Somewhere uncomfortably warm...

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Feb 7, 2019 4:02 am
From the best Zenithral can tell without investigating too closely, the arrow seems to resonate with abjuration magic - but not the same way as his banishing arrows. The more he focuses his intellect on it, however, the more he feels it turn in towards him, as though it might be trying to embed itself in his flesh. Could this be an arrow meant to slay magic-users? If so, it might have enchantments placed on it to dispel any magical wards its target might use to defend itself.

As he ponders this, the soldier from before reappears, but does not make eye contact.. Malavon's fingers flash, and two drow warriors appear and shove him towards the stone bridge. The soldier joins them, but his attention seems to be on the corridor.

A few minutes later, Zenithral's friends come into view at the mouth of the corridor, and invisible Druzil tightens his claws in the half-elf's shoulder.
Zen is back in the main thread!

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