describe what the threat/event is and how you try to handle it. As examples, some threats/events could include: goblins, orcs, ogres, giants, wolves, spellcasters, archers, sheer numbers, fires, slow townsfolk, wounded militia, etc.

Allies: You do have some friends: the militia, Ulbrex, Erevain, and Aeri. Aeri, Erevain, and Ulbrex will get their own turns, while the militia are assumed to be mixed in with your turns. You guys can decide how to write them up (take turns, or assign them) or tell me in the chat what they should do and I'll write it up.

Every round, everyone (including allies) takes 10 damage, guaranteed. More might happen for missing attacks (as above) or from complications (determined by me).

Also, something must be done every round to keep the army from breaking away and going to pillage the countryside. You don't have to make a check, but one person will have to spend their action doing this every round. You can choose one person to always do this, or pass it around amongst you (including allies).

Hop to it!
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