Wolves and Sheep

Apr 8, 2019 2:35 am
Office of Special Assignments - Miami, FL

Hitting the pause button on the controller held in his massive hands, brow rising slightly in surprise at the flashing indicator at the bottom of his screen, an alert he was hoping for but didn't expect. Putting the controller to the side, he keyed up the full report, reaching up to his ear to and activating the blue tooth headset. "Dani. You'd better get up here," he exclaimed, a touch of excitement in his tone.

"What is it?," he heard in reply.

"You know that hacker's digital footprint you were having me monitor ... or rather trying to monitor I should say. It's popped up on a passenger train's WiFi," he answered.
Nicolai's Apartment - Miami, FL

Nicolai's was awoken by the piercing shrill of his phone's text alert. Most people were ignored during sleeping hours but he knew by the tone it was Cho, one of the few that were not blocked. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he grabbed his phone. As per their agreed upon protocol little was said, and to anyone snooping in his phone would only think it was an early morning 'booty call' but he knew it to mean that they should meet, and that it was urgent.

A short time later he was sipping a coffee at one of their predetermined meeting places. It was early enough still that there were few people on the street and he picked her out easily walking down the street, her feminine stride and sway of her hips bringing back fond memories of the one incredible night together before agreeing to break it off for their own safety. Entering, Cho quickly found Nicolai, offering a smile of thanks at the steaming cup waiting for her.

"I know it's a little outside of our protocol but time seemed of the essence," she explained taking a sip, "it seems my employers have been offered the chance to bid on something of great value. Something that would seriously hinder any investigations into their own dealings while also allowing them advantage over their competitors. The Russians are the sellers ... the auction online. My contacts however have discovered where the Russians are." She smiled again, reaching across the table to which anyone watching would think they were holding hands as she slipped a sheet of paper into his ...
The Fairbank's House in Miami

"Senor Fairbanks ... there is a delivery man at the door. He say he can only have you sign," Maria said as she sheepishly entered the room Stephen had come to refer to as his office as he worked through settling his folks affairs.

Looking out the window Stephen saw a FedEx truck pulled into the drive, however once he came to the door he knew the delivery was anything but ordinary. Handing him the package the driver leaned in and whispered, "from COBRA," before turning on his heels and leaving. Upon opening the package Stephen found an old school flip phone and a train ticket ...
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office, Miramar, FL

Sebastian was pulled from his reports by an alert on his phone from SAC Witting - CONFERENCE ROOM NOW

Quickly doing as instructed Sebastian entered the conference room where mission briefing were conducted, offering a short nod in greeting to Special Agent Cho and Bill that he knew were both from the tactical units.

Snapping his fingers Special Agent Witting pointed towards the big screen on the wall and said, "We've got an incoming call from what appears to be a hacker we've been following. Begin the trace."

An elaborate, computer rendered three dimensional caricature fills the screen performing a combination of dances popular with the Fortnite crowd. Simultaneously in a corner of the screen a countdown timer begins at 5 minutes.

"Look at me, back from the dead and I haven't even hit thirty," it says in a comical, cartoonish voice. The figure giggles like a hyena and moves through another series of dances, "I'll get to the point. I have your little doggy on a leash, but it's a short one."

The timer reads: 4 minutes, 30 seconds.

"Right now it's up for the highest bidder. But you know what ... it doesn't matter who gets it. Once this puppy's out, there's no bringing him back. Once I upload Fluffy to a satellite, I can bounce it anywhere in the world. So what do you think of THAT, chumps?"

"Stall him," whispers Witting.
Briefing - A computer hacker works with the Russian mob to take over a bullet train. His goal: to upload SEER via satellite in a bid to disrupt government snoops all over the globe. But which train and which satellite?

And we're off ...

As hopefully has been explained ... you will be tracking down a mysterious hacker who is working with the Russian mob. They intend to sell SEER, a surveillance program developed by the FBI. The hacker will upload the program via satellite. Currently he and the mob have taken over a train leaving Miami. The satellite is expected to be in range in 20 minutes.

Prevent SEER from being uploaded
Capture the hacker
Avoid civilian casualties

I have PM'd secondary Allegiance objectives to those with allegiances

Sebastian and Dozer - You will be with an FBI tac team and must gain entry to the train

Nikolai and Stephen - You will begin already on the train.

This first scene is the Intel Phase - please select your gear and respond to the above posts (and PMs if you have them) accordingly. To ease into things let's have replies due by 9:00 PM Tuesday.
Apr 9, 2019 6:02 pm
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office, Miramar, FL

Aaaaaaah. Nice to be ahead of the curve.

Dozer leans back in his chair as, for a time at least, he had no work that needed doing. Looking around quickly, and seeing the coast clear, he rolls over to his bag. Reaching in, he pulls out his phone. Logging in, he plugs in an earpiece, then taps on the app he wants.
While his time in Japan wasn't as long as most people thought, he did spend a fair amount there. And while he definitely didn't catch anime/manga otaku, or whatever you called it, as a gamer growing up he could appreciate the digital contributions of that nation, even if his tastes started shifting more American as he got older. Being "stranded" there as a grown man, however, did mature that previous appreciation a bit.
So as Gungirl Brigade started up, he couldn't help but admire the detail of the artwork of the guns. Or of the over-proportioned young women holding them...

The ringing of the phone startled him. Juggling it for a second, he quickly tabbed out. The number was listed as Unknown, but he recognized the digits. He thumbed answer.

Jazz music started playing in his ear.

Smiling, Dozer looks around again, before speaking.

"Miller's Pizza and Bar."

He hears a small *click*, before...

"Hey hey, what you say?"

"Say hey, say hey," Dozer said, "What's going on?"

"Giving you a heads up. Got a griefer with a hot piece of music. You are most likely going to hear about it from your bosses in a few minutes.

"Our little Micro Friends would like a copy of that music. Even parked a guy in the store. Only problem is the crates of Vodka everywhere. Gonna need someone to move them."

"Say my name?"

"They know to look..."
...For Rook, right, Dozer thought as he pulled out his tuque, Ooof, gonna be a bit warm.
I'm thinking that, if any Banshee agents have been warned ahead of time about a Shadow Patriot being in place to assist, that they would be told "Ask for Rook when you see a tac soldier with a beanie/watch cap. He'll call you Micro."
"Oh, and, uh, don't gib the griefer."

"I offer no guarantees."

"Haha. Alright, catch ya on the flip side."

"Okay, love ya, miss ya, buh-bye."

"Hey Bill!" Cho thunked the window as he walked by, "Conference room!"

"Be right there! Speaking of..."
Apr 9, 2019 11:28 pm

Beatrice made her way across the terminal and boarded her train, the heavy thudding of the luggage she was dragging behind her signaling its over-loaded state. She turned down the train's corridor, found her private berth and stepped inside.

She stowed her luggage and opened her black leather backpack making sure her "nuclear option" was intact; a wide-spectrum, high-powered signal jammer. If it came to it, this puppy should be sufficient to interrupt the satellite uplink and delay the upload of SEER. Of course, it would also disrupt every radio, cell phone, and wifi uplink while it was at it and it was illegal as hell but that couldn't really be helped. She tried telling herself that she hoped she wouldn't need it but the truth was she REALLY wanted to turn it on and see what it could do.

Anything not on my character is in the trunk of his car (like the rest of the Disguise Kit and the RC toys).

Computer, laptop (PR 3)
Disguise kit II (only taking I on mission)
Electronics kit I
Forgery kit I
Cleaner kit I

Common Items
Burner cell phone
Cell phone
Chewing gum
Computer headset w/ microphone
Dead drop spikes
Pocket knife
RC boat (not here)
RC car (not here)
USB thumbdrive x2
Zip ties (20)

Mission Gear
Dossier (PR 3)
Jammer (PR 4)
Computer Software, virus (PR 5), on one of the thumbdrives

Luggage (Holds my kits; Disguise I, Electronics I, Forgery I and Cleaner I; 65 lbs)
Backpack (for jammer, laptop and peripherals)
Packet Sniffer
Jammer Batteries

Illegal Immunity II (Privilieged, no action die, no roll)
Resource Request (Contract Professional, no action die)
Last edited April 26, 2019 4:02 pm
Apr 9, 2019 11:51 pm
Nicolai's Apartment - Miami, FL

Nicolai's was awoken by the piercing shrill of his phone's text alert. Most people were ignored during sleeping hours but he knew by the tone it was Cho, one of the few that were not blocked. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he grabbed his phone. As per their agreed upon protocol little was said, and to anyone snooping in his phone would only think it was an early morning 'booty call' but he knew it to mean that they should meet, and that it was urgent.

A short time later he was sipping a coffee at one of their predetermined meeting places. It was early enough still that there were few people on the street and he picked her out easily walking down the street, her feminine stride and sway of her hips bringing back fond memories of the one incredible night together before agreeing to break it off for their own safety. Entering, Cho quickly found Nicolai, offering a smile of thanks at the steaming cup waiting for her.

"I know it's a little outside of our protocol but time seemed of the essence," she explained taking a sip, "it seems my employers have been offered the chance to bid on something of great value. Something that would seriously hinder any investigations into their own dealings while also allowing them advantage over their competitors. The Russians are the sellers ... the auction online. My contacts however have discovered where the Russians are." She smiled again, reaching across the table to which anyone watching would think they were holding hands as she slipped a sheet of paper into his ...

Their hands touched as Cho slipped him the note and Nikolai felt a tingle run up his arm.

Damn, he thought, why does that happen everytime we make contact. Maybe one of these we'll have to recreate that night. . . someday.

"You had me at Russians," Nikolai replied. He looked into Cho's eyes, not letting go of her hand.

"Thanks for the info, lover. I'll look into it. Anything I can do to upset the Russians is worth my time, and if I can frustrate your bosses at the same time. . . that's just a bonus."

Nikolai stood up, leaned over and gave Cho a kiss on the cheek. He breathed deep the smell of her. before she could respond, he was gone like a wisp of smoke. . .

After reading Cho's note, Nikolai made his way to the Amtrak station and bought his ticket to ??? and waited, surreptitiously watching the other passengers arrive. He was aware of many players of the Russian mafia in Miami and patiently awaited their arrival
Apr 10, 2019 1:47 pm
Sebastian was just filling in a report for an ongoing investigation he had... however; as soon as he was called to the conference room... and judging by the upper case letters, he was quite sure that this situation happening at that single moment takes precedence.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately just tried to keep up with a cheerful enviroment and just nodded as he got inside "Well hello, what seems to be so urgent?"

As he listened to the situation, he knew for a fact that he actually didn't have much time based on the rendition and the trace that was pulled in front of them, so he then immediately stood up and proceeded to walk outside of the office.

In his mind, he went through the list of things that might be required for the mission and the little time he and his colleague for the mission had. He turned around to face Dozer, an acquaintance that he met after the Calle 89 situation where he trashed his car and had to take it to repairs, he bonded with him while working on the repairs of the vehicle.

"So, we have little time to figure out what we need and how we need..." he took his phone and browsed over his selection of custom rides "... I can get us a car fast enough... a BMW i8 big enough for both of us to catch up with the train" he used his gps and then began to look in the app where a street would go parellel to the train "Hmmm... best option would be to take the 92 and hope to meet the train at East Baker Road where we would go side by side with the train... if we speed up we might jump to it and board it in Baker Street Station if we leave now" he began to walk towards the garage "We need to run though... up for a sprint?" He checked to see what he needed and he was quite sure that if with the car, what he usually had with him and his service gun it would do for the time being... especially due to the time they had to leave, but he waited for Dozer to reply in order to settle and just drive like the mad man he was on the wheel.
Last edited April 10, 2019 2:06 pm
Apr 10, 2019 6:52 pm
Miami Station, Miami

Amtrak Silver Star line servicing Miami to Orlando

The Miami railyard slowing began to slip by the window of Beatrice's private room, the scenary quickly beginning to pass as the train gained in speed, which in this part of Miami was not much to look at as the tracks more or less followed State Route 9 and the I-95 Expressway. From what she could tell from the itinerary provided with her ticket they would be traveling at least 25 minutes until their next stop at Hollywood Station in Hollywood Beach north of Miami. Fortunately she was able to connect with her Banshee Net contacts prior to boarding, the dossier they provided on the mysterious hacker nestled next to the laptop in her classy black leather backpack. At a quick glance before shoving it the backpack she knew the hacker's name to be Kevin Medroff, the former chief security specialists at AsiGroup before corporate downsizing put him out of a job, but not before taking over eight million credit card numbers with him and releasing them on the internet.

Pulled from her thoughts, Beatrice heard knocking and muffled voices from one of the private berths towards the front of her train car. Not all that unusual, however the knock did seem a bit more forceful than one would expect from an Amtrak employee serving the private cars and the voices more intense and less polite in tone ...
Purchasing a ticket for Orlando (the only destination via train from Miami), Nikolai took his assigned seat in Coach whose cars were all located middle train. I guess the rich and swanky didn't want the lower class freguenting their cars. While he was familiar with a few of the players in the Russian mob he did not seem to recognize any of the faces in the crowd. Not unexpected, Ms. Mikhailovich's organization was vast and encompassed both the Russian and Italian crime families. He did however notice a number of individuals who seemed to be trying a little to hard act as if they did not know each other ... and was that the teltale bulge of a gun in that ones waist? As the train started to move, Nikolai definitely saw a look pass between them, 4 by his count ...

Avenger - You still need to select your mission gear (whitmore as an excellent example at the end of his post on how this should be presented, telling me what gear is what and where Stephen has it stashed). You have (1) Gadget and (1) Security pick for your 3rd level Intruder picks. Don't forget that the Intruder 'Gear Prep' ability will allow you to pick 1 caliber higher than the current mission's caliber (3 in this case) up to a number of picks equal to your starting action dice (3).

You're seated in coach with two seats next to either window and an aisle down the center

Whitmore - You are of course in a private first class suite (with rest room and fold down bed) in the last car of the train.

Avenger / Whitmore - React how you see fit. Any actions you want to attempt that would require a roll (or if you aren't sure) send a roll with your reply and you can narrate what you think the result is by your roll, I'll adjust accordingly with my reply.

You both have (3) (d4) Action Dice.

Posts due Thursday (4/11) by 4:00 PM

Active Subplots : Stephen has his Long-Term Mission subplot activated and Nicolai also has his Wanted subplot activated.
Apr 10, 2019 7:49 pm
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office, Miramar, FL
The hacker's signal was backtraced to an IP address at Miami Station, Miami's only passanger train station near the airport. Upon hearing this Sebastian stood and paced out the conference door, already calling up a list of FBI resources he kept in his phone. Hearing movement behind him Agent Witting turned from the screen, the click of the conference door closing the only sign Agent Milford had even been in the room. Brow rising in curiousity, he turned his gaze to the other two agents sitting at the table and indicated they should follow the eager agent with a nod towards the door, pulling his own phone out of his pocket and to his ear.

"What's the plan there speedy," exclaimed in greeting as Sebastian picked up. Listening as the enthusiastic agent stated his intentions the senior agent's mouth pinched into a small smirk, nodding as he responded, "Smart. A chopper would just give the hacker to much of a warning and it'd take too long to get a warrant to search every passenger's computer on that train.

"The train departs the station in ten minutes and won't stop until Hollywood Station in Hollywood Beach. The techies think he'll be trying to upload to a satellite that will be passing over in the next 20 minutes. Which conveniently gives him the option of disembarking at Hollywood or continuing on in the confusion. The timing works that you should be able to meet the train at Opa-locka, which happens to be the first real opportunity for road access near the tracks ..."


Vex/Rus- You still need to select your mission gear (whitmore as an excellent example at the end of his post on how this should be presented, telling me what gear is what and where Stephen has it stashed). Vex - You have (1) Vehicle and (1) Weapon pick for your 3rd level Wheelman picks. You also have (2) picks for your CHA bonus that can be selected from Gadgets, Tradecraft, Vehicles, or Resources. Rus - You have (1) Weapon and (1) Security pick for your 3rd level Soldier picks. You also have (1) pick for your CHA bonus that can be selected from Gadgets, Tradecraft, Vehicles, or Resources.

Suggestion: As this is a city, the tracks for the most part or protected by concrete barricades from the parellel roads so you probably should make sure that your vehicle has the Off Road quality in case you elect to drive on the gravel/terrain immediatly adjacent to the tracks (or even the tracks themselves).

Google Maps is your friend. If you do a search for train directions from Miami to Orlando you will see the route highlighted and what roads you may elect to drive on. Your selection will determine how much traffic (i.e. if you elect to drive on I-95 you will be facing head on traffic and it will most likely be crowded).

Vex/ Rus - React how you see fit and formulate your plan. Any actions you want to attempt that would require a roll (or if you aren't sure) send a roll with your reply and you can narrate what you think the result is by your roll, I'll adjust accordingly with my reply.

Vex - You will be entering into a Chase dramatic conflict so also post your first strategy in an OOC: section of your post and narrate how you see fit in the body of your post.

You both have (3) (d4) Action Dice.

Posts due Thursday (4/11) by 4:00 PM

Active Subplots: Dozer's Long Term Mission subplot is active
Apr 10, 2019 10:42 pm
Juuust going to sneak in some RP.
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office, Miramar, FL
Conference Room

"Great, it's a slash-dance spammer," Dozer muttered to himself as the computer render moved on screen, before sitting in silence to listen to what the guy was saying.

Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty hot piece of music right there.

Then Special Agent Witting whispered to stall the guy. Thinking for a second, Dozer leans forward.

"Wait, so ya w'nt 'n sto-all Fluffy de g'ard dawg," it had been a while since he had done his 'stereotypical upper New Englander' voice, but like log rollin' it all came back to him, "'N yer now g'nna go up 'n dere sell 'im auff to de high'st bidder, th'n'in you lot 're g'nna LAUNCH DE POOR PUPPY UP'N TO AUTER SPAYCE?!"

Dozer leaned in a bit further.

"Is dis one of dem PE-TA peoples I hear'd so much about? De ones dat woulsd strangle kitt-ens 'n order ta free 'em from de 'slavery' of ownersh'p?"

Looking around at the various reactions around the room, Dozer shrugged in a 'What?' manner.

Then the computer dinged.

As everyone looked over at the readings, Dozer noted the sound of someone leaving the room. Looking around, he realized the person was Sebastian.

Uh oh, what's he up to now?

Looking back at Witting, and getting a nod to follow, Dozer quickly left the room.

Sebastian Milford. Dozer had made his acquaintance shortly after the Calle 89 incident, when the guy had trashed one of the SUVs, then had tried to repair it himself. Reminded of the time his squad had tried to fix a Humvee that had gotten wrecked oversees, Dozer decided to offer a hand.
It wasn't a bad time, all things considered. They both got to talking, Dozer learned Sebastian was from a family of movie stunt people, even that the guy was a former Night Stalker. Dozer, meanwhile, had let slip his nickname. So far it hadn't come back to bite him yet, but there were more important things to worry about.

Outside, Dozer listens to the plan.

Just him and me, huh? Yeah, that might make things a little easier with contacting my little 'friend' if I don't have a whole squad watching over my shoulder.

"Okay, I'm game,"
Dozer nods, "You probably know more about the local roads than me, though, so I'm going to let you focus on that bit."

Dozer pulls out his phone and turns to Special Agent Cho.

"Have them send me the layout for the train. I'm going to need to plan how we're going to breach and clear this thing."

Dozer then turns to runs towards the armory.

"Meet me outside!" he calls back to Sebastian, "I need to grab my 'oh crap we're MOVING' kit!"
Apr 10, 2019 10:49 pm

1st Class berth

Packing the jammer back into her backpack, Beatrice slung it over her shoulder and stepped out of her berth and made her way forward towards the dining car. Nearing the front of her rail car she slowed her pace listening to see if she heard anything else odd coming from one of the berths.

The real life schedules list snacks and it is a 6+ hour trip so I am assuming there is a dining car. If this is incorrect, let me know. I couldn't find anything specific online about the exact composition of train cars.

I rolled a 16 on the Perception check. If she hears anything from the berth, she'll stop to investigate, otherwise she will continue to the dining car.

Edit: I removed the dining car section since I didn't get anywhere close to that far.
Last edited April 26, 2019 4:02 pm


Search / Perception - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Apr 10, 2019 11:35 pm
Silver Star - First Class Car

Stepping out of her suite, Beatrice could hear clearly what was being said to her fellow first class passengers in forceful, Russian accented tone from two men standing in the corridor. Catching her exit out of his peripheral one turned, raising the pistol he held in his hand.

"Cell phone. Tablets. Computers, " he bellowed in very broken English as he motioned her towards him with his other hand.

He caught you coming out of your suite but is still at the end of your train car so you would have time to duck back into your room if you choose
Apr 11, 2019 8:20 am

Silver Star - First Class Car

Beatrice's eyes widened and she raised her hands in front of her.

"Oh, uh, uhm, yea," she stammered. "Ok, uhm, don't shoot, I . . . I . . . I don't want any trouble. I'll . . . I'll just get my phone."

As she slowly reached for her hip pocket, she used the moment to study the man in more detail.
Oh, so many questions.

First off, are the pistols they are carrying have silencers attached?

Also, I'll use my Cold Read ability on the one that was addressing me.

What does this guy do for a living?

Guns are loud and firing them could draw unwanted attention. Does he look like he would be inclined to shoot first or cold-cock someone with the butt of his pistol first?

Does this guy carry himself with the poise and confidence of someone that is in charge or does he seem like someone who takes his orders from someone else?
Last edited April 26, 2019 4:02 pm
Apr 11, 2019 7:44 pm
Sebastian raised his eyebrow when he heard how Dozer was calling him... but there was no time to dwell on it, perhaps he would just mention it while they were driving or something.

Checking once again all his pockets and things he needed, he just ran towards the garage where he would take his custom car.
[ +- ] Mission Gear and Equipment
As soon as he got to the garage, he hopped into the machine, placed his gloves on as he used to and his sunglasses... it was Miami afterall and he needed to have a tight grip on the wheel and to have little to no issue with the sun hitting his face while he drove north ad bit.

"Well, well... this is going to be fun" his heart began to pound heavily, like he always did... an adrenaline surge by the idea of driving and getting there, and the probable chase they'll have to do in the train against the clock, the danger and thrill that he was exposing himself couldn't compare at all with the stunts he used to do years ago. With the punch of a button, the engine started and he could feel it roaring even while sitting in the leather seats and also through the vibration of the wheel... althought it was soft it still felt powerful. For a moment he thought on going with a larger SUV but they also needed the speed and size of the car.

"Hope Dozer gets here right away" his right foot itching to just hit the accelarator, he placed the car in neutral and then just pressed softly the accelerator in preparation for the high speed they were about to do.
Last edited April 11, 2019 8:24 pm
Apr 12, 2019 12:20 am

Laptop computer (backpack)
Electronic kit I (backpack)
Fiberscope (backpack)
Lockpicking kit II (Carry-on bag)

Common Items
Cell phone batteries
2 Cell phones w/ ear buds
Swiss Army knife

Mission Gear
Grappler Gun w/Winch (Cal III) (carry-on bag)
Gadget-Invisibility (Cal IV) (housed in cell phone)

I hope this is correct. Still learning the system.


Nikolai pulled out his phone and stood up. He began snapping pictures of the scenes outside the trains windows. He stood back as far as he could in an attempt to fit in the people next to the window as well. As he made his way down the aisle, he apologized to other passengers and made small talk. His comments were friendly and made to put the others at ease as the camera on his phone clicked.

When he reached the seats where the Russians were sitting, he said "I'm sorry, gentlemen. I just want to take as many pictures as I can to send to my parents back in Wisconsin. They've never even been out of the state. They're gonna love these. No, I take that back. They did go to Illinois once. My dad won tickets to a Packers-Bears game at Soldier field.

As he snapped the pictures, he tried as best he could to get the faces of the Russians without alerting them to his efforts. He continued on until he reached the far end of the car and then made his way back to his seat.

Sitting back down, plugged the phone into his laptop and ran the facial recognition program. Of course to anyone watching, he was simply uploading the photos onto the computer. . . .
Apr 12, 2019 1:07 am
Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office, Miramar, FL

There are advantages to working in the armory. You know where everything is, for one thing. You also are on speaking terms with the guy in charge.

"Agent Barnum checking out gear for mission," Dozer yelled out back as he entered.

"I heard," yelled the reply back, "level three only, Bill. Gonna have to leave some of your bigger toys behind."

"Yeah, yeah," Dozer said as he pulled out his 'low drag' customized M4A1. EOTech red dot sight, tactical sling, fancy replaced handguard that does nothing except look cool combined with the integrated silencer. Fun gun, especially with a drum. Too bad the 100-rounders were so clunky. Grabbing some (and by some, he meant 10) 30 round PMAGs full of rubber bullets, Dozer remembered hearing a rumor that Magpul was working on a moderate-sized drum. Maybe someday he could try it out... Oh well. Plenty of chances to show off all the tacti-cool reloading moves he'd been practicing!

Right, hear and now. Pull out the Personally Tailored Improved Outer Tactical Vest, stuff all the pouches full.

An idea. Gotta get onto a moving train, and Dozer was not really up for jumping it. Glancing around, he lean-slid over to a special bag hidden in plain sight. A gift from some friends, with some nice goodies inside. Reaching in, he pulled out a special armor 'sleeve' attachment. Slipping an arm in, he strapped the 'spine' onto the vest's left shoulder. Then he looked at the device on the back of his wrist. At first glance it looked like any wrist-mounted computer. At least, until you noticed the lack of screen. Clenching his left hand, then tapping a button, a grapple hook popped out the end.

Not technically standard issue.

Dozer smiled.

Then again, all the paperwork's been filled out. Anyone else doesn't know that, not my problem.

Putting the hook back in, Dozer then quickly grabbed the rest of his things...
[ +- ] Spoiler
…and ran outside.
Last edited April 18, 2019 4:10 pm
Apr 12, 2019 2:13 am

Didn't take long to find the ride. Just had to follow the sound of engine revving and find the guy with the half-crazed look in his eye behind the wheel. Not that the guy who looked like he came straight from the sandbox could mock, glass houses and all that. Pulling his tuque over his head, Dozer ran to the passenger side, opened the door, and hopped right in.

"Punch it," Dozer said, reaching into his pouches to pull out some headset radios, "Here."

Putting his own headset, Dozer pulled out his phone.

"Check, check, radio check. Cho, how's that intel coming along? I'd really like to not go into a possible killbox completely blind."

"I don't know, Agent Barnum. Did you say the magic words? Never mind the fact that you just ran off without asking me first."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the one set on jumping onto a moving train while being driven around by Evel Knievel over here."

"Sounds like a Tuesday. Sure you are up for it?"

"Hey man, this ain't the first time I've had to ride head-first towards a possible firefight, with possible hostages, at high speeds in a government utility vehicle. At least this time we won't have to be dodging IEDs along the way."

"Roger that."
Last edited April 15, 2019 1:21 pm
Apr 12, 2019 6:15 pm
Silver Star - First Class Car

Using the moments afforded by the act of retrieving her phone from her back pocket to appraise the burly, clearly Russian man at the end of the train car she could see a man used to violence and taking orders. A foot soldier in a gang or crime family most likely, the bored way he was holding his pistol seemingly indicating he didn't figure the train passengers for much of a threat and without any kind of silencer clearly not concerned with subtleness.

Hopefully my narrative was descriptive enough but just in case ...

Oh, so many questions.

First off, are the pistols they are carrying have silencers attached?
No. No silencers on the pistol

Also, I'll use my Cold Read ability on the one that was addressing me.

What does this guy do for a living?
Foot soldier in the Russian mob

Guns are loud and firing them could draw unwanted attention. Does he look like he would be inclined to shoot first or cold-cock someone with the butt of his pistol first?
Both. This individual looks like he'd have no qualms shooting an unruly passenger outright or smacking him around

Does this guy carry himself with the poise and confidence of someone that is in charge or does he seem like someone who takes his orders from someone else?
Definitely an order taker not giver.

Reply deadline Sunday by 4:00 PM
Apr 12, 2019 7:16 pm
Roll:1d20+11 Sleight of Hand: Conceal Action

( 8 ) + 11 = 19

Silver Star - Coach Car

The passengers Nikolai had identified as the Russians that had to be involved with the deal Cho had informed him of were spread out about the car, and while not seemingly concerned with his photography one did eventually shoo him off with an annoyed wave of his hand. Finding his seat, he began to fire up his laptop just as the scenery out of the window shifted from the Miami rail yard to industrial when movement drew his attention to one of the Russians who had stood, stepping into the aisle with his gun in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he spoke in a Russian accented, commanding tone, "I need you to stand, place all electronics you have on your person into one of my associates bags they will be holding, and begin moving towards the rear of the train"

I rolled for your skilled use of conceal action. We are early in the game and you are still learning the system and how I prefer things so it's not a big deal. But remember in the future that you can attempt anything you want ... as in this case taking pictures of the Russians with your cellphone camera and then running their faces through facial rec. Ideally, as you recognized that the thugs probably wouldn't agree nor want their pictures taken, you would send a roll along with your description of the skill use and in this case would have been a conceal action roll for taking pictures and then another conceal action roll for running their photos through the computer software and then an investigation roll to run facial rec on the photos.

Reply do by Sunday 4:00PM. Have a great weekend.
Apr 12, 2019 8:46 pm
I-75 - Heading South towards State Route 916 and Opa-locka
The Rogue's engines roared as Sebastian streaked down I-75, the flashing lights of the FBI vehicle doing little to push the traffic to the side, yet the cool former stunt driver easily manuevered through. In the backseat, Special Agent Cho could be heard comminicating with HQ.

"There's no way to see inside the train," he yelled over the engine noise, "but Amtrak has stated that the train is 12 cars in length. The first and last are first class cars and there is a dining car the second from the front." He let out a surprised yell as Sebastian swerved before continuing, "And sources indicate that the Russian mob may be involved ... as buyers or aiding the hacker it is not yet known".

The lush green and clear blue of Amelia Earhart Park filled the mid-size SUVs front and passenger windows, and any other day would probably be thought of as beautiful but Sebastians and Dozer's gaze was pulled to the tracks and train on the horizon, rapidly approaching as the northbound tracks would pass under road not far up ahead.

Exiting, Sebastian took the Douglas/Le Jeune Connector North, the train still off the cars right though running parallel the road they were now on ...

Again, Google Maps will be your friend. If you run a search on the Opa Locka Hialeah Flea Market you will see the Douglas/LeJeune Connector and the tracks running beside it. You will have a until Sunday so you can use the boards or email each other to formulate a plan.

The tracks will cross Rt. 916 so you ride between the northbound and southbound tracks and begin the chase there, alternatively Ali Baba Ave runs parallel to the tracks with multiple roads that intersect and in looking at Google have vacant lots that you could use to run along side the tracks. Trying to beat the train to Opa Locka Station or Golden Glades station won't work as those are Metro stops. This train will run non-stop to Hollywood Beach much further North.

Narrate your plan and OOC your first Chase strategy. Ramming and Cut Off are inadvisable (little Rogue ... BIG train) and you can't use Close In.

Posts due by Sunday 4:00 PM
Apr 15, 2019 6:20 pm
For a brief moment Dozer felt a little embarrassed. Until Cho had let out his girly scream, Dozer hadn't realized the guy was in the back seat, instead of back at HQ over radio.

Forcing his mind to the task at hand, Dozer ran his tactical calculator with what he knew.

Our little Micro Friends would like a copy of that music. Even parked a guy in the store.

Hope the guy has a backup plan. Though if they were taken hostage by the Russians, then they might be able to buy us some time on that front...

"If this jackass is as smart as he thinks he is, he's probably going to try to force us to choose between stopping him, and saving civilians. Probably will keep as much distance between himself and them to make it difficult.

"Well, joke's on him. He's the hard timer, so he's priority. Once we've got 'im, we can try to delay any hostage takers until we take them down."

Dozer points toward the train and leans a little toward Sebastian.

"Best bet is to get at least two guys to breach between the third and fourth cars. One goes forward, secures the train, the other works his way back. First guy sprints to catch up to the second after securing. Not ideal, but it's the best we got."
Apr 15, 2019 7:07 pm
Sebastian was just speeding with the best of his abilities, he heard agent Cho in the back talking a bit and even letting a weird shout in the back that made him wonder a lot about him... but his attention was quickly taken back to the road and to their target, the train.

Hitting the gas as much as he could, Sebastian aimed to take Ali Baba Avenue and speed up from there parelallel to the tracks while they devised a plan. Dozer seemed to have a sound plan while inside the train... but that was not the biggest concern at the moment.

Sebastian looked at where Dozer was pointing and then nodded "That sounds like a good plan, but the main problem is that we need to get on the train first... we might be able to speed up all the way to a place called Mi Ranchito and turn right at Opa-Locka Boulevard" he tried to do the calculations in his mind "That seems to be the best place to board the Train and hopefully get in the middle of the train or the rear... or we can just try to speed up even further and take Northwest 22nd Avenue and make sure that we follow your plan with some time"
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