Character creation

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Nov 6, 2015 12:52 am
Yah. Way better than Naatkinson and I. :)
Nov 6, 2015 4:36 am
Since the party is still in Hochoch, it will still make sense for your character to be another one of Cecily's Dungeon Buster scouts, maybe just arriving a little late. Any class is fine. Let me know what you're thinking, or if you have any questions.
Nov 6, 2015 4:40 am
First impulse is Gnome Warlock Urchin but I may need to sit on that for a day to see what I can come up with in terms of background.
Nov 6, 2015 4:50 pm
A character motivation of Greed! Great; I look forward to reading how that greed is connected to an NPC.

Note: I've also invited CouchLord0510 to join us. His character follows, and will be working into the narrative shortly.
Nov 10, 2015 2:47 am
Everything with a (!) needs DM confirmation. DM note: Confirmed, with edits.

Name: Durren Elderblade
Race: Ancient Human (Raised Elf)
Background: Soldier
Class(es): Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good
Proficiency Bonus 2
Strength 16 +3 +5
Dexterity 14 +2 +2
Constitution 14 +2 +4
Intelligence 11 +0 +0
Wisdom 14 +2 +2
Charisma 9 -1 -1
Total HP 12
Temp HP 12 DM note: You have no temp HP, so this should be 0 (zero) at the moment. Temp HP are provided by certain magic effects, much as in previous editions.
Perhaps you were thinking one was current HP and one was maximum HP? Gamer's Plane doesn't allow tracking of maximum vs current HP in the HP fields, so you have to put it in the "Notes" section of the character sheet, something like X/12, where X is current and 12 is max.

AC 13
Initiative 2
Speed 30


Animal Handling +4 (Wis)
Athletics +5 (Str)
Insight +4 (Wis)
Perception +4 (Wis)
Persuasion +1 (Cha)
Stealth +4 (Dex)
Survival +2 (Wis)

Name Attack Bonus Damage
Elder Greatsword +2? DM note: This should be +5 (+3 for STR, +2 for proficiency). 1d8/1d10
Heirloom sword, +2 to will save when in use. DM Note: there is no Will Save in 5e; you can choose, now, what this bonus will be: WIS saves, CHA saves, or saves vs. charm. Which one? Versatile, 1d10 when used with two hands

AB Save - Intelligence
Prestidigitation (Int) +2 +10
Hood of Sentry: +1 to intimidation when worn
Leather armor with metal plates sparsely sewn on in areas most needing protection DM note: I'm treating this as studded leather.
9 GP

Simple, martial weapons; armor; shields

>Imperial (replaced for Deep Speech, @DM)
DM note: Good, makes sense.

>Personality Trait- Always polite and respectful
>Ideals- Responsibility: Does what must be done and obeys just authority
>Bonds- A friend saved my life in battle once and to this day I never leave a man behind
>Flaws- I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong.

>LOVE: Durren's childhood friend and closest companion, Selena, was abducted by a tribe of Kobolds when he was about 12 years of age. He has never seen her since, but after her departure he realized his feelings for her and has tried to reach the peak of military specialty to search for her and (1) bring her back or (2) dish out the ultimate punishment to those responsible for her loss/death. Selena is a High Elf Ranger, whose alignment is Neutral Good. She wears a green and gold tunic with leggings and boots, and carries two slightly curved swords and a bow.

-Keen Senses:
Proficiency in Perception
In a 60ft. radius, character sees in dim light as if it were broad daylight, and also sees in complete darkness as if in dim light. In complete darkness, sees no color, only shades of gray
DM note: I'm somewhat inclined to tweak this a bit, as you are human, just raised by elves. It could be one of three ways:
1. The elves just granted you a magic boon, and pow! you have darkvision! Your eyes show up with detect magic, and the effect could be dispelled.
2. Perhaps some of their dweomer rubbed off on you in the years that you lived with them and trained in their disciplines; thus, you can invoke a certain amount of darkvision (2 hours + level) in between trances.
3. You have developed preternatural vision, just in years of trying to keep up with the elves. It isn't quite as keen as actual racial darkvision, but allows you to see as if with darkvision to a 30' radius.

Character gets *6 hours worth of sleep for 4 hrs of meditation.
DM note: I like this, given the character's history.
- Elvish Weapon Training: Proficiency in Long, Short Bow; Long, Short Sword
- Partial Ability Score Increase:
Your character gains +1 to 3 of 6 of the ability scores.

*Less, because not an elf by nature.

Sentry Captain- Became Captain of Elven Sentries. Still owns hood designating his rank, and Sentry Elves and elves in general will show him respect because of this.

Swordmasters Guild: Teaches advanced swordsmanship and ingrains incredible bond between sword and user.
Last edited Nov 10, 2015 3:01 am
Nov 10, 2015 3:28 am
Last edited Nov 10, 2015 3:29 am
Nov 10, 2015 6:11 am
CouchLord0510, the test looks good (and I like the picture - all of you players come up with great character artwork!)

Note that I've gone in and edited your previous post with your character details, inserting "DM notes".

Along those lines, two things:
1) I'd like to hear more about your friend who saved your life in battle. Come up with some details. That's candy to me, as a DM.

2) The actual Gamer's Plane character sheet is where you keep track of HP, AC and so forth...but the current amounts are all tracked in the "Notes" section of the sheet, unless the changes are (semi)permanent: you drink a potion that permanently increases your CON or DEX, or you find armor +1, etc. So you will be editing that sheet often.

3) There is no explicit place to track XP on your character sheet, so you'll want to write that into the "Notes" section, too.
Nov 10, 2015 1:07 pm
FINAL DRAFT of character sheet, with DM edits.

Name: Durren Elderblade
Race: Ancient Human (Raised Elf)
Background: Soldier
Class(es): Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good
Proficiency Bonus 2
Strength 16 +3 +5
Dexterity 14 +2 +2
Constitution 14 +2 +4
Intelligence 11 +0 +0
Wisdom 14 +2 +2
Charisma 9 -1 -1
Total HP 12
Temp HP 0
AC 13
Initiative 2
Speed 30


Animal Handling +4 (Wis)
Athletics +5 (Str)
Insight +4 (Wis)
Perception +4 (Wis)
Persuasion +1 (Cha)
Stealth +4 (Dex)
Survival +2 (Wis)

Name Attack Bonus Damage
Elder Greatsword +5 (+3 for STR, +2 for proficiency). 1d8/1d10
Heirloom sword, +2 to CHAR save when in use. Versatile, 1d10 when used with two hands

AB Save - Intelligence
Prestidigitation (Int) +2 +10

Hood of Sentry: +1 to intimidation when worn
Leather armor with metal plates sparsely sewn on in areas most needing protection DM note: I'm treating this as studded leather.
Primordial Language book *Trinket*
9 GP

Simple, martial weapons; armor; shields

>Imperial (replaced for Deep Speech, @DM)
DM note: Good, makes sense.
>Partial Primordial (learned from book)

>Personality Trait- Always polite and respectful
>Ideals- Responsibility: Does what must be done and obeys just authority
>Bonds- A friend saved my life in battle once and to this day I never leave a man behind
>Flaws- I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong.

>LOVE: Durren's childhood friend and closest companion, Selena, was abducted by a tribe of Kobolds when he was about 12 years of age. He has never seen her since, but after her departure he realized his feelings for her and has tried to reach the peak of military specialty to search for her and (1) bring her back or (2) dish out the ultimate punishment to those responsible for her loss/death. Selena is a High Elf Ranger, whose alignment is Neutral Good. She wears a green and gold tunic with leggings and boots, and carries two slightly curved swords and a bow.

-Keen Senses:
Proficiency in Perception
In a 30ft. radius, character sees in dim light as if it were broad daylight, and also sees in complete darkness as if in dim light. In complete darkness, sees no color, only shades of gray
*Have developed preternatural vision, just in years of trying to keep up with the elves. It isn't quite as keen as actual racial darkvision, but allows you to see as if with darkvision to a 30' radius.*
Character gets *6 hours worth of sleep for 4 hrs of meditation.
DM note: I like this, given the character's history.
- Elvish Weapon Training: Proficiency in Long, Short Bow; Long, Short Sword
- Partial Ability Score Increase:
Your character gains +1 to 3 of 6 of the ability scores.

*Less, because not an elf by nature.

Sentry Captain- Became Captain of Elven Sentries. Still owns hood designating his rank, and Sentry Elves and elves in general will show him respect because of this.

Swordmasters Guild: Teaches advanced swordsmanship and ingrains incredible bond between sword and user.
Last edited Nov 10, 2015 3:38 pm
Nov 10, 2015 1:29 pm

Durren was found my a Sentry troop of High Elves at the age of about 18 months. The only thing with him was an elder Longsword, which the baby had rolled onto. The elves took the baby back to their stronghold, and he was adopted by a wealthy elven noble. Though a race of ancient human by nature, Durren was able to acquire some of the natural abilities of the elves as he grew, as well as learn all he could about the art of war from them. His father was a politician by nature and would have desired that Durren follow in his footsteps, but the young man was drawn to the art of war. At age 12 he was given new reason to learn all he could: his childhood friend and first love, Selena Ebonlocks, was abducted by a surprise raid of Kobolds on the stronghold. Durren swore to bring her back or avenge her demise, and threw new effort into his training. At age 18 he took up the longsword found with him, which the Elves had identified as an heirloom of his forgotten heritage, and joined the Swordsmasters Guild. The guild honed his swordsmanship all the more, and finally Durren accomplished his goal: join the Sentry Corps of the stronghold. It was with the Sentries that Durren first tasted real combat and recieved his surname: Elderblade. Erdan Moonwhisper, one of his closest friends (who was also Durren's 'uncle') was able to procure Durren a promotion to Captain (the hood of rank which he still carries is token of this; elves will respect him because of this). Erdan played a great part in shaping Durren's character. He had been a role model for the young man ever since they could remember, and Erdan taught Durren the honor of a warrior, the grace of an elf, and the convictions of Lawful Good. Once while engaging an owlbear that was causing trouble in the forest, Erdan pushed Durren out of harms way, receiving a nasty gash for his bravery. Durren was awed by Erdan's sacrifice and to this day feels a strong compulsion to be a protector of the weak and helpless. When Durren was about 21 Erdan left the Sentries to be a Northern Ranger. Durren was heartbroken by his companion's departure and, leaving the Sentries himself, he ambled about the stronghold, feeling useless. He finally determined he was going to do something useful, like purging the mountains of some monster. He climbed into the crags of the Western Mountains and there found not only a monster, but also one of his closest friends to this day: Cyclops. Cyclops was Durren's pet and companion from that day on, though Cyclops was not readily accepted by the elves. Durren, once again saddened by his friend's rejection by the elves, and decided to seek Selena, as well as any clues to his heritage. Taking his sword, a book of the Primordial language Selena had given him, and Cyclops, Durren set out as a sort of 'knight errant', protecting those needing protection, accomplishing tasks for those who couldn't, and basically being a D&D boyscout. About half-way through Durren sent Cyclops away, since the large animal was frightening the settlers whom he served. The two missed each other dearly, but understood it was for the best. He found hints that a tribe of Kobolds with slaves to sell had traveled north, and Durren followed their trail, helping along the way. The trail ended at the little northern settlement known as Hochoch, where Durren's fortunes turned in a different direction...
Last edited Nov 10, 2015 3:36 pm
Feb 3, 2016 5:39 pm
Sweet. looking at it soon.
Feb 4, 2016 6:58 am
Well...upon review the Mystic has changed quite a bit. Still a very playable class, and I feel some of the changes were necessary. Quest will no longer be melting brains in a single action, nor dodging attacks on a whim. Now I have to go make changes to the character sheet.
Nov 21, 2023 2:01 am
Quick re-link of Aanbo, since I repurposed the original character sheet a long time ago for a different game, then subsequently deleted.
Nov 21, 2023 2:20 am
CancerMan says:
Quick re-link of Aanbo, since I repurposed the original character sheet a long time ago for a different game, then subsequently deleted.
Thank you; it's much appreciated.

I don't know if I re-discovered this or actually only just learned it, but a couple of days ago I found that clicking on the character portrait of any in-character post takes you to the character sheet (at least in the desktop version of the site), if the character is public. It's such a cool feature!
Nov 21, 2023 10:58 pm
Thanks to DM for kind invite!
This will be the place where we make a person and discuss lol.
Edit - Have we place for a human (Oeridian) fighter or paladin? Interested in what everyone else is rolling (I see we’ve a dwarf monk), then I can get a sheet added.
Cheers everyone.

Albertus, Human (Oeridian) Paladin!

Str 16
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 17 (Throw-back to AD&D!)

Longsword/Javelin +5 (1d8/1d6+3)
AC 18 (chain mail, shield)
Hp 13/13

Background - Mercenary Veteran (Knights of Holy Shielding)
Features - Mercenary Life, Divine Sense (4/4), Lay on Hands (5/5 hp)
Nonweapon Proficiencies lol - Athletics, Insight, Lang/Imperial, Lang/Keolish, Perception, Persuasion
Last edited Nov 23, 2023 1:31 pm


Stats - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)

4d6h3 : (2342) = 9

4d6h3 : (6515) = 16

4d6h3 : (1452) = 11

4d6h3 : (2434) = 11

4d6h3 : (3636) = 15

4d6h3 : (5264) = 15

Background - (2d8, 5d6)

2d8 : (58) = 13

5d6 : (25223) = 14

Motivation - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Trinket - (1d100)

(42) = 42

Starting Gold - (5d4)

(42413) = 14

Nov 21, 2023 11:16 pm
Alright, so just making sure I'm not missing anything...

PHB only (races, backgrounds, classes), no feats, no variant humans. Is that accurate?

Edit: ...😳

I have three -1s, a +1 and a +2. For a net of +/- 0.

Can I mulligan?
Last edited Nov 21, 2023 11:20 pm


Stats - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)

4d6h3 : (2431) = 9

4d6h3 : (3354) = 12

4d6h3 : (2262) = 10

4d6h3 : (1324) = 9

4d6h3 : (1324) = 9

4d6h3 : (6541) = 15


Nov 21, 2023 11:17 pm
Hello all! Thanks for the invite, Spaceseeker! Nice to see familiar faces in the crew already, and looking forward to meeting the folks I haven't played with yet.

Let's get started building a character! *dusts off hands, rolls 4D6's*

So we got: 13, 11, 13, 12, 14, 14 ... wow, pretty great! Solidly above-average across the board. I'll line it up like so:

STR: 14
DEX: 13
CON: 13
INT: 14
WIS: 11
CHA: 12

Let's make a HALF-ORC. With +2 STR and +1 CON, my new attributes are

STR: 16
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 14
WIS: 11
CHA: 12

I also get the following features:

Speed: 30
Darkvision: 60 feet
Menacing: Proficient in Intimidation
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attacks

Let's go with WIZARD. I'm imagining roleplaying a Half-Orc Wizard like a shaman that casts the bones and such.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points: 8

Armour: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Arcana, Investigation

Dagger, arcane focus, explorer's pack, spellbook

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell Attack Modifier: +4
Prepare: Up to 3 spells
Arcane Recovery: Per short rest, recover expended spell slots with combined level equal to half your wizard level (rounded up), no higher than 6th level.
Cantrips (3): Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
1st Level (6): Color Spray, Detect Magic, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Ray of Sickness
Spell Slots: Two 1st Level Slots

Let's go with ACOLYTE to get that shamanistic vibe!

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Religion
Languages: x2 - Abyssal, Celestial
Equipment: Holy symbol, prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp.

Feature: Shelter of the Faithful

Personality Trait: I see omens in every event and action The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
Ideal: Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld.
Bond: I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago.
Flaw: Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.
Motivation: Ambition

Name: Kragga Moonweaver

Kragga Moonweaver, a half-orc with a soul intertwined with magic, emerged from the proud lineage of the Stormreaver Clan. Born with a natural affinity for the arcane, Kragga's fascination with the mystical arts set him apart from his warrior-centric kin.

The tranquility of his tribe shattered when a malevolent sorcerer raided their sacred vaults, making off with the Shard of Skystorm—an ancient artifact that held the key to controlling the volatile weather in their mountainous homeland. Fueled by a deep sense of duty and a thirst for redemption, Kragga pledged to the elder circle that he would not cut his hair until the Shard of Skystorm was returned.

Venturing into the civilized territories, Kragga began to hone his wizardry skills, forming alliances with unlikely companions. As his hair grows long and unruly, it becomes a symbol of his unyielding commitment to restoring the balance of nature to his tribe and proving that the path of magic could be a force for strength and unity among his people.
[ +- ] Spaceseeker's guidelines from first post, for reference
Last edited Nov 22, 2023 6:27 am


Attribute generation x6 - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)

4d6h3 : (6234) = 13

4d6h3 : (1326) = 11

4d6h3 : (2634) = 13

4d6h3 : (1633) = 12

4d6h3 : (1356) = 14

4d6h3 : (1356) = 14

Nov 21, 2023 11:51 pm
WhiteDwarf says:
Thanks to DM for kind invite!
This will be the place where we make a person and discuss lol.
Edit - Have we place for a human (Oeridian) fighter or paladin? Interested in what everyone else is rolling (I see we’ve a dwarf monk), then I can get a sheet added.
That's up to you, of course. But you might find this list (copied from the first post in this thread) of interest, if you want to avoid duplication:
The active characters so far are:

Name Level Race Class Background
Aanbo Earthshaker L1 Dwarf Monk Hermit
Albertus L1 Human Paladin Soldier
Joseph Nimblefingers L1 Halfling Rogue Folk Hero
Kragga Moonweaver L1 Half-orc Wizard Acolyte
Ogbar L1 Human Barbarian Outlander
Theran Nailo L1 Elf Druid Haunted One
Xana Beren L1 Gnome Warlock Charlatan
Nov 22, 2023 2:51 am
Hope it’s ok, I went ahead and submitted a Character (Albertus, Human Paladin). I outlined a background on his character sheet. Interested in any thoughts or insights, and otherwise just looking forward to playing him.
Nov 22, 2023 6:17 am
MaJunior says:
Alright, so just making sure I'm not missing anything...

PHB only (races, backgrounds, classes), no feats, no variant humans. Is that accurate?

Edit: ...😳

I have three -1s, a +1 and a +2. For a net of +/- 0.

Can I mulligan?
I encourage you to give your nascent creation a try!

I'll also point out that the net 0 will be ameliorated by your choice of race.
That 9, 9, 9, 10, 12, 15 could become an 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 15 or a 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 16 or a 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 15 (with a mountain dwarf) or a 9, 9, 9, 12, 14, 15 or even a 10, 10, 10, 11, 13, 16 (if you choose a human)...all of which have net positive modifiers.
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