"Well met, friend Aramil Liadon! I am Vikent, you have no doubt heard of me. Here we have Kicsi, Tosher, Tehtys, and Cuon." He flourishes a performer's bow.
He looks sideways at the man. "Say, you're not a friendly archmage or interventionist diety, are you?"
"Aye. That it was. But at least we survived." A young elf soon races out towards Aramil. He is dressed in a brown tunic with brown pants, wearing a gray fur cloak.soon runs out next to him, unsure of what happened.
his spouse but his hair should be a lighter shade of brown
"We will not be staying here -- as we have a mission to undertake. Perhaps the Lord would benefit from your counsel and aid. Unless, that is, you intend on not remaining here?"
Aramil and his spouse Theren talk it over a bit, and the two soon turn to face you. "I've agreed to help you all out while Theren stays behind helping the lord. Or if you want, we could both travel with you. Your call really."
Aramil and Theren talk amongst themselves quietly. They turn to you and Theren says, "I'll stay behind and help the Lord out. Aramil will travel with you." The two embrace for a moment.
The wind seems to have a little more chill to it. The ship is almost a days journey away, the fires from the giants area is almost gone and you see no movement there.
You see a raised area of snow after walking a while and realize it was the place you slept the first time in. Kicsi thinks of how much room there'd be in there without Tosher.
Cuon looks at the dim, cloudy sky. "Do you think we should stay here another night? Or do you believe we can make it to our ship before nightfall? I wouldn't want to be caught out in the weather unprepared."