Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Mar 27, 2019 4:00 pm
Verrian confines her amusement at Ember's pithy but colorful expression of the situation to a tiny huff of a laugh. This girl is going to be endlessly entertaining. "I see." She watches the situation to see if her intervention will be required or warranted.
Mar 27, 2019 4:04 pm
"Hello there, Verrian! I'm glad you made it. The journey would only be half as fun without you.", Viani calls out. "We have some extra motivation for exploring now. If we find the best discovery, we will get 100 gold pieces from this guy over there. She points at Kramat
Mar 27, 2019 4:11 pm
Verrian recognizes the man. They've never actually interacted, but she's heard tell of an arrogant blowhard who likes to bully others.

"Only one hundred?" she replies. "I admire your charitable impluses."
Mar 27, 2019 4:54 pm
Kramat, the big guy in question, has moved away from your group and is making a show of checking his sword and shield, rebuckling armor, running through a few calisthenics, all as though he expects to be attacked by vicious, magically mutated monsters the second he crosses the wards. Or he's still just trying to show off. Probably the latter. Four others eventually filter in to join the original three --human, dwarf, and gnome -- that arrived earlier. One is a halfling man dressed in traveling clothes over leather armor, a shortsword and dagger belted at his waist and a black enameled pin at his collar -- an Obsidian College member. Two human women that can only be identical twins, they're so uncannily similar to one another, follow soon after. One carries a longbow and is dressed in greens and browns, the other in plain traveling clothes. The latter's affiliation with the school is impossible to tell from her appearance. Finally, an elven man carrying a pair of rapiers saunters into the square, his chain shirt jingling slightly. None of them approach your group, staying to their own team members, though they don't seem to be interacting with one another all that much.
What you guess to be a short time before second bell, Athisa Veras arrives at the square flanked by two of the Shining Guard. She slows for a moment, looking from group to group, before she comes closer and speaks. "Everyone is here on time once again. Excellent."

She spends some time reiterating things that she told you on the previous day: how you are to explore, reestablish contact with people outside the wards, study firsthand the lingering effects of the War on the landscape and the people who occupy it, report back when you are able, and so forth. She addresses Kramat's group then, saying, "Your initial mission is to head east to make contact with the elves of the Vaelt. Master Iene of Jade College has family on the eastern shore of the lake that will assist your on your journey." She pauses then, the obvious concern that this family may no longer be there hanging over her words. "In the event that is not possible, you should continue east toward the capital, Asmaran."

Then she turns to your group. "As for you, we have spoken of this a bit already. Head to the southwest shore and up the river, try to make contact with Yelnar's family. From there, your path is somewhat up to you, depending on what you find. My own inclination would be to send you south into Valerma, but Ardraven to the west would also be a reasonable choice."
Mar 27, 2019 6:27 pm
78RPMLife says:
Then she turns to your group. "As for you, we have spoken of this a bit already. Head to the southwest shore and up the river, try to make contact with Yelnar's family. From there, your path is somewhat up to you, depending on what you find. My own inclination would be to send you south into Valerma, but Ardraven to the west would also be a reasonable choice."
Verrian raises a hand to gain Athisa's attention. "Athisa, is there a specific reason you are leaning toward Valerma as our starting exploration objective?"
Mar 27, 2019 6:36 pm
Athisa turns to Verrian, nodding in acknowledgement of the question. "Agriculture, primarily. I would anticipate there will be a need to provide food to a great many people, if the devastation is particularly bad. Valerma's farms and fields were a wonder before the War," she says. After a brief pause, she adds, "And personal bias. There was once a grove of an extremely rare tree in the foothills of the northern mountains of Valerma. I'd like to know if it survived." The Veridium College scholar is well-known as a prominent naturalist, particularly interested in rare flora. She spreads her hands and shrugs. "But Ardraven may have suffered the greatest devastation. Much of their territory was supported by some of the oldest magic of the Great Advancement. If you choose to seek out and explore the consequences of the war, there will likely be plenty to see there."
Mar 27, 2019 7:20 pm
Verrian nods. She suspects that there will be some strong opinions about which direction to go after the group visits Yelnar's family estate, but that can wait. She looks around the group. "Does anyone else have any questions? Or are we ready to set out?"
Mar 27, 2019 7:33 pm
At the mention of this grove of trees, Krav stands up and moves toward her. "The Heamiwithic Grove? You really think they could still be alive?" Krav immediately shoulders his pack and looks eager to leave this place. He has been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time, and their exodus could not come soon enough. But now, with such an enticing goal he is chomping at the bit!

"Thank you," he says as he nods at Athisa, "for your confidence in me."
Last edited March 27, 2019 10:18 pm
Mar 27, 2019 7:46 pm
Athisa puts a hand on Krav's shoulder and smiles, the fond smile of a grandmother for a favored grandchild. "I hope so, my boy. If you do have a chance to pass near, and you can confirm its survival... I know you understand why that would be a great help to our cause." However, she does not explain further to the others. "Bring peace, Krav. You know first-hand the struggles of people who have lost their way."

She looks to the rest of the travelers assembled. The elf in the other group raises his voice. "Scholar Veras, if I may," he says in a light tenor. "Can the whitestone disk you provided us -- and I assume provided the others as well -- be used to communicate with one another? Our party to theirs? If our mission brings us knowledge the others could use, or the other way around of course, it would be more efficient to speak directly with one another than rely on a third party to relay."

Athisa nods. "The individuals entrusted with the disks," she responds, looking to Elora and the twin in nondescript clothing in turn, "will be able to tune the disk to communicate with those they are paired with -- namely, these two disks you all carry, and my disk. I will show you how to accomplish that."
Mar 27, 2019 7:52 pm
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
Mar 27, 2019 8:02 pm
"I... Viani suddenly speaks up. "I know we're going to check on Yelnar's family first, if we can find them, but can I make a suggestion for our next destination after that? She doesn't wait for permission before continuing. "There used to be a small village, Taryadi, only an hour upriver from the lake. I would like to pay it a visit if we get the chance."
As she is saying that, Viani's eyes are locked to the ground in front of her boots. She doesn't make eye contact with anyone, least of all Athisa.
Last edited March 27, 2019 8:20 pm
Mar 27, 2019 10:49 pm
Moonbeam says:
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
The South Gate leads to one of the major harbors of the city, and while the wards have cut off the typical lake traffic back and forth to Meriava's island, traditionally the South Gate square was one of the busier areas of the city. Three years on after the wards went up, the square has shown the cracks in Meriava's bustling society. Where the open air market used to offer fresh fruits from Valerma and exotic foods from The Vaelt and Rhamia, there's little such commerce any more. A full half of the merchants have closed their shops. While the School provides in these times of shortages, there's something missing from the soul of the city, and the South Gate square shows it.

So the rumors that people are starting to leave the city definitely cause curiosity. At first, no one was really certain when or where these departures would happen, but word travels fast, and there are crowds beginning to gather around the edges of the square. The Shining Guard is here, and to a careful observer, you would notice that there are more and more of the Guard showing up every minute, matching the growth in onlookers among the citizens.
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
Mar 27, 2019 11:00 pm
78RPMLife says:
Moonbeam says:
Listening to the ongoing question and answer session, Verrian looks around the area to see who has turned out to watch as the groups get their instructions and prepare to leave the wards. She's been told repeatedly by both friends and foes to keep her eyes open and observe everything. Seeing who is watching could provide some interesting insights.
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
Wow. Verrian must need glasses.
Last edited March 27, 2019 11:00 pm


Percepting the crowd - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Mar 27, 2019 11:01 pm
78RPMLife says:
Anyone watching the crowds, please give me a perception check. If you also have ranks in knowledge (local), you can add that check as well.
No harm, I suppose.

Edit: Man. I'm glad we aren't in combat right now.....
Last edited March 27, 2019 11:02 pm


Lookin' all over the place - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Mar 27, 2019 11:06 pm
Basically, Ember notices there are some people around.
Mar 27, 2019 11:12 pm
Why am I.....nobody here cares who I am. And I gave Tace almost all of his knick knacks back.

So you're just looking around so you look important like the taller ones. Cute.

I'm not trying to look..........oh, shut up you.
Mar 27, 2019 11:15 pm
THAT'S why Verrian botched her perception roll. Ember's inner life is really distracting.
Mar 28, 2019 12:12 am
Shiloh would be looking around and aware of his surroundings. Krav is too busy prepping at the moment and daydreaming about the grove.
Remember he can only share feelings with me at this level, no spoken language or telepathy.


Shiloh's Perception - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Mar 28, 2019 3:35 am
"They're...they're staring..." Elora whispers, feeling everyone stare at her specifically.


Perception - (1d20)

(16) = 16

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