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Jan 25, 2019 11:56 pm
The room Zenithral enters looks like it was once a bedroom. A smashed wooden bed frame lies in one corner, and there is a large wardrobe against one wall.

The building rumbles as an explosion rocks the outside. A fireball from Malavon? Or the sound of the other umber hulk crashing through a wall below?

"Well now!" A voice from nearby makes Zenithral jump - or would have, if the archer were not already held aloft by his wings. The half-elf sees no one, however. "You look like you're in a spot of trouble, friend. 'Malavon's rage' was a well-known disaster even before the wizard was capable of penning his own spells." A dark chuckle follows.

Zenithral recognizes that voice. Of course, out of all the people the multiverse could have sent his way in a time of need, it would have to be the drow merchant Nym.
Jan 25, 2019 11:56 pm
"I could help you escape his wrath - for a fair price, of course." Zenithral is sure he can hear the smile on the invisible drow's face.
Jan 26, 2019 12:06 am
Zenithral glowers. "And what price would that be?" he hisses quietly. "I have nothing on me but the bow."

(If it's another round, Zenithral takes the Dodge action)
Last edited January 26, 2019 12:06 am
Jan 26, 2019 1:09 am
"Bow? Ah, yes. You mean that bow. The one I sold to your pretty companion, if I recall." Nym sighs at the memory. "It is a rather remarkable item, procured at great expense. I probably parted with it too quickly. Still, it's worth less than your life, isn't it? I would account it a sufficient trade - and I will even hold onto it for later, should you come by the means to purchase it back."

A *pop* sounds outside - the umber hulk has returned from its extraplanar jaunt.

Nym gasps dramatically. "Better decide soon, kid. I don't dance with Malavon's trained umber hulks."
Jan 26, 2019 1:17 am
"It's no use to me if I'm dead and I'm no use if I'm dead either," Zenithral agrees quickly. "Help me escape and it's yours."
Last edited January 26, 2019 1:25 am
Jan 26, 2019 1:29 am
"As you say!" Nym whispers. "Quickly, drink this." A potion appears on the floor.

And then there is silence. Complete and utter silence, as though Zenithral has been struck deaf. It is so eerily complete that the half-elf almost loses his balance, as if without his full senses he loses his bearings.

The potion sits on the floor, waiting.
Jan 26, 2019 1:47 am
I'm going to regret this, aren't I? He stumbles, crouches down, throws his head back, and drinks the potion.
Last edited January 26, 2019 1:48 am
Jan 26, 2019 6:08 am
The potion is one of invisibility. Before his eyes, Zenithral's hands vanish from view.

And none too soon. A nearby wall explodes as an umber hulk bursts through. The effect of sound being entirely gone is beyond surreal. Even the vibrations are missing, making it seem almost like Zenithral is floating rather than standing. He nearly swoons as the umber hulk charges past him and busts through the bedroom door, then vanishes from sight.

But now where is it? Where is the other one? They could be anywhere, even ripping down the wall behind him, and he would never know until it was too late.

A tug on his arm reveals the presence of another invisible being - presumably Nym. The drow pats his arm as if in reassurance, but also to keep track of him.

It is for an interminably long time that Zenithral and Nym stay motionless, masked by magic to be invisible and unheard. Zenithral can barely even feel his own heartbeat. At one point he sees dust fall from the ceiling, and looking up sees an umber hulk twitching it's mandibles only a few feet away. A flash of light from outside draws the creature away.

When the silence recedes, Zenithral finds his senses suddenly assaulted. The movement of air through the cave echoes harshly in his ears as his perception once again gains depth. His heart pounds in his chest, each beat pummeling him like the punch of an ogre.

And he cannot move.

Nym appears in front of Zenithral, sweeping a fantastic cloak behind him as he does so. "Yes, that particular potion was not just of invisibility. But make no mistake, I fully intend to honor our bargain." He pulls the bow from Zenithral's rigid grasp, then holds it up to admire. "As promised, I will keep you from Malavon's hands... as there is another here who I know will pay me handsomely for you - more than that boring archwizard."

He leans forward and pats Zenithral's cheek none too gently. "Nothing personal, Zenithral. I simply wouldn't respect myself if I didn't take advantage of a good business opportunity."

Zenithral's vision goes blurry, but he takes satisfaction in one thing: he managed to concentrate on the banishment spell for its full duration. Ginafae Despana, wherever she is, has escaped her brother.

His consciousness abandons him.
To be continued in Chapter 6!

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