Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Apr 8, 2019 6:11 pm
Woo hoo!
Ember steps toward the one she helped kill, flexing her hands. She gingerly searches it for anything that may help her figure out who it was. Or who's got it now. And she wracks her brain trying to remember things from when she was younger. But she was LITTLE.

Not quite the same, are they?

Shut up.

I mean, it's an interesting variation on the theme.

Shut up......

You should take notes on it.


She throws her hands up and yells at the thing.
Last edited April 8, 2019 6:11 pm


Perception - find knick knacks - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Knowledge, Arcana - How does this work again? - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Apr 8, 2019 6:12 pm
Immediately when she sees that the danger is over, Viani moves backwards, away from the bodies of the creatures. "Great job everyone!", she cheers, trying to hide her nervousness. "Yay, teamwork"
She fiddles with the weapon holder on her back for a minute until she manages to lock her ranseur back in. Dropping her pretense of cheerfulness, she mumbles: "Let's get away from this terrible place!"
Last edited April 8, 2019 6:16 pm
Apr 8, 2019 6:42 pm
Verrian approaches the dead draugr for a closer look. She wants to know if she can discern anything useful from the body, its clothing, etc.


Perception check - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Apr 8, 2019 8:13 pm
I didn't even get to hurt it... With a small sigh Elora sheathes her weapon and joins Verrian in some investigation. "What peculiar foes, undead and persistently wet." She takes out her notebook and draws a rough sketch of their more defining features.
I rolled a 13 on a previous religion check if it's needed.
Apr 8, 2019 8:54 pm
From what the party can tell, these creatures are the remains of merchant guards that were often hired to protect shipments back and forth across the lake. Their clothing, armor, weapons, all suggest this. Even before the War, bad weather could often sink boats on the lake, so these could well be the drowned remains of guards that died years ago, for all you can tell.

Ephwrath determines that Epau is unconscious, though bleeding badly. Muoghan the alchemist steps forward at Ephwrath's question, and offers him a vial from her belt. "Healing extract. It should help," she says flatly. She has something of the hundred-yard stare in her eyes. The combat must have shaken her.

Heira says nothing in response to Ephwrath's kind words, but turns away, her hair falling across her face to conceal her emotion. Kramat sheathes his sword and sets his shield down for the moment. "We should all think about getting off the island," he suggests. There's little hint of his previous cockiness. "If there were two of these things, there's a good chance there's more."
Elora, your character sheet doesn't show a rank in knowledge-religion, unless I misread. Knowledge skills can't be used if you don't have a rank in them (referred to as 'untrained'), so I didn't provide any info based on that. Sorry I didn't make that clear earlier.
Apr 8, 2019 9:11 pm
"Thank you." Ephwrath says taking the vial from Muoghan. He lays his hands on Epau, stabilizing and healing the elf, and then props him up to administer the extract.

Ephwrath waits a moment for the spell and potion to take effect, and then examines him again.
I cast Rebuke Death first, and then give him the potion. Followed by a heal check.


Rebuke Death on Epau - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Heal Check on Epau - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Apr 8, 2019 9:46 pm
Epau blinks slowly as the potion and Ephwrath's efforts take effect. "Stars and moon," he groans. "That was... ghastly."

He pokes tentatively at his side where just moments before his life was spilling out of him. "Thank you," he says to Ephwrath and Muoghan. "I hope I never have to go through that again. It was like..." He shudders. "Never mind."


Cure light wounds potion - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Apr 8, 2019 9:48 pm
78RPMLife says:
Kramat sheathes his sword and sets his shield down for the moment. "We should all think about getting off the island," he suggests. There's little hint of his previous cockiness. "If there were two of these things, there's a good chance there's more."
Verrian moves closer to speak with Kramat. "Our party seems not to have anyone experienced with boats. Does yours?"
Apr 8, 2019 9:51 pm
Kramat grunts. "Not particularly," he says. "But at the very least, we should probably go see what's available. Maybe there's..." He trails off and waggles his stubby fingers in what must be a 'spell-casting' gesture. "You know."
Apr 8, 2019 10:02 pm
Verrian nods. "As soon as Epau is able to move, we'll go boat shopping."

She rejoins her own party and calls them together. "We've just weathered our first challenge. You all did very well - no one lost their head, even when our first attacks failed." She smiles at Viani, Ember, and Elora, to indicate that she's proud of their conduct under pressure. "But now it's time to focus on finding a way to get off this island. Stay close to the group and keep your eyes open. We could run into more of those things, or something else entirely. Now, shall we find ourselves a boat?"
Apr 8, 2019 10:38 pm
Recognising that his Polearm tactics were not effective against the restless dead, Yelnar moves to his sled, unties the ropes, removes a longsword and places his Bardiche back down, and ties it all back together. He stands up, straps the Heavy Wooden Shield from his back to his arm, and once more attaches the straps for the sled to his shoulders.

Being the furthest forward, he simply waits for the others to draw nearer while remaining alert.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Apr 9, 2019 12:45 am
Ephwrath helps Epau to his feet. "There, there lad. You'll be as good as new in no time." He hands the elf off to his companions and then proceeds over to the nearest draugr corpse.

He winces as he kneels down next to the foul creature. The smell is overwhelming. Again, pulling out some small metal hand tools from his belt, he begins to poke and prod at the body. He removes several samples of hair, rotten flesh and congealed blood which he seals into another small vial. Upon completing his inspection and sample collection, he quickly retreats to the other side of the road, eyes clearly watering from the horrid stench.

Ephwrath then removes what looks like a large thick book from his satchel, wrapped in several layers of heavy cloth. Unwrapping it reveals a strange wooden box with metal patterns inlaid on every surface. He opens the box and carefully places the sample vials from the human corpse and the draugr inside, along with a piece of parchment he quickly scribbled on. Closing it, he places his hands on the top and shuts his eyes, quietly muttering a strange incantation. A strange hissing sound, followed by a low popping noise, emanates from the device. Ephwrath lifts the lid revealing nothing inside, and smiles with satisfaction.
I'll roll a heal check on the draugr for good measure to see if there's anything else noteworthy about it.


Heal check on draugr - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Apr 9, 2019 3:08 am
If it's not too late, I'd also like to do a Knowledge (Religion) check on the draugr


Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Apr 9, 2019 3:42 am
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
Apr 9, 2019 3:43 am

As the two groups head down toward the harbor proper, you can see movement at the docks. Few boats remain afloat; not surprising, given the likely neglect since the War's end. There are some wide vessels out at the end of one of the smaller dock areas that look surprisingly stout and sturdy. As you study them from a distance, you see a few small humanoid creatures milling about on their decks. They walk with a sort of hopping gait, with long skinny legs and broad flat torsos. The more you look, the more you realize that they look surprisingly like frogs that stand on their hind legs, the largest of them about three feet tall. They wear no clothing, but it looks like one or two of them carry short knives on a shoulder belt.

As you watch, another leaps from the water next to the boat and lands deftly on four feet before it too stands up on its hind legs. It carries a crude net that appears to have at least a few fish wriggling around in it. The others on that boat shuffle-hop closer to take a look at the catch. They talk to one another in croaks and burps; if it's a language any of you understand, you're too far away to make out what they're saying.

If nothing else, they haven't noticed you yet. It's hard to know at this point whether or not they'd be hostile
Apr 9, 2019 4:28 am
"Thank you Viani, I hope I'm not out of practice...Oh, my." Elora appreciates Viana's support, but before she can berate herself the frogs catch her attention, a strange sight for sure, but Elora isn't sure if she considers this a "Monstrosity".
Ah okay, that makes sense. Can I make a linguistics check here or is that too much of a stretch?
Apr 9, 2019 4:32 am
It's more a distance (words aren't clear from here) rather than a linguistics problem. If you want to get closer, you can figure out whether you understand what they're saying.
Apr 9, 2019 4:38 am
Verrian watches the beings, transfixed. "Any ideas? We could approach and try to trade something for a boat, I suppose." But without more information - or at least more time to watch these creatures - she's not sure whether that's really a good idea.
Apr 9, 2019 4:52 am
Ephwrath is intrigued by these creatures and stops to observe them.
Would a Knowledge (nature) check work here?


Knowledge (Nature) - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Apr 9, 2019 4:57 am
If you had a rank in Knowledge (Nature), I'd accept it. :)
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