Feb 14, 2019 6:14 am
I have this idea for a setting that I can't get out of my head, so I figure I might as well post about it to see if anyone else would be interested.
The cosmology of the universe is such that all of reality is divided into pocket dimensions (some as small as a room or less, all the way up to spaces with landmasses large enough to support multiple societies). These reality-bubbles are arranged in a kind of multidimensional "foam", where they can come into contact with each other, though this is rarely in the spatial sense where you might physically see them coming - it's more in a "the walls between realities grow thin" sense of superposition. Small breaches (like portals) between realities can open up allowing passage between them, and just like real bubbles the barriers between them can collapse, merging them together.
It's taking a lot of inspiration from Planescape, Magic: The Gathering, The Stars are Legion, and to some extent The Mortal Engines - the idea of a "predatory reality" whose inhabitants actively seek to merge it with other bubbles and plunder their resources rather appeals to me.
I feel like this would work best for a D&D-style fantasy setting - there's room enough for the whole gamut of races, classes, and monsters, and I feel like it's an easy fit for D&D's chaotic mish-mash of historical and fantastical elements. I'd like to put a kind of pseudo-Victorian spin on it (in the style of Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura), with the central focus of the campaign being a sprawling cosmopolitan city populated by all manner of fantastic creatures, and driven more by modern commerce than medieval survival.
So, does that sound like somewhere you'd be interested to go on adventures? Let me know! I'm ideally looking for players that are in it for the long haul.
The cosmology of the universe is such that all of reality is divided into pocket dimensions (some as small as a room or less, all the way up to spaces with landmasses large enough to support multiple societies). These reality-bubbles are arranged in a kind of multidimensional "foam", where they can come into contact with each other, though this is rarely in the spatial sense where you might physically see them coming - it's more in a "the walls between realities grow thin" sense of superposition. Small breaches (like portals) between realities can open up allowing passage between them, and just like real bubbles the barriers between them can collapse, merging them together.
It's taking a lot of inspiration from Planescape, Magic: The Gathering, The Stars are Legion, and to some extent The Mortal Engines - the idea of a "predatory reality" whose inhabitants actively seek to merge it with other bubbles and plunder their resources rather appeals to me.
I feel like this would work best for a D&D-style fantasy setting - there's room enough for the whole gamut of races, classes, and monsters, and I feel like it's an easy fit for D&D's chaotic mish-mash of historical and fantastical elements. I'd like to put a kind of pseudo-Victorian spin on it (in the style of Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura), with the central focus of the campaign being a sprawling cosmopolitan city populated by all manner of fantastic creatures, and driven more by modern commerce than medieval survival.
So, does that sound like somewhere you'd be interested to go on adventures? Let me know! I'm ideally looking for players that are in it for the long haul.