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Jun 30, 2017 12:23 pm
"Clearly there is a difference of perspective here. What we see as balance, you see as chaos. Such is the way of the reasoning races. So long as you do not impede our task, you are free to think what you will," Tethys says with a shrug, unwilling to argue philosophy with a tree, who will have infinitely more patience than himself.
Jun 30, 2017 4:40 pm
Unsure what to make of the conversation, Kicsi simply holds her ground, keeping alert to her surroundings.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Jun 30, 2017 11:42 pm
Kicsi feels safe

"What is it you seek here young ones?" The ancient tree asks.
Jul 1, 2017 1:35 am
"We have been sent in search of artifacts to use in keeping the world in balance," Tethys says simply.
Jul 6, 2017 11:53 pm
"Surely you were sent here for a greater purpose. The arch only opens when we are needed. "
Jul 11, 2017 3:05 am
"Arch?" Cuon looks around. "We do not know of a purpose other than the one we speak of."
Jul 11, 2017 3:33 am
"This would not be the first unusual passage we wandered through," Vikent interjects.
Jul 11, 2017 11:19 pm
or most likely the last Kicsi adds quietly.
Jul 12, 2017 10:23 pm
"My friends feel you are of good heart, even if your head is a little scattered," he says nodding towards Tethys, ", so we will lend you aid in your journey if we can."
Jul 14, 2017 1:13 pm
"What aid can you lend to us, ancient one?"
Jul 18, 2017 12:07 am
"We are- were ship builders. The elves here can grow ships from the living wood and they will repair and fix themselves as long as the heartwood stays true. We have slept a many years and no one has called upon us. Do you need passage somewhere?"
Jul 19, 2017 7:41 pm
I'm trying to remember, do we need passage?
Jul 19, 2017 11:49 pm
you were waiting on repairs
Jul 28, 2017 1:25 am
"I think you are destined for a meeting, perhaps the beginning of a war, or is it a way to stop war. We don't hear everything, only bits and pieces. A smaller ship will do for your party."
The great tree sweeps one of it's branches and a river burst into view, illuminated by some unknown source. On the shore of the river is a ship that appears to be made of living tree saplings intertwined together.
"Her name is Willow, she has never left the glade, a bit young too in my opinion. She knows where to take you. Treat her like one of your own and she'll be a friend to the end."
Jul 28, 2017 1:50 am
Vikent stares wide-eyed at the new ship. "You honour us over much, great one. We will treat her with love and respect."
Jul 28, 2017 1:52 am
Tethys' jaw drops as he see the boat, "This is truly amazing... We cannot express how grateful we are."
Jul 28, 2017 2:03 am
Coming out of hiding, Kicsi gives a respectful bow to the ancient one.

"We will treat her as family."
Jul 28, 2017 10:58 pm
"I hope we may rest and not be called for war for a very long time. Try and help this, war is never good for anyone."" The old tree croaks as he starts to straighten out his limbs.
Aug 8, 2017 9:28 pm
Vikent starts to laugh maniacally, "You fools! My brothers perished, but never the less I lived on and you never guessed I wasn't me. I killed Vikent and took his place a long time ago! I even tripped Tosher so he'd be frozen! My kind will use this sword and destroy all that--"

The giant tree brings down his hand cutting of Vikent's dialog, instantly smashing him. As it pulls it's branch-hand back, you see a sword laying in the earth.
Dalamar's Ice Sword acts as a +4 two handed sword, but can be split down the center making 2 separate +2 swords. It deals 1 d12 damage in two handed form and 1 d8 in 1 handed form. The sword also gives a +2 dexterity bonus when in possession, does not need to be the weapon used in hand for this bonus. Once per day the sword can cast Cone of Cold as a 5th level spell. Note: greatsword does not have the Heavy trait; 2-swords are Light.
Aug 10, 2017 10:52 pm
"Do you keep doppelgangers as friends much?" The old tree asks.
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