follsmask says:
"We are here at the behest of Cecily Raptor. Our mission is to establish a branch of her guild where adventurers may come and ply their trade and defend the simple folk from the terrors of this world. We seek fame, fortune and honors that befit the names we will make for ourselves."
As he speaks Quest's chest swells slightly. He appears truly dedicated to these words.
"Do you have deeds in need of doing my good sir?!"

Devane smiles broadly at this.
"Cecily! My grandfather, Wason Thornhill, atventured with her. They party cleared out the wild, which made the east road to Hookhill possible. We owe a lot to Cecily."
He is called away for a few moments, serving some other tables. Tap (the halfling) returns to your table several times, bearing freshly-filled mugs, bread, and bowls of stew, as the party discusses the relative merits of glory as a motive. After a few minutes more, Tap arrives with some nicely steeped tea for Aanbo, accompanied by a young gnome, whom he introduces to Sara.
"This is Jerek, our brewer." The gnome blushes, and shakes his head.
"No, the brewer's my father; I'm just his assistant. Maybe you've heard of him: Maul Goodbody?" (folks can do a history check if they wish)
Having fulfilled everyone else's orders for the moment, Devane returns with the woman, speaking to her in Keolish. Then he resumes in his accented Imperial:
"I was just explaining Soraya my wife to about your boss is Cecily. These wondered if we have any jobs for atventurers..."
Devane's wife Soraya smiles and says hello to you all. The men unloading the wagon drop a cask, which splits with a loud CRACK! Devane rushes off to help. She looks fondly after him, then looks pointedly at Tap, who starts and returns to his work, checking in at the other tables. Then she turns back to the group. She speaks Imperial with a northern accent like some of you.
"Jerek is too modest; he does a wonderful job as our brewer, even if his father's name is still on the sign." Jerek grins and does a little bow.
"As for adventure...well, half of this town are retired adventurers, and the other half like Devane are descended from them. Our town wouldn't exist without Cecily; the elf is a legend around these parts. Things have been pretty quiet since The War, however." She pauses, for a moment.
"I do hear that there's been some trouble on the east road, though. Some of the traders have returned with weird stories about Orlane. I could introduce you, or point you in their direction, if you like."