OOC Thread

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May 22, 2019 1:13 am
Thank you, Moon.

I know personally I find it tempting to go for big exciting things sooner than later, especially in a PbP setting. However, the down time is necessary. I know I, for one, have not mastered that yet.

I’d be willing to venture a guess that we’re all on the same page about the hostages, Just handling things differently. Some of us are content with basics, others want caution. And that’s provided interesting character moments! Everyone comes from different backgrounds, and you can really see the different philosophies. I love that.

So maybe, with a smidge of DM-approved Meta-Gaming, we won’t die :D
May 22, 2019 3:08 am
Thankyou for this post Moonbeam, it helps a lot to know a bit more about whats going on in others minds. I have responses below in OOC tags. Obviously it naturally focusses on what I'm thinking, it would be great if others could chime in.
Moonbeam says:
I think most of this conflict arises from a couple of fundamental issues. The first is that not all players are looking for the same kind of experience. The second is that some players are reading the cues and signals provided by the GM in very different ways.

It has always been my read that this campaign was designed to rely heavily on investigation and putting together clues to decide the best course of action. I got this from the campaign description and from the depth and breadth of resource material provided, so that's the kind of campaign I was expecting. We started at level one, which signaled to me that we are going to be making slow progress and should be taking a thought-before-action kind of approach until we know more about this strange new world. I built a character for that kind of campaign.
I'll be honest, I hadn't really fully considered the campaign on that sort of meta-level, being still fairly new to pbp
Similarly, I've been paying attention to various hints dropped here and there that, to my mind, suggest that regardless of who is being held in there, we're not yet ready to storm the Citadel and expect to live. Again, we're still just level one, and we now know that there are at least 20 Crows in there - quite possibly more - and most of them are likely to be significantly higher in level than us. In addition, we have no idea what their magical capabilities are. Just because they have been killing most magic users doesn't mean they don't have any among them, and we should probably give some thought to why they are holding the most powerful ones instead of killing them. This is the kind of thing I like to try to generate IC discussion about - it's certainly the kind of thing other groups I'm in would find fertile brainstorming material.
This is probably where I'm looking at things through a fairly different lens. The big part for me in this is the open world aspect, which is I'm expecting there to be a lot of different hooks thrown out, but we explore them and interact in a very non-linear way. I also try not to really bring that sort of more meta thinking in to my role playing. So I'm seeing the magical vault I guest almost like a quest marker on the map in an Elder Scrolls game if that comparison makes sense - something to mark down to come back to later, as I think there are more urgent matters to attend to - similar to investigating the knife birds - the Frog people didn't seem to be in imminent danger, or I would have been more inclined to go that way at the time.

I do have my own thoughts about the overall metaplot and consider it. My theory is that Yelnar's mother is being held and not killed as part of a way to coerce co-operation from Yelnar's father by the pro-Garand Dios powerbloc in the city. I think Athisa sent us to the Estates to "get supplies" in order to indirectly get us to resolve that situation and tilt the balance back towards the pro-magic side. I don't think its any coincidence that the Crows were waiting for us when we made land on the other side of the lake. I'm anticipating a lot of the overall plot play out as being intertwined in this War on Magic.

Yelnar just isn't a good vessel for that sort of discussion currently - his thoughts are far more personal and visceral at this stage, and I am trying to portray a slow change in that regard, which is why I keep bringing up his Strategy and Tactics lessons - I'm trying to portray someone who wasn't great at that stuff in a classroom setting, growing into someone capable of thinking more broadly as he's forced to do so out in the wild. The bolded bit above is something he has thought about, but he wouldn't be willing to share yet until he's been able to talk it through with his mother to confirm, as he'd be afraid of appearing like a fool.
But more to the point, it's the kind of thing that I think the GM put in there so that we would notice it and ponder what it means. And that would lead to us finding something important that would later help us in battle, or out of a tight spot. That's the whole reason that I'm always having Verrian try to get people to talk about these clues.

But I understand that not everyone finds this playstyle interesting. I'm really not trying to keep us out of action, just out of action that I am pretty certain will lead to a catastrophic result for the party. We are rushing into this raid on the assumption that the storm is a device meant to give us an element of surprise. I tend to think it's a device to demonstrate to us exactly how out of control the magical energies are outside of the wards, which will probably give us some more clues about what's really going on.
Again, I'm not really viewing it in that meta a way. I'm more having Yelnar react to the information he has at hand, and I actually think RPM has done a brilliant job in feeding Yelnar's anxiety about his mother and making him feel that sense of urgency basically since he received the vision (I can say a significant amount of how I intended to play Yelnar changed at that moment - he was intended to be far more passive). It's not really a matter of the playstyle, it's an IC sense of urgency combined with a confluence of information and situation that suggests the time to act is now. I'm not really considering the storm as a particular sort of device, I'm reacting to the news that it made the Crows afraid and that it could be reducing their level of preparedness, providing an opportunity to take action.
Similarly, I don't think the magically sealed vault is a distraction that we are meant to put off until we accomplish the "real" objective of attacking the Citadel. I think it may contain something that we actually need if we're going to succeed.

I never intended my character to be exactly what she is right now in this party, but playing her as created and responding to some of the things that have happened have had this result. She's not looking down on anyone who disagrees with her, she's responding logically to very illogical actions and lines of reasoning. I get that that's a little overbearing. But I've been playing her that way because she's very alarmed at the cavalier approach we seem to be taking. Again - a clash of player expectations and interpretation of the GM's clues.
I think this is where the disagreement stems from. You seem to be looking at it at a more metagame level and seeing illogic in actions that way, while I'm looking at the information we have at hand IG through Yelnar's eyes and seeing Verrian's actions as illogical, because she doesn't seem to acknowledge some of those reasons for acting more urgently. I think perhaps talking more through this stuff in this OOC chat is a more productive path - I've certainly gotten a lot more information form it. I think part of it we're sort of stuck in this what about this but wait more info cycle that we haven't really gotten at all to the actual plan part, which I think you'll find is a far more limited conflict than you're thinking. I suspect at this stage its more use the tunnels to sneak in, fight a couple of guards and break the prisoners out deal rather than a fully fledged raid - which admittedly hasn't really come out yet.
So I think what is needed is to see if we can all get on the same page, or close, about those things. And perhaps get a little guidance from the GM to help us do that.
Hopefully the bove is helpful.
Last edited May 22, 2019 10:59 am
May 22, 2019 3:13 am
One other thing that I'm not sure has come across is why Yelnar is such a Momma's boy :)

He didn't have the best childhood, as most of his family largely ignored him - the only one who really gave him the time of day was his mother, so there is a very close relationship beyond a regular mother-son there that is informing a lot of his actions. This whole situation so far is basically the one thing that could make him come out of his shell and grow up quickly - kudos to RPM on how hard he's pulling those heartstrings.
May 22, 2019 5:35 am
First of all, I want to say that I seriously, without reservation, appreciate the passion everyone has brought to this game. I am quite honestly humbled on a very regular basis when I read what people have posted (IC or OOC). This game and this setting is a labor of love for me: I've been kicking around elements of this setting for close to 25 years, and have never really been able to put it into play in a way that's felt right until now. To have players like you all that have embraced it to this extent has been very rewarding.

I would hesitate to ascribe a great deal of intention and forethought into much of anything I have introduced thus far. I put together a lot of background material, yes, but even a lot of that was made up on the spot in one of those rare moments of creative fire. Nearly everything I've thrown into this game has been made up more or less on the spot. The riot in the square, the noises everyone heard coming through the wards, the frogs, the Crows, the horses in the shadow plane, the storm. All of which is to say that there are countless ways to interpret just about everything: I have my own sense of how it all fits together, but that is highly flexible, because if I like what you all come up with better, then that's the way I'm probably going to go.

But that depends on people being willing to discuss and consider things in an IC fashion. There are a LOT of things to consider at all times, I realize that. I've never played or GMed a more open-world game like this, so I've got a learning curve. There is one Main Quest. Figure out what's going on with Disos and his people. But at the same time, every Side Quest could -- probably will? -- end up tied to the Main Quest. So again... lots of ways to interpret just about everything, but it would be best if these interpretations were discussed at least OOC, but better as IC. There's nothing meta-gaming about it. Some people approach things from a more thoughtful planning angle. I'm not trying to take anyone's side (at the very least because I don't really think there are sides to take) or make anyone feel unwelcome but I'm going to state here that at big moments like this is likely to be, the party as a whole will benefit from more thoughtful planning. The world (even if it hasn't seemed like it yet) is very dangerous and being careful (especially at 1st level) is a very good idea.

There are different styles. We have enough PCs that this is always going to be an issue. I guess my question is, how do we want to handle disagreements over the direction to take? My preference is always going to be for open discussion, but if it feels like we should split in to two parties running concurrently, I am also 100% okay with working out a way to make that happen. We certainly have enough PCs.

Also, does anyone have any questions or requests for me? I am all eyes. I'm sorry if I haven't fully addressed the concerns that have come up -- it's late, I haven't had much sleep lately, and it's already been a long week -- but please believe I have the best of intentions. :)
May 22, 2019 6:18 am
Is there an element of when we come to one of those moments where there is a bit of an impasse, we discuss OOC a bit more, and if we still can't reach a consensus, maybe ask for a suggestion form you RPM? Or perhaps, when you see it and think from your perspective one side (and there may be more than two) is more in line with where you're at as GM, maybe put a note in to that effect in the OOC thread? Something like - I would suggest that X's proposal might be more likely to succeed, so its not really giving anything away, but gives us a way to move past the blockage if it occurs.

The benefit of doing some of that more in OOC is that you can find reasons why your character goes that way without appearing as much your character is jumping around with their hair on fire.
May 22, 2019 6:38 am
I would really appreciate it if we could have this discussion without the negative characterizations of the way I play my character. Taking a thoughtful approach is not "meta," and trying to convince party members to discuss and plan is not "jumping around with their hair on fire." It is possible to discuss this without using what feels very much like insults.

For what it's worth, I'm not trying to browbeat other players into "agreeing with me." I'd like to explain some of my choices, but frankly, I don't care to have that explanation dissected and annotated with refutations.

I believe that we could alleviate a lot of the issues we're having if we all agreed to a kind of "order of operations" - a loose framework for how we gather and share information IC. Just until we develop more cohesion as a group. I also think that it would be good if all the characters did more interacting with all the others - and I'm not talking about personal drama, just trying to develop bonds. It feels like we're all so focused on our own characters' backstories and goals that we don't pay much attention to what the other characters say and do.

It's clear that my play is being interpreted as trying to bend the party to my will. That's not the case.
May 22, 2019 10:48 am
Sorry, meta wasn’t intended as any sort of insult. I just don’t know any other way to describe a thought that includes a reference to being level 1 characters. Being different doesn’t mean better or worse. Everyone enjoys the game their own way.

FWIW my intent was not to pick your post apart. I actually thought it was an excellent post with a good structure and content, so I used it as a quote base because I thought it would help structure my own thoughts along a similar theme. I guess I could have removed all the quoted content afterwards.

The hair on fire comment was also not aimed at any particular character, It was looking at resolving things in OOC a bit at these sort of times before going too far in IC, otherwise when a character does a sudden 180 now it will certainly appear that way. I definitely wouldn’t use that descriptor for a character acting cautiously, running around with you hair on fire is a common expression around here for someone acting maniacally or erratically, I’m not sure it translates the same way in other places.
Last edited May 22, 2019 11:12 am
May 22, 2019 5:16 pm
I think a lot of the concerns that have come up and issues that have been raised can potentially be helped out by a more convenient method of communication that allows us to talk OOC, so that it's easier to pick up on and talk about what we're thinking and intending in our posts. In my experience if we get to know each other a little better, these issues often don't reach the point they seem to have here. In a real-time, real-life game, you get to hear and/or see the nonverbal cues and have the OOC chatter that breeds more understanding and trust of people's actions, intents, and expectations. Here in PBP, we don't get that.

So with that in mind, I would like to invite everyone to join a dedicated text-only (no voice) Discord server for this game. If you haven't used Discord before, it's simply (in this case -- it can be used in other ways) a convenient chat application usable from phones or computers that functions in real-time and would allow for better interpersonal communication. It's much more convenient than the asynchronous forum style, in my experience. However, I'm not going to set it up unless everyone is on board with being willing to do it, because I really think it will only work effectively if everyone's participating.

So if you could, please indicate whether you're interested in such a thing, either here or via PM. If you're not up for it, I won't judge. We'll just make a commitment to comment more here in the OOC thread.

I want to thank everyone that's provided their thoughts. I think it's a good thing overall. Hard, sometimes, but good. :)
May 22, 2019 5:19 pm
I think it's a good idea. Being able to instantly read and reply to smaller messages instead of having to post large chunks of text because it will be a long time between responses should make communication much easier
May 22, 2019 5:52 pm
Discord server would be a great idea for planning purposes, especially considering the multitude of options available to us.
May 22, 2019 6:41 pm
Fine by me
May 22, 2019 7:45 pm
That works!
May 22, 2019 9:15 pm
Yeah that would be good.
May 22, 2019 10:26 pm
All right, here goes. The following link should never expire. I encourage people to either sign on with their GP name or their character name, I don't care which.


I do have three kids, so the weekends and the 4-9pm (Pacific US) hours are generally pretty busy, but I do check in frequently if I'm not currently active.
May 22, 2019 11:01 pm
Thank you, 78!
May 22, 2019 11:45 pm
Awesome! Thanks for setting that up!
May 23, 2019 10:22 pm
If you don’t read the absences thread, I will be gone from tomorrow through Monday. Cell reception is minimal where I’m going, and I can check in and maybe answer a question or two, but don’t expect any posts. To those of you in the US, have a peaceful Memorial Day weekend.
May 23, 2019 10:33 pm
Have a safe trip 78.
May 23, 2019 10:33 pm
Have a great trip!
May 23, 2019 10:45 pm
Have fun, 78!
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