Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

Mar 21, 2019 6:55 pm
For events occurring the morning after the meeting and the rest of the ensuing day.
Mar 21, 2019 7:38 pm
Krav shows up at the South Gate the following morning and is the first arrive.
Ephwrath arrives shortly after and unintentionally tempts Shiloh with some food from his beard. Krav decides to trust Ephwrath if Shiloh does. They share a heartwarming moment discussing the potential discovery of new flora on their upcoming adventure.
Elora arrives and begins to write something in a book, but stops and pulls out another book and reads instead.
Just summarizing what I knew of for the sake of organization. See the Day 1 thread for details.
Mar 22, 2019 1:41 am
Yelnar arrives, dragging behind him a small sled that seems to be carrying enough weapons for the entire party.

He nods to the others, and sets about fussing around the sled, making sure everything is securely fastened.
Mar 22, 2019 2:18 pm
Moving Krav and Ephwrath's discussion to here.
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath offers Shiloh the last crumb of cheese, and gently strokes the top of his head with a thick stubby finger. "I'd like that very much. Very much indeed!", he says, looking up at Krav. "I hope to also collect insects and various mineral samples to study the affects of the outside world on them. I look forward to discussing our observations and comparing notes."
"Heh, somehow I don't think you'll have a problem collecting insects. Although if you do, I ask that you please be respectful. All life is valuable no matter how small, and insects are sentient regardless of what many people believe. I have even gotten close to communicating with them before.

They may seem almost invisible to us, and the ones who aren't can be an annoyance at times, but without them nearly all life would cease to exist. Even if you ignore their contribution to pollination, insects are food for almost all fish, birds, and even a large portion of mammals! On the other hand, all humanoid life could be eradicated tomorrow and the world would barely notice!"

Krav and Shiloh meet each other's gaze, and Krav stops speaking suddenly. He realizes he is nearly ranting, and his voice was gradually becoming louder and louder. Shiloh returns his attention to his cheese, and Krav takes a moment to breathe.
Last edited March 22, 2019 2:22 pm
Mar 23, 2019 12:14 am
"Ah, yes! As a trained healer, it is always my priority to preserve life." Ephwrath leans in close to Krav and whispers. "I've devised a method for sending specimens back to the college from outside the wards." He pats the satchel on his back and winks.
Mar 23, 2019 12:47 am
chunky04 says:
Yelnar arrives, dragging behind him a small sled that seems to be carrying enough weapons for the entire party.

He nods to the others, and sets about fussing around the sled, making sure everything is securely fastened.
Elora can't help but notice this borderline comical display, and decides to approach him. "Are you, ah, bringing all of this?" She asks, somewhat at a loss of where the conversation will go.
Mar 24, 2019 6:39 am
Yelnar says "Yes, did you have anything specific you use?"
Mar 24, 2019 6:04 pm
After a long conversation with Krav about the various herbs and insects they hope to someday find outside the wards, Ephwrath’s eyelids become heavy. His head lolls to the side, coming to a rest on Krav’s shoulder. He snores softly.
Mar 24, 2019 10:58 pm
chunky04 says:
Yelnar says "Yes, did you have anything specific you use?"
"Oh. Well I something." She pulls out her rapier for Yelnar to inspect, it is simply made without any regal flair, but elegant in it's simplicity. "I'm not too fond of the bigger weapons. But how about...this?" It would be a shame if someone had to drag all these back to the shop, and not wanting Yelnar's efforts go to waste she slowly sorts through the collection, pulling out a dagger and light crossbow.
Mar 25, 2019 12:10 am
Ember arrives well before the second bell, but is intrigued by what she sees. The short nerdy one sleeping on Krav's shoulder, and the shy one getting weapons from Yelnar.

Her confidence wavers momentarily. All of her earthly possessions are attached to her person somehow, giving her the appearance of a pack mule, or a working dog, or...

...or the team pet.

Her left eye twitches, but she smiles warmly.

Good afternoon, everyone! How are we all today?
Mar 25, 2019 2:03 am
Yelnar points out another Rapier on the sled. "Excellent, there is a spare for you should something happen to yours"

Seeing Ember arrive, he offers to help put some of her gear on the sled.

"You can add some of that to this Ember, it's got a fair bit more room before I'd become unable to drag it. Also, have a look at these."
Yelnar has a Light Crossbow and a Light Mace readily accessible, which he hands to Ember.
Mar 25, 2019 11:50 am
Her face lights up.

Oh. Wow. I was so focused on tricky knick knacks that I didn't even think of grabbing one of these!

She stores her bedroll, rope, and lantern on the cart, uneasy about letting go of the rest. She'll leave the crossbow, too, for now, though she quickly latches the mace to where her lantern used to hang. She should still have enough latches to pack mule herself again under duress, but she's grateful for the stronger group members. She gestures to her walking stick and smirks.

See, after I "borrowed" Tace's crossbow, he said I could only have this. You'll have to show me how to use the mace, though. Thanks, big guy!
Mar 25, 2019 12:13 pm
Viani arrives a while before the second bell. She's wearing well-made clothing made from inexpensive fabric and light leather armor. She's carrying a long ranseur on her back and she has a number of small bags hanging from her sides and shoulders all stuffed full with things she bought for the expedition. She walks up to the rest of the group and calls out: "Good day, everyone! Ready to go on an adventure?"
The cheer in her voice is almost convincing but when she gets closer, you can see that her eyes are red from crying.
Mar 25, 2019 4:10 pm
Don't get close to her....

But you know why she's upset!

Yeah. And you don't get it. You're just some street rat who -

She hugs Viani to make her mental dialogue shut up, hoping it helps the woman, too. She smiles, showing concern but excitement.

Glad to see you! I think we're almost ready!
Mar 25, 2019 4:48 pm
When Ember hugs her, she feel Viani tense up for a second. Viani then hugs her back. She is shaking lightly and doesn't let go for a few long seconds. Finally, she pulls back and puts on a wide smile. "Good! Because I can't wait to finally get out of this boring city!"
Mar 25, 2019 7:17 pm

As your group begins to gather in the square near the gate, you notice that there's surprisingly little traffic in the area for this time of day. The curious among you notice that there is a more significant contingent of the Shining Guard keeping watch over the square than you would expect. Not exactly turning people away, but from the streets leading toward the square, you can see people taking notice of the guards and deciding that other districts of the city might be a better place to be.

Which just makes it easier to notice when others do arrive, especially when they look armed to the teeth and similarly prepared for a journey as you do. Three individuals come into the square: a short, wide, heavily muscled human with a plain longsword belted at his waist and a shield strapped to his back; a gnome reading from a small, leatherbound book, possibly a journal of some sort; and a blond dwarven woman in traveling clothes, a belt of vials and bulging pouches about her waist.

The human male wears a confident -- some might say cocky -- smile on his craggy face, looking around the square casually as though lacking a care in the world. His companions seem to pay him little mind: the gnome is spellbound by whatever he's reading, and the dwarf appears to be all business as she checks over her belongings. The human notices your group and shakes his head in amazement. He turns and approaches you. Those who have spent time in or around Granite College would know him as Kramat Narrison, a warrior that fights with sword and shield together, whose talent is matched by his opinion of his own talent. That wouldn't be a problem if he was a clumsy ox, but for a man as stoutly built and oafish as he looks, he is cat-quick and clever enough to be a decent tactician. The other two are familiar, if not well-known. The gnome is a scholar of Opal College by the name of Grank, and the dwarf an alchemist from Whitestone College known as Muoghan Stonehand.

"I wondered who else they'd be sending, but I certainly didn't expect a ragtag bunch of kids," he says loudly, laughing as though sharing some inside joke. "Hardly a warrior among the lot of you." He scans over the faces before him, his thick arms folding over his broad chest, settling a look on Yelnar and Elora in turn. "I mean, there's you two. I suppose between you both, you come out to one decent fighter."

Despite his light tone, his smirk plainly shows that he's daring any of you to take offense at his mockery.
[ +- ] Kramat Narrison
Mar 26, 2019 1:37 am
Ephwrath starts awake at the sound of Ember's greeting. He rubs his eyes, and then quickly wipes a small spot of drool from Krav's sleeve. Looking up at the man with an embarrassed smile, "My apologies...". Hopping off the bench, he stretches and then pulls out a small pocket sundial. It's nearly second bell.

Moments later, the cocky human and his companions approach. Ephwrath walks around Kramat dismissively while he mocks the group and approaches the gnome. "Master Grank. It's a pleasure to see you. I see you've been enlisted as well?"
Last edited March 26, 2019 1:43 am
Mar 26, 2019 3:55 am
The gnome slowly raises his head from his book, bulbous nose leading the way. The tiny fellow is dressed all in purple, but no single shade. Lavenders, lilacs, royal purple, all cheerfully, haphazardly arrayed across his small frame. The majesty of his choice in color is therefore... somewhat undone by his questionable fashion selections. The gnome squints up at Ephwrath and scratches at the tip of his nose. "Ephwrath? Ephwrath of Dawnstone? What in the Stones are you doing out here?"

Birdlike, he peers around the square as he considers the location, the time of day, and the others present. "Are you... leaving the wards?" This last is spoken in a sort of whisper; anyone nearby could undoubtedly hear it, but Grank's hearing is reknowned for being selectively bad, so maybe he thinks he's being quiet? He spends most of his days in the library, an Opal College scholar of a wide range of topics, most commonly studies of the interaction of magic with geology, so a bit of confusion at the out of doors and, well, other people, is to be expected.
Mar 26, 2019 5:09 am
"I am indeed! I've been asked to join this team on an expedition to see what remains beyond the wards. It's very exciting!" Ephwrath bounces excitedly on the balls of his feet. "I hope to collect many samples to send back to the college for study... I assume they've asked the same of you?"
Mar 26, 2019 5:33 am
Grank scowls further at Ephwrath. "Sun and stars, man, I haven't seen you this excited since they let you into the scholar's level of the library," he says grumpily, though the effect is ruined somewhat by his chirpy voice. "Yes, they kicked me out the door. Didn't even ask, just shoved me on out the door and out... here," he says, gesturing to the open square and all its dirt, noise, sunlight and other undesirable natural characteristics. "Not sure why I have to go. Especially with... well, him."

The gnome waves a hand toward the blustering Kramat a few paces away. "Insufferable, that one. Wants to talk all the time. Probably can't even read."
Mar 26, 2019 5:46 am
"Viani, do you want to talk ab-" Before Elora can even try to console Viani she spots the approaching crew.

"Master Kramat." Elora removes her hat and bows, not about to forget her manners even though he never had any. Standing back up she realizes what Grank declared, and decides to ask Kramat directly. "Will you be accompanying us then?"
Mar 26, 2019 5:54 am
Yelnar rolls his eyes at Kramats usual taunts. "Good to see you Kramat, it's a lot easier to defend ones comrades when you're around to talk our enemies to death."

Yelnar is actually a little bit relieved there will someone more martial coming along so that he'll have someone to train with.
Last edited March 26, 2019 6:53 am
Mar 26, 2019 5:57 am
Taken aback by Elora's approach and sudden leaving, Viani pauses for a moment before she snaps out of it. She turns towards the new arrivals, particularly Grank, whom she would have seen around Opal college multiple times but probably not really talked to.
"Hello", she says awkwardly. "I didn't realize more people were going to join our group. I thought it was just going to be the ones who met yesterday. But I'm happy about everyone who joins our expedition. Safety in numbers."
Mar 26, 2019 11:53 am
Ember bristles at Kramat's greeting, though the other two seem all right. But sheesh. Why does nobody in a magically pulsing city actually like magic? It boggles her mind.

She puts on her most demure, helpless smile and timidly steps up to Kramat. She barely makes eye contact and traces the dirt with her shoe. Compared to him, she looks like a gnome herself.

Oh, sir. I'm so glad someone as big and strong as yourself is coming along with us. I was so worried about going outside the wards, small and squishy as I am. Please, sir, if you could, sir, could you please show a tiny waifish sorcerer like me the right, uh, feet place, for using this beating stick?

She knows it's called a stance, and a mace. She also knows that she can internalize anything he does show her. But she intends to drive him bonkers with her "complete ignorance" in the meantime. It'll be fun.
Mar 26, 2019 1:58 pm
Kramat listens to the litany of responses, before bursting into laughter. "Us? Go with you? Hardly!"

He claps Yelnar on the shoulder with one meaty hand, hard enough to knock a smaller person sideways. "Though you could certainly use our help. No, we're the primary team." He pauses dramatically. "Oh, surely you didn't think your little play group here was the only team the School was sending out?"

The warrior crosses his arms over his chest. "I guess they're sending you out to do mop-up duty while the adults do the actual work. It's okay. I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunities for you all to do... well, something meaningful," he muses, rubbing at his chin in a show of contemplation.

Nearby, the dwarven woman releases an audible sigh. "Leave them be, Kramat," she says flatly. Starting to busy herself with checking the contents of her backpack, she adds under her breath, "Hard enough to leave without someone poking at you like that."
Mar 26, 2019 2:12 pm
Viani's expression turns angry. She doesn't like the way this guy is dismissing them like children. She walks up to Kramat and stares right into his eyes, trying to look tough.
"I'll have you know, we were all hand selected because we are particularly well suited to this journey. I will even bet you a hundred gold pieces that we will do something more important than your group!"
The second the words leave her mouth, Viani regrets them, but by then there's nothing she can do about them except try to look like she means them. Maybe the asshole will just stand down and she will look tough in front of her traveling group...
Let me know if you want me to make any roll like Intimidate or Bluff
Mar 26, 2019 2:17 pm
Go ahead and roll either one, your choice.
Mar 26, 2019 2:21 pm
At least I don't have a negative in Intimidate.
Let's hope this Inquisitor class bonus pays off


Intimidate - Look tough and not at all like I have no idea what I'm doing - (1D20+0)

(3) = 3

Mar 26, 2019 2:31 pm
I'm adding bluff, since apparently neither of us are putting up with this dude.


Bluff that Ember's impressed +8 - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Mar 26, 2019 3:45 pm
Krav remains seated and says dismissively, "He's just trying to provoke you, don't take the bait." Shiloh returns and tucks himself into his spot just within the collar of Krav's hide armor.
Mar 26, 2019 4:49 pm
Kramat steps back from the sudden onslaught from this young elven woman telling him off. "Well, the children have an attitude... I suppose even puppies have sharp teeth," he says grudgingly. There's confusion and surprise written on his face, clearly not expecting to get such a talking-to. But even that passes after a few moments, and the lazy, confident grin comes back. "A hundred gold pieces, eh? You're on, girl. If you survive to our next meeting, whenever that might be, we'll settle up then. Better start saving your coppers."
Mar 26, 2019 5:07 pm
"Yeah? Well, you better start saving your... your coppers, too, because I'm going to win!"
At least halfway satisfied with the outcome of this interaction (This could have gone a lot worse), Viani retreats again, moving back to Ember. Her hand is shaking from the excitement of this interaction as she sits down next to the girl. "Let's hope we actually do find something impressive because there's no way I'll be able to get 100 gold pieces together to pay off my debt if I lose"
Mar 26, 2019 5:21 pm
Ember smiles, impressed.

Hey, I'm just glad this means he isn't coming with us!
Mar 26, 2019 8:47 pm
Ephwrath blinks repeatedly at Grank. "You don't want to go?.?.? I mean, I will miss my studies in the tower, but the chance to leave the city again after all these years and investigate how things have changed... it's... it's... exhilarating!" His eyebrows dancing wildly.

"Imagine it Grank, you could be the first one to document the effects of the war on the land. You could discover a newly formed mineral... you could even name it after yourself! Grankonite. Or... No! No! Grankium! Yes Grankium has a nice ring to it!" Ephwrath beams at the gnome desperately looking for some hint of shared enthusiasm.
Mar 26, 2019 8:59 pm
Grank scowls at Ephwrath some more, but the intensity is starting to fade. "Grankium, eh?" he scratches at the tip of his nose while he contemplates that. "Perhaps in the Ankite Spur... yes, central Ardraven. The towers, that spell and gravity... modification of mass could deplete..."

He pulls a charcoal pencil from one of his purple pockets and starts scribbling madly in his leatherbound book. "Do you by chance..." he starts to ask Ephwrath, but trails off with a wordless grunt as another thought flashes into his head. He sits down, cross-legged, in the middle of the square and begins sketching a complicated figure of interlocked circles and arrows and squiggly lines.
Mar 26, 2019 9:05 pm
Viani jumps up again at the mention of the floating towers. "Hey! Ardraven is ours. You find somewhere else to explore!"
It had been her dream to visit Ardraven since even before the war. She hadn't discussed her wish to go there with anyone from the group so she hoped they did not mind her outburst too much.
I really need to learn to control myself, she chastises herself in her thoughts. That's the second outburst in a row. The others will think I'm crazy or something
Mar 26, 2019 9:47 pm
Ember raises her eyebrows at Viani.

Oh, thank the stars I'm not the only crazy one here!
Mar 27, 2019 5:33 am
Everyone here is crazy... Elora realizes with concern, but despite all this she decides to carry on, donning her hat resolutely. "There is a whole new world. So to speak."
Mar 27, 2019 3:48 pm
Verrian arrives at the South Gate and surveys the people gathered there. She recognizes everyone from the meeting the previous day, along with a few extras. She notes that there appears to be some sort of minor confrontation brewing. She sidles up to Ember and asks quietly, "What's going on?"
Mar 27, 2019 3:49 pm
She smirks.

The big guy's a cocky one. I tried to screw with him. Elora called him out. Basically, he's got his tail between his legs.
Mar 27, 2019 4:00 pm
Verrian confines her amusement at Ember's pithy but colorful expression of the situation to a tiny huff of a laugh. This girl is going to be endlessly entertaining. "I see." She watches the situation to see if her intervention will be required or warranted.
Mar 27, 2019 4:04 pm
"Hello there, Verrian! I'm glad you made it. The journey would only be half as fun without you.", Viani calls out. "We have some extra motivation for exploring now. If we find the best discovery, we will get 100 gold pieces from this guy over there. She points at Kramat
Mar 27, 2019 4:11 pm
Verrian recognizes the man. They've never actually interacted, but she's heard tell of an arrogant blowhard who likes to bully others.

"Only one hundred?" she replies. "I admire your charitable impluses."
Mar 27, 2019 4:54 pm
Kramat, the big guy in question, has moved away from your group and is making a show of checking his sword and shield, rebuckling armor, running through a few calisthenics, all as though he expects to be attacked by vicious, magically mutated monsters the second he crosses the wards. Or he's still just trying to show off. Probably the latter. Four others eventually filter in to join the original three --human, dwarf, and gnome -- that arrived earlier. One is a halfling man dressed in traveling clothes over leather armor, a shortsword and dagger belted at his waist and a black enameled pin at his collar -- an Obsidian College member. Two human women that can only be identical twins, they're so uncannily similar to one another, follow soon after. One carries a longbow and is dressed in greens and browns, the other in plain traveling clothes. The latter's affiliation with the school is impossible to tell from her appearance. Finally, an elven man carrying a pair of rapiers saunters into the square, his chain shirt jingling slightly. None of them approach your group, staying to their own team members, though they don't seem to be interacting with one another all that much.
What you guess to be a short time before second bell, Athisa Veras arrives at the square flanked by two of the Shining Guard. She slows for a moment, looking from group to group, before she comes closer and speaks. "Everyone is here on time once again. Excellent."

She spends some time reiterating things that she told you on the previous day: how you are to explore, reestablish contact with people outside the wards, study firsthand the lingering effects of the War on the landscape and the people who occupy it, report back when you are able, and so forth. She addresses Kramat's group then, saying, "Your initial mission is to head east to make contact with the elves of the Vaelt. Master Iene of Jade College has family on the eastern shore of the lake that will assist your on your journey." She pauses then, the obvious concern that this family may no longer be there hanging over her words. "In the event that is not possible, you should continue east toward the capital, Asmaran."

Then she turns to your group. "As for you, we have spoken of this a bit already. Head to the southwest shore and up the river, try to make contact with Yelnar's family. From there, your path is somewhat up to you, depending on what you find. My own inclination would be to send you south into Valerma, but Ardraven to the west would also be a reasonable choice."
Mar 27, 2019 6:27 pm
78RPMLife says:
Then she turns to your group. "As for you, we have spoken of this a bit already. Head to the southwest shore and up the river, try to make contact with Yelnar's family. From there, your path is somewhat up to you, depending on what you find. My own inclination would be to send you south into Valerma, but Ardraven to the west would also be a reasonable choice."
Verrian raises a hand to gain Athisa's attention. "Athisa, is there a specific reason you are leaning toward Valerma as our starting exploration objective?"
Mar 27, 2019 6:36 pm
Athisa turns to Verrian, nodding in acknowledgement of the question. "Agriculture, primarily. I would anticipate there will be a need to provide food to a great many people, if the devastation is particularly bad. Valerma's farms and fields were a wonder before the War," she says. After a brief pause, she adds, "And personal bias. There was once a grove of an extremely rare tree in the foothills of the northern mountains of Valerma. I'd like to know if it survived." The Veridium College scholar is well-known as a prominent naturalist, particularly interested in rare flora. She spreads her hands and shrugs. "But Ardraven may have suffered the greatest devastation. Much of their territory was supported by some of the oldest magic of the Great Advancement. If you choose to seek out and explore the consequences of the war, there will likely be plenty to see there."
Mar 27, 2019 7:20 pm
Verrian nods. She suspects that there will be some strong opinions about which direction to go after the group visits Yelnar's family estate, but that can wait. She looks around the group. "Does anyone else have any questions? Or are we ready to set out?"
Mar 27, 2019 7:33 pm
At the mention of this grove of trees, Krav stands up and moves toward her. "The Heamiwithic Grove? You really think they could still be alive?" Krav immediately shoulders his pack and looks eager to leave this place. He has been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time, and their exodus could not come soon enough. But now, with such an enticing goal he is chomping at the bit!

"Thank you," he says as he nods at Athisa, "for your confidence in me."
Last edited March 27, 2019 10:18 pm
Mar 27, 2019 7:46 pm
Athisa puts a hand on Krav's shoulder and smiles, the fond smile of a grandmother for a favored grandchild. "I hope so, my boy. If you do have a chance to pass near, and you can confirm its survival... I know you understand why that would be a great help to our cause." However, she does not explain further to the others. "Bring peace, Krav. You know first-hand the struggles of people who have lost their way."

She looks to the rest of the travelers assembled. The elf in the other group raises his voice. "Scholar Veras, if I may," he says in a light tenor. "Can the whitestone disk you provided us -- and I assume provided the others as well -- be used to communicate with one another? Our party to theirs? If our mission brings us knowledge the others could use, or the other way around of course, it would be more efficient to speak directly with one another than rely on a third party to relay."

Athisa nods. "The individuals entrusted with the disks," she responds, looking to Elora and the twin in nondescript clothing in turn, "will be able to tune the disk to communicate with those they are paired with -- namely, these two disks you all carry, and my disk. I will show you how to accomplish that."
Mar 27, 2019 7:52 pm
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
Mar 27, 2019 8:02 pm
"I... Viani suddenly speaks up. "I know we're going to check on Yelnar's family first, if we can find them, but can I make a suggestion for our next destination after that? She doesn't wait for permission before continuing. "There used to be a small village, Taryadi, only an hour upriver from the lake. I would like to pay it a visit if we get the chance."
As she is saying that, Viani's eyes are locked to the ground in front of her boots. She doesn't make eye contact with anyone, least of all Athisa.
Last edited March 27, 2019 8:20 pm
Mar 27, 2019 10:49 pm
Moonbeam says:
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
The South Gate leads to one of the major harbors of the city, and while the wards have cut off the typical lake traffic back and forth to Meriava's island, traditionally the South Gate square was one of the busier areas of the city. Three years on after the wards went up, the square has shown the cracks in Meriava's bustling society. Where the open air market used to offer fresh fruits from Valerma and exotic foods from The Vaelt and Rhamia, there's little such commerce any more. A full half of the merchants have closed their shops. While the School provides in these times of shortages, there's something missing from the soul of the city, and the South Gate square shows it.

So the rumors that people are starting to leave the city definitely cause curiosity. At first, no one was really certain when or where these departures would happen, but word travels fast, and there are crowds beginning to gather around the edges of the square. The Shining Guard is here, and to a careful observer, you would notice that there are more and more of the Guard showing up every minute, matching the growth in onlookers among the citizens.
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
Mar 27, 2019 11:00 pm
78RPMLife says:
Moonbeam says:
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
Wow. Verrian must need glasses.
Last edited March 27, 2019 11:00 pm


Percepting the crowd - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Mar 27, 2019 11:01 pm
78RPMLife says:
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
No harm, I suppose.

Edit: Man. I'm glad we aren't in combat right now.....
Last edited March 27, 2019 11:02 pm


Lookin' all over the place - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Mar 27, 2019 11:06 pm
Basically, Ember notices there are some people around.
Mar 27, 2019 11:12 pm
Why am I.....nobody here cares who I am. And I gave Tace almost all of his knick knacks back.

So you're just looking around so you look important like the taller ones. Cute.

I'm not trying to look..........oh, shut up you.
Mar 27, 2019 11:15 pm
THAT'S why Verrian botched her perception roll. Ember's inner life is really distracting.
Mar 28, 2019 12:12 am
Shiloh would be looking around and aware of his surroundings. Krav is too busy prepping at the moment and daydreaming about the grove.
Remember he can only share feelings with me at this level, no spoken language or telepathy.


Shiloh's Perception - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Mar 28, 2019 3:35 am
"They're...they're staring..." Elora whispers, feeling everyone stare at her specifically.


Perception - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Mar 28, 2019 4:58 am
bowlofspinach says:
"I... Viani suddenly speaks up. "I know we're going to check on Yelnar's family first, if we can find them, but can I make a suggestion for our next destination after that? She doesn't wait for permission before continuing. "There used to be a small village, Taryadi, only an hour upriver from the lake. I would like to pay it a visit if we get the chance."
As she is saying that, Viani's eyes are locked to the ground in front of her boots. She doesn't make eye contact with anyone, least of all Athisa.
Yelnar speaks up, somewhat testily, as he feels like people think he's being accorded a special privelege by their initial destination. "We're not going on a mercy mission so we can check on my family, we're going there because we had an extensive stable before the War and we're hoping it survived so we can procure better tansport, to allow us to explore quicker."
[ +- ] OOC: Taryadi
Last edited March 28, 2019 4:58 am


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Mar 28, 2019 11:33 am
Ember shrugs.

Stables or not, I don't see a problem with visiting old stomping grounds. We're supposed to explore, right? It would give us some idea where to start.
Mar 28, 2019 4:00 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
78RPMLife sent a note to somebox
78RPMLife sent a note to chunky04
Mar 28, 2019 4:04 pm
Viani turns to Yelnar. "I know we're not going there just for fun. I was just suggesting another location to visit after we go there. You know, since we will already be in the area."
Mar 28, 2019 4:06 pm
I think there's no reason not to make Taryadi the destination, and say Yelnar's family estates are just outside of the town. Two birds, and all.
Mar 28, 2019 4:34 pm
Although she's not seeing anything or anyone to explain it, Verrian feels a sense of unease. Maybe the others are feeling it, too, which would explain their sudden tendency to bicker over trivialities. She continues to scan the area, hoping to find something.

Against every fiber of her being, she also decides to reach out telepathically to Aisurn - not to establish communication, but to see if she can detect his presence.
Do you need a (bad, of course) roll for this?
Mar 28, 2019 4:42 pm
I'll accept a 2nd perception roll from you, Verrian.
Mar 28, 2019 4:47 pm
Okey doke.


Another bad perception roll - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Mar 28, 2019 4:56 pm
Hey, 1 point higher... you're moving up!
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
Mar 28, 2019 5:49 pm
Krav notices Shiloh's sudden attentiveness and turns to look to the north along with him.

"Hey," Krav says for others to hear and taps Ephwrath on the shoulder, "what's going on here I wonder?"

Turning to the north Krav steels himself for whatever may come next and tries to peer through the crowd.
Mar 28, 2019 6:28 pm
On hearing Krav's question, Verrian turns to look where he indicated. Surely if she knows where to look, she'll observe something.
Mar 28, 2019 6:28 pm
"Guys, they have angry eyes..." Elora begins to ponder why the barriers are still up, reflexively gripping her sword.
Mar 28, 2019 7:14 pm
"Angry eyes? What are you talking about?" Viani looks around confused. She was too deep in thought to pay attention to their surroundings.
Mar 28, 2019 7:16 pm
Verrian looks sharply at Elora. "Who has angry eyes? What are you seeing, Elora?"
Mar 28, 2019 8:54 pm
"In the crowds, watching us. You don't see them?" Elora wonders if she is being paranoid, but she is certain something is amiss.
Mar 28, 2019 8:59 pm
Viani looks in the direction Elora is pointing. "I didn't notice anything. What do you mean?"


Perception - (1D20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Mar 28, 2019 9:25 pm
Ember grins and waves back, but Elora’s comment catches her off guard.

What? Where?


A more focused percept, if you’ll take it. - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Mar 28, 2019 9:27 pm
Now that others call attention to the crowd, it is plain what they're seeing, and now hearing.

"What gives them the right to leave? Why can't we all leave?!" a voice cries out, and another follows quickly after that. "I have family out there!"

Athisa's back was to the crowd, but the noise makes her turn quickly. The Shining Guard, which is now here in force, is trying to calm emotions. It seems they might have expected unrest. None of them have drawn weapons yet, however. She looks back over her shoulder to your group. "It might be best if you started making your way toward the harbor," she says tersely. "The disk will allow you and anyone within twenty feet of it to pass safely through the wards. Boats await to carry you across the lake to your destination. We will take care of this situation."

As she says this, you can hear the protests growing from the crowd.

"Set us free!"

"Let us go!"

"Open the wards!"

That last begins a chant, many people raising and shaking their fists in time with the chanting. Athisa's two dedicated guards have their hands on the hilts of their swords, and they try to move her away from the crowd. She stubbornly resists, yanking her arm out of the grip of the guardsman. "You draw weapons, and we have a riot. I can talk to them."

She turns again to your groups. "Go! Go now!"
Mar 28, 2019 9:33 pm
Viani looks at the crowd with a very nervous expression. She wants to step up to those people and talk them down but she doesn't know what to say. She's supposed to tough and intimidating, able to stand up to a crowd like this - that's what her training was for, after all - but the angry eyes of the people are intimidating her. She steps up to Athisa, whispering a short prayer and touching her shoulder, sending a wave of positive energy through the woman. It's the only thing I can do, Viani thinks as she moves toward the rest of the group.
"Let's get out of here!", she says, her voice shaking.
Guidance for Athisa to help her talk down the crowd
Mar 28, 2019 9:49 pm
Verrian steps close to Athisa. "Will you be all right?"
Mar 28, 2019 9:54 pm
Ember (poorly) attempts to help Yelnar with the cart.

Come on, big guy. Let's move.
Mar 28, 2019 11:31 pm
Ephwrath gets up off the ground where he's been sitting next to Grank scribbling in a notebook and comparing the notes and drawings they've been making together. He peers up at Krav, confused by the interruption, and then sees the crowd.

"Oh my..." He says as he locks eyes with a particularly angry looking elven man. "He's an angry elf!"

Ephwrath quickly secures his gear and falls in with Krav and the others, ready to head out.
Last edited March 28, 2019 11:40 pm
Mar 29, 2019 2:23 pm
Krav takes the cue from his mentor and heads out of the gate, largely ignoring the chaos behind him. He know Athisa can take care of herself regardless of her grandmotherly appearance. He never felt like he quite fit in in this world, maybe now he can help create a new one.
Mar 29, 2019 4:59 pm
Elora can only hope Athisa will keep the crowds at bay. Going with the group she pulls out the whitestone disk from her pack, rubbing it slightly. I suppose this means we can always come back.
Last edited March 30, 2019 5:41 am
Mar 29, 2019 10:26 pm
Both groups gather the last of their things and begin moving toward the massive South Gate. While it stands open, and the harbor beyond can easily be seen, it's well known that the wards prevent any passage through that portal. At the base of the gate are the remains of tokens people have left in remembrance of those that were left outside the wards, whose fate is unknown. Few get left these days, now that so much time has passed.

Athisa nods curtly in thanks to Verrian and Viani. The older woman takes Verrian by the shoulders and pushes her, not entirely gently, toward the gate.

78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
Before she can begin speaking, however, you can hear shouts from multiple places in the crowd. "Look! They're going to go through the wards! Follow them!" That seems to be all it takes for people to start rushing the guards, who seem helpless to stop the crowds.

Athisa spreads her arms, then brings her hands together and up as if lifting something from the ground. Moments later, thick masses of grass and weeds grow up from the cracks and seams between the stones of the square. The plants grab and tangle the citizens trying to rush toward the South Gate, slowing their movements to give you time to make it through the wards unharmed. However, as you watch, people are slowly making their way through the tangles of vegetation and could break through the profusion of plants soon.
Mar 29, 2019 11:15 pm
Verrian grabs Viani's arm and tugs it toward the gate. She's urging all of the group who haven't gone through the gate to hurry, move faster, when she realizes that she's sharing instead of vocalizing it. She shakes her head and switches to speech.

"Hurry! Get to the gate before they manage to make it through the growth!"
Mar 30, 2019 4:57 am
Yelnar grabs the harness for the sled and moves off as quickly as possible, while making sure he has his Bardiche at the ready, with a mid haft grip so that he can use either end in defence if needs be.
Mar 30, 2019 5:22 am
Vian goes forward toward the gate, while looking back at the crowd. She's scared of those people and holds on to Verrian for safety. For a second, the thought of using her limited magic to keep back those people occurs to her but she decides against it. That would probably only escalate the situation even more
Mar 30, 2019 2:16 pm
Having no good contribution to Yelnar's sled, Ember breaks off and runs. She realizes that, ulterior motives or not, this is a privilege...

Are we there yet??
Mar 31, 2019 3:20 am
Verrian desperately does not want to engage in combat with Meriavans who are simply stir crazy and mad with the uncertainty of what's become of their loved ones outside the wards. She takes Viani's hand and begins to sprint toward the gate.
Last edited March 31, 2019 3:22 am
Apr 1, 2019 6:27 pm
Both parties rush toward South Gate. Behind you, more and more citizens are breaking through the line of the Shining Guard, and generally getting caught up in the entangling plant life summoned by Athisa. However, some are starting to break through. While they're not armed, and individually would not be dangerous at all, the mob mentality has taken over, and time is short: the riot has begun.

The members of the other group are running, but are a little bit behind yours. As you make it to the gate, you follow Elora and the disk she carries into the wards. There is a discomforting

twist in your stomach

vision blurs and swirls in colors you have no name for

sounds play in your head

78RPMLife sent a note to kona
78RPMLife sent a note to bowlofspinach
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
78RPMLife sent a note to chunky04
78RPMLife sent a note to somebox
as you move through at what seems like a snail's pace, although you can see behind you that the world not held by the wards has slowed to the same speed. That's when you see the mob break through completely:

People caught in the entanglement getting trampled by their fellow citizens.

Athisa overrun, disappearing into the chaos.

One of the twins -- Narise the cleric you think it must be, given the clothing -- who brings up the rear of the other group stumble and fall. In the panic, none of her comrades notice immediately, and her cries for assistance go unheard in the clamor of the square.

As you watch in slow-motion horror, the mob tramples Narise, and you see nothing more of her.

Finally, you are through the wards. Kramat yells out, "Quickly, away from the wards, so the disks do not keep them open!" He and his party quickly continue down the street, down a gentle slope toward the harbor, or at least most of them do. The other twin, Heira, breaks away from the dwarf Muoghan, who is trying to hold on to her. She rushes back toward the wards, screaming her sister's name. She is too slow, however, and bounces off the faint shimmer that represents the wards.

On the other side, the mob pushes against the wards, which hold strong against the pressure. So strong that you can see the people at front start to get crushed against them as the riot breaks like a tide against the wards.
Apr 1, 2019 6:47 pm
As this is happening, Viani struggles against Verrian's grip, trying to run back towards the city to help. Verrian is holding her back and eventually Viani gives up the struggle. Even if she was able to get back through the wards, she would most likely just get torn apart by the mob
Last edited April 1, 2019 6:48 pm
Apr 1, 2019 8:12 pm
Elora is growing quite concerned with the terrifying screams and sounds of the riot behind her, so much so that she almost doesn't pay any heed to her pounding head. Feeling her body topple over she falls to a knee with ragged breath. Looking back for a second manage to motivate her back to her feet as she quickens her pace, thoroughly scared of the ravenous crowd. "What a nightmare..."
Apr 1, 2019 8:15 pm
Yelnar does not look back. He determinedly plows onward like a man on a mission towards the docks, already intent on looking for a feasible boat for them to travel on.
Apr 1, 2019 9:37 pm
Krav looks back and notes the differences between humans and most other animals. Swarms of animals generally work together to achieve some goal. Staying together to disrupt their predator's senses, for example, or working together to attack their prey. Such blatant disregard for the other members of the group typically indicated fear. What were they afraid of? Being trapped I suppose, which was exactly the way he felt until now.

"I can hardly blame them. C'mon we better keep moving. Once we leave their sight they will likely start calming down."

As he quickly heads toward the docks, Krav looks around at his surroundings to take in the world beyond the wards.
Apr 1, 2019 10:26 pm
Ember’s pace slows, barely. She’s surprised. She should be afraid, but she’s not. Does this space outside the wards look different from when she arrived? She was so little at the time, she can barely tell. But she’s calm. She can tell she’s exactly where she belongs. Seemingly to nobody in particular, she mutters

Who are...what do you need?
Apr 1, 2019 11:23 pm
Ephwrath stops near the others to catch his breath. He looks around with a puzzled look on his face as if searching for something...

He looks up at Krav, "Did you hear that?"
Last edited April 1, 2019 11:24 pm
Apr 2, 2019 1:41 am
"I did. At first I thought it was the cry of someone in the crowd, but based on your reactions I take it that's not the case. It sounded like someone crying out in sadness. Or pain. Maybe even anger. Hard to put a finger on it. Did you hear the same?"
Apr 2, 2019 2:54 am
Ephwrath nods. "Yes... and the sound of fire. It was quite strange, and... disturbing." He frowns and sniffs the air.
Apr 2, 2019 5:37 am
Verrian maintains an iron grip on Viani's wrist as she pushes hard toward the gate. The girl is practically making Verrian drag her, seemingly trying to run back toward the horror show. Finally, she stops fighting, though, and they make it through the disturbing, fascinating sensations caused by the wards.

Releasing Viani's wrist, Verrian slows her steps, breathing hard and looking at the carnage being created by the mob on the inside of the wards. It is horrifying, sickening, and Verrian takes Viani by the shoulders and turns her firmly away from the sight. They are free of the wards, now, but also free of its protections. They all need to focus on their immediate surroundings.

She hears Ephwrath and Krav talking about hearing a strange sound and walks toward them. "Are you hearing it right now? Can you tell where it's coming from?"

She strains to hear what they are hearing.


Stop, hey, what's that sound? - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Apr 2, 2019 5:43 am
"What are you talking about?", Viani interrupts the conversation. "There were no screams, only... explosions. It sounded as if the whole world was shaking!"
Apr 2, 2019 5:52 am
"I heard water...and these haunting howls." Elora chimes in despite not wanting a reminder of the bad experience.
Apr 2, 2019 6:00 am
Looking around at all of them, Verrian asks, "Wait, when did you hear these things? While we were passing through the wards?"
Apr 2, 2019 6:14 am
"I guess. It was pretty much exactly when we were leaving through them. And then it stopped once we were outside"
Apr 2, 2019 8:18 am
Yelnar turns back without stopping and says "It was my mother, there’s trouble, let’s move."
Apr 2, 2019 12:39 pm
Ember dutifully follows Yelnar. She’s concerned for the others, but still overall relaxed. She shakes her head, still speaking quietly.

I didn’t....huh. I didn’t hear any of that.
Apr 2, 2019 12:43 pm
Concerned about the extremely varied things they'd all heard - or not heard - during the passage through the wards, Verrian hurries to catch up to Yelnar.

"You heard your mother's voice? What exactly did it say?"
Apr 2, 2019 4:28 pm
Yelnar does not stop, but dragging the sled is not moving any faster than a brisk walk. "She sounded panicked, and was trying to get a number of people into the cellar. My mother does not panic, she is in trouble, and she was to be our first destination, let’s move."

If you were to look at Yelnar’s face currently, you would see a look of almost manic determination.
Apr 2, 2019 4:41 pm
"Wait, you think you could hear what was happening to her at that moment even though she was far away?" Viani speeds up to catch up to Yelnar. "If that is true, what did I hear? Where did those explosions happen?"
Apr 2, 2019 4:56 pm
Now that everybody looks at what's going down, and examines the surroundings, a few things are immediately noticeable.

It's quiet. Very quiet. There's a gentle spring breeze blowing off the lake nearby, but that is nearly the only sound from the environment. No gulls wheeling above the harbor, no sounds of the city... your voices sound absurdly loud in your own ears. Near the gate, the dwarf Muoghan and the elf Epau are tending to the sobbing Heira. The others of that group are speaking quietly with one another some distance away, but from the snippets of conversation you can pick up, it's obvious that they too heard things when traveling through the wards.

There are abandoned camps along the street to the harbor, where people trapped outside the wards once squatted, hoping to be allowed inside. The remains of tents, a crude lean-to here and there, campfires and so forth. There are even some remains of bodies: some people apparently would rather have starved and died here than return to wherever they fled.

At the harbor, a short walk downhill from here, there are a number of boats that could be taken across the lake. Low buildings, many of them fallen into disrepair, dominate the land around the harbor. This district was always a little bit lawless before the wards, the closely spaced buildings and tight alleyways together with the comings and goings of merchants and lakeboat traffic combining for activities of questionable legality. The main road down to the harbor proper, however, is wide and open. Respectable. Or at least, it used to be.
Apr 3, 2019 2:30 am
Yelnar forges on, intending to get to the harbour as directly as possible. He will call out over his shoulder "Anyone know anything about boats?"
Apr 3, 2019 6:02 am
Verrian surveys the wreckage of civilization around them. She says to the group, "Keep your eyes open as we go. It doesn't look as though anyone is still around, but that doesn't mean it's safe." She doesn't know anything about boats, so she's hoping someone else will answer in the affirmative.
Apr 3, 2019 6:22 am
"I know a lot about boats. I've taken a course on ancient seafaring history and piracy last year." She starts rattling off some facts she remembers, like where boats were first invented, some famous historical captains and boat names and she starts talking about a famous sea battle that took place a few hundred years ago. Suddenly she catches herself and stops. She frowns and adds: "But I don't know how to steer them."
Apr 3, 2019 12:36 pm
Ember let’s out a huff.

Most of us are spellcasters, and we can’t figure it out? Things are easier to move on water. Just cast Extra Hand, or whatever the rest of you academics call it, and if we veer off course, "boop" us back to the direction we need to go.

She does smile at Viani. At least the gal knows the cool stuff.
Last edited April 3, 2019 12:38 pm
Apr 3, 2019 12:53 pm
"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure we can figure out how to work a small boat without using magic."
She does smile at Ember, though. It feels nice to be appreciated, even if it's just for random trivia knowledge
Apr 3, 2019 4:27 pm
Krav looks around, and is disconcerted by the lack of birds in the sky.

"There is either danger nearby, or no food source here," he says plainly, as if everyone else needed no explanation as to how he came to that conclusion. "I suggest we remain on guard in case it's the former." At that, he draws his scimitar and heavy wooden shield.

Krav studies his surroundings for signs of plant or animal life that may give him some hints.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Apr 3, 2019 5:22 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
Apr 3, 2019 6:34 pm
Ephwrath, following Krav's lead, quickly equips his buckler and warhammer and begins to survey the surrounding area.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Apr 3, 2019 6:38 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
Apr 3, 2019 6:48 pm
"It's quiet... Too quiet." Ephwrath walks to the edge of the road where something has clearly captured his attention. A dead body lies amongst the scattered remains of what looks like a recently abandoned camp. "Are those are bite marks?" He says, to no one in particular.

OOC: I'd like to check the body for cause of death, race, or any other physical evidence that's apparent to me.
Last edited April 3, 2019 6:49 pm


Heal - (1d20+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

Apr 3, 2019 6:53 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
Apr 3, 2019 7:06 pm
Viani follows Ephwrath, if only because of her own curiosity. When she sees the dead body, she stumbles backwards and reaches for the ranseur on her back. This is the first time she's seen a dead body up close and she's feeling nauseous. She awkwardly fumbles with her weapon for a few seconds before she gets a good grip on it.
Then she looks around, attempting to see if she can spot any immediate danger to the group.


Perception - (1D20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Apr 3, 2019 7:18 pm
Ember cautiously grabs the crossbow she saved in Yelnar’s cart, hooking the quiver to her hip and loading one bolt.

Oh, come on, guys. This place is creepy, but this close to the wards you’d think things would have given up by now.

She freezes for a moment when she sees the body. Her face betrays an unpleasant memory.
Last edited April 3, 2019 7:19 pm


Do we need to worry? Perception +0 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

I’m not scared! Bluff +8 - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Apr 3, 2019 7:49 pm
From an alleyway a little farther down the road to the harbor, the party hears a crashing sound, the sound of wooden crates toppling and falling to the ground. In the relative silence of the harbor district, it sounds loud in your ears.

The members of the other party must have heard it to, as their attention perks up and toward the sound. Kramat draws his sword and shield and barks out suggestions (orders?) to the rest of his group to get ready.
Apr 3, 2019 8:03 pm
Due to how tense she is, when the crates fall, Viani lets out a scream of surprise. She almost drops her weapon but catches it again before it hits the ground.
She blushes and clears her throat. "Should... should we check out what that was?"
Apr 3, 2019 9:04 pm
Elora jumps back a step from both surprise and defensive instinct. "Could be a monster, prepare yourself." Elora's voice is soft, but her tone is far from scared as her training kicks in. She draws her rapier slowly, staring intently towards the origins of this noise. "Rule 1: Always expect an ambush."
Does anyone else have stealth?
Apr 3, 2019 9:16 pm
Shiloh does. He can't communicate with me other than feelings though.
Last edited April 3, 2019 9:17 pm
Apr 3, 2019 9:19 pm
Ephwrath rises from examining the body, fastening a cork onto a small vial he pulled from his belt pouch. Inside are some hairs and small pieces of rotten flesh that he carefully removed from the body with what looks like shiny metal hand tools. "Hmmm... I've never seen anything like this before. This human is... not quite human. I would say that he's been dead for about three weeks, and these bite marks appear to be humanoid as well... Fascinating!"

Upon hearing the crashing noise, he quickly stows the vial back in his belt and returns to the group. Weapon ready.
Apr 3, 2019 10:53 pm
Yelnar hears the crashing sound but still has an urgency the others seem to lack. He stops briefly to check that he can drop the straps and wield his Bardiche at a moments notice, then continues forward, albeit a little more warily. If it comes to a fight he wants a bit of separation anyway.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Apr 3, 2019 11:34 pm
An overpowering stench of decaying, rotting matter emanates from the same alleyway. Rancid flesh. Rotting seaweed.

Footfalls sound in whatever it was that fell over in the alleyway. Cracking, breaking boards, stumbling footsteps through the debris.

The elf Epau has returned to Kramat's side, and he turns to look in the opposite direction. "It's coming from this side too. We're about to be surrounded, whatever it is!"
Apr 4, 2019 12:06 am
Ember tries to position herself as far away from the alley mouths as possible, then lightly taps her skin. With a word that sounds like a metal door shutting, her skin feels cold, then warm, then nothing. She speaks quietly and readies her crossbow, not yet willing to waste a spell. Which is saying something, for the sorcerer.

So, uh, plan?
She casts the "Protection" cantrip on herself, giving her +1 on saves for one minute.
Apr 4, 2019 12:44 am
Now realising that it seems like confrontation is unavoidable, Yelnar will drop his sled, and seek to position himself in such a way that he can be something of a bottleneck from the alleyway, while still allowing his allies to see into it.
If he has time, he will ready an action to chop at the first thing to come into range.
Apr 4, 2019 2:13 am
lavtodd says:
Ember tries to position herself as far away from the alley mouths as possible, then lightly taps her skin. With a word that sounds like a metal door shutting, her skin feels cold, then warm, then nothing. She speaks quietly and readies her crossbow, not yet willing to waste a spell. Which is saying something, for the sorcerer.

So, uh, plan?
Verrian positions herself similarly to Ember, loading her own crossbow. "The plan is to take out whatever this is before it can take out us," she says, with a grin and a wink. Then she hoists the crossbow as though she is called upon to battle unseen monsters every day, facing the alley mouth that Yelnar is standing in.
Apr 4, 2019 2:23 am
chunky04 says:
Now realising that it seems like confrontation is unavoidable, Yelnar will drop his sled, and seek to position himself in such a way that he can be something of a bottleneck from the alleyway, while still allowing his allies to see into it.
If he has time, he will ready an action to chop at the first thing to come into range.
Got it. Action readied.
Apr 4, 2019 2:26 am
Everyone please roll initiative when they have a chance, just so I have it ready. I will have some access on Friday, so we should be able to handle a combat okay.

Just as a reminder, initiative is d20 + dex modifier + any feat bonuses. I don’t think anyone took improved initiative, so the last part may not apply to anyone yet.
Apr 4, 2019 2:29 am
Initiative roll.

Looks like Verrian will be waiting for a while to shoot.
Last edited April 4, 2019 2:30 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Apr 4, 2019 2:31 am
Rolling initiative... wow lol
Last edited April 4, 2019 2:34 am


Initiative - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Apr 4, 2019 4:25 am
Yelnar prepares for combat...
Yelnar can actually Brace for his readied action with a Bardiche.
DM Response: Consider yourself braced and readied!
Last edited April 4, 2019 4:27 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Apr 4, 2019 4:44 am
Elora adjusts her hat.


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Apr 4, 2019 7:23 am
Viani moves in front of Verrian and Ember. If anything comes to attack them, it'll have to go through her.
Which, she realizes, does not sound very good for her
Since Verrian and Viani have the same initiative, I'll reroll to decide who of us goes first
Last edited April 4, 2019 7:38 am


Initiative - (1D20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Initiative vs Verrian - (1D20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Apr 4, 2019 1:31 pm
Krav, with scimitar and shield in hand, moves up adjacent to Yelnar if there's room in the alley.

"Maybe you and I should investigate...everyone is ready for a fight, but not everything that stirs within rot and decay is our enemy," he says quietly.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Apr 4, 2019 1:48 pm
Ember reaches out her hand, partially. Hey, Viani, if you’re playing meat-shield, can I....

She doesn’t care for magic. What makes you think she’ll want a tiny little cantrip?

It’ll help though. Maybe.

Hmpf. Better her than you, eh? Got for it.

That’s not what I meant...

(sigh)....Can I help you?
Edit: fitting that this is where I get a decent roll XD
Last edited April 4, 2019 1:48 pm


Initiative +2 - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Apr 4, 2019 1:55 pm
You can see that Viani is visibly worried. Her hands gripping the ranseur are shaking very lightly. She turns back to you and gives you a nervous smile. "That's not necessary! There's probably no danger here at all. Just make sure if you choose to let loose some fire to keep it away from my face!"
As soon as Viani finishes saying that, her eyes fall onto Ember's burn scar and she rapidly turns away from the girl again. I couldn't have said anything ruder, could I?, she asks herself silently. Without turning back to Ember, she mumbles: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."
Last edited April 4, 2019 1:55 pm
Apr 4, 2019 2:35 pm

The stench assaults your noses even more severely and soon, the cause is clear: from each alleyway, a shambling, rotting corpse emerges. Water drips from its form, leaving a trail on the ground as it shuffles from the alley. Both wear the remains of clothing common to sailors and lake boatmen, and carry huge axes that should be too heavy for them. Somehow, they manage to hold them at the ready, turning to face your groups with a malevolent glow in their eyes.

There are only two that you can see right now, but the sounds of other... beings... continue from the alleyways behind them. There may be more coming.
[ +- ] Braiiiiiiins
Initiative order:
Verrian and Viani, don't care which goes first
Bad guys
Other good guys (the other group)

After this round, it will be PCs go in any order, bad guys go.
Apr 4, 2019 2:42 pm
Viani lets out a scared whimper as the creature emerges from the alley. She looks around at her companions to determine how they would react if she were to propose to run away
Last edited April 4, 2019 3:02 pm
Apr 4, 2019 3:12 pm
Seeing the state of Viani's nerve, Verrian says to her softly, "Steady, now. We're just getting started." She raises her voice to say to the others, "Keep a path to retreat open. There may be more of them than we can handle without more information."
Apr 4, 2019 3:19 pm
Elora also takes notice of Viana's clear apprehension, partially because she thought she was the only one who would be afraid. Briefly she grasps her hand with eyes fixed on the enemy. "Agreed, we need to protect the second group as well."
Apr 4, 2019 5:28 pm
Viani’s comment throws Ember off, so she grins, possibly with too many teeth. She can’t blame Viani, given her burns. But the creatures make her skin crawl, make the tiny scars on her palms itch. Make her feel sick.

I’m just getting plastered today, huh.

So prove her wrong. Take the moment back.

It didn’t rightly matter which "her". Ember, admittedly without thinking of the implications for herself, aims her outstretched hands at the fishy men and shouts something that sounds like hot oil hitting water. Tiny flaming rocks pelt the creatures.
She casts Meteor Storm, a spell-like ability from her bloodline. 5ft square, 30 foot high column. Reflex DC 15. I’ll add damage if necessary


Storm damage, if applicable. - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Apr 4, 2019 9:56 pm
When he sees the creatures, Yelnar says to Krav "Care to bet on that? We'll hold them here."

Yelnar once again readies his Bardiche, positioning himself so that the alleyway can be made into a chokepoint.
Yelnar will use Power Attack on these attacks when he can- assuming the creatures are easy to hit.

Damage from the Brace attack is doubled.

He'll also use all of his Attacks of Opportunity at the first chance.

First one is likely to be if the Brace attacked creature survives and finishes its charge. Remainder will likely be on charges also, when they move from the reach range square to adjacent.
Last edited April 4, 2019 10:00 pm


Roll to hit for Brace attack - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Damage for Brace Attack if it hits - (1d10+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Roll to hit for first Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Damage if first AoO hits - (1d10+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Roll to hit for second Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Damage if 2nd AoO hits - (1d10+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Roll to hit for third Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Damage if 3rd AoO hits - (1d10+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Apr 5, 2019 1:57 pm
A column of tiny meteors rains down from the sky and strike the squelching creature, but the fire fizzles against the wet skin and clothing and apparently does no significant damage!

As it continues forward, Yelnar is ready for it, and his first readied attack strikes home. It wasn’t charging — it moves too slowly for that — but the bardiche slashes into it and staggers its forward progress for a moment.
Krav is up!
Apr 5, 2019 5:13 pm
Krav evaluates the situation only for a moment. He yells, "What is this abomination?!" lunges forward slicing at it with his scimitar.
I'm rolling Knowledge: Nature to identify the creature, although I doubt it applies.


Knowledge: Nature - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Power Attack with Scimitar (slashing, 18-20 crits) - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Scimitar Damage (with Power Attack) - (1d6+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Apr 7, 2019 2:29 am
Krav’s scimitar whistles through the air, failing to make contact. The attacker turns to fix Krav with an emotionless gaze.
Elora is up — let me know if you need any additional guidance!
Apr 7, 2019 4:28 am
Elora runs a finger up her rapier while swiftly moving towards the second undead, causing the blade to dimly shimmer with a purple haze. Approaching the monstrosity she tries to stab it and gauge its reaction so as to better understand how to fight it.
Okay, I'll let you know if I have any questions. I wasn't too sure if you wanted to respond to everyone's individual turn, but halfway through the day I thought "no, thats silly"

Enhancing my rapier to +1 with swift action.

Using power attack. Ahh damn.
Last edited April 7, 2019 4:30 am


Power Attack - (1d20+3, 1d6+3)

1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d6+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

Religion - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Apr 7, 2019 4:42 am
Yeah, I generally don’t need to respond to everyone’s attack. No worries!
Elora’s slashing attack goes wide, missing the creature completely.
Verrian or Viani, take it away!
Apr 7, 2019 5:07 am
Having trained her crossbow on the undead monster throughout, Verrian lets fly a bolt.


Crossbow shot - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Apr 7, 2019 6:40 am
Viani will stay in front of Verrian and Ember to guard them (and hoping she won't have to get to close to one of these monsters).
She prepares a power attack with her Ranseur for if one of them comes into her range.


Attack roll, damage, power attack - (1D20+2, 2D4+6)

1D20+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

2D4+6 : (12) + 6 = 9

Apr 7, 2019 3:47 pm
The undead advance, though slowly. One raises his greataxe and hacks at Yelnar, but he is able to step aside and the axe glances off his armor for no apparent damage. The second, on the other side of the street, levels a blow at the elf Epau, and it strikes home, driving into him. Epau cries out and falls to the stones, bleeding heavily from a wound in his side.
Ephwrath is up! The draugr fighting Yelnar and others is hurt (heal check would tell you how badly, if you wish) and the other that took down Epau is currently engaging Kramat from the other group and is uninsured.
Apr 7, 2019 4:22 pm
Ephwrath's eyes dart back and forth, studying both the draugr attacking Yelnar and the elf fighter that just fell. He makes eye contact with Yelnar, who looks relieved by the creature’s failed attack, "It's hurt. You can finish him."

Ephwrath turns and runs to Epau, making sure to stay out of the other draugr's reach. He places one hand on the elf, channeling positive energy into his body and braces for an attack from the second draugr.
Is a heal check considered a swift action or standard action? You can disregard if it's the latter.
Last edited April 7, 2019 4:31 pm


Cure Light Wounds - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Heal Check on draugr attacking Yelnar - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

Apr 7, 2019 6:32 pm
Krav, upset with himself for swinging so wildly, regathers himself and strikes out at the creature again!


Power Attack with Scimitar (slashing, 18-20 crits) - (1d20+2, 1d6+5)

1d20+2 : (9) + 2 = 11

1d6+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

Apr 7, 2019 8:25 pm
I'm here anyway, so I hope it's cool if I jump in.
Ember curses quietly at herself.

Idiot. They're wet.

You suggested this!

They'll squelch anything you send their way.

Not anything.

She points at the thing she intended to set ablaze, hissing like quickly-forming frost.


Ray of Frost, no save, spell resistance works, 1d3 damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Ranged attack +2 - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Apr 7, 2019 8:42 pm
Krav’s scimitar glances a blow against one of the bits of armor the creature wears, and appears to do no damage. Ember’s ray of frost turns a portion of its wet, rotting flesh into ice, and it flinches back for a moment.
Apr 7, 2019 9:26 pm
Ephwrath removes his hand from Epau, stands up, and swings his warhammer at the draugr looming over them.
I'm assuming I can go again now that we're in the second round.?.?


Melee attack with warhammer (crit x3) - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Damage - (1d8+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Apr 7, 2019 9:37 pm
Yelnar prepares to attack the beast once more.
Yelnar takes a 5 foot step back to enable him to hit the beast at reach range without penalty
Did Yelnar get his attack of opportunity when the thing attacked? Should be one when it moves from reach range (where he hit it) to its melee range so it could hit Yelnar. Assuming he did and it survived, I’ll have a whack at it, otherwise the rolls below could become another readied action if he AoOs it and it dies. He also wouldn’t need to 5 foot step back out of the choke point in this case.
Last edited April 7, 2019 9:38 pm


Attack (or prepared attack) - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Damage if hits - (1d10+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

First Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Damage if hits - (1d10+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Second Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Damage if hits - (1d10+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

Damage if hits - (1d10+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Third attack of opportunity to hit roll - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Apr 7, 2019 10:20 pm
I gave you your readied attack, and one attack of opportunity (which missed) when it moved within range. He didn't move again after that, so he only provoked one time. He's not provoking now -- so AOO isn't relevant on this attack. Unless you're looking at a different part of the rules than I am. I admit I've never DMed with a reach weapon specialist.
Apr 7, 2019 11:01 pm
In a smooth motion, Verrian loads another bolt into the crossbow as she darts behind a nearby dusty crate and fires at the draugr again, this time from hiding.
Last edited April 8, 2019 3:12 am


Crossbow bolt the second - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Damage if it hits - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Sneak attack - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Steath check - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Apr 8, 2019 2:37 am
As Ephwrath heals Epau, the elf coughs and yells out as he comes back to consciousness. There's a moment of confusion, and then he tries to roll away from the draugr and come to his feet in one motion.

Kramat lets forth a bellow and attacks with both his longsword and his shield, seeking to drive back the enemy to give Epau space.

The dwarf Muoghan tosses an alchemist's bomb at the draugr, not having noticed that Ember's fire attack did no damage to the creature.

The ranger Heira, tears still pouring down her face from the loss of her sister, fires an arrow at the creature.

Grank raises one hand and a magic missile streaks from his fingertips.

Ulfar moves quietly around the battlefield, trying to get into position behind the draugr.


Epau acrobatics - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Kramat sword, damage, shield, damage - (1d20+3, 1d8+3, 1d20+3, 1d6+3)

1d20+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

1d8+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d20+3 : (16) + 3 = 19

1d6+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Heira arrow - (1d20+4, 1d8+1)

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d8+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Grank missile damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Ulfar stealth - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Apr 8, 2019 2:41 am
Kramat swats the draugr across the jaw with his shield, twisting its head unnaturally, but it lets out a low groaning growl and continues to attack. The arrow plants neatly into its shoulder, but it pays the wound no mind at all. The missile plows into the other shoulder, which makes him stumble briefly.

However, as Epau tries to get away, the draugr is able to take an attack, as the elf isn't quite quick enough to avoid the blow. The unfortunate elf once again is struck down, and falls unconscious to the ground.


Greataxe attack, damage - (1d20+5, 1d12+4)

1d20+5 : (13) + 5 = 18

1d12+4 : (9) + 4 = 13

Apr 8, 2019 2:57 am
Verrian's crossbow bolt buries itself into the draugr's neck. It seems surprised, in as much as a creature with no expression can look surprised, but it's clearly staggered by the blow. It still stands, however.
Apr 8, 2019 3:21 am
I believe Elora and Ephwrath still have a turn in this round.
Apr 8, 2019 3:39 am
I've already gone twice. Tail end of first round, and early in the second.
Apr 8, 2019 3:50 am
Right, my bad. Elora, then, and then the bad guys again!
Apr 8, 2019 4:59 am
Elora goes for another strike against the undead.


Power attack - (1d20+3, 1d6+3)

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

1d6+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

Apr 8, 2019 4:02 pm
As Yelnar moves back, the draugr turns to hack at Krav, who is the nearer foe.

Across the wide street, the other draugr turns his attention to Kramat, having dispatched Epau once again.

Both attacks fly wide of their target, failing to connect.
The other group is up next, then it will be the PCs turn again.


Draugr attack, damage at Krav - (1d20+5, 1d12+4)

1d20+5 : (2) + 5 = 7

1d12+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Draugr attack, damage at Kramat - (1d20+5, 1d12+4)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d12+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Apr 8, 2019 4:08 pm
Still from her place of hiding, Verrian sends another crossbow bolt at the draugr.


Crossbow shot - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Stealth check - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Sneak attack - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Apr 8, 2019 4:37 pm
Kramat, having dodged the blow, swings backhand at the draugr with his shield and slashes with his sword.

Heira, recognizing that her arrow caused the creature no apparent injury, charges forward with her short sword drawn to attack.

Muoghan appears confused by the fact that her alchemist's bomb did no damage, and she is at a loss for what to do next. She fumbles with a hand crossbow at her belt, and fails to launch an attack this round.

Grank casts another magic missile.

Ulfar, having snuck around into flanking position, attacks the draugr from behind with a short sword.

Under the sudden onslaught, the draugr is driven to its knees and finally to the ground, dead once again!
The PCs are up again! I'll take Verrian's attack above as first blow in round 3.


Kramat sword, damage, shield, damage - (1d20+3, 1d8+3, 1d20+3, 1d6)

1d20+3 : (19) + 3 = 22

1d8+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d20+3 : (16) + 3 = 19

1d6 : (3) = 3

Heira charge attack - (1d20+6, 1d6)

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

1d6 : (4) = 4

Grank magic missile - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Ulfar sneak attack - (1d20+4, 1d4, 1d6)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (2) = 2

Apr 8, 2019 5:05 pm
Well, if it ain't broke...
Ember's eyes light up at the minor success. She hisses again and yells at the thing.

Just! Die!


Ray of Frost - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Damage if it hits - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Apr 8, 2019 5:05 pm
After seeing Verrian move closer and out of the protected area behind her, Viani follows her and positions herself in a way that anyone who wants to attack Verrian or wants to move towards Ember needs to go past her. She still holds herself back a bit, however, scared to engage the creatures up close.
She prepares an attack in case any of the monsters get into her range.


Ranseur, power attack - (1D20+2, 2D4+6)

1D20+2 : (14) + 2 = 16

2D4+6 : (32) + 6 = 11

Apr 8, 2019 5:29 pm
Just as Ember freezes a spot on the draugr's exposed skin, Verrian's bolt hits that very spot. The draugr looks down at the bolts sticking out of its body as though curious, and then it slumps to the street, defeated.
Combat is done! Congratulations!
Apr 8, 2019 6:10 pm
Ephwrath approaches Epau to assess his condition. He looks up at Kramat and the remaining members of the other group. "Are any of you capable of healing?" He looks up at Heira and adds "I'm sorry about your sister. She studied under me at the college. A very talented young lady." He offers a weak smile and then continues attending to Epau.
Is he still alive? Is he stable? Can I tell how badly hurt he is?
Last edited April 8, 2019 6:12 pm


Heal check on Epau - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Apr 8, 2019 6:11 pm
Woo hoo!
Ember steps toward the one she helped kill, flexing her hands. She gingerly searches it for anything that may help her figure out who it was. Or who's got it now. And she wracks her brain trying to remember things from when she was younger. But she was LITTLE.

Not quite the same, are they?

Shut up.

I mean, it's an interesting variation on the theme.

Shut up......

You should take notes on it.


She throws her hands up and yells at the thing.
Last edited April 8, 2019 6:11 pm


Perception - find knick knacks - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Knowledge, Arcana - How does this work again? - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Apr 8, 2019 6:12 pm
Immediately when she sees that the danger is over, Viani moves backwards, away from the bodies of the creatures. "Great job everyone!", she cheers, trying to hide her nervousness. "Yay, teamwork"
She fiddles with the weapon holder on her back for a minute until she manages to lock her ranseur back in. Dropping her pretense of cheerfulness, she mumbles: "Let's get away from this terrible place!"
Last edited April 8, 2019 6:16 pm
Apr 8, 2019 6:42 pm
Verrian approaches the dead draugr for a closer look. She wants to know if she can discern anything useful from the body, its clothing, etc.


Perception check - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Apr 8, 2019 8:13 pm
I didn't even get to hurt it... With a small sigh Elora sheathes her weapon and joins Verrian in some investigation. "What peculiar foes, undead and persistently wet." She takes out her notebook and draws a rough sketch of their more defining features.
I rolled a 13 on a previous religion check if it's needed.
Apr 8, 2019 8:54 pm
From what the party can tell, these creatures are the remains of merchant guards that were often hired to protect shipments back and forth across the lake. Their clothing, armor, weapons, all suggest this. Even before the War, bad weather could often sink boats on the lake, so these could well be the drowned remains of guards that died years ago, for all you can tell.

Ephwrath determines that Epau is unconscious, though bleeding badly. Muoghan the alchemist steps forward at Ephwrath's question, and offers him a vial from her belt. "Healing extract. It should help," she says flatly. She has something of the hundred-yard stare in her eyes. The combat must have shaken her.

Heira says nothing in response to Ephwrath's kind words, but turns away, her hair falling across her face to conceal her emotion. Kramat sheathes his sword and sets his shield down for the moment. "We should all think about getting off the island," he suggests. There's little hint of his previous cockiness. "If there were two of these things, there's a good chance there's more."
Elora, your character sheet doesn't show a rank in knowledge-religion, unless I misread. Knowledge skills can't be used if you don't have a rank in them (referred to as 'untrained'), so I didn't provide any info based on that. Sorry I didn't make that clear earlier.
Apr 8, 2019 9:11 pm
"Thank you." Ephwrath says taking the vial from Muoghan. He lays his hands on Epau, stabilizing and healing the elf, and then props him up to administer the extract.

Ephwrath waits a moment for the spell and potion to take effect, and then examines him again.
I cast Rebuke Death first, and then give him the potion. Followed by a heal check.


Rebuke Death on Epau - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Heal Check on Epau - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Apr 8, 2019 9:46 pm
Epau blinks slowly as the potion and Ephwrath's efforts take effect. "Stars and moon," he groans. "That was... ghastly."

He pokes tentatively at his side where just moments before his life was spilling out of him. "Thank you," he says to Ephwrath and Muoghan. "I hope I never have to go through that again. It was like..." He shudders. "Never mind."


Cure light wounds potion - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Apr 8, 2019 9:48 pm
78RPMLife says:
Kramat sheathes his sword and sets his shield down for the moment. "We should all think about getting off the island," he suggests. There's little hint of his previous cockiness. "If there were two of these things, there's a good chance there's more."
Verrian moves closer to speak with Kramat. "Our party seems not to have anyone experienced with boats. Does yours?"
Apr 8, 2019 9:51 pm
Kramat grunts. "Not particularly," he says. "But at the very least, we should probably go see what's available. Maybe there's..." He trails off and waggles his stubby fingers in what must be a 'spell-casting' gesture. "You know."
Apr 8, 2019 10:02 pm
Verrian nods. "As soon as Epau is able to move, we'll go boat shopping."

She rejoins her own party and calls them together. "We've just weathered our first challenge. You all did very well - no one lost their head, even when our first attacks failed." She smiles at Viani, Ember, and Elora, to indicate that she's proud of their conduct under pressure. "But now it's time to focus on finding a way to get off this island. Stay close to the group and keep your eyes open. We could run into more of those things, or something else entirely. Now, shall we find ourselves a boat?"
Apr 8, 2019 10:38 pm
Recognising that his Polearm tactics were not effective against the restless dead, Yelnar moves to his sled, unties the ropes, removes a longsword and places his Bardiche back down, and ties it all back together. He stands up, straps the Heavy Wooden Shield from his back to his arm, and once more attaches the straps for the sled to his shoulders.

Being the furthest forward, he simply waits for the others to draw nearer while remaining alert.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Apr 9, 2019 12:45 am
Ephwrath helps Epau to his feet. "There, there lad. You'll be as good as new in no time." He hands the elf off to his companions and then proceeds over to the nearest draugr corpse.

He winces as he kneels down next to the foul creature. The smell is overwhelming. Again, pulling out some small metal hand tools from his belt, he begins to poke and prod at the body. He removes several samples of hair, rotten flesh and congealed blood which he seals into another small vial. Upon completing his inspection and sample collection, he quickly retreats to the other side of the road, eyes clearly watering from the horrid stench.

Ephwrath then removes what looks like a large thick book from his satchel, wrapped in several layers of heavy cloth. Unwrapping it reveals a strange wooden box with metal patterns inlaid on every surface. He opens the box and carefully places the sample vials from the human corpse and the draugr inside, along with a piece of parchment he quickly scribbled on. Closing it, he places his hands on the top and shuts his eyes, quietly muttering a strange incantation. A strange hissing sound, followed by a low popping noise, emanates from the device. Ephwrath lifts the lid revealing nothing inside, and smiles with satisfaction.
I'll roll a heal check on the draugr for good measure to see if there's anything else noteworthy about it.


Heal check on draugr - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Apr 9, 2019 3:08 am
If it's not too late, I'd also like to do a Knowledge (Religion) check on the draugr


Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Apr 9, 2019 3:42 am
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
Apr 9, 2019 3:43 am

As the two groups head down toward the harbor proper, you can see movement at the docks. Few boats remain afloat; not surprising, given the likely neglect since the War's end. There are some wide vessels out at the end of one of the smaller dock areas that look surprisingly stout and sturdy. As you study them from a distance, you see a few small humanoid creatures milling about on their decks. They walk with a sort of hopping gait, with long skinny legs and broad flat torsos. The more you look, the more you realize that they look surprisingly like frogs that stand on their hind legs, the largest of them about three feet tall. They wear no clothing, but it looks like one or two of them carry short knives on a shoulder belt.

As you watch, another leaps from the water next to the boat and lands deftly on four feet before it too stands up on its hind legs. It carries a crude net that appears to have at least a few fish wriggling around in it. The others on that boat shuffle-hop closer to take a look at the catch. They talk to one another in croaks and burps; if it's a language any of you understand, you're too far away to make out what they're saying.

If nothing else, they haven't noticed you yet. It's hard to know at this point whether or not they'd be hostile
Apr 9, 2019 4:28 am
"Thank you Viani, I hope I'm not out of practice...Oh, my." Elora appreciates Viana's support, but before she can berate herself the frogs catch her attention, a strange sight for sure, but Elora isn't sure if she considers this a "Monstrosity".
Ah okay, that makes sense. Can I make a linguistics check here or is that too much of a stretch?
Apr 9, 2019 4:32 am
It's more a distance (words aren't clear from here) rather than a linguistics problem. If you want to get closer, you can figure out whether you understand what they're saying.
Apr 9, 2019 4:38 am
Verrian watches the beings, transfixed. "Any ideas? We could approach and try to trade something for a boat, I suppose." But without more information - or at least more time to watch these creatures - she's not sure whether that's really a good idea.
Apr 9, 2019 4:52 am
Ephwrath is intrigued by these creatures and stops to observe them.
Would a Knowledge (nature) check work here?


Knowledge (Nature) - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Apr 9, 2019 4:57 am
If you had a rank in Knowledge (Nature), I'd accept it. :)
Apr 9, 2019 5:09 am
Doh! Sorry. I misread my app.
Ephwrath nudges Krav and gives him a questioning look...
Apr 9, 2019 5:10 am
Straining to hear what the frog people are saying, Verrian says thoughtfully, "Suppose a few of us got close enough to hear their language. If it's possible to communicate with them, the chance of things turning ugly is reduced. I have a lot of experience in negotiation. Maybe we really could get them to sell us a boat, or at least give us transport off the island."
Last edited April 9, 2019 5:45 am
Apr 9, 2019 5:50 am
Viani looks at the frog people with a worried expression: "The last things we encountered were trying to kill us, maybe we should stay out of sight. There has to be another way to get off the island..."
Apr 9, 2019 5:59 am
Verrian smiles at Viani. "I promise you, not everyone we meet on this adventure will be murderous monsters. These people are just fishing to provide for their families. They might be a lot more like us than you think."
Apr 9, 2019 6:14 am
Viani frowns but then says: "Fine, but if you go down there to talk to them, I'm coming with you to protect you!"
Apr 9, 2019 6:36 am
"All right, but we should not look as though we're walking into battle. Try to look friendly and unintimidating. And anyway, we're just trying to get close enough to hear their speech and see if it's recognizable."
Is there any cover to be had on the approach to where these creatures are on the docks? Or will we have to approach exposed? If there's cover, I'd like us to use it to stay as much out of sight as possible while getting close enough to discern if we know the language. If not, then I'd like us to move closer in a non-confrontational manner, with the rest of the party staying far enough behind to not make it look like a marauding army approaching, but still close by enough to weigh in if violence starts.
Last edited April 9, 2019 7:10 am
Apr 9, 2019 6:40 am
"I always look friendly and unintimidating. That's why I almost failed a couple of my inquisitor classes at University." Viani gives you a smile. "I'll just follow your lead."
Apr 9, 2019 7:09 am
Knowing that he won’t be much help when it comes to diplomacy, Yelnar decides to switch his loadout once again, going back to the Bardiche on the sled, so that if intervention is required, he can cover as much area as possible. He will hang back and ask the ones going forth for a signal if he is needed.
Apr 9, 2019 7:11 am
Verrian looks around at her other companions, settling on Elora. "Elora, would you like to come along? Three seems like a good number for this endeavor."
Apr 9, 2019 11:37 am
Ember watches the women go, glad that nobody noticed her outburst. The frog people look cute, in a weird way. Granted, most things look cute compared to those things they just fought.

It's been what. An hour? Tops?

She hops on the cart by Yelnar.

Having fun yet, big guy?
Apr 9, 2019 2:18 pm
Yelnar furtively looks around to see if anyone else would be able to hear.

"I am anxious to get to our estate and check on Mother, I hope our comrades are able to negotiate passage swiftly" he mumble whispers.

He fidgets and fiddles, unable to affect the outcome more than just wishing them well.


Wishing them well (really hard) - (1d20+42)

(16) + 42 = 58

Apr 9, 2019 2:38 pm
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath nudges Krav and gives him a questioning look...
"Oh yes! Sorry, I was distracted. Let me see, humanoid frogs...if nothing else I know a spell that will allow me to speak with animals. I'm not sure it would apply here, but possibly."

Edit: 9! ugh
Last edited April 9, 2019 2:41 pm


Knowledge: Nature - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Apr 9, 2019 3:43 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
There is plenty of cover on the way in, lots of abandoned cargo crates and such things you might find around a harbor that hasn't seen much use in years. Anyone who is going with Verrian and wants to follow the 'keep to cover' plan, please roll a stealth check.
Apr 9, 2019 3:46 pm
Yelnar successfully wishes the advance party well, and also gains insight into life, the universe, and everything. It has no apparent effect on anything, however. :D
Apr 9, 2019 3:52 pm
Don't worry. I'm sure these things are friendly. Probably.
Does anybody speak fish? What are they planning on doing?
Apr 9, 2019 3:56 pm
Viani be sneakin'


Stealth - (1D20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Apr 9, 2019 5:41 pm
Stealth check...


Can you see me? - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Apr 9, 2019 6:07 pm
Ephwrath, knowing stealth is not his strong-suit, holds position and begins inspecting a fascinating lichen formation on a nearby rock.
Apr 9, 2019 6:44 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian looks around at her other companions, settling on Elora. "Elora, would you like to come along? Three seems like a good number for this endeavor."
"Oh, sure." Elora says excitedly in her quiet voice, adjusting her hat to make herself more presentable.
Apr 9, 2019 6:46 pm
I'm just going to assume Elora makes her stealth roll since the other two did. It likely wouldn't make a huge difference either way.
As you move closer to the docks, you're able to better overhear the creatures. They speak a crude form of the common tongue, though it's not always easy to immediately recognize the words thanks to their froggy inflections -- croaks and hiccups permeate their speech -- and peculiar dialect. With a bit of thought and parsing, you're able to follow the thread of the conversation.

"It is not much of a catch," says one, with browner skin and dark spots, looking down at the net.

The one that brought the net on board, who has smooth green skin, bobs its head up and down. "You are wise. It is getting worse,"

A couple of the other frog-people standing nearby rub their hands together. If they were humans, it would signal worry. Brown Frog lets out a long, low croak. "It will be angry, without the tribute. What will we do?"

The other frog-people on the boat bow their heads quietly, and Green Frog spreads its forelimbs wide, shaking its head slowly back and forth. "We seek new fishing grounds? There may yet be one that will provide?" it says.

Brown Frog turns to look out over the lake, peaceful in the day's calm weather. "We have thought that for moons and moons," it replies, adding a croaking noise that must be Green Frog's name. "We have been blessed with luck for too long... when does it run out?"

A couple of the frog-people from the other boat leap across to the group with the fish. The leap and the landing both are effortless and graceful. They all commune together, too quietly to overhear from where you are.
Apr 9, 2019 11:39 pm
Verrian takes it all in and processes both the content of the conversation and its implications. These people may look like giant frogs, but they are obviously beings capable of complex thought. It's also clear that they are trying to satisfy the needs of some other being that they either worship or in some sort of thralldom to; the reference to "tribute" was pretty clear.

And they need a place with better fishing.

She thinks back to the bond offered by Roren of Grae. When you meet new creatures outside of the wards, remember: any friend can be easily converted to an enemy, but enemies are hard to make into friends. Try to start out as friends.

"Follow my lead," she tells the girls as she rises and steps, unhurried, out of cover. She walks at a leisurely pace toward the frog people, holding her arms down, slightly away from her body, with the palms facing the frog people. She smiles an easy, friendly smile and begins to share at them, in case they are able to hear her. Friends. We are friends. We need help. We can give help in return.

As she gets closer, she speaks. "Hello! We are travelers, looking for a way off the island. If you could give us passage on your boats, we could give you something you need in return."
Apr 10, 2019 3:52 am
Most of the frog-people dive quickly into the water, leaving so few ripples that you could wonder if you had only imagined them being there in the first place. Brown Frog and Green Frog remain above water, though Green Frog ducks behind its companion, whispering, "Quick, use the knives! Use the knives!"

But Brown Frog makes a low soothing sound at the back of its throat. "These are not the dead ones... they speak," it says, and croaks Green Frog’s name again. You decide to think of the name as ‘Bronk’, as that comes close to the sound. Still, both of them are clearly wary, scared even, as they inch backward from your approach, ready to leap at the slightest provocation.

"Travelers?" says Brown Frog. "We... do not know this word. Your faces are... strange. Like the faces behind the Wall That is Not a Wall.". It points a spindly hand, long groggy fingers gesturing to the South Gate you have come from. "The faces that never speak," it finishes in a low whisper. Behind it, Bronk the green frog trembles, clutching at its friend in fear.
Apr 10, 2019 6:04 am
Noting the apprehension and fear of the frog people, Verrian lowers her head in a submissive gesture. "We come from behind the Wall That is Not a Wall. We have been trapped there for many, many moons and have finally escaped."

She decides to lower herself to the ground, to make herself less tall and threatening, sitting cross-legged. "Now, we are... travelling. Moving from one place to another. Exploring this world outside of the Wall That is Not a Wall. But this world is strange to us. We saw the dead ones." She clutches her hands to her chest to denote fear. "These dead ones are new to us. They attacked us, almost killing one of my friends. Now, we wish to leave this island, but we have no boats. Could you take us away from this place? We would be willing to trade."
Apr 10, 2019 6:18 am
Viani copies everything Verrian does, from the way she holds her hands to the way she sits down. When "Bronk" gives his name, she quietly tries to croak it the same way he said it. After seeing that these frog people are not hostile, she doesn't feel scared anymore. Instead, she's actually a bit amused at the creatures' funny accents and appearance.
Last edited April 10, 2019 6:19 am
Apr 10, 2019 6:57 pm
Elora stands behind Verrian whilst she tries to persuade the frogs, taking special attention to the fearful Bronk. They're just scared... Well versed in feeling intimidated by strangers Elora offers a tiny empathetic smile, hoping to relieve some of their tension.
Apr 10, 2019 7:36 pm
Bronk and Brown Frog share a silent look. Slowly, Bronk releases its grip on Brown Frog and steps timidly out from behind. "The dead ones hurt friends. It is what they do," Bronk says, making the hand-wringing gesture, eyes lowered.

Brown Frog bobs its head a few times. "This world is strange to us also. Words are strange to us. We... have not known words?" it says, raising its eyes skyward for a moment, shaking its head. "Not right words. We woke to a strange world. The words... came to us." It looks at Bronk, and the green frog rests a gentle hand on Brown Frog's shoulder.

"It is well," says Bronk, using another croaking word toward the brown frog. You choose to translate it as Brown Frog's name: Brack. Bronk turns toward you and explains, "We have not used words with your people before. It is hard."

"But you speak of travel. Across the water?" says Brack. Brack and Bronk share another look. Brack continues, pointing a spindly hand toward the southern shore of the lake. "Toward the nest of knives?" You're not immediately sure if that's the direction you'd intended to travel. Yelnar would know for certain, but your impression was that your destination was more to the southwest than directly south.

Slowly, the other frog people slide back up from the water to stand on the wide, flat deck of the boat, though they stay a distance away they consider to be safe. One points back up the hill, toward where the rest of your party waits. Others nod and look in the same direction.
Apr 10, 2019 8:16 pm
Yelnar sees the gesture and faces towards Verrian, and does his best to do a full body shrug as if to say should we come forward?
Apr 10, 2019 8:23 pm
78RPMLife says:
Bronk and Brown Frog share a silent look. Slowly, Bronk releases its grip on Brown Frog and steps timidly out from behind. "The dead ones hurt friends. It is what they do," Bronk says, making the hand-wringing gesture, eyes lowered.

Brown Frog bobs its head a few times. "This world is strange to us also. Words are strange to us. We... have not known words?" it says, raising its eyes skyward for a moment, shaking its head. "Not right words. We woke to a strange world. The words... came to us." It looks at Bronk, and the green frog rests a gentle hand on Brown Frog's shoulder.

"It is well," says Bronk, using another croaking word toward the brown frog. You choose to translate it as Brown Frog's name: Brack. Bronk turns toward you and explains, "We have not used words with your people before. It is hard."

"But you speak of travel. Across the water?" says Brack. Brack and Bronk share another look. Brack continues, pointing a spindly hand toward the southern shore of the lake. "Toward the nest of knives?" You're not immediately sure if that's the direction you'd intended to travel. Yelnar would know for certain, but your impression was that your destination was more to the southwest than directly south.

Slowly, the other frog people slide back up from the water to stand on the wide, flat deck of the boat, though they stay a distance away they consider to be safe. One points back up the hill, toward where the rest of your party waits. Others nod and look in the same direction.
Seeing Yelnar's gesture, Verrian holds up one finger to indicate Wait. She looks back to Brack and Bronk and says, "This world used to be less strange to us. We remember when your people were... smaller, and had no words. There have been powerful changes since we became trapped behind the Wall That is Not a Wall."

She points to Yelnar. "That friend knows the direction of the place we are trying to go. Would it be all right for the rest of my friends to approach? They will not hurt you."
Apr 10, 2019 8:40 pm
The frog people -- Bronk, Brack, and the others -- all turn to look at one another. There's a palpable air of excitement, and they begin croaking rapidly to one another so quickly that it's hard to make out more than a few words here and there:


"Gromp was right!"

"Not possible!"


Bronk turns back to Verrian. "You remember from... before the Awakening? Your friends too? Please... we are friends, yes? They can come down, yes!"

Brack continues to speak rapidly with the other frog-people, each of them bouncing lightly on hind legs, touching each other on the head and shoulders.
Apr 10, 2019 9:02 pm
Verrian tries to gauge the overall tone of the frog people's excitement. It appears that it's mostly positive, going by Bronk's response, so she turns to Viani and says quietly, "Go down and tell the others to come on down, but show them how to carry and pace themselves. Tell them the frogs are friendly but easily spooked. We must be gentle."

To the frog people, Verrian smiles. "We are friends, yes."
Apr 10, 2019 9:07 pm
Viani doesn't react for a moment after Verrian asks her to get the others. She likes looking at these frog people! But eventually, she decides to get up and slowly walk back to her remaining companions.
She informs them about the situation and guides them down to the frogs, showing them the way Verrian walked and sat down. "Don't spook them!", she explains to her companions. "They are very nervous"
Apr 10, 2019 10:05 pm
Krav sheathes his scimitar and slings his wooden shield over his back. Silently, he follows Viani down to Verrian and also sits. He is careful not to make extensive eye contact with the frogs, but instead reaches into the hood of his cloak to retrieve Shiloh, and sets him on the ground next to him.

"Do not stray far my friend," he says to the rat.

Krav then surveys the lake with a far off look in his eye.
Apr 10, 2019 10:09 pm
"My name is Verrian," she says to the frog people. She gestures to Elora and Viani, introducing them by name, as well. "And this is my friend, Krav. He knows about nature and animals." Speaking to Krav, she says, "Our new friends were telling me that they awoke suddenly knowing words. They do not know how this happened."
Apr 10, 2019 10:12 pm
Ember gets up on her tip-toes to try to see them better.

Are they really just frogs?

She walks as told. Two creatures in twenty minutes. Lovely.
Apr 10, 2019 10:24 pm
Viani slowly moves closer towards the frog people until she's even past Verrian, sitting closer to them than any of the others. "Bronk", she croaks, trying to imitate the frogs' voices and then giggling at the sound of it. "Can I touch your skin? I've never seen someone like you before!"
Apr 10, 2019 10:26 pm
Viani! Ember whispers. You can't just ask people who look different if you can touch their skin!
Last edited April 10, 2019 10:26 pm
Apr 10, 2019 10:32 pm
Viani looks shocked at Ember's comment and quickly explains to the frog people: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude!"
Apr 10, 2019 10:32 pm
Verrian monitors the reaction of the frog people to Viani's impulsive disregard of the protocols that had literally just been established. It's obvious that Verrian will have to do a lot of education around how to behave during the first meetings with new races and groups.
Apr 11, 2019 1:44 am
Yelnar places the Bardiche back on the sled. Thinking about it, he makes sure he at least has a dagger on his belt just in case, then drags the sled down with him, with as similar an open posture with his hands out as what Verrian did as he can manage.
Apr 11, 2019 3:22 am
"Oh my." Elora shares Verrian's reaction, screaming internally while a bead of sweat falls down her cheek.
Apr 11, 2019 11:55 am
But if you want to know what their skin feels like.....

Ember smiles, careful not to show any teeth. Slouching low like the frog-men, she's about their size. She stays seated, and holds her open palms up. She is acutely aware of the scars on her left arm, and realizes the tiny white slices on her palms might be seen. Maybe they won't notice.

We hold hands with friends when we are friends. Can we please hold hands?
Last edited April 11, 2019 11:57 am


Diplomacy +4 - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Apr 11, 2019 1:51 pm
Moonbeam says:
"Our new friends were telling me that they awoke suddenly knowing words. They do not know how this happened."
Krav slides his pack off of his back and looks up at Verrian, "Interesting," he says. He then begins to remove his boots slowly and calmly while the hand-holding experiment goes on nearby. "They could be under some kind of spell. Can anyone detect magic?" He says to the rest of the group.

Turning to the nearest frog man he asks in a calm and serene tone, "How long have you been at this lake? Have you found anything unusual or encountered any strange objects since you've been here?"

Not waiting for a response, but staying within comfortable speaking range, Krav makes his way down to the water's edge. He looks out over the lake for a moment, and then begins to cast a spell while looking at the water just in front of his bare toes. Shiloh has followed him, darting and sniffing the ground nearby, but mostly ignoring the water.
Rolling perception to check the lake for signs of danger, and casting detect poison on the water just to be safe


Perception to check the lake for signs of danger - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Apr 11, 2019 1:55 pm
Viani quickly gets up and follows Krav for a few steps when she sees him starting to cast a spell. "Wait!", she whispers as loud as she can whisper. "Who knows how they will react to magic. It creeps me out, what if they are the same?"
She then turns back to Ember and the frog she is talking to and says: "Yes, we call it shaking hands. I want to shake your hands, too"
I'll assist Ember with her roll. If this doesn't count for assistance, disregard the roll


Diplomacy - (1D20-1)

(2) - 1 = 1

Apr 11, 2019 2:01 pm
I'd say that roll doesn't count as assistance.
Apr 11, 2019 2:06 pm
You think so? I think I helped enormously
Apr 11, 2019 2:08 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Viani quickly gets up and follows Krav for a few steps when she sees him starting to cast a spell. "Wait!", she whispers as loud as she can whisper. "Who knows how they will react to magic. It creeps me out, what if they are the same?"
Krav stops casting, and after a moment nods at her in agreement.
Apr 11, 2019 5:45 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
The frog-people behind Bronk and Brack look back and forth at each other in confusion, and back at Ember and Viani, and then back to each other again. They're wary, that much seems evident, but they're also not obviously offended by anyone's actions thus far. Still, none of them steps forward to offer a hand.

Brack replies to Verrian, "We can move you all on the boat, but.. you can not swim to the other side? And your friends can not?"
Apr 11, 2019 5:54 pm
After thoroughly documenting the properties of the lichen in his journal, Ephwrath wanders up to the group talking with the frog creatures. He overhears Krav's question about detecting magic, as well as Viani's admonition to be cautious. He steps off to the side, so as to get an unobscured view of the creatures, and subtly casts the spell in their direction.
This is a concentrated cast (1 min). Do I detect anything?
Apr 11, 2019 5:55 pm
Oh, if you only knew what a loaded question that is... :D

I'm off to a meeting, and then to lunch. I will have your answer after that.
Apr 11, 2019 6:13 pm
78RPMLife says:
The frog-people behind Bronk and Brack look back and forth at each other in confusion, and back at Ember and Viani, and then back to each other again. They're wary, that much seems evident, but they're also not obviously offended by anyone's actions thus far. Still, none of them steps forward to offer a hand.

Brack replies to Verrian, "We can move you all on the boat, but.. you can not swim to the other side? And your friends can not?"
Verrian smiles. "Some of us can swim, some can't. But our kind don't swim as well as yours, in any case. We do better moving by boat over big waters like these."
Apr 11, 2019 8:49 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
Apr 11, 2019 8:56 pm
Brack nods slowly, froggy head tilted slightly as it studies Verrian and the others, lingering perhaps a bit longer on Yelnar. "We can move you all on the boat," says Brack. "We will not go near the Nest of Knives, though, not without a better catch. Great danger. We have lost many friends."

One of the frog-people behind Bronk and Brack starts to step forward. A couple of the others put hands on it as if to hold it back, but it lets out a sharp burping sound, and it comes forward. Roughly, as if unused to speaking the common tongue, it says to Viani, "You touch skin. I touch..." The words don't come immediately, so it waggles two of its fingers at Viani's head. "The color on your head?"

The others, who'd tried to stop their companion, look quickly away as though afraid or embarrassed. Bronk and Brack both noticeably tense up, seeming ready to leap away if necessary.
Apr 11, 2019 9:00 pm
Viani smiles happily when the frog comes forward and speaks to her. "You want to touch my hair? Sure, go ahead!"
She reaches out to put her hand on the frog person's skin. She grins with excitement. Maybe she's the first person ever to touch a frogman! Except for the frogs themselves, obviously.
She then lowers her head slightly to allow the shorter frog to touch her hair. She speaks slowly when she asks: "My name is Viani, by the way. What can I call you?"
Apr 11, 2019 9:05 pm
Yelnar points in the direction of where his family estate was "Do you know anything of what is on the land in that direction on the other side of the lake? My family were there before Wall not wall"
Apr 11, 2019 9:30 pm
The brave frog shrinks just a little bit away from Viani's touch, as if not quite sure that this is a good idea after all, but doesn't run away. Its skin is wet, given that it just came up from the lake, and a little cool, but not cold. It looks smooth, but there are fine bumps all along its head.

"I am Greeeemp," it says, drawing out the vowel sound. It reaches out one spindly finger to touch Viani's hair. Its mouth opens slowly, and almost seems to smile carefully. "Veenee? Vaaaaaaah-nee?" it tries, and decides it likes the second one. "Vah-nee! Is right?"
Apr 11, 2019 9:35 pm
Viani smiles excitedly. "Close enough, Greemp!", she exclaims. "Your skin feels funny. I like it! She reaches out for his head again, rubbing it softly while allowing him to touch her hair.
Apr 11, 2019 10:42 pm
chunky04 says:
Yelnar points in the direction of where his family estate was "Do you know anything of what is on the land in that direction on the other side of the lake? My family were there before Wall not wall"
Bronk is the frog-person who answers. "We have not gone that way in many moons," it says. "There are... the places where your people live?"

Brack supplies the word, "Houses."

"Houses," Bronk agrees. "Many houses. But we see none of your people. It is very quiet there, at the place where the moving water meets the still water." It spreads a hand toward the lake. "There once were many fish there.". Bronk’s head drops, and its voice fades.
Apr 11, 2019 10:43 pm
Ephwrath begins swaying and then falls to one knee, head down and breathing heavily. He gasps "It's everywhere!"
Apr 11, 2019 10:58 pm
Verrian looks at Ephwrath. Smiling at the frog people, she gets to her feet and moves toward him without the appearance of alarm or excessive hurry. Kneeling beside him, she asks in a low voice, "What's everywhere? What have you found?"
Apr 11, 2019 11:28 pm
Ephwrath regaining his composure, takes a deep breath. "Powerful auras of magic... Everywhere. Flowing in the water... from the land... through the air... It's like all of the elements have been imbued with magic. It's... incredible!"
Apr 11, 2019 11:32 pm
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath regaining his composure, takes a deep breath. "Powerful auras of magic... Everywhere. Flowing in the water... from the land... through the air... It's like all of the elements have been imbued with magic. It's... incredible!"
Verrian feels the weight of this statement like a ripple of cold water down her spine, but years of training prevent any outward sign of it. Even her facial markings don't change hue. "Magic is... everywhere? Is it..." She pauses, uncertain what she even wants to ask. She looks around, her gaze landing on the frog people, and turns back to Ephwrath. "Is it safe? For us, I mean. Are we in any immediate danger from it?"
Last edited April 11, 2019 11:32 pm
Apr 11, 2019 11:39 pm
Viani looks over at Ephwrath and Verrian who seem to be talking about something important. For a moment she thinks about going up to them and asking them what it is but she decides against it. With Verrian busy, it's her job now to lead diplomatic relations with the frogs!
She looks back at Greemp and points at Ember: "This is my friend, Ember. Em-ber. Can she touch you, too? Maybe she can shake your hand to show you how our people say hello?"
Last edited April 11, 2019 11:41 pm
Apr 11, 2019 11:56 pm
Ember is distracted by the frantic conversation to the side. She shakes her head when Viani mentions her.

Oh! Yeah. I'm Ember. It is nice to meet you, Greemp. We shake hands when we say hello, and we shake hands when we think a person is important.

She holds her right hand out, glad it's not the one with the burns.
Apr 12, 2019 12:02 am
Yelnar says "Bronk, is it dangerous to go that way now? Would you be able to help us go that way?"
Apr 12, 2019 12:14 am
Ephwrath looks up at Verrian. "Dangerous? Oh... I don't think so. It's just overwhelming. I've never sensed magic of this magnitude before. It permeates the environment in a way that is difficult to describe..." He nods at the frog people. "They don't seem to be affected by it, and I don't sense any danger from them. Magical or otherwise." He gives her a reassuring smile.
Apr 12, 2019 2:27 am
Verrian returns his smile, although she's not as convinced as he is that an environment soaked in magic is poses no threat to their party's health and well-being. But there's nothing they can do about it right now, and they are in the middle of first contact with a new race. Standing up, Verrian offers Ephwrath a hand up. "Well, if you're all right, maybe you'd like to come and introduce yourself to our new friends?"
Apr 12, 2019 5:05 am
chunky04 says:
Yelnar says "Bronk, is it dangerous to go that way now? Would you be able to help us go that way?"
Bronk tilts its head as it regards Yelnar. "It is safe. We can help you if that is the way you wish to go."

It looks off toward the south again for a long moment before it turns back and beckons with its long skinny fingers. "Come, come. Bring friends. We can talk while we go that way."
Apr 12, 2019 5:58 am
Elora pulls out her journal for the second time today, recording their findings and drawing a sketch of the frog-people. "An omnipresent field of magic which isn't affecting them, intriguing." Stowing her notebook Elora's hand brushes against the letter she received. This seems like a reasonable time.

"Verrian?" Elora taps her shoulder, but not too hard. "I have something you, and everyone should read, it's rather urgent." She speaks in a half-whisper out of habit, even though there isn't any real reason to.
[ +- ] Letter
Been holding onto this for a bit now.
Last edited April 12, 2019 5:59 am
Apr 12, 2019 6:14 am
Verrian turns from helping Ephwrath up. She takes the letter Elora offers her and begins to read. When she's done, she hands it back to Elora. "This is the second time I've come across the name Garand Disos," she says quietly. "Adaye warned me about him before I left the kinship."

She looks around at the general commotion as people are beginning to get onto the boat with the frog people. "If I were you, I'd wait until later to share this with everyone, possibly once we've made camp for the night. This doesn't seem like the best time to spring this information on the group."
Apr 12, 2019 6:37 am
Yelnar asks Bronk to help him load the sled on to the boat, taking the opportunity to ask if his people know the use of such weaponry.

"Are you familiar with any of these Bronk?
Apr 12, 2019 1:19 pm
Ember looks up.

Well, they keep talking about a nest of knives. Greemp, is that where you got your knives?
Apr 12, 2019 1:28 pm
Viani lightly slaps Ember's shoulder to shush her. She whispers: "Don't mention that place to them! They seem to be really scared of it"
Apr 12, 2019 1:30 pm
Ember's eyes flash with anger, but she holds it back. She smiles without showing her teeth again, to ease them.

Can you tell us what it is? Maybe we can make it less scary for you.
Apr 12, 2019 4:00 pm
Krav has stepped into the water by this time, but only up to his ankles. His face is turned to the sky, and he almost looks to be in some sort of meditative state of relaxation. That is, until he hears Ephwrath mention the magic permeating everything. At this he turns around to face the group and listens in.

When Bronk urges the group to follow him to the south, Krav leaves the water, re-shoulders his pack, and gathers up Shiloh. He does not put his boots back on however, but straps them to the outside of his pack. He is rather enjoying the feeling of unworked earth beneath his feet.

"Let's go then," Krav says as he places a firm hand on Ephwrath's shoulder. "Frogs are typically trustworthy creatures, I'm sure our new friends won't lead us astray."


Sense motive on frogmen, even though I claim to trust them - (1d20+4)

Apr 12, 2019 4:08 pm
To Yelnar

Bronk creeps forward to study the items on Yelnar's cart, tilting his head to better see. "I am not. Brack has knives. None of us..."

It trails off and looks up toward Yelnar. "A... friend. His name was Froak, we have not seen him for many moons. He would sit outside the Wall That Is Not a Wall and watch your people. Try to be like them. He found a long knife like this," says Bronk, pointing at a spear, "And would help with the catch. He went in search of more of your people, but he has not returned yet."
To Ember and Viani

Greemp crouches down like it's ready to leap away, dry-washing its hands in fear and worry. "The Nest of Knives," says Greemp in a quiet voice, which makes it even harder to understand him. "The great birds that stab and snatch friends. We bring them the catch so they will not hurt friends. Now the catch is hard to find, and more friends will be hurt."

This is apparently too much for him to think about, and he hops back toward the comfort of his own kind.
Apr 12, 2019 4:09 pm
Moonbeam says:
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath regaining his composure, takes a deep breath. "Powerful auras of magic... Everywhere. Flowing in the water... from the land... through the air... It's like all of the elements have been imbued with magic. It's... incredible!"
Verrian feels the weight of this statement like a ripple of cold water down her spine, but years of training prevent any outward sign of it. Even her facial markings don't change hue. "Magic is... everywhere? Is it..." She pauses, uncertain what she even wants to ask. She looks around, her gaze landing on the frog people, and turns back to Ephwrath. "Is it safe? For us, I mean. Are we in any immediate danger from it?"
the hills are alive with the sound of... magic?
Apr 12, 2019 4:10 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
Apr 12, 2019 4:19 pm
Ember hops back to them, slowly, trying to mimic Greemp's movements.

It's okay, friend. They sound scary. It is good that you fish to help your friends.

She pulls a piece of charcoal out of her belt and a little note pad.

Is it okay if you draw the bird? Or can I draw it? If we know what it looks like, we can help you. We can help keep your friends safe.
I'm rolling sense motive to see if they're over-reacting, since I'm not trained in "Nature". Is there anything I can roll to see if I can imagine what they're describing?


Sense Motive - Hop, Children, What's that Sound +2 - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Apr 12, 2019 4:31 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
Apr 12, 2019 4:55 pm
lavtodd sent a note to 78RPMLife
Ember sighs. Poor scared frog-men. She gets up and heads to Verrian and Epwrath.

So, any chance other critters got changed up in this "Awakening" the frogs mentioned, too? They say the Knives are birds.
Apr 12, 2019 4:57 pm
Verrian shrugs. "I'd say there's an excellent chance. This place is steeped in magic. Whatever caused that could easily be the reason these frogs became sentient. If that's true, then it's unlikely to have affected only frogs."
Apr 12, 2019 5:00 pm
Steeped in magic?

Ember's eyes flash with excitement, but she holds back.

I think I've got your trading chip for the boats, then. I know there are water birds with huge beaks. If they weren't all killed out, then maybe.....maybe they've adapted to eat frogs this size......
Apr 12, 2019 5:09 pm
Verrian raises an eyebrow, looking at Ember with fresh eyes. "Good work," she says, smiling. "That should be something we can help them with."

Verrian moves to where Yelnar is talking to Bronk. "Bronk, Ember says that you're having some trouble with large birds. Can you tell me more about them?"
Apr 12, 2019 9:26 pm
When Greemp hops off scared, Viani glares angrily at Ember. She follows along with her as she talks to him to extract more information, although she tries to hold Ember back from poking too much at this sore spot.
When Ember talks to Verrian, Viani speaks up as well: "We should have a look at this Nest of Knives. These poor frogs are suffering because of these birds. We should try to save them!"
Apr 12, 2019 10:01 pm
Bronk reflexively takes a step back when Verrian speaks, and starts to tremble visibly. Brack steps forward and rests its hands on its friend, which seems to calm Bronk a bit.

Brack is the one that replies. "The Nest of Knives. The great birds who we serve with the catch. It is not safe. Not for any friends."

It reaches a hand out, one finger pointing toward your party. "You friends or us friends." It indicates the other frog-people. "Not without more for the catch. Gromp once wore the belt," it says, indicating the belt of knives it wears across its chest, unique among the frog-people. "The last time the catch was poor, the great birds were angry. They ate Gromp." Brack's tone is solemn, slow.
Apr 12, 2019 10:11 pm
With the talk becoming grim, Elora reluctantly agrees to bring up the matter at a better time and stows the letter. Upon hearing of the brutality of these birds she gasps with a hand over her mouth, pitying the frogs plight. "That is tragic. These birds sound just awful."
Apr 12, 2019 11:30 pm
Three creatures. Less than an hour.

Yelnar, do we have time to go help with the knife birds? How close is your home?
Apr 12, 2019 11:36 pm
Stupid question!", Viani mumbles to herself. It's not directed at anyone but someone standing close to her would be able to understand her. "Of course we have time to help them. Anything else can wait"
She looks over at the frogs and smiles at Greemp when she makes eye contact with him. They are so frightened by these birds. It would be cruel to just leave without helping them.
Apr 13, 2019 12:35 am
Yelnar is visibly upset by Viani’s words. He rounds on her, and says through gritted teeth "No, anything else can not wait!

Yelnar takes a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself down. When he speaks again, it is much faster than normal, almost as if he’s trying to make sure he’s racing to finish what he says before he gets interrupted.

"We know very little about these birds and what kind of threat they might represent. I am not suggesting we ignore this altogether, but I will find out if my mother is OK first. In the meantime, we could teach these folk how to fight, and give them some of these spare weapons to use, and potentially make it easier for them to hunt to boot, not to mention having more capability for when we do go meet the birds, rather than just solve the problem for them and move on."

His shoulders slump. This is the most words you’ve ever heard Yelnar speak at one time, and the effort seems to exhaust him.
I am under the impression there is no need to barter for the boats - they were going to help us anyway (and had already started doing so in fact), they seem like good people.
Last edited April 13, 2019 12:42 am
Apr 13, 2019 1:30 am
Ephwrath looks to Krav and Verrian, "Thank you. Yes, I’ll be alright. Let’s proceed."

After hearing Yelnar’s outburst, he replies. "Our orders from Athisa were clear. We are to proceed to Yelnar’s family estate, and determine their status. Then we are free to choose our next steps."

He sighs. "These creatures seem good natured. I would support helping them after that"
Apr 13, 2019 2:32 am
chunky04 says:
I am under the impression there is no need to barter for the boats - they were going to help us anyway (and had already started doing so in fact), they seem like good people.
Verrian actually began her conversation with the frog people by promising something in return for being transported in the boats. The frog people didn't specify a price or an expectation of payment when they agreed to take them across the lake, but they might very well expect something, since it was explicitly promised.
Verrian looks around at her companions. "Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting that we put off going to Yelnar's family estate. I wanted to hear more about these birds that are terrorizing our new friends so that we could form a plan to help that wouldn't keep us from completing our first mission. Athisa gave us just that one concrete directive, and it's reasonable to assume that there might be some time sensitivity involved. I don't support delaying it."

She smiles, both for the benefit of her companions and the frog people. "But we promised something in return for a ride across this lake, so I intend to make good on that. Perhaps the other adventuring party would be willing to take a look into this Nest of Knives. Or perhaps Krav would have some insight into increasing the number of fish our friends could take as tribute, which would buy some time for us to come back and help later."
Apr 13, 2019 3:56 am
Startled by the Big Guy’s outburst, Ember begins poking though the cart, looking for items the frogs could use.
[ +- ] Talkin’ to myself
For once, can you please just act normal?

She mutters to herself. This ordeal may be stressing her out more than she wants to admit.
Last edited April 13, 2019 3:56 am
Apr 13, 2019 7:02 am
Viani looks around from person to person as they are all against helping the frogs first. She frowns and crosses her arms. When she hears Ember talk and assumes it's directed at her, she responds: "Maybe you should just act normal!"
Without another word, she walks away from the rest of the group and stands at the front of the ship, looking out over the water, pouting. She knows that Yelnar is worried about his mother because of his vision and that they were told to go to his family's estate first. She sighs. The others are probably right but that only annoys her further. She really wants to help these frog people. Greemp is just so cute! And they're in danger.
Apr 13, 2019 11:01 am
Moonbeam says:
Or perhaps Krav would have some insight into increasing the number of fish our friends could take as tribute, which would buy some time for us to come back and help later."
Krav thinks for a moment. "Their best spot for fishing would probably be over...there by that bramble."
Rolling knowledge nature and surival to see what I know about fishing spots. You can decide which is more appropriate.
"If worst comes to worst though, I may be able to call a fish to me and speak with it to see where they are hiding. I'd rather not betray their trust if I don't have to though."
Last edited April 13, 2019 11:03 am


Nature, Survival - (1d20+3, 1d20+6)

1d20+3 : (18) + 3 = 21

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

Apr 13, 2019 10:04 pm
Ember’s face flashes red and she grimaces, which tugs on her burn uncomfortably. Of course. Someone noticed her talking to the voices. Great. She’s humiliated, and reacts in the only way she knows how.

Lashing out.

She storms toward Viani, not waiting to reach her to speak. What privileged little world do you live in that the cute survive and the people in immediate danger have to wait? We’re going to help the frogs! We just have priorities!

She hikes up on the balls of her feet to look Viani in the eyes. Light flashes in them. A small, SO SMALL part of Ember is in enough control not to deck the girl.

You’re letting the frogs get to you. You let the dead guys get to you. Well guess what! They scared me too! And I dealt with it!I’ve seen those dead things before.

She holds her palms in Viani’s face, showing her the thin white scars.

My blood was taken to make them. So guess what. You’ve got a new, hellish normal. And I’d pray to whatever deity you prefer that you adapt quick.

She stands down, breathing heavily.

Make that four monsters in an hour....
Apr 13, 2019 10:19 pm
For just a moment, Viani looks at Ember in confusion. She did not expect the small girl to get this angry. As she always does when she's being criticized, Viani gets defensive.
"We don't even know if anyone's still alive there, let alone in danger. The only proof we have of that is Yelnar's vision and that could mean anything or nothing!" She's only addressing Ember buther voice is loud enough that the others can probably hear her as well. "We know that these frogs are in danger. And just because they are not related to any of us does not mean they deserve to be left to die!"

When Ember continues her speech, Viani gets confused again. She does not understand what the girl is trying to tell her about the cuts on her hands or her connection to the dead they encountered earlier, so she focuses on the one part she does understand. "I'm dealing with these things, too. I just can't look at people who are being terrorized and killed and just ignore them! If you can, then maybe the magic in your blood has done worse to you than burn your skin!"

Right after these words are out of her mouth, Viani abruptly stops speaking. If her professor could see her right now, he would not be happy. She's overreacting to a slight provocation, antagonizing her allies, exposing her own weaknesses. Not the kind of behavior that is encouraged in the Inquisitorial education.
She takes a deep breath and adds, with a meek voice: "I'm sorry, Ember. That went too far."
Apr 13, 2019 11:36 pm
Verrian moves quickly to where Ember and Viani are conducting their verbal altercation, madly sharing, Stop this at once and Calm, be calm as forcefully as she can. Sometimes the unjoined can be influenced by very focused mental and emotional instructions. She doesn't yet know whether Viani and Ember will be receptive, but it's worth trying, especially since they are all in the middle of a lake with tremendously skittish frog people.

Once she arrives beside them, Viani has just apologized after delivering a particularly cutting insult. Before Ember can gather the steam to respond, Verrian says in a low voice, "This ends now. Both of you have gone too far. Go to opposite sides of the boat and don't talk to one another for the duration of this trip. If we're lucky, we haven't already ruined relations with these gentle people we just met."
Apr 13, 2019 11:43 pm
Yelnar is shocked enough at Ember's revelation that he doesn't hear Viani. He files it away to talk to her about later.

He walks over to bronk and asks "When will you need to have the next catch for the birds by?"
Apr 14, 2019 12:20 am
Ember stands, staring, her mouth slightly open. It’s a long moment before she moves to the boat without making a sound. The voice lets her wallow, clearly satisfied that she has enough to torment herself. She can’t bring herself to look at anyone, not even the "Big Guy". She feels like a dagger is going through her when Verrian speaks. Maybe it’s the Naucan thing. Maybe it’s her own conscience finally doing its job.

She unfurls her cloak from her pack and warps it tightly around her shoulders, clutching it with one hand as the other subconsciously covers the scars on her neck.
Apr 14, 2019 12:25 am
Elora finds her face burrowed progressively closer to her journal throughout the argument, not daring to ask Viani if she still uses magic herself for fear of her reaction.
Apr 14, 2019 3:30 am
kona says:
Moonbeam says:
Or perhaps Krav would have some insight into increasing the number of fish our friends could take as tribute, which would buy some time for us to come back and help later."
Krav thinks for a moment. "Their best spot for fishing would probably be over...there by that bramble."
Rolling knowledge nature and surival to see what I know about fishing spots. You can decide which is more appropriate.
"If worst comes to worst though, I may be able to call a fish to me and speak with it to see where they are hiding. I'd rather not betray their trust if I don't have to though."
Bronk and Brack both look to Krav, then each other, then to the other frogs on the boat. Brack nods to the other frogs, and a couple of them leap effortlessly into the water, presumably to swim toward where Krav indicated. It doesn't take long before they're back and leaping back onto the boat, bobbing and clapping their skinny hands together. "True! Many fish! Is true!"

Brack turns to Krav, hands clasped together, and slowly approaches. "You... have saved many friends today. A good catch will make the birds happy, and we can be happy and free for a time. We have many thanks for you." It bobs its head several times and backs slowly away again.
Either one would have been fine, but you had great rolls on both, so...

As decisions are made, the remaining members of the other party say their meager goodbyes, some of them wishing you well, others seeming ready to just get on with their mission. Everyone seems still a bit haunted by what it's taken just to get here, and is ready to put the island of the Shining City behind them.

The frog-people are surprisingly effective sailors, able to maneuver the simple craft with ease toward the southeast short of the lake. The journey to the other shore will take a few hours. Bronk and Brack remain with the boat helping to sail it as need be with a few other of their people, but are available for conversation as desired. It is just about midday, which means it will be late afternoon by the time you arrive. The sun will set a couple of hours after you make landfall. If all goes well.
Apr 14, 2019 6:07 am
@78RPMLife Can you describe the boat we’re on? Size, shape, construction? Is it a sail boat, or is it being propelled by paddles or push poles? Does it appear to be something the frogs built, or found? Thanks.
Apr 14, 2019 6:53 am
Seeing that Krav has managed to deliver on her promise to give the frog people help in return for the transportation across the lake, Verrian breathes an inward sigh of relief. As a Naucan diplomat, she'd prided herself on leaving every relationship in at least slightly better shape than she'd found it. It would have stung to have traumatized these sweet frog people on their first meeting.

She makes her way to where Viani is standing, which is, dutifully, as far away from Ember as possible. She notes that the girl tenses at her approach, no doubt expecting another tongue-lashing. Verrian leans against the side of the boat and watches the water pass by in silence for a moment. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind and water droplets on her face. She breathes deeply and says, "Gods, I've missed this. I mean, I've never enjoyed boat travel all that much, but I've missed being out like this, the feeling of wind and movement."

She lets a little more time pass before saying, "When I was a student of Jade College, I felt so confident of my training and accomplishments. I was actually a little miffed when my first assignment after graduation was as a second aide to an attache of the Naucan ambassador to Alcave. I was so sure that I was ready for at least an attache position already that, in my arrogance, I didn't research Alcaven social protocols thoroughly enough before a state dinner and had seated the wife and husband of two Alcaven dignitaries next to unattached officials. Fortunately, the first aide to the attache caught my mistake and explained it to me, without reporting the error. But that one stupid misstep could have cost a lot of diplomatic capital."

Verrian turns to look at Viani, putting a hand lightly on her shoulder briefly. "I know what it's like to be young and inexperienced, Viani. You're going to make mistakes. I don't expect you to know all the right choices in every situation. But I do expect you to listen, to pay attention, and to think. You have to have self-discipline, because outside of the wards, everything is new and unpredictable. We need to be able to trust each other's judgment, to know that our companions will respond to difficult situations with reason rather than blind emotion.

"But that's a skill, not something you're born with. I can teach you some tricks for mental discipline, if you like. Or you can figure things out for yourself if you prefer. But you will need to learn to rein in your knee-jerk emotional responses. I have a feeling the world outside the wards doesn't dole out second chances like candy."
Last edited April 14, 2019 8:50 am
Apr 14, 2019 7:44 am
Viani looks down at the ground. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I was worried that if we just left, these birds might hurt the frogs. I'm glad that Krav showed them where to get fish. That should keep them safe until we can return. Do you think Ember is angry with me? I didn't want to be mean to her. It just slipped out."
Apr 14, 2019 8:03 am
Verrian thinks for a moment. "I don't know. I think we had a traumatic exit from the city, followed by a violent encounter with undead monsters, and emotions are running high. Most of us barely know each other yet. So that means we have to take extra care to build bonds. I think a sincere apology is always a good start for that. But wait until we make camp."
Apr 14, 2019 8:09 am
Viani nods. She looks over the boat. She can't see Ember from her position but she can see Brack and Bronk. "Can I go talk to the frogs or do I have stay here for now?", she asks Verrian with a quiet voice.
Apr 14, 2019 9:13 am
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Apr 14, 2019 9:35 am
bowlofspinach says:
Viani nods. She looks over the boat. She can't see Ember from her position but she can see Brack and Bronk. "Can I go talk to the frogs or do I have stay here for now?", she asks Verrian with a quiet voice.
"Yes, you can. But please, don't promise anything or commit the group to anything. We need to stay focused on our current objective." She smiles to show Viani that she's not angry with her.
Last edited April 14, 2019 9:38 am
Apr 14, 2019 10:02 am
Viani smiles back, reliefed because she really wasn't sure if Verrian was angry at her or not.
She gets up and walks over to the frogs. If they are busy with steering the ship or something at the moment, she's going to observe them until they seem to have some time to talk. She is a bit sad that Greemp did not come on the boat with them but she's happy there are at least these two to talk to. Once they seem to have some time for her, she steps closer and says. "Hello, friends! I've never been outside of the wall that's not a wall, so I'm curious. What is it like to live out here? Can you tell me about your people?"
I'm just going to make a Diplomacy check. I don't know if that's necessary. If not, just ignore


Roll for Frog Friendship - (1D20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

Apr 14, 2019 5:08 pm
AugustAsh says:
@78RPMLife Can you describe the boat we’re on? Size, shape, construction? Is it a sail boat, or is it being propelled by paddles or push poles? Does it appear to be something the frogs built, or found? Thanks.
Knowing next to nothing about boats, take everything I say here with a healthy suspension of disbelief. I figure it’s a sailboat, something big enough for everyone to fit on as it would have carried some cargo in better times, but more like a ferry than anything. Lake’s too deep for push poles. The frogs did not build it. There would have been a lot of these types of boats on the lake.
Apr 14, 2019 6:01 pm
[ +- ] mind
chunky04 says:
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Ember returns the fist bump.

Um...yeah. Sure. Maybe tonight.

She keeps the cloak wound tightly, but brings her hand off her neck. Viani seems to be in perfectly good spirits. Good.
[ +- ] mind
She scrunches her nose, confused, and sighs, relaxing her posture slightly.
Apr 14, 2019 6:04 pm
lavtodd says:
Ember stands, staring, her mouth slightly open. It’s a long moment before she moves to the boat without making a sound. The voice lets her wallow, clearly satisfied that she has enough to torment herself. She can’t bring herself to look at anyone, not even the "Big Guy". She feels like a dagger is going through her when Verrian speaks. Maybe it’s the Naucan thing. Maybe it’s her own conscience finally doing its job.

She unfurls her cloak from her pack and warps it tightly around her shoulders, clutching it with one hand as the other subconsciously covers the scars on her neck.
chunky04 says:
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Verrian watches Ember from a distance, wondering how best to approach. She has barely spent any time with the girl, but it is clear that an internal battle is being waged inside her. Verrian suspects that an overt authority figure approach will trigger defensiveness and resistance - Ember's the youngest member of the party and has clearly been managing on her own for a while. The obvious friendship with Yelnar is a good thing - it gives Ember an anchor within the party, a safe space. So maybe Verrian could gradually expand that safe space to include herself.

She moves toward where Yelnar is sitting and Ember is standing wrapped in her cloak. On the off-chance that Ember can be affected by it, Verrian shares I'm not angry with you. You aren't in trouble. You have nothing to feel badly about. She stops a few feet away from Ember and looks out on the passing water again.

"You were right," she says. "The things you said to Viani, the points you were making - they weren't wrong. You showed a very insightful and mature grasp of the situation. The real problem was how the disagreement was being conducted, not with the content of what you said. I wanted to make sure I told you that." She smiles at Ember and shares, You are all right. You will learn and grow. You are where you belong.
Last edited April 14, 2019 7:31 pm
Apr 14, 2019 7:24 pm
Ember sees Verrian approaching and turns away, bracing for impact.

I’m not angry with you. You aren’t in trouble. You have nothing to feel badly about.

She looks up when Verrian speaks. Her face is really hard to read. Her gut turns as she explains the situation. Ember has been the center of attention too much today. She’s got a bad feeling about all of this. Verrian smiles softly, which is not something Ember’s used to having directed toward her.

She’s also not used to "sharing."

You are all right. You will learn and grow. You are where you belong.

She can feel the other voice in her head screaming. About the invasion of privacy, about how weak her mind must be. But Verrian’s words strike Ember strangely, and the hostile sentences don’t fully form. She takes a deep breath and looks out on the water. Much more of this and she’ll cry. And she’s shared enough emotions with these people for one day.
Apr 14, 2019 11:56 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Once they seem to have some time for her, she steps closer and says. "Hello, friends! I've never been outside of the wall that's not a wall, so I'm curious. What is it like to live out here? Can you tell me about your people?"
Bronk turns to face Viani, head cocked in what you assume is a curious look. "When it is just friends, it is peaceful. Sometimes, far off," it says, waving a hand generally toward the whole of the shoreline, "we see other... maybe friends. But we worry they will be like the knife birds, and we stay away. We have never made words with friends like you before."

It drops its eyes for a moment. "Most days we look for the catch, we watch the eggs, we find food, we are friends. Is it different for other friends?"
Apr 15, 2019 5:44 am
"We are looking for more friends. Where did you meet these friends that you are still worried about? We could say hello to them as well!" Viani thinks for a moment. How to best explain life in the city? "It is a bit different for us. I have never fished in my life for example. And the only eggs I've ever watched were from chickens. I also go to college every day. I mean, I went there every day. It's a place for learning. And I didn't have to find food myself. I made clothes for other people and they gave me money. And withthe money, I bought food."
Suddenly, as she's talking, Viani's eyes go wide. "I just realized something! I'm a clothesmaker. You don't have clothes. Do you want me to try and make clothes for you? I've never made clothes for frogs before but I can definitely try!" To make sure they understand what she's talking about, she points at her own clothes when she suggests this.
Apr 15, 2019 6:01 am
Ephwrath sits in the center of the boat, nestled tightly against the base of the mast. He looks around nervously every time the boat shifts or sways more than normal. He appears to be very uncomfortable.
Apr 15, 2019 7:06 am
Verrian sits down next to Ephwrath. "I've never been very fond of traveling by boat, either. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"
Apr 15, 2019 4:14 pm
bowlofspinach says:
"We are looking for more friends. Where did you meet these friends that you are still worried about? We could say hello to them as well!" Viani thinks for a moment. How to best explain life in the city? "It is a bit different for us. I have never fished in my life for example. And the only eggs I've ever watched were from chickens. I also go to college every day. I mean, I went there every day. It's a place for learning. And I didn't have to find food myself. I made clothes for other people and they gave me money. And withthe money, I bought food."
Suddenly, as she's talking, Viani's eyes go wide. "I just realized something! I'm a clothesmaker. You don't have clothes. Do you want me to try and make clothes for you? I've never made clothes for frogs before but I can definitely try!" To make sure they understand what she's talking about, she points at her own clothes when she suggests this.
Even though Viani isn't speaking all that fast, Bronk's eyes widen and dart back and forth as though it feels under attack. "I am sorry, friend... I do not... know these words. Money? Clothes?"

Bronk leans forward and looks more closely at Viani's clothes. "You mean that is not your..." Bronk struggles to find the right word. "Your skin?"
Apr 15, 2019 4:29 pm
Viani laughs when Bronk asks this. She lifts her jacket and shirt a little bit to show the frogs some of her actual skin. "No, this is what our skin looks like. We wear clothes to stay warm, look good and... I don't know, not be naked. I have an idea!"
Viani runs off to where she left her backpack, opens it up and pulls out a woollen hat. She returns to the two frogs and holds out the hat excitedly. "Try it on. It goes on your head. It might not quite fit but you'll look cute with it!"

She also digs into one of the small pouches she has hanging from her belt and pulls out a silver coin. She flips it to Bronk and says: "And this is money. You can exchange it for whatever you want in the city, if you have enough of it!"
Apr 15, 2019 4:43 pm
Bronk leans back away from the spinning coin, and its tongue suddenly darts out to snatch the shiny thing out of mid-air. The coin appears between its lips, and Bronk plucks it out to look at it more closely. Some of the other frog people nearby hop over to peer carefully at the object. "Like the catch? We give to the birds in exchange for freedom? But how does someone eat it? It is very hard."

Bronk reaches out then to pluck curiously at Viani's jacket. "How do you swim in this?"
Apr 15, 2019 4:49 pm
"You're not supposed to eat it. Let me explain how it works: My father has a coop of chickens. They lay eggs that we can eat. But sometimes we don't want eggs but instead we want something else, like fish. My father trades some eggs for money with someone who wants eggs. Then he goes to a fisherman and exchanges the money for fish. Maybe the fisherman doesn't want eggs but because he can buy whatever he wants with the money, he's always willing to trade for that."

When Bronk reaches out for Viani's jacket, she replies: "I don't swim in it. It would get all wet and disgusting. If I want to swim, I have to take it off."


Diplomacy: Capitalism rules - (1D20-1)

(14) - 1 = 13

Apr 15, 2019 4:58 pm
Nearly all of Viani's response after 'eggs that we can eat' gets lost in most of the frog-people hopping away to cower at the other end of the boat. Even Bronk shrinks away, a tiny froggy whisper coming out. "You... eat the eggs?" Bronk says.
Apr 15, 2019 5:05 pm
Viani looks at the frogs in confusion for a moment, then she realizes what's wrong. They also all come from eggs. "Well, yes...", she stutters. "But... umm, only chicken eggs. And we feed our chickens really well. They get corn and grain and meat..."
She looks at Verrian, silently begging her for help.
Apr 15, 2019 5:27 pm
inb4 the frogs declare communism and start an uprising against the capitalist pigdogs who eat eggs and feed pet birds
Oh my god little frog men in russian duster coats with ushanka hats and PPsH submachien guns. I want it to happen
Last edited April 15, 2019 5:28 pm
Apr 15, 2019 6:44 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Viani looks at the frogs in confusion for a moment, then she realizes what's wrong. They also all come from eggs. "Well, yes...", she stutters. "But... umm, only chicken eggs. And we feed our chickens really well. They get corn and grain and meat..."
She looks at Verrian, silently begging her for help.
Verrian sighs and excuses herself to Ephwrath, rising to make her way over to the site of Viani's latest diplomatic disaster in the making.

Upon determining the crux of the conflict, Verrian assures the frogs that the chicken eggs in question are not babies or even potential babies. "They are not like the eggs your people make to create new ones of your kind. These are produced for food.

"But among all living things, there is a food chain. Every living thing eats, and often they eat other creatures. But our people make a distinction between what we think of as 'animals' and creatures - like you - that we consider to be people. We don't eat people."
Apr 15, 2019 6:54 pm
Bronk looks from Viani to Verrian and back again. "I understand?" says Bronk carefully, but the questioning inflection makes it sound awfully uncertain. "I am glad that you friends do not eat other friends."

It gives Viani a long, unreadable stare, and then goes back to helping take the boat across the lake. This conversation -- and the opportunity for further conversation -- seems to be over for now.
Apr 15, 2019 6:59 pm
Verrian hides a sigh, then gives Viani a pointed look and shares, Do you think you can stay out of trouble until we get off the boat?
Apr 15, 2019 7:15 pm
Viani looks to the ground, visibly embarrassed and upset by the trouble she caused. She does not look at Verrian, when she quietly mumbles "I'm sorry."
Without another word, she walks back into the corner where she had gone after Verrian had broken up her and Ember. She silently opens her backpack and pulls out a thick, leather bound book. She opens it and starts reading, consciously holding the book in a way that hides her face behind it.
Apr 16, 2019 12:45 pm
Hearing the commotion behind him, Yelnar eventually stands up from sitting next to Ember, giving her a pat on the shoulder as he does. He moves over towards Bronk, walking with his palms up, imitating Verrian from before, as he knows the frog is currently fearful. He asks Bronk "Bronk, I have to make sure my family is OK first, but I want to come back and help you with the knife birds if I can. How would we contact you once we're right to help? Is there some sort of signal we could use that the birds wouldn't know about?"
Apr 16, 2019 4:32 pm
The frogs do not seem particularly afraid of Yelnar, and Bronk seems perfectly willing to talk. "Family? Is like friends? Helping friends is good," Bronk says, head bobbing in the affirmative. "Gromp once said that friends from behind the Wall That Is Not a Wall would help us be free of the knife birds. That we should watch for them. We will watch for you to come back to the place where you leave the boat?" The other frogs nearby bob their heads as well.
Apr 16, 2019 4:48 pm
Ephwrath looks up at Verrian and simply says "I... don't swim well. My people prefer deep caves and solid ground. It took me many years to become comfortable on that island, especially up in the towers..." He gives her a weak smile and holds the mast a little tighter.
Apr 16, 2019 9:08 pm
Verrian puts a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. "Well, if it's any comfort, we're nearly across the lake now. Think of all the exciting discoveries there are to be made on the other side."
Apr 17, 2019 4:42 pm

As you approach your destination, the small harbor town of Viamard, you're able to get a look at it from a distance. The closely-built stone structures butt up against the lakeshore, surrounding a few docks where four small fishing vessels are moored. Your boat moves closer, and you note that there is no apparent activity in the town. It looks more like an old ruin than the thriving lakeside village it used to be. Away from the shore, you can see a taller building, some sort of small citadel or fortress, with a single spire rising above the rest of the squat building. Some of the buildings near the shore bear the scorch marks of a fire, a few have started to crumble around the edges. Some gulls wheel overhead, but this seems to be the only thing moving.

The frog-people bring your boat into the docks, and quickly leap off to tie off. Bronk and Brack both hop over and shoo their people back to allow you plenty of space to disembark. "Please be careful, friends," says Brack, with Bronk bobbing its head in agreement. "We have seen other friends like you here sometimes, but we do not share words with them. They smell of grains that have gone sour, and they sometimes throw things at us from the docks. Be wary."

Bronk and the other frog-people hop back to the boat as your party finishes unloading. Brack adds to Yelnar, "We will watch for you to return to the docks." It puts both hands on Yelnar's arm. "I wish that you will find your family friends safe."
[ +- ] Map of Viamard
Apr 17, 2019 4:50 pm
Viani packs her book back into her backpack in silence, attaches her weapon back to its holder on her back and puts all of her bags and pouches that she took off for the boat journey back on.
She doesn't say a word to any of her companions as she leaves the boat, her head down, looking at the ground. She does whisper a quick "Good bye" to the frogs, however as she leaves the boat.
She'll just follow the others' lead. For now, she doesn't feel like talking to anyone.
Last edited April 17, 2019 4:51 pm
Apr 17, 2019 5:27 pm
Verrian stops to pay respect to Brack and Bronk. "Thank you for helping us leave the island, and for becoming our first friends outside the Wall That is Not a Wall. We will come back to help you with the Knife Birds as soon as we can. Until then, I wish you good fishing, friends. "
Apr 17, 2019 5:33 pm
Krav, who has remained mostly silent during the journey, hops out of the boat and nods to their new friends.

"Goodbye my friends," he says as gathers up his gear, "we will return."

The mention of "others" has Krav on edge already. He peers up into the town for signs of movement or danger.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Apr 17, 2019 5:38 pm
Ember waves at the frogs.

Great. Drunks. This'll be fun.
Apr 17, 2019 5:41 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
Apr 17, 2019 6:15 pm
"Thank you, kind frogs." Elora does a small bow before exiting the boat, taking a few wobbly steps onto land.
Apr 17, 2019 8:30 pm
Yelnar unloads the sled on to the docks, then grabs a couple of javelins from the pile and presents it to to Bronk. "These should help you catch more fish."
Apr 17, 2019 9:27 pm
As soon as the boat is secured to the dock, Ephwrath nods to the frogs, and with a hurried grunt of appreciation, hops off the boat and quickly trots to the end. Upon reaching solid ground, he breathes a deep sigh of relief and turns to wait for the others.

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