Chapter 1: Departure (Day 2)

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Mar 28, 2019 4:58 am
bowlofspinach says:
"I... Viani suddenly speaks up. "I know we're going to check on Yelnar's family first, if we can find them, but can I make a suggestion for our next destination after that? She doesn't wait for permission before continuing. "There used to be a small village, Taryadi, only an hour upriver from the lake. I would like to pay it a visit if we get the chance."
As she is saying that, Viani's eyes are locked to the ground in front of her boots. She doesn't make eye contact with anyone, least of all Athisa.
Yelnar speaks up, somewhat testily, as he feels like people think he's being accorded a special privelege by their initial destination. "We're not going on a mercy mission so we can check on my family, we're going there because we had an extensive stable before the War and we're hoping it survived so we can procure better tansport, to allow us to explore quicker."
[ +- ] OOC: Taryadi
Last edited March 28, 2019 4:58 am


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Mar 28, 2019 11:33 am
Ember shrugs.

Stables or not, I don't see a problem with visiting old stomping grounds. We're supposed to explore, right? It would give us some idea where to start.
Mar 28, 2019 4:00 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to lavtodd
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Mar 28, 2019 4:04 pm
Viani turns to Yelnar. "I know we're not going there just for fun. I was just suggesting another location to visit after we go there. You know, since we will already be in the area."
Mar 28, 2019 4:06 pm
I think there's no reason not to make Taryadi the destination, and say Yelnar's family estates are just outside of the town. Two birds, and all.
Mar 28, 2019 4:34 pm
Although she's not seeing anything or anyone to explain it, Verrian feels a sense of unease. Maybe the others are feeling it, too, which would explain their sudden tendency to bicker over trivialities. She continues to scan the area, hoping to find something.

Against every fiber of her being, she also decides to reach out telepathically to Aisurn - not to establish communication, but to see if she can detect his presence.
Do you need a (bad, of course) roll for this?
Mar 28, 2019 4:42 pm
I'll accept a 2nd perception roll from you, Verrian.
Mar 28, 2019 4:47 pm
Okey doke.


Another bad perception roll - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Mar 28, 2019 4:56 pm
Hey, 1 point higher... you're moving up!
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
Mar 28, 2019 5:49 pm
Krav notices Shiloh's sudden attentiveness and turns to look to the north along with him.

"Hey," Krav says for others to hear and taps Ephwrath on the shoulder, "what's going on here I wonder?"

Turning to the north Krav steels himself for whatever may come next and tries to peer through the crowd.
Mar 28, 2019 6:28 pm
On hearing Krav's question, Verrian turns to look where he indicated. Surely if she knows where to look, she'll observe something.
Mar 28, 2019 6:28 pm
"Guys, they have angry eyes..." Elora begins to ponder why the barriers are still up, reflexively gripping her sword.
Mar 28, 2019 7:14 pm
"Angry eyes? What are you talking about?" Viani looks around confused. She was too deep in thought to pay attention to their surroundings.
Mar 28, 2019 7:16 pm
Verrian looks sharply at Elora. "Who has angry eyes? What are you seeing, Elora?"
Mar 28, 2019 8:54 pm
"In the crowds, watching us. You don't see them?" Elora wonders if she is being paranoid, but she is certain something is amiss.
Mar 28, 2019 8:59 pm
Viani looks in the direction Elora is pointing. "I didn't notice anything. What do you mean?"


Perception - (1D20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Mar 28, 2019 9:25 pm
Ember grins and waves back, but Elora’s comment catches her off guard.

What? Where?


A more focused percept, if you’ll take it. - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Mar 28, 2019 9:27 pm
Now that others call attention to the crowd, it is plain what they're seeing, and now hearing.

"What gives them the right to leave? Why can't we all leave?!" a voice cries out, and another follows quickly after that. "I have family out there!"

Athisa's back was to the crowd, but the noise makes her turn quickly. The Shining Guard, which is now here in force, is trying to calm emotions. It seems they might have expected unrest. None of them have drawn weapons yet, however. She looks back over her shoulder to your group. "It might be best if you started making your way toward the harbor," she says tersely. "The disk will allow you and anyone within twenty feet of it to pass safely through the wards. Boats await to carry you across the lake to your destination. We will take care of this situation."

As she says this, you can hear the protests growing from the crowd.

"Set us free!"

"Let us go!"

"Open the wards!"

That last begins a chant, many people raising and shaking their fists in time with the chanting. Athisa's two dedicated guards have their hands on the hilts of their swords, and they try to move her away from the crowd. She stubbornly resists, yanking her arm out of the grip of the guardsman. "You draw weapons, and we have a riot. I can talk to them."

She turns again to your groups. "Go! Go now!"
Mar 28, 2019 9:33 pm
Viani looks at the crowd with a very nervous expression. She wants to step up to those people and talk them down but she doesn't know what to say. She's supposed to tough and intimidating, able to stand up to a crowd like this - that's what her training was for, after all - but the angry eyes of the people are intimidating her. She steps up to Athisa, whispering a short prayer and touching her shoulder, sending a wave of positive energy through the woman. It's the only thing I can do, Viani thinks as she moves toward the rest of the group.
"Let's get out of here!", she says, her voice shaking.
Guidance for Athisa to help her talk down the crowd
Mar 28, 2019 9:49 pm
Verrian steps close to Athisa. "Will you be all right?"
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