Potential D&D 5E game - expressions of interest?

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Feb 14, 2019 6:14 am
I have this idea for a setting that I can't get out of my head, so I figure I might as well post about it to see if anyone else would be interested.

The cosmology of the universe is such that all of reality is divided into pocket dimensions (some as small as a room or less, all the way up to spaces with landmasses large enough to support multiple societies). These reality-bubbles are arranged in a kind of multidimensional "foam", where they can come into contact with each other, though this is rarely in the spatial sense where you might physically see them coming - it's more in a "the walls between realities grow thin" sense of superposition. Small breaches (like portals) between realities can open up allowing passage between them, and just like real bubbles the barriers between them can collapse, merging them together.

It's taking a lot of inspiration from Planescape, Magic: The Gathering, The Stars are Legion, and to some extent The Mortal Engines - the idea of a "predatory reality" whose inhabitants actively seek to merge it with other bubbles and plunder their resources rather appeals to me.

I feel like this would work best for a D&D-style fantasy setting - there's room enough for the whole gamut of races, classes, and monsters, and I feel like it's an easy fit for D&D's chaotic mish-mash of historical and fantastical elements. I'd like to put a kind of pseudo-Victorian spin on it (in the style of Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura), with the central focus of the campaign being a sprawling cosmopolitan city populated by all manner of fantastic creatures, and driven more by modern commerce than medieval survival.

So, does that sound like somewhere you'd be interested to go on adventures? Let me know! I'm ideally looking for players that are in it for the long haul.
Feb 14, 2019 6:19 am
Sounds great. The commerce could even be driven by multi-dimensional travel. Travel to the other planes, loot what you find and come back.
Last edited Feb 14, 2019 6:21 am
Feb 14, 2019 6:38 am
Absolutely. I see the primary city as having "outgrown" its plane - certainly there's not room there for a hinterland large enough to produce sufficient food to feed its population, let alone to support an economy. It would act like a centre of shipping (import/export between realities) and commerce (banking and finance, stocks, futures, investments, interdimensional real estate, etc), like a fantasy version of Victorian London.

The only way for the overcrowded city to expand would be to merge with other planes. That's not too disruptive for the wealthy and powerful who live and conduct their business near the "centre", but for the poorer, less-stable areas a dimensional merge might be near-catastrophic. Still, there's a strong economic argument to be made for it...
Last edited Feb 14, 2019 6:39 am
Feb 14, 2019 12:28 pm
I’d be in. Also what if your "diviners" of these realms instead of having learned to read the stars for future events read the stars as a way to semi accurately predict converges. Which means the most developed cities have the most powerful diviners and when I diviner predicts a merge people line up at the locations hoping to snag their piece of whatever wealth could be on the other side? Similar to a gold rush that happens every so often.
Feb 14, 2019 12:35 pm
That sounds awesome and I'd love to join.

I haven't played 5e before but I have access to the rulebook and I have Pathfinder experience. If that's not a problem, I'd be very interested.
Feb 14, 2019 1:09 pm
NinjaTeeHart says:
Also what if your "diviners" of these realms instead of having learned to read the stars for future events read the stars as a way to semi accurately predict converges. Which means the most developed cities have the most powerful diviners and when I diviner predicts a merge people line up at the locations hoping to snag their piece of whatever wealth could be on the other side? Similar to a gold rush that happens every so often.
I like it! The "gold rush" aspect also gives excellent reason for all the traditional "adventurer" types to exist in an otherwise much more modern society. Definitely incorporating that, and I'll send you an invite when I set up the game.
Feb 14, 2019 1:11 pm
bowlofspinach says:
If that's not a problem, I'd be very interested.
Not a problem at all! I found 5E very easy to get into after Pathfinder. I'll send you an invite once the game is set up.

Looking for another 1-3 players at this point, anyone else?
Feb 14, 2019 2:27 pm
I'm in. This idea sounds great.
Feb 15, 2019 4:26 am
Sounds interesting. There could be dimensions with low magic but more advanced technology and vice versa. So, there could be a possibility to have characters who can call lightning from their fingertips and wield a chainsword. There could also be worlds that are not too magicly inclined nor technologically advanced but very attuned with nature (kind of like Na'vi from Avatar movie). It would be intersting to see what a Black Market would look like with all kinds of different creatures, magical items or non-magical items that could mimic magical effects and etc.
Feb 15, 2019 6:24 am
Looks like I am a little late to the party but good luck my friend!
Feb 15, 2019 7:58 am
I've created the game, and populated the forums with some initial info. Lots more to come, but that should give you enough to start thinking about character concepts. :)
Feb 15, 2019 10:20 am
I have been chatting with kadeton and he might be kind enough to let me join. I am currently thinking of playing a forge cleric, since I think it would be an interesting choice given the setting. Specifically, I have some interesting ideas on the character's relationship with his deities and where they place in the cosmos. Kadeton if you are cool with the Forge Domain and want my input, just let me know.
Last edited Feb 15, 2019 10:57 am
Feb 15, 2019 11:44 am
Yep, totally - I've sent you an invite!

That puts us at 6 PCs, which is about where I wanted to start. If anyone else is interested in joining down the track, just respond here!
Feb 15, 2019 8:53 pm
I got the notification from the site and dammit, I want in ;)

I have a few years' experience with 5e (and many more with older editions, as well as other systems), mostly as a player but about to start a game with LMoP to get my newbie players a chance.

Unless I'm missing a post somewhere, is there character generation info posted?
Feb 17, 2019 2:48 am
Hi Fearghas, thanks for the interest! I want to make sure I can handle the six players I currently have before expanding, but growing the game in the future is definitely the plan. (And of course, real life can interfere and cause players to drop out.) Is it okay if I send you an invite once I've got the capacity to take on more people?
Feb 18, 2019 12:42 am
Whole reason I didn't say anything...
Feb 18, 2019 2:21 pm
kadeton says:
Hi Fearghas, thanks for the interest! I want to make sure I can handle the six players I currently have before expanding, but growing the game in the future is definitely the plan. (And of course, real life can interfere and cause players to drop out.) Is it okay if I send you an invite once I've got the capacity to take on more people?
Not a problem. If you wanted to PM me the character generation specs, I can put that together, if for no other reason than as an exercise. I haven't created a character here in a long time....

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