Favorite Gamers' Plane PCs

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Oct 3, 2015 1:37 am
Curious as to which PCs people have created on here that they've really had a lot of fun playing.

For me two jump to mind; Kicsi Leszúr and Utazó Véd - two of the first characters I created on here.

Kicsi (bad Hungarian for "Small Stab") is a female halfling monk (D&D5E) who's only a year out of the Ten Points Monastery. Always cheerful she carries a short sword named Kard and has a bad habit of using intricate hand signals that the other party members have no chance of understanding. Plus I really like playing sneaky monks. Thanks to Arjen for running 'Adventures in Faerun'.

Utazó (bad Hungarian for "Traveler Protect") is a Graceful Jack that Crafts Illusions (Numenera) who works for Phyrel's Trading Company as a trail scout who is sent up ahead of the caravan several times a day to look for any signs of trouble. She wears her fathers old leather jacket (which is a bit too big for her) and gets touchy when people mispronounce her name (or when Darazen calls her 'Zo' - her father's nickname for her). The interaction with the other PCs in this game is what has made her fun to play. Thanks to grandmaster for running 'The Assassin's Heart'.

Anyone have any favorites they'd like to share?
Oct 3, 2015 2:24 am
Add them to the library!
Oct 3, 2015 2:28 am
I think all of my characters are in the library. Even the dead ones. :-)
Oct 3, 2015 6:04 am
It's tough to say; I've only been on GP about a month. So many of my characters have had very little actual play time.

Thus, some of my characters have been more fun to make than to play...I have fun characters whom I have not played yet, because games sometimes take a while to get off the ground. I really enjoyed the character generation process in the End of the World: Dead End Job game, though it turns out that I made my character much closer to death than anyone else, by virtue of giving him three traumas. Howard's an overeater office worker, recovering from a skin cancer operation, who is secretly having an affair with the office manager (an NPC). He's also a role-player, and as we started the game, each of our characters was meeting in the office after work to play in a weekly D&D campaign...and each of us had our characters make characters for that game. But we haven't really gone very far in that game in terms of character development...hey, the world is ending.

By the criterion of playing a character, I've most enjoyed playing "Grumble" Danj, in the D&D5 Temple of Elemental Evil game; I came late to the game, but it has been very active, and there's been a lot of interaction between characters while we wait for others to take their turns. As I often do for my characters in game systems I know really well, I rolled up Grumble completely randomly, resulting in a hermit wizard who talks to himself and is convinced that he's destined to play a key role in a cosmic battle between good and evil. He's a bit of a Fisher King character, and is a lot of fun.

But he's primarily fun because I made him a bit of a loon. I'm also enjoying the games in which the character interaction is really building the characters. In the D&D5 game Orphans of Waterdeep, I play a teenaged halfling barbarian whose hormones are constantly getting the better of him. I made Weylan give an unintentional innuendo, realize what he'd said, and then turn beet red. All the other players have been very generous with this, ribbing him as a bunch of teenagers would...even the DM is getting in on the action. On that note, I also have to point out how in your D&D5 game, "The Pict Problem," the players started immediately with a great dynamic. My Caribbean wood elf barbarian enjoys mocking the party's magic-user character, Cyriel (and I always wonder how that's pronounced: is it Cereal, or Surreal?), who is played to humorless, pedantic perfection by Merlin.
Oct 3, 2015 4:47 pm
My favorite character is my gnomish ex-criminal cleric Vex Specklefroth in your Pict Problem game. I've never had more fun with a PC in my life, and the character interactions are awesome!
Oct 3, 2015 5:55 pm
My favorite so far has been Fenwick the Feral Faun who Fetches for a Fate game. I love suspicious, crotchety characters, especially when they're not particularly threatening. Similarly, Sterlin Toth, a mutant for Gamma Five, had a similar appeal to me, except he is less defined by his suspicion then as a wasteland reject a la Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone or any mook from a MadMax movie.

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