Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Apr 11, 2019 11:32 pm
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath regaining his composure, takes a deep breath. "Powerful auras of magic... Everywhere. Flowing in the water... from the land... through the air... It's like all of the elements have been imbued with magic. It's... incredible!"
Verrian feels the weight of this statement like a ripple of cold water down her spine, but years of training prevent any outward sign of it. Even her facial markings don't change hue. "Magic is... everywhere? Is it..." She pauses, uncertain what she even wants to ask. She looks around, her gaze landing on the frog people, and turns back to Ephwrath. "Is it safe? For us, I mean. Are we in any immediate danger from it?"
Last edited April 11, 2019 11:32 pm
Apr 11, 2019 11:39 pm
Viani looks over at Ephwrath and Verrian who seem to be talking about something important. For a moment she thinks about going up to them and asking them what it is but she decides against it. With Verrian busy, it's her job now to lead diplomatic relations with the frogs!
She looks back at Greemp and points at Ember: "This is my friend, Ember. Em-ber. Can she touch you, too? Maybe she can shake your hand to show you how our people say hello?"
Last edited April 11, 2019 11:41 pm
Apr 11, 2019 11:56 pm
Ember is distracted by the frantic conversation to the side. She shakes her head when Viani mentions her.

Oh! Yeah. I'm Ember. It is nice to meet you, Greemp. We shake hands when we say hello, and we shake hands when we think a person is important.

She holds her right hand out, glad it's not the one with the burns.
Apr 12, 2019 12:02 am
Yelnar says "Bronk, is it dangerous to go that way now? Would you be able to help us go that way?"
Apr 12, 2019 12:14 am
Ephwrath looks up at Verrian. "Dangerous? Oh... I don't think so. It's just overwhelming. I've never sensed magic of this magnitude before. It permeates the environment in a way that is difficult to describe..." He nods at the frog people. "They don't seem to be affected by it, and I don't sense any danger from them. Magical or otherwise." He gives her a reassuring smile.
Apr 12, 2019 2:27 am
Verrian returns his smile, although she's not as convinced as he is that an environment soaked in magic is poses no threat to their party's health and well-being. But there's nothing they can do about it right now, and they are in the middle of first contact with a new race. Standing up, Verrian offers Ephwrath a hand up. "Well, if you're all right, maybe you'd like to come and introduce yourself to our new friends?"
Apr 12, 2019 5:05 am
chunky04 says:
Yelnar says "Bronk, is it dangerous to go that way now? Would you be able to help us go that way?"
Bronk tilts its head as it regards Yelnar. "It is safe. We can help you if that is the way you wish to go."

It looks off toward the south again for a long moment before it turns back and beckons with its long skinny fingers. "Come, come. Bring friends. We can talk while we go that way."
Apr 12, 2019 5:58 am
Elora pulls out her journal for the second time today, recording their findings and drawing a sketch of the frog-people. "An omnipresent field of magic which isn't affecting them, intriguing." Stowing her notebook Elora's hand brushes against the letter she received. This seems like a reasonable time.

"Verrian?" Elora taps her shoulder, but not too hard. "I have something you, and everyone should read, it's rather urgent." She speaks in a half-whisper out of habit, even though there isn't any real reason to.
[ +- ] Letter
Been holding onto this for a bit now.
Last edited April 12, 2019 5:59 am
Apr 12, 2019 6:14 am
Verrian turns from helping Ephwrath up. She takes the letter Elora offers her and begins to read. When she's done, she hands it back to Elora. "This is the second time I've come across the name Garand Disos," she says quietly. "Adaye warned me about him before I left the kinship."

She looks around at the general commotion as people are beginning to get onto the boat with the frog people. "If I were you, I'd wait until later to share this with everyone, possibly once we've made camp for the night. This doesn't seem like the best time to spring this information on the group."
Apr 12, 2019 6:37 am
Yelnar asks Bronk to help him load the sled on to the boat, taking the opportunity to ask if his people know the use of such weaponry.

"Are you familiar with any of these Bronk?
Apr 12, 2019 1:19 pm
Ember looks up.

Well, they keep talking about a nest of knives. Greemp, is that where you got your knives?
Apr 12, 2019 1:28 pm
Viani lightly slaps Ember's shoulder to shush her. She whispers: "Don't mention that place to them! They seem to be really scared of it"
Apr 12, 2019 1:30 pm
Ember's eyes flash with anger, but she holds it back. She smiles without showing her teeth again, to ease them.

Can you tell us what it is? Maybe we can make it less scary for you.
Apr 12, 2019 4:00 pm
Krav has stepped into the water by this time, but only up to his ankles. His face is turned to the sky, and he almost looks to be in some sort of meditative state of relaxation. That is, until he hears Ephwrath mention the magic permeating everything. At this he turns around to face the group and listens in.

When Bronk urges the group to follow him to the south, Krav leaves the water, re-shoulders his pack, and gathers up Shiloh. He does not put his boots back on however, but straps them to the outside of his pack. He is rather enjoying the feeling of unworked earth beneath his feet.

"Let's go then," Krav says as he places a firm hand on Ephwrath's shoulder. "Frogs are typically trustworthy creatures, I'm sure our new friends won't lead us astray."


Sense motive on frogmen, even though I claim to trust them - (1d20+4)

Apr 12, 2019 4:08 pm
To Yelnar

Bronk creeps forward to study the items on Yelnar's cart, tilting his head to better see. "I am not. Brack has knives. None of us..."

It trails off and looks up toward Yelnar. "A... friend. His name was Froak, we have not seen him for many moons. He would sit outside the Wall That Is Not a Wall and watch your people. Try to be like them. He found a long knife like this," says Bronk, pointing at a spear, "And would help with the catch. He went in search of more of your people, but he has not returned yet."
To Ember and Viani

Greemp crouches down like it's ready to leap away, dry-washing its hands in fear and worry. "The Nest of Knives," says Greemp in a quiet voice, which makes it even harder to understand him. "The great birds that stab and snatch friends. We bring them the catch so they will not hurt friends. Now the catch is hard to find, and more friends will be hurt."

This is apparently too much for him to think about, and he hops back toward the comfort of his own kind.
Apr 12, 2019 4:09 pm
Moonbeam says:
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath regaining his composure, takes a deep breath. "Powerful auras of magic... Everywhere. Flowing in the water... from the land... through the air... It's like all of the elements have been imbued with magic. It's... incredible!"
Verrian feels the weight of this statement like a ripple of cold water down her spine, but years of training prevent any outward sign of it. Even her facial markings don't change hue. "Magic is... everywhere? Is it..." She pauses, uncertain what she even wants to ask. She looks around, her gaze landing on the frog people, and turns back to Ephwrath. "Is it safe? For us, I mean. Are we in any immediate danger from it?"
the hills are alive with the sound of... magic?
Apr 12, 2019 4:10 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to kona
Apr 12, 2019 4:19 pm
Ember hops back to them, slowly, trying to mimic Greemp's movements.

It's okay, friend. They sound scary. It is good that you fish to help your friends.

She pulls a piece of charcoal out of her belt and a little note pad.

Is it okay if you draw the bird? Or can I draw it? If we know what it looks like, we can help you. We can help keep your friends safe.
I'm rolling sense motive to see if they're over-reacting, since I'm not trained in "Nature". Is there anything I can roll to see if I can imagine what they're describing?


Sense Motive - Hop, Children, What's that Sound +2 - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Apr 12, 2019 4:31 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
Apr 12, 2019 4:55 pm
lavtodd sent a note to 78RPMLife
Ember sighs. Poor scared frog-men. She gets up and heads to Verrian and Epwrath.

So, any chance other critters got changed up in this "Awakening" the frogs mentioned, too? They say the Knives are birds.
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