Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Apr 9, 2019 11:39 pm
Verrian takes it all in and processes both the content of the conversation and its implications. These people may look like giant frogs, but they are obviously beings capable of complex thought. It's also clear that they are trying to satisfy the needs of some other being that they either worship or in some sort of thralldom to; the reference to "tribute" was pretty clear.

And they need a place with better fishing.

She thinks back to the bond offered by Roren of Grae. When you meet new creatures outside of the wards, remember: any friend can be easily converted to an enemy, but enemies are hard to make into friends. Try to start out as friends.

"Follow my lead," she tells the girls as she rises and steps, unhurried, out of cover. She walks at a leisurely pace toward the frog people, holding her arms down, slightly away from her body, with the palms facing the frog people. She smiles an easy, friendly smile and begins to share at them, in case they are able to hear her. Friends. We are friends. We need help. We can give help in return.

As she gets closer, she speaks. "Hello! We are travelers, looking for a way off the island. If you could give us passage on your boats, we could give you something you need in return."
Apr 10, 2019 3:52 am
Most of the frog-people dive quickly into the water, leaving so few ripples that you could wonder if you had only imagined them being there in the first place. Brown Frog and Green Frog remain above water, though Green Frog ducks behind its companion, whispering, "Quick, use the knives! Use the knives!"

But Brown Frog makes a low soothing sound at the back of its throat. "These are not the dead ones... they speak," it says, and croaks Green Frog’s name again. You decide to think of the name as ‘Bronk’, as that comes close to the sound. Still, both of them are clearly wary, scared even, as they inch backward from your approach, ready to leap at the slightest provocation.

"Travelers?" says Brown Frog. "We... do not know this word. Your faces are... strange. Like the faces behind the Wall That is Not a Wall.". It points a spindly hand, long groggy fingers gesturing to the South Gate you have come from. "The faces that never speak," it finishes in a low whisper. Behind it, Bronk the green frog trembles, clutching at its friend in fear.
Apr 10, 2019 6:04 am
Noting the apprehension and fear of the frog people, Verrian lowers her head in a submissive gesture. "We come from behind the Wall That is Not a Wall. We have been trapped there for many, many moons and have finally escaped."

She decides to lower herself to the ground, to make herself less tall and threatening, sitting cross-legged. "Now, we are... travelling. Moving from one place to another. Exploring this world outside of the Wall That is Not a Wall. But this world is strange to us. We saw the dead ones." She clutches her hands to her chest to denote fear. "These dead ones are new to us. They attacked us, almost killing one of my friends. Now, we wish to leave this island, but we have no boats. Could you take us away from this place? We would be willing to trade."
Apr 10, 2019 6:18 am
Viani copies everything Verrian does, from the way she holds her hands to the way she sits down. When "Bronk" gives his name, she quietly tries to croak it the same way he said it. After seeing that these frog people are not hostile, she doesn't feel scared anymore. Instead, she's actually a bit amused at the creatures' funny accents and appearance.
Last edited April 10, 2019 6:19 am
Apr 10, 2019 6:57 pm
Elora stands behind Verrian whilst she tries to persuade the frogs, taking special attention to the fearful Bronk. They're just scared... Well versed in feeling intimidated by strangers Elora offers a tiny empathetic smile, hoping to relieve some of their tension.
Apr 10, 2019 7:36 pm
Bronk and Brown Frog share a silent look. Slowly, Bronk releases its grip on Brown Frog and steps timidly out from behind. "The dead ones hurt friends. It is what they do," Bronk says, making the hand-wringing gesture, eyes lowered.

Brown Frog bobs its head a few times. "This world is strange to us also. Words are strange to us. We... have not known words?" it says, raising its eyes skyward for a moment, shaking its head. "Not right words. We woke to a strange world. The words... came to us." It looks at Bronk, and the green frog rests a gentle hand on Brown Frog's shoulder.

"It is well," says Bronk, using another croaking word toward the brown frog. You choose to translate it as Brown Frog's name: Brack. Bronk turns toward you and explains, "We have not used words with your people before. It is hard."

"But you speak of travel. Across the water?" says Brack. Brack and Bronk share another look. Brack continues, pointing a spindly hand toward the southern shore of the lake. "Toward the nest of knives?" You're not immediately sure if that's the direction you'd intended to travel. Yelnar would know for certain, but your impression was that your destination was more to the southwest than directly south.

Slowly, the other frog people slide back up from the water to stand on the wide, flat deck of the boat, though they stay a distance away they consider to be safe. One points back up the hill, toward where the rest of your party waits. Others nod and look in the same direction.
Apr 10, 2019 8:16 pm
Yelnar sees the gesture and faces towards Verrian, and does his best to do a full body shrug as if to say should we come forward?
Apr 10, 2019 8:23 pm
78RPMLife says:
Bronk and Brown Frog share a silent look. Slowly, Bronk releases its grip on Brown Frog and steps timidly out from behind. "The dead ones hurt friends. It is what they do," Bronk says, making the hand-wringing gesture, eyes lowered.

Brown Frog bobs its head a few times. "This world is strange to us also. Words are strange to us. We... have not known words?" it says, raising its eyes skyward for a moment, shaking its head. "Not right words. We woke to a strange world. The words... came to us." It looks at Bronk, and the green frog rests a gentle hand on Brown Frog's shoulder.

"It is well," says Bronk, using another croaking word toward the brown frog. You choose to translate it as Brown Frog's name: Brack. Bronk turns toward you and explains, "We have not used words with your people before. It is hard."

"But you speak of travel. Across the water?" says Brack. Brack and Bronk share another look. Brack continues, pointing a spindly hand toward the southern shore of the lake. "Toward the nest of knives?" You're not immediately sure if that's the direction you'd intended to travel. Yelnar would know for certain, but your impression was that your destination was more to the southwest than directly south.

Slowly, the other frog people slide back up from the water to stand on the wide, flat deck of the boat, though they stay a distance away they consider to be safe. One points back up the hill, toward where the rest of your party waits. Others nod and look in the same direction.
Seeing Yelnar's gesture, Verrian holds up one finger to indicate Wait. She looks back to Brack and Bronk and says, "This world used to be less strange to us. We remember when your people were... smaller, and had no words. There have been powerful changes since we became trapped behind the Wall That is Not a Wall."

She points to Yelnar. "That friend knows the direction of the place we are trying to go. Would it be all right for the rest of my friends to approach? They will not hurt you."
Apr 10, 2019 8:40 pm
The frog people -- Bronk, Brack, and the others -- all turn to look at one another. There's a palpable air of excitement, and they begin croaking rapidly to one another so quickly that it's hard to make out more than a few words here and there:


"Gromp was right!"

"Not possible!"


Bronk turns back to Verrian. "You remember from... before the Awakening? Your friends too? Please... we are friends, yes? They can come down, yes!"

Brack continues to speak rapidly with the other frog-people, each of them bouncing lightly on hind legs, touching each other on the head and shoulders.
Apr 10, 2019 9:02 pm
Verrian tries to gauge the overall tone of the frog people's excitement. It appears that it's mostly positive, going by Bronk's response, so she turns to Viani and says quietly, "Go down and tell the others to come on down, but show them how to carry and pace themselves. Tell them the frogs are friendly but easily spooked. We must be gentle."

To the frog people, Verrian smiles. "We are friends, yes."
Apr 10, 2019 9:07 pm
Viani doesn't react for a moment after Verrian asks her to get the others. She likes looking at these frog people! But eventually, she decides to get up and slowly walk back to her remaining companions.
She informs them about the situation and guides them down to the frogs, showing them the way Verrian walked and sat down. "Don't spook them!", she explains to her companions. "They are very nervous"
Apr 10, 2019 10:05 pm
Krav sheathes his scimitar and slings his wooden shield over his back. Silently, he follows Viani down to Verrian and also sits. He is careful not to make extensive eye contact with the frogs, but instead reaches into the hood of his cloak to retrieve Shiloh, and sets him on the ground next to him.

"Do not stray far my friend," he says to the rat.

Krav then surveys the lake with a far off look in his eye.
Apr 10, 2019 10:09 pm
"My name is Verrian," she says to the frog people. She gestures to Elora and Viani, introducing them by name, as well. "And this is my friend, Krav. He knows about nature and animals." Speaking to Krav, she says, "Our new friends were telling me that they awoke suddenly knowing words. They do not know how this happened."
Apr 10, 2019 10:12 pm
Ember gets up on her tip-toes to try to see them better.

Are they really just frogs?

She walks as told. Two creatures in twenty minutes. Lovely.
Apr 10, 2019 10:24 pm
Viani slowly moves closer towards the frog people until she's even past Verrian, sitting closer to them than any of the others. "Bronk", she croaks, trying to imitate the frogs' voices and then giggling at the sound of it. "Can I touch your skin? I've never seen someone like you before!"
Apr 10, 2019 10:26 pm
Viani! Ember whispers. You can't just ask people who look different if you can touch their skin!
Last edited April 10, 2019 10:26 pm
Apr 10, 2019 10:32 pm
Viani looks shocked at Ember's comment and quickly explains to the frog people: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude!"
Apr 10, 2019 10:32 pm
Verrian monitors the reaction of the frog people to Viani's impulsive disregard of the protocols that had literally just been established. It's obvious that Verrian will have to do a lot of education around how to behave during the first meetings with new races and groups.
Apr 11, 2019 1:44 am
Yelnar places the Bardiche back on the sled. Thinking about it, he makes sure he at least has a dagger on his belt just in case, then drags the sled down with him, with as similar an open posture with his hands out as what Verrian did as he can manage.
Apr 11, 2019 3:22 am
"Oh my." Elora shares Verrian's reaction, screaming internally while a bead of sweat falls down her cheek.
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