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Apr 10, 2019 1:33 pm
In spite of the happy event just completed, Halla's face darkens as the subject turns back to the matters at hand. "Handling that woman will be difficult. Even with the Great Oak strengthening me, she would have overpowered me if not for help from unusual sources. Aerihykloarara, for one. Mirek and his posse helped as well, though things quickly grew out of hand there."

The druid rubs her eyes. When I sensed someone powerful enter the town I sent the twins into hiding with Father Tulfgyr. The old dwarf and I might have had our disagreements in the past, but I knew he would keep the children safe.

After some time fighting, Ilmadia grew frustrated that she could not kill me, and so struck out at Great Oak itself."
Halla turns to look up at the blackened scar running the length of the tree. "It caused some sort of backlash, and I passed out. That was when Aerihykloarara arrived, fortunately, or I would surely be dead.

I woke to find the woman gone, and then rushed to find the twins. I arrived too late, for Mirek and his hunters had found them first. They said they found Harmony and Valiance standing over Father Tulfgyr, who was dead on the floor. They claimed Mona was chanting over the body, working some hellish magic."

Halla puts her face into her hands again. "I do not believe they did it. They would not have! Perhaps Ilmadia had an ally who struck Tulfgyr down, and Mona was trying to help the dwarf. Or worse, perhaps one of the hunters slew the dwarf. They did not let me examine the Father's body." She takes a deep breath. "Whatever the truth, the hunters attacked the twins, but they managed to flee. I have searched for them with every means at my disposal, to no avail."

She squeezes Zenithral's hand. "I am sorry, husband. I promised I would protect them, and I failed!"
Apr 10, 2019 5:29 pm
Alalla sighs, rubbing her face. "Those blood hunters! They'll become the monsters they're hunting if they don't watch themselves. Maybe they already are," she says quietly, referring to the Father's death. "I may not be orcish any longer but-" She cuts herself off and sniffs her arm. She sneezes violently, then curses. "I'm not orcish any longer. It's lucky the whole town reeks of fiend, or else they would have been after me as soon as I arrived. Still, it's only a matter of time." Al taps her glaive on the ground and smiles grimly. "Maybe having their behinds handed to them would teach them something."

Having braced herself against the rush of bloodlust sure to come with that idea, Al is surprised when it doesn't come. Surprised, but relieved too.

"They might make a good militia though, with a good commander to whip them into shape." Alalla smiles and raises an eyebrow at Zenithral. "I'm assuming you no longer plan to leave the North like your mother asked?" She sighs again. "How do we deal with a woman like her?"
Last edited April 10, 2019 5:33 pm
Apr 10, 2019 9:45 pm
Zenithral's expressions turn from shock to relief. Zenithral puts his arm around his wife. "You have not failed, dearest. I would call your efforts a success. If there is anyone to blame among us, it is me, for revealing their location...It's just...Ilmadia seemed so shocked, so afraid for them, as though they were in such great danger from being here. Regardless, there is a great chance they are well. Such would not be the case if you hadn't defended them."

"As for the Father, I don't believe for a moment that they would have killed him. Mona has the power to heal...or at least the power to take other's wounds upon herself similar to that of Ilmatari. When Erestor stabbed me, she took the injury instead. Lance, on the other hand, has the power to kill...He did so with Erestor...I don't believe he would have hurt him either, but have spent more time with them than I."

Zenithral rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Is Orrick here? He may have a spell that could help us locate them. If not, perhaps the Great Oak may provide you or Ras the power to reincarnate the Father as he did with Nessa. If we can talk to him, he may provide the truth."

Zenithral shies away from Alalla's suggestion of being a commander, but then grimaces, shrugs, and tilts his head side to side in agreement "Perhaps, though I'm not sure we have the time for that at the moment"

Zenithral shakes his head shamefully. "Her end of the bargain wasn't met, so I stay. All things considered, it's actually rather fortunate Malavon tried to kill us all, otherwise...I likely would have left...The vows I have now, however, will prevent me from making any more such foolhardy promises in the future."
Last edited April 10, 2019 9:47 pm
Apr 10, 2019 9:53 pm
"Good." Alalla thumps her glaive to emphasize the word. "We are so much lesser without you. As for the twins," she smacks her forehead with her palm, "it will be easy to learn where the twins are with the Heartstone Gem. It can tell us the truth of events, too. Let the Father rest with the Morning Lord." Her dreadlocks click as she bows her head and touches the holy symbol at her belt, then she looks around a bit sheepishly.

"Ras can take care of that while we make plans for Ilmadia. She certainly seems to care for her children. So why ally herself with one she knows will put them in danger? At least we have an excuse to get her alone. A date, actually. Can we ambush her?" Alalla frowns. "I'm sorry, Zenithral. All of our families have faced hardship in this, but none of ours are as mired in it as yours."
Last edited April 10, 2019 10:01 pm
Apr 10, 2019 10:00 pm
Erevain's brow furrows and he looks out over the town, green eyes tracing the paths that wind between and around massive roots. "Mirek and the others were not meant to walk such a dark road. Whatever part they play in the troubles ahead, I hope that their invited darkness does not swallow the light we aim to protect."

The elf nods to himself, then shoulders his pack and straightens his armor and weapons. He looks at the others. "The blood hunters may have an edge with their new abilities, but I have some tools of my own. At the very least, I can keep an eye on Mirek. If they find the children, or cause any other trouble, it will be good for us to know."

His lips brush Alalla's in a kiss, then he claps Zenithral on the shoulder and gives Reòthadh a small bow. "I shall be about." He heads away, cloak pulled tight around him.
Apr 10, 2019 11:12 pm
"Bullies they are, with a bloodlust unfit for man. They may be brave, but a dwerf reckons they would bend under pressure if pressed for further answers. A dwerf thinks they haven’t told all there is to tell."

Tightening his gauntlets and looking over his gear, the dwarf indicates that he would be willing to help in interrogating the blood hunters.

"Every family has its problems eh? Me ma tried ta set me on fire when I was a young’n because a dwerf was too icy to the touch. Pa took me to the tundra that day an a dwerf didn’t return until Dorn’s Deep called fer his aid. This dwerf will help yeh do what needs be done Zen, even if it’s a hard choice."
Apr 11, 2019 1:37 am
"And I thought my family was strange." Alalla shakes her head. "Let's not play too rough until they give us a better reason to. Erevain is watching them, and we have other things we need to do anyway. I'm sure it won't be long until you have your opening though." She smiles at the dwarf.
Apr 11, 2019 12:02 pm
In regards to Orrick, Halla shrugs. "I have not seen the wizard since before our trip to the Hand. 'Tis the way of bookish sorts to hide themselves away from the world and its problems. Whatever they find most interesting in a dusty old tome occupies all of their attention."

She taps her lower lip with a finger. "Ilmadia is a powerful foe, but not invulnerable. Should reason fail, I believe that together we have a chance of subduing her." A small growl escapes the druid. "So long as we can keep her from magically escaping. She is capable of teleporting great distances, that one."
Apr 11, 2019 12:37 pm
The group's discussion is interrupted by the beat of familiar wings as Aerihykloarara arrives. The silver dragon lands on a root nearby, careful not to damage the wood with her claws, and then assumes her gnomish form. To everyone's surprise, she greets them each with a fond hug, and plants a kiss on the top of Ras' bald head.

"Hello, friends! You missed all the excitement. A woman with hair like Zen's came and tried to pick a fight with Halla. Bad idea! That druid fights like a dragon! (You fight like a dragon, druid! But not like a dragon-druid. That would just be weird.) Anyway, we sent her packing. Glad to see you're all not dead! Especially you, Ras. Is that a wedding arch?"
Apr 11, 2019 3:03 pm
"Of course! I had forgotten the Gem...that is, after all, why the Hand is now a destroyed mess...

"At any rate, I believe I am prepared to do what needs to be done, though I would still like to learn her motivations, as they may be key to taking out the Enemy.

"Preventing her escape via teleportation is the largest concern. I wish I had another of those arrows Nym had me use on Malavon's simulacrum...or whatever other item he used that seemed to prevent Malavon's escape..."
Zenithral's eyes suddenly widen in shock. He releases Halla's hand and puts both hands on the back of his head. "Malavon's sister! He seemed to imply he had found her again. She might be trapped in his demiplane again! She said he'd leave her in there sometimes for months at a time, though, so she likely has ways to survive though...so that can wait...we'll almost certainly need Orrick's help for that..."


"Ah, Aeri! Indeed it is," Zenithral says, wrapping his arms around Halla once more. "Yes, that was my mother...Now you can hate both of my parents too. We're off to...meet her...in a few days time. Important question, though: Did she try to kill my wife, or simply incapacitate her?"
Last edited April 11, 2019 3:41 pm
Apr 11, 2019 3:30 pm
Aeri looks back and forth between the Zenithral, Halla, and the flowered arch. Her hand raises to cover her lips and her eyes twinkle. "Your wife! Well, isn't that just the sweetest? Because your family life wasn't crazy enough already, Zenithral?"

She snickers, but then her eyes fall on the Great Oak's scar and she sobers up slightly. "Yes, that woman in the black armor - your mother, which I figured out myself - didn't seem to care who or what was in her way." Aeri sniffs. "Until I arrived, of course. Then she thought twice. But she certainly seemed ready to kill to get what she wanted."
Apr 11, 2019 11:32 pm
"We have to assume she'll kill us if she gets the chance, though it appears she's gone to great pains to keep Zenithral safe. Erevain can use his spell to quiet her like he did those drow priestesses. If he can get into the cave first, he can use his rope trick to hide the two of us and wait for her to arrive. She'll want to talk to you, Zenithral, so you can position her beneath us. Then Erevain can cast his spell, and I'll drop down and restrain her. Reothadh can help if necessary, but it may be better to keep him outside the circle of silence so he can cast spells. Either way, he'll be on hand to assist as necessary." Alalla looks Zenithral in the eye. "I'll leave the call about what to do next to you." Her face is stern and serious, but it also says, "I trust you."

She turns to Halla. "Will you be joining us?" Al arcs an eyebrow. "Mistress... Melerelel?"
Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm
Aeri and Ras step off to one side to speak softly while the group discusses plans. A minute later Ras pulls out the Heartstone Gem and communes quietly with it for a several long moments. The druidic artifact pulses brightly, then flickers.

The small gnome tucks the Gem away, then approaches the group and informs them that he cannot locate the twins. Either they have been safeguarded against the artifact's powerful divinations (no easy feat), or they are on a different plane of existence.

Ras explains that there are other spells he can cast through the Gem to piece together what might have happened, but it may be a lengthy process. Most magic of this sort will answer only 'yes' or 'no' questions.
Apr 12, 2019 12:13 pm
Halla rolls her eyes at Alalla. "'Tis a better name than 'Halla the Witch.'"

She pauses to think a moment, looking up at the Great Oak, then nods. "I will come. But only on one condition."

The woman lets go of Zenithral's hand and moves to pick up a wooden staff that is leaning against a root. She approaches Ras. She kneels down to look the small druid in the eye. "I can see that you need some rest from the world and its troubles, and few things are more calming and strengthening than tending to the Great Oak - and its people." She nearly chokes on those last words. "If you will care for the tree and town for a time, assume the role of Archdruid of Kuldahar, then I will be free to remain at my mate's side during the trials ahead." She shakes her head sadly. "I learned much in the last few months alone, and I believe I am a better person for it. But I have also, perhaps, betrayed the trust of the town. They need the guidance of one wiser than I, and you, dear Ras, are the wisest of us all." She holds out the staff to him.

Ras barely manages a nod, and accepts the staff.
Apr 12, 2019 1:25 pm
Upon hearing that the twins are possibly on another plane of existence, Zenithral shoots Alalla a worried glance. "If the Heartstone Gem can't give us answers, perhaps the Father wouldn't mind waking up from his nap with the Morning Lord...?" he asks hopefully.


Zenithral blinks. He certainly wasn't expecting Halla to abandon the town. But no, she certainly wasn't abandoning the town. She was right; Ras was part of the town as much as she was. Who better to tend to it? And he should know that she wouldn't settle for getting married only to have Zenithral run off again.

"Hunting down your new mother-in-law!" Zenithral says jokingly. "Now that's what I call a honeymoon, eh?"
Last edited April 12, 2019 1:26 pm
Apr 12, 2019 3:51 pm
"Perhaps..." Alalla says to Zenithral. "There are still more ways the Gem can give us answers, though. I'd rather exhaust those before we wake the Father. He may not want to be woken."

She rubs her temples. "We'll need clear heads to work through the questions to ask the Gem, and I have to admit, I'm distracted- and I have the least reason to be." Al attempts a jovial wink at Zenithral and Halla, but they can tell she is worn. "Let's take some time to ponder, then get back to it in the morning. The Gem and Ras both need time to recharge anyway."

She hesitates briefly, then wraps Zenithral and Halla both in a hug. "Congratulations," she murmurs before pulling away. "If anyone needs me, including those hunters, I'll be at the temple."
Last edited April 12, 2019 3:52 pm
Apr 12, 2019 3:58 pm
"If the gem can’t give us the answers needed to find the children, mayhaps the gem could reveal the nature of the dwarf’s death; his blood must find rest. How will we proceed?"

The elderly dwarf has a look of sorrow as he contemplates who has murdered the Father. Cut off in his prime, this one did all he could to protect those with him. A dwerf will do his best to bring justice.
Last edited April 12, 2019 4:05 pm
Apr 12, 2019 10:07 pm
Halla can't help but return Zenithral's smile, but there is more than a hint of predator in her own grin. "Now that I have seen some of her tricks, Ilmadia will not have such an easy time facing us."

She turns to the rest of the group. "Well, it seems that we have reached some decisions today. I suggest that you all take some time to recover from your latest journey."
From here on in this Kuldahar visit let's use colors to distinguish where and what the companions are doing.
Apr 12, 2019 10:37 pm
Alalla's short journey to the Temple of Ilmater is unusually quiet. The townsfolk, who on most occasions are cheerful, are reclusive. The few who wander outside keep their cowls up against the unwelcome chill in the air.

The Temple itself is much busier. Brother Gus and the other Ilmatari have moved in, cleaning and restoring the place from the neglect it has suffered in the absence of any true adherents. They seem haunted by the troubles they experienced in Dorn's Deep, and give Alalla a wide berth.
Apr 13, 2019 12:08 am
Wandering back to town, the dwarf ponders all that has happened recently. How quickly the lines have blurred as allies and families choose sides and taking their stance, betrayal a common theme. His companions, those he traveled with before he had been frozen in the lake, were much alike to the ones he traveled with now; their hopes and dreams bore much resemblance and their determination to stop the overstepping of evil was what had inspired him to side with both groups. Though successful in stopping the dreaded necromantic dragon, almost all were lost in the effort. Would he once again lose his companions in their efforts to save the North? Could he truly make a difference and prevent his companions from losing their lives? As the dwarf ambled through the streets he finds himself looking up at a blacksmith’s door. Curious as to why he has been led here by his subconscious, the dwarf enters with care as he looks over the antiques and quality work of the local smith. His eyes slowly taking in the artistry and craftsmanship, the elderly dwarf’s eyes pause upon a blade still glistening as if it were 300 years ago.
Last edited April 13, 2019 12:10 am
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