Chapter 3: Silver Isle, Floating Market
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Feb 8, 2020 7:02 pm
Nela sits on the side lines to watch. Mainly cause she doesn't want to fall down. Hic... She is in fine spirits watching it all and of course has her silver flask of rum with her. But the Keg nearby does just fine. Occasionally she will howl out for the dancers. She appears not to sensible at the moment. (Good time not to cast spells.) She has her favorite marble out watching it as it changes colors ever so often. Seems to always fascinate her. She is sitting up against Kitty who makes like a full couch. Kitty seems to like rum too.
Last edited February 8, 2020 7:09 pm
Feb 10, 2020 6:06 pm
"Wait here." He asks as they approach the gangplank. "They wern't well with new people on board."
"Hey guys!! I've got some people looking for some piratey people, some Undead pirates? you seen or heard of any of these tales? Something about a Dead Jim or a gnoll captioned vessel? I assume theres a bounty of good fortune for them."
Phillip says as he boards the vessel.
"Hey guys!! I've got some people looking for some piratey people, some Undead pirates? you seen or heard of any of these tales? Something about a Dead Jim or a gnoll captioned vessel? I assume theres a bounty of good fortune for them."
Phillip says as he boards the vessel.
Feb 14, 2020 4:30 pm
"I served on a ship when I was a young bull," Valrakas muses. "Skipper's name be Jim, and the surgeon's name be Bones, but were livin' men, not bloody undead. Bones used t' say 'He's dead, Jim.' when we lost men after a bit o' fightin'"
"We be sailin' north anyway to th' Great Gyre. Maybe we run into them buccaneers along th' way, eh?"
"We be sailin' north anyway to th' Great Gyre. Maybe we run into them buccaneers along th' way, eh?"
Feb 14, 2020 5:27 pm
Valrakas motions towards the elderly halflings Phillip has waiting on the dock. "Do we have t' take them along? They look too fuckin' old t' be sailin'!"
Feb 15, 2020 7:08 am
"You know we can hear you, right?" Sally calls from the foot of the gangplank. Apparently, Valrakas' booming voice has carried his comments all over the dock.
Sally puts her hands on her hips. "We may be old, but I bet Charlie here can still sail rings around you, young bull, and I can still take you in a fight!"
Sally puts her hands on her hips. "We may be old, but I bet Charlie here can still sail rings around you, young bull, and I can still take you in a fight!"

Feb 15, 2020 5:10 pm
Zale is impressed by the halflings' sass. But he's not about to say anything until he's sure they haven't pissed off the captain.
Feb 16, 2020 12:51 pm
Valrakas roars with laughter. "I like 'em, Phillip! Come aboard, halflings! Give th' halflings somethin' t' drink!"
Feb 17, 2020 4:31 am
Grog hiccups as he drank a good amount himself. The mohawked dwarf does his best to mimic some of the dances he watched the others perform. It's certainly sloppy work, either way.
Feb 19, 2020 5:16 am
"Over here, Phillip!" Zale waves him and the halflings over. The genasi hands them each a bug tankard of rum spiked with a jigger of Silver Island spirits.
Zale is relieved the Kestrel is finally making for the triton kingdom tomorrow. That the promise to the dragon turtle is still unfulfilled is making him anxious.
Zale is relieved the Kestrel is finally making for the triton kingdom tomorrow. That the promise to the dragon turtle is still unfulfilled is making him anxious.
Last edited February 19, 2020 5:18 am