Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Mar 28, 2019 9:54 pm
Ember (poorly) attempts to help Yelnar with the cart.

Come on, big guy. Let's move.
Mar 28, 2019 11:31 pm
Ephwrath gets up off the ground where he's been sitting next to Grank scribbling in a notebook and comparing the notes and drawings they've been making together. He peers up at Krav, confused by the interruption, and then sees the crowd.

"Oh my..." He says as he locks eyes with a particularly angry looking elven man. "He's an angry elf!"

Ephwrath quickly secures his gear and falls in with Krav and the others, ready to head out.
Last edited March 28, 2019 11:40 pm
Mar 29, 2019 2:23 pm
Krav takes the cue from his mentor and heads out of the gate, largely ignoring the chaos behind him. He know Athisa can take care of herself regardless of her grandmotherly appearance. He never felt like he quite fit in in this world, maybe now he can help create a new one.
Mar 29, 2019 4:59 pm
Elora can only hope Athisa will keep the crowds at bay. Going with the group she pulls out the whitestone disk from her pack, rubbing it slightly. I suppose this means we can always come back.
Last edited March 30, 2019 5:41 am
Mar 29, 2019 10:26 pm
Both groups gather the last of their things and begin moving toward the massive South Gate. While it stands open, and the harbor beyond can easily be seen, it's well known that the wards prevent any passage through that portal. At the base of the gate are the remains of tokens people have left in remembrance of those that were left outside the wards, whose fate is unknown. Few get left these days, now that so much time has passed.

Athisa nods curtly in thanks to Verrian and Viani. The older woman takes Verrian by the shoulders and pushes her, not entirely gently, toward the gate.

78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
Before she can begin speaking, however, you can hear shouts from multiple places in the crowd. "Look! They're going to go through the wards! Follow them!" That seems to be all it takes for people to start rushing the guards, who seem helpless to stop the crowds.

Athisa spreads her arms, then brings her hands together and up as if lifting something from the ground. Moments later, thick masses of grass and weeds grow up from the cracks and seams between the stones of the square. The plants grab and tangle the citizens trying to rush toward the South Gate, slowing their movements to give you time to make it through the wards unharmed. However, as you watch, people are slowly making their way through the tangles of vegetation and could break through the profusion of plants soon.
Mar 29, 2019 11:15 pm
Verrian grabs Viani's arm and tugs it toward the gate. She's urging all of the group who haven't gone through the gate to hurry, move faster, when she realizes that she's sharing instead of vocalizing it. She shakes her head and switches to speech.

"Hurry! Get to the gate before they manage to make it through the growth!"
Mar 30, 2019 4:57 am
Yelnar grabs the harness for the sled and moves off as quickly as possible, while making sure he has his Bardiche at the ready, with a mid haft grip so that he can use either end in defence if needs be.
Mar 30, 2019 5:22 am
Vian goes forward toward the gate, while looking back at the crowd. She's scared of those people and holds on to Verrian for safety. For a second, the thought of using her limited magic to keep back those people occurs to her but she decides against it. That would probably only escalate the situation even more
Mar 30, 2019 2:16 pm
Having no good contribution to Yelnar's sled, Ember breaks off and runs. She realizes that, ulterior motives or not, this is a privilege...

Are we there yet??
Mar 31, 2019 3:20 am
Verrian desperately does not want to engage in combat with Meriavans who are simply stir crazy and mad with the uncertainty of what's become of their loved ones outside the wards. She takes Viani's hand and begins to sprint toward the gate.
Last edited March 31, 2019 3:22 am
Apr 1, 2019 6:27 pm
Both parties rush toward South Gate. Behind you, more and more citizens are breaking through the line of the Shining Guard, and generally getting caught up in the entangling plant life summoned by Athisa. However, some are starting to break through. While they're not armed, and individually would not be dangerous at all, the mob mentality has taken over, and time is short: the riot has begun.

The members of the other group are running, but are a little bit behind yours. As you make it to the gate, you follow Elora and the disk she carries into the wards. There is a discomforting

twist in your stomach

vision blurs and swirls in colors you have no name for

sounds play in your head

78RPMLife sent a note to kona
78RPMLife sent a note to bowlofspinach
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
78RPMLife sent a note to chunky04
78RPMLife sent a note to somebox
as you move through at what seems like a snail's pace, although you can see behind you that the world not held by the wards has slowed to the same speed. That's when you see the mob break through completely:

People caught in the entanglement getting trampled by their fellow citizens.

Athisa overrun, disappearing into the chaos.

One of the twins -- Narise the cleric you think it must be, given the clothing -- who brings up the rear of the other group stumble and fall. In the panic, none of her comrades notice immediately, and her cries for assistance go unheard in the clamor of the square.

As you watch in slow-motion horror, the mob tramples Narise, and you see nothing more of her.

Finally, you are through the wards. Kramat yells out, "Quickly, away from the wards, so the disks do not keep them open!" He and his party quickly continue down the street, down a gentle slope toward the harbor, or at least most of them do. The other twin, Heira, breaks away from the dwarf Muoghan, who is trying to hold on to her. She rushes back toward the wards, screaming her sister's name. She is too slow, however, and bounces off the faint shimmer that represents the wards.

On the other side, the mob pushes against the wards, which hold strong against the pressure. So strong that you can see the people at front start to get crushed against them as the riot breaks like a tide against the wards.
Apr 1, 2019 6:47 pm
As this is happening, Viani struggles against Verrian's grip, trying to run back towards the city to help. Verrian is holding her back and eventually Viani gives up the struggle. Even if she was able to get back through the wards, she would most likely just get torn apart by the mob
Last edited April 1, 2019 6:48 pm
Apr 1, 2019 8:12 pm
Elora is growing quite concerned with the terrifying screams and sounds of the riot behind her, so much so that she almost doesn't pay any heed to her pounding head. Feeling her body topple over she falls to a knee with ragged breath. Looking back for a second manage to motivate her back to her feet as she quickens her pace, thoroughly scared of the ravenous crowd. "What a nightmare..."
Apr 1, 2019 8:15 pm
Yelnar does not look back. He determinedly plows onward like a man on a mission towards the docks, already intent on looking for a feasible boat for them to travel on.
Apr 1, 2019 9:37 pm
Krav looks back and notes the differences between humans and most other animals. Swarms of animals generally work together to achieve some goal. Staying together to disrupt their predator's senses, for example, or working together to attack their prey. Such blatant disregard for the other members of the group typically indicated fear. What were they afraid of? Being trapped I suppose, which was exactly the way he felt until now.

"I can hardly blame them. C'mon we better keep moving. Once we leave their sight they will likely start calming down."

As he quickly heads toward the docks, Krav looks around at his surroundings to take in the world beyond the wards.
Apr 1, 2019 10:26 pm
Ember’s pace slows, barely. She’s surprised. She should be afraid, but she’s not. Does this space outside the wards look different from when she arrived? She was so little at the time, she can barely tell. But she’s calm. She can tell she’s exactly where she belongs. Seemingly to nobody in particular, she mutters

Who are...what do you need?
Apr 1, 2019 11:23 pm
Ephwrath stops near the others to catch his breath. He looks around with a puzzled look on his face as if searching for something...

He looks up at Krav, "Did you hear that?"
Last edited April 1, 2019 11:24 pm
Apr 2, 2019 1:41 am
"I did. At first I thought it was the cry of someone in the crowd, but based on your reactions I take it that's not the case. It sounded like someone crying out in sadness. Or pain. Maybe even anger. Hard to put a finger on it. Did you hear the same?"
Apr 2, 2019 2:54 am
Ephwrath nods. "Yes... and the sound of fire. It was quite strange, and... disturbing." He frowns and sniffs the air.
Apr 2, 2019 5:37 am
Verrian maintains an iron grip on Viani's wrist as she pushes hard toward the gate. The girl is practically making Verrian drag her, seemingly trying to run back toward the horror show. Finally, she stops fighting, though, and they make it through the disturbing, fascinating sensations caused by the wards.

Releasing Viani's wrist, Verrian slows her steps, breathing hard and looking at the carnage being created by the mob on the inside of the wards. It is horrifying, sickening, and Verrian takes Viani by the shoulders and turns her firmly away from the sight. They are free of the wards, now, but also free of its protections. They all need to focus on their immediate surroundings.

She hears Ephwrath and Krav talking about hearing a strange sound and walks toward them. "Are you hearing it right now? Can you tell where it's coming from?"

She strains to hear what they are hearing.


Stop, hey, what's that sound? - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

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