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Apr 19, 2019 3:49 pm
"Keggruk!" Alalla reaches out and claps the orog on both large arms. "I thought I had done well bringing a hundred orcs under my banner in Targos." She gestures around them. "I had no idea you were busy showing me up!" She turns to her human entourage. "This is Mirek and his blood hunters. They're from Kuldahar. You must forgive their anxiety. Kuldahar has suffered another attack since I sent my letter to you."
Last edited April 19, 2019 4:19 pm
Apr 19, 2019 7:35 pm
"A dwerf follows, lead the way to the fallen Father."

Grateful for the hunters change of attitude, the dwarf turns his thoughts once more to the mysterious murder. The longer he thinks about it l, the less he feels he understands. Hoping the body might bring more answers than questions he tries to make small talk with the hunters to ease his thoughts for the time being.

"A fine day, if only a dwerf were a young’n once more, he might be hunting jacks or foxes through the light snow."
Apr 19, 2019 11:05 pm
Keggruk nods. "Yes. There are many tribes scattered throughout these mountains, and not all of them answered Poquelin's call. We have made ourselves busy spreading word of the Daughter of Gruumsh, who slew the One-Eyed God's avatar." The towering orog chuckles. "But for all of the changes you see here, I see more in you. What did you to yourself, Alalla?"

When she mentions the attack on Kuldahar, Keggruk's expression darkens. "Did that elf assassin lead another raid?"
Apr 19, 2019 11:47 pm
Alalla shakes her head. "Erestor is dead. The attack was by his wife, as it happens. But let's talk inside. It's been a long few days, and I'd like to sit down somewhere the wind isn't blowing on me."
Apr 20, 2019 12:12 am
"As you say, Cagebreaker." He holds the tent flap open. "There is no room for the villagers, however. Will they be alright waiting outside? I can have a fire lit for them."
Apr 20, 2019 12:47 am
"They will have to be. I'm testing them as much as the tribe by bringing them here. But a fire and some food, if you have it to spare, would go a long way. As I said, they've had a rough go if it."

Alalla turns to the humans. "I will be a while, Mirek. Call if you need me, but I trust these people. If you don't want to stay, I'll fill you all in back in Kuldahar."
Last edited April 20, 2019 3:06 am
Apr 20, 2019 12:58 am
"Not to worry, Halla, Zenithral says with a wink. "Saki doesn't bite...much."

Zenithral turns to his grandfather and looks him in the eye. "It's certainly been a while." Zenithral recounts the tale of his adventures thus far, not going into too much detail unless Arannis stops him. He tells him about Easthaven, the visions, the attacks on the way to Kuldahar and the attack on Kuldahar, the Vale of Shadows, Erestor, the yuanti, Bilewing, and then the Hand of Selandrine.

"...Erestor told me it was to save Ilmadia, so I went. We ascended the towers and the magic there replayed visions of the past. The attacks there...and those who were waiting for you...If you'd rather not discuss the happenings during that time, I shan't blame you...I have my own share of...regretful times...as a militia Captain in Bryn Shander..."
Last edited April 20, 2019 4:39 am
Apr 20, 2019 2:41 am
Mirek looks at his hunters, there at the orcs. Finally he shrugs. "We can make our own fire." He draws his sword and draws the edge across his own palm. Strangely, the wound bleeds... fire instead of blood. He the sword into the ground before him. It erupts into bright orange flames. He lets go of the hilt and leaves the sword to burn, then settles down in its warmth. "Some food would be appreciated though."

His hunters, encouraged by the light, sit down as well. Several orcs step into the light, but remain standing. Still, it doesn't look as though the two groups will begin stabbing each other any time soon.
Apr 20, 2019 3:26 am
It will do. Al sticks her glaive into the snow outside, then gives a nod and smile- close-lipped as is her way- to the orcs around the tent before she enters.

Once within the tent she stretches, then ruffles her dreadlocks with a sigh. "I suppose I should start with this," Alalla says to Keggruk and Chaide, gesturing to herself. "The short story is that I made a bad call. A fatal one. I allowed the devil to gain the higher ground and he took advantage. I was duelling the war chief of the army outside of Targos and I went for an opening I shouldn't have. I died.

My mate made a deal with Poquelin to return me to life in exchange for setting me up for a meeting with Belhifets mistress. A small, reasonable request, surely. In fact, it led to a sequence of events that resulted in him making another deal. The orcish parts of me ripped away, in exchange for his soul."

Erevain is truly forgiven, and she had told herself she had made peace with it, but now in the presence of the man who had inspired her crusade, Alalla is almost surprised that her hands are steady as she pulls her hair back for them to see her human ears. She grimaces too, showing them her unremarkable canines.

"Poquelin- Belhifet- wanted me to raise him an orcish army to serve him in the hells. This is the price for my rebellion. I'm orcish in much of my upbringing and culture... but not in blood. Not anymore."

She ignores the lump in her throat and continues matter-of-factly. "What's more," Al parts her hair to reveal her horns for the second time tonight, "he replaced the missing pieces with fiend. Erevain amputated my tail, but the horns keep growing."
Last edited April 20, 2019 3:29 am
Apr 20, 2019 1:40 pm
Kaleel and the other hunters lead Reothadh back into Kuldahar. While they are not cold towards the dwarf, they are not particularly pleased by the conversation either. Kaleel’s reply is a frustrated grunt. "The problem is that there shouldn’t be light snow here. The Great Oak’s circle of warmth should be keeping this sort of weather out. This ground hasn’t seen snow in centuries – perhaps even thousands of years."

hey eventually come to a small shed near to a large pile of debris that must have once been a house. "The man who lived here died in the orog attack. The house was never rebuilt, because the town focused on fixing up the homes of the living first." Kaleel gestures to the shed. "The Father’s body is in there. The smell has surely set in by now, so you might want to cover your nose."
Apr 20, 2019 2:03 pm
Arannis listens intently to Zenithral’s words, fine elven brow furrowed with concentration. When the visions are mentioned the older elf frowns. "You should tell your grandmother of these visions. Later. Please continue."

With every mention of Erestor his expression grows darker. "That man… I should never have let him near to Ilmadia. But then, keeping her from something she wants has always been a problem."

When Zenithral first mentions the Hand, Arannis’ eyes widen. In shock? In fear? "No! You went to that place? It is a death trap… And the… creatures… there. Better that they were ghosts." The elf puts his head in his hands and pulls at his hair – one of the most overt displays of emotion Zenithral has ever seen from his grandfather. It is some time before Arannis can articulate his desires. "What did you find? Was Ilmadia there? Sometimes she would retreat to that place, because she knew I would never follow her inside…"
Apr 20, 2019 2:12 pm
Chaide rubs her tusks with thumb and forefinger as she listens. When Alalla shows her physical changes, the older orc woman reaches out to touch Alalla's round ears and peer at her teeth, then stares deeply into her eyes as if searching for something. "Your orc blood is entirely gone... But what of your bond to the One-Eyed God? Does he still hold sway in your heart?"
Apr 20, 2019 3:22 pm
Al blinks her slit-pupiled eyes in surprise at Chaide's handling but does not object.

"No. Gruumsh has no power over or claim on me any more. That was my husband's goal, and he managed that, at least, though Poquelin's method was not what he anticipated or wanted. But Erevain's fear for me made him hasty."

Despite her request to sit, Alalla paces the tent. "Belhifet is cunning, crafty. I only mentioned my mate's involvement by name so you could see how easily he manipulates people. Even without that, he is powerful. My friends and I can't defeat him alone."

She stops and unhooks the metal disk from the side of her belt. She shows Keggruk and Chaide the holy symbol of Torm. The gentle reverence with which she does so surprises her. "I turned to the god Torm for aid, and he answered. I've sworn myself as a paladin in his service, and he has promised his help both with Belhifet, and with my plans for the orcish people.

Any orc who enters his service as a knight or clergy member can find escape from Gruumsh for their soul. I don't know if that will free them from Gruumsh's influence and attempts to control them, but living according to Torm's precepts and serving him will free them from Nishrek. Formally following Torm is not a solution for all of our people, of course, but his teachings will help them all toward peace and civilization, and he has promised his assistance in my quest."

Al looks at the two orcs with determination. "I have sworn as part of my oaths to Torm that I will never stop looking for a way to free all orcs who forsake Gruumsh. I may not be orc blood, but my mother was Shelur of the Crushing Hand, and these are my people. I will fight for my place as chieftess. I will fight for our people."
Last edited April 24, 2019 4:42 pm
Apr 20, 2019 4:16 pm
Zenithral shakes his head gravely and speaks softly. "She was not there...but her new twins were hidden there--my half siblings. Half devils. Erestor wanted me to help him kill them...but I couldn't kill innocent children!" Zenithral takes a deep breath. "We fought. He would have killed me, but I tried to summon my familiar as a last resort, and the Nine Hells broke loose. If it weren't for the children, he would have killed me, but we survived. Halla took care of Harmony and Valiance while we returned inside...we had to learn how to use the Heartstone Gem. We did so, and took losses, but most of us survived. The wizard...er...I can't quite remember his name...he destroyed what was left of the Hand."

Zenithral looks up at Arannis. "On the way up. With Erestor. There were people---including your brother---They were talking about you. Waiting for you..." Zenithral trails off. "Nothing you could have done---or not done---will change my respect for you, Grandfather. But I would like to know."


Persuasion (To get Arannis to speak about what happened) - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8


(11) + 7 = 18

Apr 20, 2019 6:53 pm
Keggruk pumps his fist. "You broke free of him, Alalla! You have found your way! It may not work for all, but the more of us who choose this path, the more power we will have to help the rest."

He drops to his knees before Alalla. "I was the first to choose to follow you. Whatever path you make, I will strive to make it too. Teach me of Torm, and if I am worthy, let me join his ranks!"
Apr 20, 2019 7:28 pm
"I... You have seen enough. You might as well know the rest of the story. My part..."

Arannis closes his eyes. "The Hand of the Seldarine was my home. My brother, Lethias, and I were high-ranking members of the guard there. Kaylessa was my beloved. We were friends and companions of Larrel's daughter, Evayne.

The relationship with the dwarves of Dorn's Deep had already begun to decay when we heard rumors of orcs mustering in the mountains. When we found the orcs wielding weapons made by the dwarves, we felt we had been betrayed. Most of the elves, Larrel incuded, grew hateful of the dwarves. But Evayne... she believed otherwise.

When she expressed a desire to traveled to Dorn's Deep and meet with the dwarves, I feared for her safety. The mountains were dangerous, even traveling by hippogriff. A large retinue of guards would have drawn attention, both from monsters and from Evayne's father, who would not have approved of the mission. I volunteered to escort her, as guide, bodyguard, and friend.

I thought there would be time. I thought I would return with a dwarven army at my back to defend my home. When the dwarves delayed their discussions with Evayne I grew impatient and left. But still, I was too late. The Hand just came into my view when the mythal failed. I still remember the screams...

I tried to enter the Hand, to help my friends and kin, but I had to make my way through the breaking orc horde... what remained of it. When I stepped into my home I found it ravaged. Twisted. I saw horrors that will forever haunt me. Though not dead, not entirely, all of my loved ones were consigned to a state of... Well. You saw.

I could not stay there. I could not help them! I could not bear to look on them. I returned to Dorn's Deep only to find that it had also succumbed to the orcs, the inhabitants slain. As far as I knew, I was the only survivor of either city.

And that is when I left the North. The memories of our kind are long, Zenithral, and I did whatever I could to forget what I had seen. Forget all those whom I had failed. The years passed, and I made a new life. I met your grandmother, and we fell in love. Her brightness was like a sunrise that I had not felt in centuries.

And then Ilmadia..."
Arannis grips the table hard, then stands. "I will return. Later." He moves towards the door.
Apr 20, 2019 7:52 pm
Tears come to Zenithral's eyes as Arannis finishes his tale. There was nothing he did or didn't do. He's not ashamed---he's traumatized... "I...I'm so sorry..." Zenithral rises to follow, then sits down again, solemn.

Eventually, he looks over at where Saki and Halla are discussing and waits for them to finish.
Last edited April 20, 2019 7:52 pm
Apr 20, 2019 10:09 pm
With Arannis gone, it doesn't take Halla long to extricate herself from Saki and slide into a seat next to Zenithral. The druid pulls a waterskin from her satchel and takes a long drink.

Saki follows a moment later. "Zenithral, you have found yourself a wonderful young lady. Quick of wit, and beautiful besides! It's so nice to see you showing some attachment. I hope she didn't have to spin too much of a web-" Halla chokes on her drink and begins to cough "- to draw out some of your emotion. You never were very good at picking up on those kinds of cues."

Saki taps her chin thoughtfully. "And to think we only just barely missed the wedding. But I suppose we could still celebrate! Surely the town could use some cheer after the recent goings-on. Did a priest of Ilmater perform the ceremony? We can always redo that part..."

A look of abject horror begins to grow in Halla's eyes with every word that leaves Saki's mouth.
Apr 20, 2019 10:35 pm
Zenithral laughs and grins. "No, not too much of a web. Maybe more of a bear trap."

"A dwarf of old performed the ceremony and we determined the Great Oak was sufficient enough a witness. Ilmater sent me visions that led me to save her life, after all, so I'm pretty certain his hand was most certainly involved."

He holds up a hand and whispers just loud enough for Halla to still hear. "And she's somewhat of a party animal." He says with a grin. 'We wouldn't want her getting too wild." He returns to his normal speaking voice, playfully avoiding eye contact with Halla. "In all seriousness, though, I would appreciate at least some celebration..." He looks at Halla expectantly.
Last edited April 20, 2019 10:35 pm


Persuasion - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Apr 21, 2019 1:52 am
Alalla nearly gapes at the orog. Then she chuckles. The man shouldn't surprise her any longer.

"I know you are worthy, Keggruk, or else you will strive to be with all your strength." She takes his large hand and lifts him to his feet. "Come. This deserves some sort of ceremony I think." She moves to exit the tent.
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