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Jan 26, 2019 7:10 pm
To increase the amount of players willing to play your new system, I suggest trying some free or cheap system. I have listed plenty of free games on my resources page (as usual, if a link is broken, notify me so I can fix it or remove it).
Jan 26, 2019 7:14 pm
I've never played a horror RPG before. Is Trail Cthulhu easy to learn? How do CoC and ToC differ (I have zero knowledge of both).
Jan 26, 2019 7:26 pm
Falconloft says:
Okay, so I've got several different settings inside ToC to choose from. I need feedback so I know which one to prep.

1) Standard 1920's Purist Cthulhu. You rarely survive, but the slide into insanity is fun.
2) 1930's The Mundaneum. It's a library with the goal of storing ALL human knowledge. Including the type that's not meant to be known, yes. More of a pulp feel to this one. You'll survive longer and can fight back to some extent.
3) Date Unknown. You wake up on a dead starship. The longer you're awake, the more you hope it's really completely dead.

P.S. As soon as the server lets me create a game, I'll invite everyone and we can discuss there since this thread might be one that's useful for other people since there's a growing list of available games.
I personally like the first option better, but purists games do tend to be shorter, for obvious reasons. If you want to make a longer campaign, then the second option might be better. Either way, I'm up for anything related to Trails!
campeador says:
I've never played a horror RPG before. Is Trail Cthulhu easy to learn? How do CoC and ToC differ (I have zero knowledge of both).
Some things are different like skills, that are handled in different values, but most importantly, you have to make checks to gather clues in CoC while in ToC, simply having skill points in an (investigative)skill grants you the clue. ToC also "amplifies" the sanity system with stability. While CoC is more akin to a normal RPG, ToC shrugs away the actual clue collection to focus on their analysis.

Both are excellent, in my opinion, but I prefer ToC for the reasons I specified. :)
Jan 26, 2019 7:30 pm
I like the 1920's version best. And just being that era doesn't necessarily mean you have to get killed off right away.
Jan 26, 2019 8:00 pm
I'm fine with any of them, as I am new the ToC set up I'm happy to dive in on anything. I started reading up on the rules and it sure is different but it seems manageable and more effective for PBP gaming.
Jan 26, 2019 9:19 pm
Good to see more Cthulhu goodness coming to GP. I have three campaigns for CoC running currently and always looking for fresh blood. if anyone gets the bug, drop me a line.
Jan 26, 2019 9:25 pm
Falconloft, will you be looking for characters who are experienced investigators or just regular folks who get caught up in something?
Jan 26, 2019 11:35 pm
That's one thing I've yet to decide on. We'll need to discuss that in the game thread.

On that note, I've sent out invites to people who I was 100% sure were on board. If I missed you, send me a PM so I can invite you. I can probably do a max of three more.
Last edited Jan 26, 2019 11:40 pm
Jan 27, 2019 12:00 am
I just accepted it, Falcon! Weirdly, heads up to everyone else, I didn't get any notification, but you can still accept the invite if you access the game.

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