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Jan 1, 2019 9:50 pm
Zenithral studies the oncoming army. Goblins, orcs, ogres, giants, wolves, spellcasters, archers...How will they approach as the group falls back through the city? Which enemies will use tact, and which will just charging recklessly? Predicting your enemy's movements is almost everything in tactics.

Zenithral thinks back to his time running through the city and turns to see their possible routes. He selects one that follows the edge of the town and points. Following the edge should prevent the enemy from flanking them on one side from the intelligent foes, while the relatively narrow space should bottle up the charging masses. "This way!"
+5 points
36/92 HP
Last edited January 1, 2019 9:53 pm


Insight - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Jan 1, 2019 10:11 pm
Seeing a small batallion set up a shield wall as they march down the street, Vincent charges the shield wall alone. A group of militia are hiding inside the buildings to either side. Vincent jumps higher than seemingly possible over the shield wall shadow tendrils trail behind him. Like a nightmare he lands and shouts, "Run or Die!"

The ranks break, and the group of militia with Vincent tear the small batallion apart from both sides.

Spent one ki point to double my jump.
HP:47/81 (+20 Ras healing)
Last edited January 1, 2019 11:02 pm


Intimidation to break ranks (with adv) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (15) + 7 = 22

1d20+7 : (3) + 7 = 10

Jan 1, 2019 10:55 pm
Alalla runs down a street, making a show of being tired and slow in her heavy armour. Come on, just a little farther. Where is that old sty? There! She darts into the dilapidated building and waits for the squad of orcs to follow her inside.

The orcs chuckle wickedly as she turns to face them, trapped and alone. Alalla lets out an orcish curse as she trips over broken furniture left when the place was abandoned. She can hardly see anything in the darkness. Al glances over her shoulder to look at the orcs. Only their reflective red eyes let her know they're there at all.

Al faces them and waits as long as she can, then turns away and runs directly at the wall. It is only immediately before she hits it with her prepared shoulder that she remembers she isn't built quite like she used to be. She slams into the rotting wood...

...and bursts through it into the alley on the other side. The whole building shakes, then collapses. Three rickety stories of wood and stone crush the orcs within.

Alalla goes to regroup with relief and satisfaction. Of all the things Poquelin took, her strength is not one of them.

+5 Points
Last edited January 2, 2019 8:56 pm


Strength - (1d20+10)

(2) + 10 = 12

Inspiration reroll - (1d20+10)

(15) + 10 = 25

Jan 1, 2019 10:59 pm
Before everyone runs off to do their own thing, Ras stands in the middle of the group and stretches out his hands above his little head. He lets out a sigh.

Not only did they not die, they have Aeri to help! He shoots the dragon a fond glance as she stomps around. He just needs to keep everyone safe, and everything will be fine.

His hands begin to glow and warmth floods out of them and into his friends. "Stay safe," he whispers as they break off to their own fights. "Please just stay safe."

Everyone gets 20HP

He runs over to Aeri and climbs on her back to get a better vantage point.

Continuing for Arei

As Ras crawls on her back, Aeri takes stock of the situation. How these small creatures have managed to survive is beyond her imagining. She watches them scatter and then faces the oncoming army and unleashes her breath weapon. A cone of cold blows over the incoming creatures.

DC 20 save, 58 damage on a fail
Last edited January 2, 2019 1:30 am


Mass Cure Wounds - (3d8+5)

(762) + 5 = 20

Breath weapon recharge - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 2, 2019 1:44 am
As the army moves into the city, Ug happens to find that Targos keeps a very large outhouse on top of a hill. With all his might he aims at an approaching ogre pushes with Goliath strength. He didn’t notice he was pushing on the door though and fell inside. The outhouse falls over and rolls down the hill in the wrong direction.
Last edited January 2, 2019 1:51 am


Athletics - (1d20+10)

(3) + 10 = 13

Jan 2, 2019 2:51 am
Erevain's quick hands help tighten Alalla's armor straps, and then the army is on their heels. Sweat marks his face from the recent ordeal but when Alalla makes for an abandoned structure, the elf nods and gives her a quick kiss, then leads several militia with him down another street, hoping to divide the horde multiple ways.

When he turns a corner and is out of sight of his group of orcs, Erevain pulls a rope from around his waist and utters an arcane incantation. The rope leaves his hand and stands straight up in the air, an invisible pocket dimension opening at the top. The elf leads his militia allies up, then pulls the rope up after them, hiding their presence.

When the group of orcs passes below, Erevain leads the ambush from above, and in moments a dozen enemies lie slain in the streets of Targos.

Casts Rope trick as a 2nd level spell, achieving 3 points.
Jan 2, 2019 3:22 am
Ulbrex lets out a deafening roar as the attacks enter HIS city. Seeing his people flee and the last remaining members of his army scatter for better defenses, Ulbrex goes on rampage mode. With his massive head and tail he stomps and knocks over buildings to strategically block off an endefended path to his people. He continues this strategy, while trying to crush and kill any enemies in his path.
Jan 2, 2019 3:42 am
The monstrous army is wary of the dragon, but large groups of foolish creatures should never be underestimated. When the defenders break and run for the town, the army howls and charges forward.

Where they might have expected an easy time pillaging the town, instead they find the place cunningly guarded. Though the defenders are few, they are mighty and resilient.

Under Zenithral's direction, they focus their efforts on drawing the enemy along the northern edge of Targos, along the bank of Maer Dualdon - a masterful ploy that not only confines the enemy to close quarters among the homes and warehouses there, but also cuts off the army's escape and allows the Targos townsfolk a clear path south to Bryn Shander. As the mayor dinosaur works to cut off the streets behind them, the army finds itself mired in guerilla warfare, trapped up against the body of the lake.

The fighting in the streets is brutal and heavy, but only for brief moments at a time as the defenders hit hard and then continue their retreat. At one point a group lingers too long in one place and is nearly surrounded, but Aeri and Ras arrive just in time to buy them some time with a storm of icicles from the silver dragon's mouth.

The town itself suffers from the harsh battle as buildings collapse - both by strategic purpose and on accident - but things go relatively well until disaster strikes. A group of ogres makes it past Ug's position and wanders into other areas, blundering into other defenders' well-laid plans.

Everyone except Vince takes 10 dmg. Ug takes only 5.


Random people affected by ogres - (3d8)

(773) = 17

Reroll 2nd 7 - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Jan 2, 2019 3:47 am
Round 2 Player Phase!!
31 points so far, I believe, which puts you almost halfway there.

Due to the random rolls above from Ug's complication, the following people have disadvantage on attacks and ability checks they attempt to do this round:


Basically whatever those people do this turn, ogres interrupt them in the middle of it, hence the disadvantage. Spells are still impossible to fail.

REMEMBER - one person again has to spend their action keeping the army in place somehow so they don't break and run!
Jan 2, 2019 4:13 am


Athletics - (1d20+10)

(9) + 10 = 19

Jan 2, 2019 5:56 am
Running along the snowy lakeside, Zenithral spots slight indentations in the snow. He slides to a halt, and swipes away some snow with his boot, revealing the lakeside to be frozen and covered with snow. Zenithral looks back at the orcs and lumbering ogres chasing them then smiles. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" He leads the group following him--including the enemy--further out over the freezing lake. The ice should be thick enough for normal humanoids, Zenithral judges, but ogres? The brutes and anyone running with them were in for a bone-chilling surprise.

(+10 points)
Last edited January 2, 2019 6:54 am


Survival - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Jan 2, 2019 2:35 pm
Vincent and his group of elites continue around the town looking for another chance to help. They quickly find a group of townsfolk trying to flee south, but hey don't see the group of Orc archers about to take aim.

Vincent casts fly on himself, and darts up and begins to fly circles around the archers.

Switching back and forth between Infernal and Abyssal, he shouts repeatedly, "I'm a distraction, look at me!"

Dodging the incoming arrows (and even catching one and sending it back into the Archer's shoulder), Vincent holds attention on him while his elites destroy the archers allowing the townsfolk to live, for now.

Vincent casts fly, and spends one Ki point to not take damage.
Last edited January 2, 2019 2:37 pm


Deflect missles - (1d10+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Deflect missles attack (disadvantage) - (1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (12) + 10 = 22

1d20+10 : (9) + 10 = 19

Deflect missles damage - (1d6+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Jan 2, 2019 5:13 pm
As the enemy continues to be outsmarted and defeated by the heroes and villagers, there is one dastardly frost giant still trying to cause mayhem.

Enervated and surfeited of the excessive drudgery of their not as now forlorn predicament. Ug besets the prodigious beast with an ingenious improvisational deed quite malapropos.

Ug leaps upon the moops back and strangled him with his loincloth.
Last edited January 3, 2019 2:00 am


Athletics - (1d20+10)

(6) + 10 = 16

Jan 2, 2019 7:01 pm
As more enemies swarm Ras and the exhausted Aeri, Ras uses what little magic he has left to cause spikes and thorns to come up from the ground. He knows it isn't much, but he hopes it will do something.

Ras casts Spike Growth

Aeri lashes out at the closest beasts, biting and clawing. Despite her tiny companion and her previous injuries, she manages to do some pretty impressive damage.
Last edited January 2, 2019 7:04 pm


Aeri bite attack - (1d20+13)

(7) + 13 = 20

Aeri claw attack 1 - (1d20+13)

(9) + 13 = 22

Aeri claw attack 2 - (1d20+13)

(17) + 13 = 30

Aeri bite damage - (2d10+8)

(79) + 8 = 24

Aeri claw damage 1&2 - (2d6+8, 2d6+8)

2d6+8 : (14) + 8 = 13

2d6+8 : (51) + 8 = 14

Jan 2, 2019 9:01 pm
A handful of orc priests look about in confusion as the Dale's howling wind seems to stop, though they can still see shutters on nearby houses slap against the windows. Then their eyes widen in alarm as they realize that one of their number is dead, slain by an elf warrior who appeared seemingly out of nowhere. As Erevain rips his sword free from the body, the other priests try to call upon Gruumsh for spells to smite or protect, but the magical silence robs the prayers of any chance to reach The One-Eyed God's ears. Meanwhile, Erevain moves among the priests as an utterly silent blur, and the wind's roar only returns after the priests' death cries have ended.

Erevain casts Silence, which nets the party 3 more points!
Jan 3, 2019 7:26 am
Long will this battle be remembered in the Ten Towns, as well as the heroes who fought on the side of Targos.

Ug, slayer of giants and outhouses, the mighty barbarian who worked himself nearly to death in defense of the town.

Alalla, the militia soldier returned with a blazing sword and a determination to match, who slew the orc chieftain herself in single combat. There are some dark rumors that muddy her name, however...

Zenithral, the arcane archer whose tactics and leadership are just as fine as his bowmanship.

Though few know his name, many townsfolk tip their glasses to that shadowed stranger who stood in their defense. Some say he wielded a bow, others a sword. Yet more tales say he killed orcs with his bare hands. One militia soldier claims to have seen the stranger rip the souls of his enemies free and turn them on their fellows - and not a one who saw the man fight can truly say they don't believe him capable of such a thing.

Of Ras they say little. While all acknowledge the fantastic magics that flew from the gnome's hands that night, the townsfolk always bow their heads in sorrow for the small hero, and for whatever unspoken reason it was that the druid seemed so heartbroken. "The fellow must have lost much," they say.

There are other tales, too, of a frightful creature of horns and fire that stood before the heroes, but even the militia soldiers who were there remain unsure of who or what it was. Given that there was a dragon present in the battle, and also the mayor's own magical transformation to giant beast, most folks chalk it up to confusion in the heat of battle.

Another rumor sometimes tickles the ears of some tavern patrons in the North, but in every instance it is immediately shut down, for who would believe such a tale? Zenithral, however, witnessed the truth of that moment...

When the ice covering the surface of Maer Dualdon breaks beneath the feet of monstrous soldiers, it is not only the cold waters that claim the lives of the enemy. Spears wielded by webbed hands stab up from the black depths of the lake, impaling orcs and goblins and pulling them down to the lake's embrace.

As one ogre struggles to pull itself up onto the ice, a wet figure breaks from the water to wrap a green arm around the ogre's neck. A glint of reflected light reaches Zenithral's keen eyes, and then the ogre suddenly sinks beneath the water, clutching at its torn throat. There is no further sign of the figure.

Had those been an elf's ears beneath a mop of wet hair? Zenithral finds himself remembering a certain sea elf by the name of Elisia. But that figure was not her, and she had been on the shores of Lac Dinneshere. Might there be more elves of her kind, spread out through the lakes of Icewind Dale? If so, they have kept their presence very secret for a very long time...

By the time the sun has fully risen above the Spine of the World, the monstrous army is finished. Surely there are some who deserted the army at some point during the long night and escaped into the Dale, but the bulk of the enemy forces will feed crows and vermin for months if the corpses are not taken care of. Additionally, there are some four-score prisoners taken - all of them orcs who when pressed threw down their weapons and surrendered, asking for the 'Daughter of Gruumsh'.

'Daughter of Gruumsh'... It is an unnerving title to bear in a human town, even for a hero. Though nobody dares openly accuse Alalla Blacksheaf of anything, the rumors flow freely through Targos.

With bodies, rubble, prisoners, and deserters to handle, there is much for the companions to do. However, Lord Ulbrec - properly restored to his human form - has made clear that he expects the heroes to meet with him as soon as possible for a debriefing. With his home and office destroyed, the mayor has taken a room at the Weeping Widow Inn, and there awaits the companions.
Everyone level uuuuuuup!!

Gosh, level 14. I briefly played a level 15 character, but beyond that I have so little experience DMing or playing these high levels. But you guys rock! I'm so excited to see how much awesomer your characters get by the end of this thing.
Jan 3, 2019 1:11 pm
With the fighting finally done, Alalla sways slightly. It's been a very long time since she has rested, and her... self still hurts from all she has endured. She wishes for her glaive to lean on, but she isn't about to ask Erevain for it at this juncture.

Alalla lets it all go with a sigh, then straightens. "Its time make our report to the mayor," she tells the group. "Remember, you never knew about me," she warns quietly. "Just let me handle that. And that..." She frowns and gestures in the general direction of where the orc prisoners are being kept.

One thing at a time... Is the fact that she is able to release her building irritation quicker than she usually can actually a relief, if that fact causes irritation? One thing at a time!

Al smooths her face and emotions to stillness and heads to the inn to speak with the mayor.
Last edited January 3, 2019 1:14 pm
Jan 3, 2019 1:39 pm
Vincent takes a look at Al with his magical gaze. Looking to see if the curse he saw earlier still lingers as he follows her to the Inn.

"At least the Inn should be a good place to rest for a few minutes."

As he tags along Vincent keeps an eye out for any sign of Pomfab.


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Investigation inspiration - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Jan 3, 2019 7:17 pm
The inn's common room is cleared of patrons and servers. Scuffs mark the floor from where some fighting took place earlier, and though the bodies have been removed there are still several stains on the floor that need cleaning.

Lord Ulbrec sits at one of the unbroken tables. He still wears his dirty armor, and his face is lined with weariness and grief. He blinks it away as best he can when the companions enter, however. "Thank you for coming. I know we are all exhausted from the battle, but there are some things we must discuss. Please, have a seat."

When the party is situated, Ulbrec lets out a heavy sigh. "Targos stands. Barely. I don't know if any of the Ten Towns has ever survived an attack on this scale before, but today Targos stands, thanks to you all."

He pulls off his gauntlets and looks down at his battered fingers. He lightly touches his wedding ring. "Alalla, you informed me of this Poquelin's actions before. You all have had dealings with him, and must know him better than anyone. Where has he gone? What will his next step be? Will he return with another army? What does he want?"
Jan 3, 2019 7:57 pm
Alalla doesn't sit, and instead stands at attention before the mayor's table. "I don't think he'll be back soon, my lord." Her heart aches at the pain on her mayor's face, and her own wedding ring burns where it hangs around her neck. She avoids looking at Erevain. She has to be calm right now. "I think Poquelin came here to pressure me into dealing with him," she admits with shame. So many dead, and it is all her fault. "I think he expects me to come to him now, and I've walked into all his plots so far, so Targos probably doesn't need to worry. For now. Whatever Poquelin is planning, it means bad things for the entire North.

As for your other questions..."
She shakes her head, then stops abruptly and puts a hand to her forehead. "Ugh... I mean-" Al clears her throat and stands at attention once more, shrugging off the budding headache. "I'm not nearly clever enough to speculate."
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