Character creation discussion thread

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Apr 26, 2019 10:56 am
RoAries says:
@naelick: Alright, I'll start soon and place you guys on a deployed ship to the mission. Also, I think that stunt is more powerful than normal, as its a perpetual skill improvement. I'll have it changed so that you will move around your skill ratings when you use the stunt to possess a robot. I'll give a limit, say 5 points to move around.
Here was my reasoning for costs. A stunt on its own can give me a +2 in a specific circumstance, without spending a fate point. A fate point, without spending a stunt, can improve any roll by +2 (with a justifying aspect). So what I could have done without a stunt is just invoke my high concept and say, well, I'm possessing a robot, the robot should be able to do X well, so I have a +2 to X. What the stunt does is let me specify X up front, and avoid spending the fate point every time. There's a risk reward factor since I don't know which skill will be useful when I possess the robot. I could waste 3 fate points and not roll those skills at all, or roll each once and be on par with how fate points work anyways.

I'm not opposed to your suggestion, however. Is using your stunt free, or does it cost a fate point to use? I just reassign any 5 of my skill points when I possess a robot? How does the skill pyramid apply?
Apr 26, 2019 1:33 pm
Oh, my bad, I'm still understanding the rules. OK, you might use your aspect(and spend a fate) to increase a roll by +2, or use a stunt that will increase a skill by +2. I was previously suggesting using a stunt with spending a fate to reassign 5 skill points. BTW, I allow assigning 20 skill points in character creation.
Hold on, I'm still very confused. I'll try to think this over.
Apr 26, 2019 1:43 pm
Ok I will take a stunt that lets me reassign 5 skill points. My bad on the skill assignment, I missed where you said 20. I'll add some more points
Apr 26, 2019 11:24 pm
OKAY! Last couple'a days've been busy, but tonight, I should be able to submit my character.

As for when to start things, I'm a fan of en media res, thus am totally A-OK with jumping right into the action. I think I can play Xóchitl well enough during story beats and so on.
Apr 26, 2019 11:53 pm
Ummm...I'm gonna need a skill like Investigation, or Lore/Academics, or somesuch, please.
Apr 27, 2019 1:54 am
@DocR: there is already Investigation, and Sciences, Computers, Medicinal, or Machinery would be somewhat what you want.
Apr 27, 2019 4:24 pm
BTW, I still don't see your character submitted, DocR.
May 14, 2019 4:26 pm
Sorry if this is annoying guys, but I'll have to discuss about your character sheets. BTW I've decided to change my previous limit of 20 points to 15 points. Itari need to reassign the points for it to be 15 points total(you currently can add 2 more as you deducted 2 from spirit.) And Purra, you should use the skill list I gave, thank you for understanding(btw you don't have to follow the skill pyramid, but you can still if you wish.)
May 14, 2019 6:36 pm
I should be back down to 15 now
May 25, 2019 3:52 pm
Hi guys, so I'm thinking that conflicts turns will be players having first come first serve sort of basis in their turn order, with the enemies going next, then any allies. Is that ok?

Also, I would like to know what mechanics of spell casting each of you prefer. If not, then I'll stick with the basic use of Spirit skill rolling and the shifts will determine damage.

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