This man was betrayed by a member of his own family. We have here an opportunity. We shall head out now and apprehend the criminals before they have a chance to flee. They likely won't expect such a quick response. Once Aanbo has done what he can for Hale, we should head out."
Against the Cult: Party at the Mill (1.1)
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Nov 6, 2015 3:00 am
Aanbo hears Quest's voice as though the young half-elf were standing next to him.
Then the rest of the group hears Quest in their own heads. Again it sounds like he is standing right next to them even though he stands several feet away.
This man was betrayed by a member of his own family. We have here an opportunity. We shall head out now and apprehend the criminals before they have a chance to flee. They likely won't expect such a quick response. Once Aanbo has done what he can for Hale, we should head out."
foolsmask sent a note to CancerMan
This man was betrayed by a member of his own family. We have here an opportunity. We shall head out now and apprehend the criminals before they have a chance to flee. They likely won't expect such a quick response. Once Aanbo has done what he can for Hale, we should head out."
Nov 6, 2015 4:15 am
Klak looks around, he didn't think Quest was nearby. "Ok. But someone should stop his bleeding if he's going to be alive when the cleric gets here."
Nov 6, 2015 5:46 am
Thankfully, Aanbo still has his pack. He gently parts his way through to Hale and brings out a few dressings, and takes a moment to assess where the worst of the damage might be.
Medicine - (1d20+5)
(1) + 5 = 6
Nov 6, 2015 7:42 am
I gently lay the injured man on the ground and immediately work to staunch the bleeding and clean the wounds. I use whatever is available, strips of cloth torn from my own tunic if necessary.
Medicine - (1d20+3)
(18) + 3 = 21
Nov 6, 2015 2:13 pm
Ogbar will stand up and make sure to keep the crowd back so that Sara and Aanbo can work.
Str check to keep crowd back - (1d20+2)
(2) + 2 = 4
Nov 6, 2015 3:41 pm
Hochoch was a town founded by and for adventurers, and the crowd recognizes the resolve in Ogbar's eyes as something similar to ma, pa, grandma, or grandpa...and respects it. They keep their distance, reassured that capable hands are tending to Hale. Sara, meanwhile, uses some water from her waterskin to flush out the gut wound and then tears up the man's shirt to staunch the blood (one sleeve) and bind the wadded cloth in place over the injury (rest of the shirt). Now unconscious, Hale smells of blood, horse, and oats. Probably a miller or grain merchant.
The crowd parts respectfully. First Klak and then Quest see the healer, Diana, as she walks up with a teenaged girl. Diana is clearly a cleric of one of the temples or shrines in Hochoch.

She puts a hand on Ogbar's shoulder and he feels serenity flow from her fingertips. Diana steps past and nods to Aanbo, Thacogygax, and Sara. Then she squats down by Hale, reaches out and murmurs "Rao bless you with peace and health." as she touches the man's bloody torso. The color returns to his skin and he breathes deeper in his sleep. Then Diana looks up at the group and smiles. "Thank you for your help. You saved Hale's life."
The crowd parts respectfully. First Klak and then Quest see the healer, Diana, as she walks up with a teenaged girl. Diana is clearly a cleric of one of the temples or shrines in Hochoch.

She puts a hand on Ogbar's shoulder and he feels serenity flow from her fingertips. Diana steps past and nods to Aanbo, Thacogygax, and Sara. Then she squats down by Hale, reaches out and murmurs "Rao bless you with peace and health." as she touches the man's bloody torso. The color returns to his skin and he breathes deeper in his sleep. Then Diana looks up at the group and smiles. "Thank you for your help. You saved Hale's life."
Nov 6, 2015 3:43 pm
Thacogygax makes sure Nyomba and her mother aren't crushed by the crowd. "Know him, do you?" he asks, indicating the injured rider.
Nov 6, 2015 4:07 pm
I nod, "I'm just glad we reached him in time. Do you have any inclination who might have done this to him? That was a nasty wound. Not likely an accident." I look to those of my companions who are near, "Looks like we might have some business to attend to."
Nov 6, 2015 4:28 pm
Ogbar nods grimly at Sara's words and rests his axe on his shoulder, ready to leave as soon as he knows who he has to kill.
Nov 6, 2015 4:50 pm
Quest has returned to his room and gathered his possessions. He is standing near the South Gate donning his armor looking for someone among the towns folk who might be willing to guide his part to the mill, or at least clear directions.
Nov 6, 2015 4:57 pm
Sara is confident that she could track the blood and hoofprints.
Diana replies: "Hale works the mill down by the Realstream, south of the bridge. I don't know who could have done this, but if Hale was hurt, then others at the mill might be in danger."
You all recall that Quest spoke into your minds moments ago, something about Hale being betrayed by 'a member of his own family.'
Quest is pretty sure he could lead the group to the mill with his eyes closed.
Diana replies: "Hale works the mill down by the Realstream, south of the bridge. I don't know who could have done this, but if Hale was hurt, then others at the mill might be in danger."
You all recall that Quest spoke into your minds moments ago, something about Hale being betrayed by 'a member of his own family.'
Quest is pretty sure he could lead the group to the mill with his eyes closed.
Nov 6, 2015 5:04 pm
Aanbo sits back on his heels as the group gathers itself. Meditatively, he shoulders his pack, but in his mind he struggles to remember the teachings from his monastery about Medicine and bandaging wounds. Regretfully, he thinks he should have paid attention more to those lessons than playing with his brother.
He shakes off the memories. It does no good to reflect on this now, when there is an immediate task requiring his attention. He looks around for Thacogygax and makes ready to leave.
He shakes off the memories. It does no good to reflect on this now, when there is an immediate task requiring his attention. He looks around for Thacogygax and makes ready to leave.
Nov 6, 2015 5:06 pm
I nod to Diana, "We'll investigate." I join Quest at the south gate, check that I have my weapons and that they are in proper order, then turn and begin following the road, remaining mindful of the hoof prints and blood tracks.
If there's a check to be made, I'm not sure if it's Nature or Survival. Happily, I've got +3 in both
If there's a check to be made, I'm not sure if it's Nature or Survival. Happily, I've got +3 in both
Check (just in case) - (1d20+3)
(16) + 3 = 19
Nov 6, 2015 5:11 pm
Ogbar will travel at the front of the group with Sara, both to be first into battle and to assist in tracking.
Survival - (1d20+2)
(20) + 2 = 22
Nov 6, 2015 5:13 pm
I'll say Survival is used for following a path, whereas Nature would be telling information about the creature from the traces/tracks it has left. So in this case, Survival.
Nov 6, 2015 7:32 pm
Klak takes up position behind Ogbar. As a holy warrior of Clanggedin, he feels strongly he should be near the front unless specifically directed to provide rearguard, and in this case a rear guard seems unnecessary.
Nov 6, 2015 7:33 pm
"Hello, there! Xana Beren. Down here, tallfolks! Hope I'm not too late to the party! Had a bit of business to attend to first, if you get my meaning." I give a wink, then pat a small bag of gold in my pocket. "Great job back there, by the way. I tried to make my way over to help that poor man, alas, I was rudely shoved aside by some ugly, hulking individual. In any case, I'm ready to help in any small way I can!"
Nov 6, 2015 10:06 pm
As the group moves out, Quest welcomes Xana and fills the group in on what he knows.
"Well met Xana, your timely arrival is most welcome. As you see we have a situation. This is why we are here. To help these people and protect them. Hale was assaulted by his son-in-law, Keb. We don't know why yet, but Keb brought a gang of with him then attacked while Hale was honoring guest rights. This betrayal seems unwarranted and our goal should be to bring these men to justice. That means we take them alive if possible. They will likely fight back, but do your best to subdue them.
"Well met Xana, your timely arrival is most welcome. As you see we have a situation. This is why we are here. To help these people and protect them. Hale was assaulted by his son-in-law, Keb. We don't know why yet, but Keb brought a gang of with him then attacked while Hale was honoring guest rights. This betrayal seems unwarranted and our goal should be to bring these men to justice. That means we take them alive if possible. They will likely fight back, but do your best to subdue them.
Nov 6, 2015 10:44 pm
Aanbo does not question Quests's insights, nor the previous one-sided conversation from earlier. The world is full of differences, after all.
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