Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Apr 14, 2019 3:30 am
kona says:
Moonbeam says:
Or perhaps Krav would have some insight into increasing the number of fish our friends could take as tribute, which would buy some time for us to come back and help later."
Krav thinks for a moment. "Their best spot for fishing would probably be over...there by that bramble."
Rolling knowledge nature and surival to see what I know about fishing spots. You can decide which is more appropriate.
"If worst comes to worst though, I may be able to call a fish to me and speak with it to see where they are hiding. I'd rather not betray their trust if I don't have to though."
Bronk and Brack both look to Krav, then each other, then to the other frogs on the boat. Brack nods to the other frogs, and a couple of them leap effortlessly into the water, presumably to swim toward where Krav indicated. It doesn't take long before they're back and leaping back onto the boat, bobbing and clapping their skinny hands together. "True! Many fish! Is true!"

Brack turns to Krav, hands clasped together, and slowly approaches. "You... have saved many friends today. A good catch will make the birds happy, and we can be happy and free for a time. We have many thanks for you." It bobs its head several times and backs slowly away again.
Either one would have been fine, but you had great rolls on both, so...

As decisions are made, the remaining members of the other party say their meager goodbyes, some of them wishing you well, others seeming ready to just get on with their mission. Everyone seems still a bit haunted by what it's taken just to get here, and is ready to put the island of the Shining City behind them.

The frog-people are surprisingly effective sailors, able to maneuver the simple craft with ease toward the southeast short of the lake. The journey to the other shore will take a few hours. Bronk and Brack remain with the boat helping to sail it as need be with a few other of their people, but are available for conversation as desired. It is just about midday, which means it will be late afternoon by the time you arrive. The sun will set a couple of hours after you make landfall. If all goes well.
Apr 14, 2019 6:07 am
@78RPMLife Can you describe the boat we’re on? Size, shape, construction? Is it a sail boat, or is it being propelled by paddles or push poles? Does it appear to be something the frogs built, or found? Thanks.
Apr 14, 2019 6:53 am
Seeing that Krav has managed to deliver on her promise to give the frog people help in return for the transportation across the lake, Verrian breathes an inward sigh of relief. As a Naucan diplomat, she'd prided herself on leaving every relationship in at least slightly better shape than she'd found it. It would have stung to have traumatized these sweet frog people on their first meeting.

She makes her way to where Viani is standing, which is, dutifully, as far away from Ember as possible. She notes that the girl tenses at her approach, no doubt expecting another tongue-lashing. Verrian leans against the side of the boat and watches the water pass by in silence for a moment. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind and water droplets on her face. She breathes deeply and says, "Gods, I've missed this. I mean, I've never enjoyed boat travel all that much, but I've missed being out like this, the feeling of wind and movement."

She lets a little more time pass before saying, "When I was a student of Jade College, I felt so confident of my training and accomplishments. I was actually a little miffed when my first assignment after graduation was as a second aide to an attache of the Naucan ambassador to Alcave. I was so sure that I was ready for at least an attache position already that, in my arrogance, I didn't research Alcaven social protocols thoroughly enough before a state dinner and had seated the wife and husband of two Alcaven dignitaries next to unattached officials. Fortunately, the first aide to the attache caught my mistake and explained it to me, without reporting the error. But that one stupid misstep could have cost a lot of diplomatic capital."

Verrian turns to look at Viani, putting a hand lightly on her shoulder briefly. "I know what it's like to be young and inexperienced, Viani. You're going to make mistakes. I don't expect you to know all the right choices in every situation. But I do expect you to listen, to pay attention, and to think. You have to have self-discipline, because outside of the wards, everything is new and unpredictable. We need to be able to trust each other's judgment, to know that our companions will respond to difficult situations with reason rather than blind emotion.

"But that's a skill, not something you're born with. I can teach you some tricks for mental discipline, if you like. Or you can figure things out for yourself if you prefer. But you will need to learn to rein in your knee-jerk emotional responses. I have a feeling the world outside the wards doesn't dole out second chances like candy."
Last edited April 14, 2019 8:50 am
Apr 14, 2019 7:44 am
Viani looks down at the ground. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I was worried that if we just left, these birds might hurt the frogs. I'm glad that Krav showed them where to get fish. That should keep them safe until we can return. Do you think Ember is angry with me? I didn't want to be mean to her. It just slipped out."
Apr 14, 2019 8:03 am
Verrian thinks for a moment. "I don't know. I think we had a traumatic exit from the city, followed by a violent encounter with undead monsters, and emotions are running high. Most of us barely know each other yet. So that means we have to take extra care to build bonds. I think a sincere apology is always a good start for that. But wait until we make camp."
Apr 14, 2019 8:09 am
Viani nods. She looks over the boat. She can't see Ember from her position but she can see Brack and Bronk. "Can I go talk to the frogs or do I have stay here for now?", she asks Verrian with a quiet voice.
Apr 14, 2019 9:13 am
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Apr 14, 2019 9:35 am
bowlofspinach says:
Viani nods. She looks over the boat. She can't see Ember from her position but she can see Brack and Bronk. "Can I go talk to the frogs or do I have stay here for now?", she asks Verrian with a quiet voice.
"Yes, you can. But please, don't promise anything or commit the group to anything. We need to stay focused on our current objective." She smiles to show Viani that she's not angry with her.
Last edited April 14, 2019 9:38 am
Apr 14, 2019 10:02 am
Viani smiles back, reliefed because she really wasn't sure if Verrian was angry at her or not.
She gets up and walks over to the frogs. If they are busy with steering the ship or something at the moment, she's going to observe them until they seem to have some time to talk. She is a bit sad that Greemp did not come on the boat with them but she's happy there are at least these two to talk to. Once they seem to have some time for her, she steps closer and says. "Hello, friends! I've never been outside of the wall that's not a wall, so I'm curious. What is it like to live out here? Can you tell me about your people?"
I'm just going to make a Diplomacy check. I don't know if that's necessary. If not, just ignore


Roll for Frog Friendship - (1D20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

Apr 14, 2019 5:08 pm
AugustAsh says:
@78RPMLife Can you describe the boat we’re on? Size, shape, construction? Is it a sail boat, or is it being propelled by paddles or push poles? Does it appear to be something the frogs built, or found? Thanks.
Knowing next to nothing about boats, take everything I say here with a healthy suspension of disbelief. I figure it’s a sailboat, something big enough for everyone to fit on as it would have carried some cargo in better times, but more like a ferry than anything. Lake’s too deep for push poles. The frogs did not build it. There would have been a lot of these types of boats on the lake.
Apr 14, 2019 6:01 pm
[ +- ] mind
chunky04 says:
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Ember returns the fist bump.

Um...yeah. Sure. Maybe tonight.

She keeps the cloak wound tightly, but brings her hand off her neck. Viani seems to be in perfectly good spirits. Good.
[ +- ] mind
She scrunches her nose, confused, and sighs, relaxing her posture slightly.
Apr 14, 2019 6:04 pm
lavtodd says:
Ember stands, staring, her mouth slightly open. It’s a long moment before she moves to the boat without making a sound. The voice lets her wallow, clearly satisfied that she has enough to torment herself. She can’t bring herself to look at anyone, not even the "Big Guy". She feels like a dagger is going through her when Verrian speaks. Maybe it’s the Naucan thing. Maybe it’s her own conscience finally doing its job.

She unfurls her cloak from her pack and warps it tightly around her shoulders, clutching it with one hand as the other subconsciously covers the scars on her neck.
chunky04 says:
Yelnar movs over to Ember and puts a hand lightly on her shoulder. When she turns, he says Talk later?, flicks his eyes around to indicate all the other people, then puts his fist out for their traditional fistbump. That done he sits down, happy to let the journey flow and anxious for it to go as fast as possible.
Verrian watches Ember from a distance, wondering how best to approach. She has barely spent any time with the girl, but it is clear that an internal battle is being waged inside her. Verrian suspects that an overt authority figure approach will trigger defensiveness and resistance - Ember's the youngest member of the party and has clearly been managing on her own for a while. The obvious friendship with Yelnar is a good thing - it gives Ember an anchor within the party, a safe space. So maybe Verrian could gradually expand that safe space to include herself.

She moves toward where Yelnar is sitting and Ember is standing wrapped in her cloak. On the off-chance that Ember can be affected by it, Verrian shares I'm not angry with you. You aren't in trouble. You have nothing to feel badly about. She stops a few feet away from Ember and looks out on the passing water again.

"You were right," she says. "The things you said to Viani, the points you were making - they weren't wrong. You showed a very insightful and mature grasp of the situation. The real problem was how the disagreement was being conducted, not with the content of what you said. I wanted to make sure I told you that." She smiles at Ember and shares, You are all right. You will learn and grow. You are where you belong.
Last edited April 14, 2019 7:31 pm
Apr 14, 2019 7:24 pm
Ember sees Verrian approaching and turns away, bracing for impact.

I’m not angry with you. You aren’t in trouble. You have nothing to feel badly about.

She looks up when Verrian speaks. Her face is really hard to read. Her gut turns as she explains the situation. Ember has been the center of attention too much today. She’s got a bad feeling about all of this. Verrian smiles softly, which is not something Ember’s used to having directed toward her.

She’s also not used to "sharing."

You are all right. You will learn and grow. You are where you belong.

She can feel the other voice in her head screaming. About the invasion of privacy, about how weak her mind must be. But Verrian’s words strike Ember strangely, and the hostile sentences don’t fully form. She takes a deep breath and looks out on the water. Much more of this and she’ll cry. And she’s shared enough emotions with these people for one day.
Apr 14, 2019 11:56 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Once they seem to have some time for her, she steps closer and says. "Hello, friends! I've never been outside of the wall that's not a wall, so I'm curious. What is it like to live out here? Can you tell me about your people?"
Bronk turns to face Viani, head cocked in what you assume is a curious look. "When it is just friends, it is peaceful. Sometimes, far off," it says, waving a hand generally toward the whole of the shoreline, "we see other... maybe friends. But we worry they will be like the knife birds, and we stay away. We have never made words with friends like you before."

It drops its eyes for a moment. "Most days we look for the catch, we watch the eggs, we find food, we are friends. Is it different for other friends?"
Apr 15, 2019 5:44 am
"We are looking for more friends. Where did you meet these friends that you are still worried about? We could say hello to them as well!" Viani thinks for a moment. How to best explain life in the city? "It is a bit different for us. I have never fished in my life for example. And the only eggs I've ever watched were from chickens. I also go to college every day. I mean, I went there every day. It's a place for learning. And I didn't have to find food myself. I made clothes for other people and they gave me money. And withthe money, I bought food."
Suddenly, as she's talking, Viani's eyes go wide. "I just realized something! I'm a clothesmaker. You don't have clothes. Do you want me to try and make clothes for you? I've never made clothes for frogs before but I can definitely try!" To make sure they understand what she's talking about, she points at her own clothes when she suggests this.
Apr 15, 2019 6:01 am
Ephwrath sits in the center of the boat, nestled tightly against the base of the mast. He looks around nervously every time the boat shifts or sways more than normal. He appears to be very uncomfortable.
Apr 15, 2019 7:06 am
Verrian sits down next to Ephwrath. "I've never been very fond of traveling by boat, either. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"
Apr 15, 2019 4:14 pm
bowlofspinach says:
"We are looking for more friends. Where did you meet these friends that you are still worried about? We could say hello to them as well!" Viani thinks for a moment. How to best explain life in the city? "It is a bit different for us. I have never fished in my life for example. And the only eggs I've ever watched were from chickens. I also go to college every day. I mean, I went there every day. It's a place for learning. And I didn't have to find food myself. I made clothes for other people and they gave me money. And withthe money, I bought food."
Suddenly, as she's talking, Viani's eyes go wide. "I just realized something! I'm a clothesmaker. You don't have clothes. Do you want me to try and make clothes for you? I've never made clothes for frogs before but I can definitely try!" To make sure they understand what she's talking about, she points at her own clothes when she suggests this.
Even though Viani isn't speaking all that fast, Bronk's eyes widen and dart back and forth as though it feels under attack. "I am sorry, friend... I do not... know these words. Money? Clothes?"

Bronk leans forward and looks more closely at Viani's clothes. "You mean that is not your..." Bronk struggles to find the right word. "Your skin?"
Apr 15, 2019 4:29 pm
Viani laughs when Bronk asks this. She lifts her jacket and shirt a little bit to show the frogs some of her actual skin. "No, this is what our skin looks like. We wear clothes to stay warm, look good and... I don't know, not be naked. I have an idea!"
Viani runs off to where she left her backpack, opens it up and pulls out a woollen hat. She returns to the two frogs and holds out the hat excitedly. "Try it on. It goes on your head. It might not quite fit but you'll look cute with it!"

She also digs into one of the small pouches she has hanging from her belt and pulls out a silver coin. She flips it to Bronk and says: "And this is money. You can exchange it for whatever you want in the city, if you have enough of it!"
Apr 15, 2019 4:43 pm
Bronk leans back away from the spinning coin, and its tongue suddenly darts out to snatch the shiny thing out of mid-air. The coin appears between its lips, and Bronk plucks it out to look at it more closely. Some of the other frog people nearby hop over to peer carefully at the object. "Like the catch? We give to the birds in exchange for freedom? But how does someone eat it? It is very hard."

Bronk reaches out then to pluck curiously at Viani's jacket. "How do you swim in this?"
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