Game thread

Oct 17, 2015 1:22 pm
Game Intro

It is early summer on Northern Pretaeus and the storms of spring are passing. With each new day the sun stays up longer and the days are getting warmer. The wide and open grass and croplands are in full bloom covered in greens, golden browns, purples, reds, and many other colors as plants burst from the earth. Large herds of cattle, goat, sheep, and other livestock roam their grazing lands feeding and birthing. Overhead a pristine blue sky is dotted with small fluffy white clouds that billow and float. Small flocks of birds can be seen returning to the lively land to feed and roost. The citizens of N.Pretaeus are out walking among the streets with smiles on their faces. It seems that the changing seasons has lifted the spirits of the people.

In each of your towns/cities you notice a string of fresh letters popping up in areas of high traffic, business, as well as taverns and inns. A single piece of parchment is pinned open. Elegant and flowing cursive writing can be seen on the inside of the 'roll' The letter is a plea from the noble family of House Hedrick. As you skim over it, it seems that the house is reaching out to sellswords and volunteers from the surrounding area for help. Your initial impression is that Lady Isabelle Hedrick has personally penned, signed, and sealed each letter. At the end of the letter she provides a single point of contact for those wishing to help her. A Lord Thomas Hedrick, her brother. Who is waiting in the farming community of Seive, the letter reads.

"Adventurers -

I am saddened that I must pen such a request for help. Especially from those who do not call my lands home. The people of my lands have been suffering for far too long while they bravely and somewhat silently have been defending their homes. We grow tired of the fighting, suffering, and dying. I fear that without help, and soon. My lands will become overrun, barren, and desolate. Leaving my people with a single choice of fleeing. So I sit here with a heavy heart, worried about those who have put their trust in me. House Hedrick needs champions who are willing to take up the fight on our behalf, and free my people from the hardships that have them so beaten down. Help my people reclaim their lands, homes, and towns and I will see to it that you are personally rewarded. Kindly.

- Lady Isabelle Hedrick
Oct 19, 2015 1:10 pm
I had been traveling through the town, a bit lost in my thoughts when I came upon the notice affixed to the door of the tavern. Upon reading it, I decided that it was a sign. Yes, literally a sign, but also an indication that my journey away from home and seclusion was well-timed. I simply cannot abide the needless death and suffering of others. While I know nothing of this House Hedrick, I will gladly lend any assistance that I can.

I quickly and quietly pack my meager belongings and make the long journey towards Seive in search of this Lord Thomas Hedrick.
Oct 19, 2015 3:24 pm
A short, bald figure stands before a sign post in a crowded market square. He wears many layers of clothing, all ill fitting and soiled, although many seem to once have been of expensive cut. He is weaving slightly, as if the ground under him were moving to a a slow rhythm. He squints at a notice posted to the sign post.

"Hmm, Lady Hedrick eh? Personally rewarded. Hmph," "Hungy" Hao's long mustaches twitch as his lips curl into a sarcastic sneer.

Being at loose ends, Hao decides to take this Hedrick clan up on their offer.
Oct 21, 2015 1:14 pm
@Xadania - As you return to your room which is being provided in return for your services, you gather your things and attempt to leave quickly and quietly. But it does not go as you plan. Others have noticed your recent change, your feeling of being 'out-of-place' here in Titus. A small crowd waits for you outside of the tavern. All of them are either people you have healed, or children that have grown up and are now medics/healers of their own, or widows. They each take their turn and offer their thanks and wish you the best before leaving, some of the new healers give you hugs and thank you for the influence you had over them. One of them even claims that he is going to open a center of healing (hospital) in your name here. As a parting gift they have all pitched in, in finding and acquiring an old book about an order of clerics. They hand it to you, still in its nice wrapping paper and tied up. One of your friends and admirer's Sal steps forward "Xadania, we wish you the best and offer all our love to you! We know you must leave, but we also know that there are others out there who need you. Be safe Xadania, and return with lots of stories! She steps forward and gives you a big hug before pushing you out to arms length, releasing you and nodding one last time. (OOC: This will be your 'holy book' which will teach you about Sydoni and her clerics.)

@Hungry Hao - Your weaving and swaying is no doubt the side-effect of last nights celebration. As you walk down the streets you actually begin to notice your weaving is more of a 'timed' occurrence. You wonder about it for a moment longer and it dawns on you. You are no longer on a ship and the weaving is actually your natural response to the rocking motion. With your slightly empty pack in your hand you start to exit the city of Cey, with no fanfare or well-wishes you strike to the road. A few hours outside the city you reach a small caravan of traveling merchants who are on their route towards the city of Aldret. You talk to them briefly and they decide to hire you on as a guard, until your stopping point in the town of Seive. At night during your shift of watch you open your pack and oddly find yet another pack. This one is made of much better looking leather and the stitching and straps are in better condition. You open it up and its pitch black on the inside, still baffled by this pack you reach in and when you do you feel a cold sensation rise up your arm. As you continue to reach deeper in the sack, first your wrist disappears then your elbow and now its up to your shoulder. Your shipmates have given you a gift, one which they 'acquired' from a merchant ship. You pull out a small envelope that contains a letter from Captain Flint. "Test the call of the sea Hao, only then does a sailor know his true strength - Captain Flint" (OOC: You now have one bag of holding and an additional five gold at your disposal.)
Oct 21, 2015 2:43 pm
Luc swaggers down the market street of Aldret, whistling a tune of his own devising in time with his step. He bows to a pretty maiden selling flowers, picks out a rose which he stops to smell before putting it in his lapel. He caresses the girl's hand as he pays her some coin, making the girl blush and giggle. Luc is a man of sophistication but he is certainly not immune to more rustic charms. Many a highborn lady in Aldret as well as blushing country lasses in the surrounding lands and beyond have been unable to resist, talents.

The young swordsman moves on, smiling to those he passes, whether he knows them or not - it's impossible for a celebrity to know each and every one of his adoring fans, after all. He pays for an apple and eats it skewered on the point of a slim poignard. He stops to read a sign nailed to a doorpost. A call for adventurers. Champions to defend victims of injustice! And a REWARD! Well, Luc is just the hero and inspiration these people need! "I know you will be desolate when I bid thee adieu, fair Aldret, but shed no tears, for Luc Etienne d’Yves-Boudreaux must be shared with ze world!"
Oct 21, 2015 11:07 pm
Wenric pulls his cloak tight around him before he walks out the door of the Inn and onto the streets of Denmore. Steady rain falls on the hood pulled over his head as he steps out into the street. He dodges a fast moving human who didn't seem to see him step out of the Inn. Wenric does so with a smile though, completely used to the scenario of fast moving humans. He begins whistling a tune as he trudges down the muddy street. Wenric didn't mind the rain at all, enjoyed it even. It's a fine day! he thinks to himself as he passes others who obviously are not happy with the rain.

As he passes one of the alleys he used to sleep in, before he learned enough to get himself off the streets, and re-iterated his thought "It IS a fine day!" as he remembers days past, that make even the worst days seem good.

Wenric keeps moving through town, and through the market area. He grabs an apple from Tinnen's cart, and hands come coin over to the old man. "Fine day aye Tinnen?" he smiles under his hood at the man. He checks the coins without glancing up at Wenric. "How ya always so happy, it aint right. Damned downpoar makes me miserable" Tinnen replies, his voice gruff with age, and tobacco. "Well you will get bath at least Tinnen!" Wenric playful replys casting a smile back at the man. Wenric turns back satisfied when he sees the grin creep over Tinnen's face. Tinnen used to give him apples when he was starving as a youngster. I should of said some farewell. he thought as he moved on.

Arriving at his little home, others would probably call a shack, he begins packing what little belongings he has. He pulls out the parchment he pulled off the wall at the Inn. He looks over the request from Lady Hedrick again, and puts it back in his pack. Determined and ready Wenric fills his pack and throws it over his shoulder. "Time to set off Wenric, find a calling, maybe find a teacher and not be a "wildling" anymore." he says out loud to himself, to urge himself on. He is out there somewhere too, and I need to find him. he thinks to himself, the image of the golden man that saved him passing through his head, as always.

He closes the door one final time to his little house, and turns on his heal into the rain to seek out the Lady in need. Hope they need a Halfling.
Oct 22, 2015 3:19 pm
"Gods dammit!" Thurbrek shouts as he spews his latest brew all over his workshop. He throws his test vial against the wall, and storms out the door and hobbles up the stairs.

Thurbrek has been testing, tweaking, brewing for months straight without so much as a decent night's sleep. Unsatisfied with his inability to clean up the harsh undertones of his previous brew, he had decided to start a new recipe from scratch. Lemons, elderberries, and a hint of vanilla marked this new batch, and for most non-dwarfs it would be the best beer they'd ever tasted. For Thurbrek, though, best isn't good enough. It has to be absolutely perfect.

"Dav! I'm going for a walk." Thurbrek grabs his cane and begins sulking down the street. Davian, Thurbrek's cousin, was busy setting up the Gassy Gnoll getting ready to open for breakfast. He shook his head sympathetically; Thurbrek had been up all night again.

Without intending to, Thurbrek found himself in front of the Umbaran Estate & Town Hall of Ralston, probably just out of habit. He looked up at the matching towers, the symbols of dwarven strength and fortitude, gave a loud sigh and hobbled it. Upon entering, he greeted Gromlik. "Hail, Grom," Thurbrek said casually. "Dandre's not here, is he?"

"Hail, Mr. Amberale. No, s--"

Thurbrek, huffs. "How many times do I have to tell you, Grom. Call me Thurbrek. Or Thur. Or Brek. Just, drop that formal stuff, alright?"

"Yes, of course, Mr... uh, I mean, Thurbrek. Sorry, Mr. Umbaran isn't here. But he did want me to give this to you. I was just about to come by the tavern." Gromlik handed Thurbrek an envelope.

"Curious..." Thurbrek leaned his cane against Grom's desk and opened the letter. After reading it twice, Thurbrek looked up at Grom with his brow furrowed in confusion. "Any idea why he wanted me to have this?"

Grom sighed. "Mr... Thurbrek. I know we're not of the same status, so please forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn. We've known each other a long time... Mr. Umbaran thinks, and so do I, that you could use a break. You've been holed up in the basement of that tavern for months. Everyone used to love coming to hear your jokes and stories; you used to make me laugh until I fell out of my chair and then tear up with emotion before I could sit back down. Now, while you still serve the best ale in the city, no one sees you anymore. We miss your stories. We miss you." Realizing he got a bit carried away, Gromlik looks down at his desk, embarrassed. "Mr. Umbaran thinks an adventure could do you good. If nothing else, maybe you'll have some new stories to tell."

Thurbrek smiles slightly, even though his eyes are tired and sad. "Thanks, Grom. You're a good friend. And tell Dandre I said thanks, too." He folds up the letter, puts it back in the envelope and stashes it in his jacket. Thurbrek picks up his cane and begins hobbling toward the door. About half way there, he turns back to Gromlik, "here, catch." Thurbrek tosses is cane to Gromlik. "Keep it."


Turning back toward the door, he shouts over his shoulder. "If I'm going adventuring, I don't want to orcs and goblins to think I'm an easy target, do I?"

Thurbrek returns to the Gassy Gnoll, gives the keys to Davian, packs his bag full of supplies, and starts his journey to Seive.
Oct 23, 2015 1:24 am
@Luc Aldret is busier than normal as you make your way through the market streets. From flower girl to apple vendor to a sweet little girl you slip past countless people. As you move through the crowd you catch a small number of people who stop and recognize you, each stopping with a big smile and wave directed towards you over a mass of moving heads. It seems that even in a crowd you manage to attract the attention of others. You finally escape the crowd of people in the market area and walk openly in the middle of the street as you make your way out of town. As you approach the edge of town with the note in your hand, you turn and bid the town farewell. As you do a gentle gust of wind blows in your face pushing you out the last few steps and through the gate. You stare blankly back into the city as you think of the 'parting gesture'. A quick chill climbs up your spine and into your chest before it quickly fades, pulling your clothing tighter around you. You too step out onto the open road and off into the sunset as you make your way from one town to another. (The rose you bought doesn't wilt like it should. It stays fresh and is very pleasant to smell, it gives you a +2 on Cha based checks)

@Wenric the rain rolls off your cloak as you carry your belongings out of your shack and into the street. You leave your little shack with little concern for the town and its people, all except Tinnen. You leave a small bag of coins that you had been saving up to show your appreciation for all he has done to keep you alive and well. Your time on the road is rather quiet, especially at night. By your third night into traveling you are worn out and fall into a deep sleep. In your sleep you return to that moment in your life where you parents were taken from you. Above you stands the 'Golden Man', one hand rests on your shoulder while the other hovers over your waist. You feel a sudden warming sensation where his hand is. It grows in intensity until it becomes painful and you wake from your dream sitting up. The pain does not fade. You reach into a small pocket and pull out a small golden coin that is glowing red, exposed to the nights sky it cools and you can pick it up again. You pocket the coin and hold onto it as you drift back to sleep. (OOC: The purpose of the coin is not yet clear, but you definitely feel like you shouldn't lose it)

@Thurbrek As you say your goodbyes to your cousin Grom comes through the door with something pinned under his arms. Panting he leans over "Uh Thurbrek, Dandre also wanted ya to have this." He hands you a large portion of cloth that covers a 10x8" square. "Dandre and myself have no doubt that you'll return home. With new brews and stories. Make us proud!" He nods to the cloth as you uncover the somewhat heavy object and uncover it you see a small tavern sign (which you can also choose to name or keep it as the Gassy Gnoll). The dark wood is smooth to the touch and polished. "We thought ya should have something from home to take with you. Dandre also said it'll help ya rest better" With one last smile and friendly nod your way he makes his way out the front door. You take in the Gassy Gnoll one last time and step out the same door and start your journey toward the town of Seive. (OOC: The small tavern sign helps those nearby achieve better rest. The time required for a long rest is reduced by 2 hrs. Making it 6hrs of rest instead of 8)
Oct 23, 2015 1:40 am
The journey to the small farming town of Seive varies for each of you. For some it takes a few days and for others its almost a week. As you approach the small farming community you notice a good amount of family farms that dot the countryside. Their fields are choking with plants in full bloom. A few open fields hold small herds of goats, sheep, cattle, or pigs and small throngs of kids wander openly in the town and its fields. Still hundreds of feet outside the center of town you begin to hear the clamor of small town life, even spotting other travelers who are gathering outside. People are either hard at work or visiting with one other. Many of the buildings look old, very worn, and weathered. Large strips of missing paint can be seen on most of the buildings, the exposed wood has lost the once bright luster and is now replaced with a dingy, faded grey color. Nearly the entire town looks like this way except for a single two story building with a coat of fresh paint. This building supports a new sign that reads "Rustic Son Inn and Tavern", the building itself is either new or recently refurbished. As you walk down the main street you notice on either side the many tight alleyways that line the road, leading off to the homes of Seive. You stop in the middle the road right in front of the only well you can see. Behind that well is another two story building, in a somewhat similar condition as the majority of the town. This building is in a slightly better condition with fancier amendments. Up the steps and on the porch is a large window set to the right of a large set of dark brown double doors. A wooden plaque rests at eye level to the left of the door, it reads "Mayor Dalton Surgeth"
Oct 23, 2015 3:14 am
As I pass the field of plants in full bloom, I make a mental note to return at a later time to forage for any that I can use for my healing balms. One can never be over-prepared.

I push past the door, looking towards the first person who greets me. "Good day to you, may Sydoni shine her light upon thee. I hope that you can assist me, I am in search of one Lord Thomas Hedrick. Do you know where I can find him?"
Oct 23, 2015 3:54 am
Hao swaggers into town, his small bag slung over his back. In towns like this, Hao tends to stand out, he is ludicrously dressed, smells like a bilge, and his features mark him as "not from around here". Despite all this, Hao walks through the town square is if he owned the place...or was considering taking the place over and doubting it'd be worth it.

As soon as he locates the local tavern, he makes directly for it. He noisily takes a seat at the bar and orders a large meal and a bottle of the cheapest, strongest hooch available.

He keeps his ears open for any interesting information. Conversation in the inn died down at his noisy and conspicuous entrance, but as he sits at the bar and appears to ignore everyone, the room slowly fills back up with sound.

Perception check to see if Hao hears any interesting gossip or information:

OOC Edit:It appears Hao chews loudly. Nobody should be surprised by this...
Last edited October 23, 2015 3:55 am


Perception - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Oct 23, 2015 5:54 pm
Wenric found the travel just wonderful. Never seeing so many different things in one trip in his life. He knew this was odd for a Halfling, most don't grow up on the streets of a human city like he had. The same wonder filled his eyes though with each passing day. At one point he fell in with a group of farmers moving from village to village. On the third night he helped them get their fire lit, conjuring fire out of thin air. They asked him to leave shortly after.

Wenric didn't let this phase him though, and was chipper and cheery when he walked into Seive. The farms and fields full of life and growth filled him with the same wonder. He wears a grin from ear to ear.

Upon closer inspection though, the town doesn't look as good up close. The buildings look faded and older then perhaps they are. Glad to hear the noises of life though, Wenric moves into town. Waving at everyone, whether they care or not. Weary he heads for the Inn after taking in the town. Ale and some rest will do me right., Wenric decides. Then visit the Mayor after some rest, see what I can do to help with the call for aid. Wenric walks in, and takes the first seat he sees, and puts his hand up to flag down some ale.
Last edited October 23, 2015 5:55 pm
Oct 23, 2015 8:55 pm
Every time Luc arrives at a new city or town he favors the townfolk with a performance, and today is no exception. He poses grandly in front of the well, sketches a fancy bow, and launches into a spirited rendition of Le Cinq Fantastiques, a song of five adventurers and their fantastic deeds. Luc never uses a musical instrument during his performances. Instead, he accompanies his singing with swishes and snaps of his short cape, well-timed hand clapping, and elaborate footwork punctuated by scrapes & taps of his well-polished boots. He performs such a routine now with his usual panache, ending with a flamboyant bow and sweep of his wide-brimmed, feathered hat.
Oct 25, 2015 1:25 am
@Xadania You knock as you push past the door and enter into the mayors home. From the kitchen you hear a woman's voice "Just a minute". You wait a few seconds as you hear metal utensils being set down and the loud crash of cooking pots. "Damn it! There goes his lunch!" You see a thin and 'small' young woman approach towards you. Her light brown hair is pulled back and tied up in a bun, most of her face is covered in brownish-red freckles. Wiping her hands on her already food stained apron she extends her hand. "Hey there, names Jules. If you are looking for Dalton he is up in his study, is there anything I can help you with?

@Hungry Hao As you sit at the bar a stout woman with red hair takes your order and shortly after serves you your food and drink. As she turns to go back into the kitchen you get a full view of her and realize she isn't the prettiest woman you've seen, but that's mostly due to a large birth mark that covers most of her right cheek (from her earlobe to corner of her mouth). The few patrons that are in the tavern have gone back to talking among their own again. From the bar you don't hear of anything of importance really, just farmers or ranchers talking about this years harvest or herd. Maril comes back to the counter and wipes it down in a few spots "Do ya need anythin' else dear?"

@Wenric As you close the door behind you and make your way to a table you see a heavy-set woman talking to a strange man sitting at the bar. A filthy man with a bald head and strange facial hair sits with his back to you, currently giving his order to a heavy-set woman with red hair and a large birthmark. You pull out a chair and sit down, as you do you look to your right where the bar is and raise your hand letting her know you are ready to be served. "Be right with ya!" she nods your direction and then turns, walking back into the kitchen.

@Luc As you set the stage for your performance with a pair of loud stomps and claps you see that some of the people in the streets look to you for a moment. You begin your performance and hit every note and timed movement without a hitch. Things are going great until you bow and look up. Those who are still watching give you an uneasy look and then clap slightly. Out of sympathy. Most of those who were watching have moved on about their day and are now ignoring you. You even hear one or two of them mutter something about 'strange travelers' or 'disturbing the peace'. You get the feeling that no one really appreciated your performance. But you dust yourself off anyways, knowing there is always next time!
Oct 25, 2015 3:11 pm
"Oof!" Thurbrek tumbles out of the back of the cart after losing his balance trying to climb down, his pack landing on top of him. Thurbrek struggles to stand up and brushes the dust off of his clothes. He walks to the front of the cart and hands the driver a few coins. "Thanks for the ride. Good luck with the missus!"

Thurbrek, straightens himself and strides into town, trying hard to hide his limp. As soon as he spots the Rustic Son, he heads straight in and orders a pint of a local brew.
Oct 25, 2015 3:28 pm
@Thurbrek As you walk into town you notice a single man standing by the well who looks kind of frustrated. Not paying much attention to him you walk into the Rustic Son. Shutting the door behind you see a heavy set woman delivering a tray of food and drink. She looks to you "I'll be with you a in a sec! Sure are a lot of strangers coming in today" She points to numerous open tables to your left and a bar to the right "Any spot is fine"
Oct 25, 2015 5:24 pm
Luc sighs but takes it all in stride. These rustics don't recognize a true artiste when they're gifted with his presence. Their loss, not mine. The half-elf spots a dwarf with what looks like a musical instrument strapped to his back walk into a nearby tavern. Ah, a fellow musician! Luc struts towards the bar, whistling as he goes.
Oct 26, 2015 2:25 am
"Do ya need anythin' else dear?"

"Aye, another of these," Hao knocks back the remainder of his bottle of hooch, "And directions to one Lady Hedrick if you happen to know...I've business with House Hedrick.
Oct 26, 2015 4:14 am
I take her hand and give it a firm shake. "Hello dear woman. Jules, was it? I am Xadania Galanodel, cleric to Sydoni. I aid those who are in greatest need, and in my travels I heard of a House Hendrick that is in very dire need indeed. I am told that they are residents of your fair town. By any chance could you or Mayor... Dalton? point me in the right direction? I fear that I am not familiar with this town and I am in quite a hurry. I've traveled far and would like to take care of this business quickly if possible. Lives could be at stake!
Oct 26, 2015 5:51 pm
Wenric at this point, will just wait for his ale and take in the room. I think he would definitely watch Hao, as he would be a pretty unique character to Wenric.

(OOC: If you want a perception check or something let me know, but I am going to wait and see what I can get in on. Wenric is small, in a new town, and will be cautious for a while, not out of fear just to be sure of his environment.)
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