@KidEnnui - Some questions/notes on Jonel Steele:
1. For your ability scores, you rolled 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and you've chosen for Jonel to be human. That would result in ability scores of 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16.
2. You mentioned that you were using the Sage background (and switching History with Stealth), but on the sheet you have Criminal listed. Which is it?
3. You have five initial proficient skills listed for Jonel, which can happen with some combinations, though 4 is most common. Deception and Stealth come from the Criminal background, and Insight from the Sorcerer skill list. I don't see how Jonel has Survival and Sleight of Hand. He should have one other skill from the Sorcerer list: Arcana, Intimidation, Persuasion, or Religion.
4. I didn't see a roll for initial gold (which you are welcome to do, if you don't want to take the 15 that comes with the criminal background), but Jonel has 27 gold listed in inventory.
5. Jonel has a set of thieves' tools and a disguise kit, but those are not default equipment from the criminal background; did he buy those?
6. Jonel has taken a spear as the Simple Weapon alternative to the Light Crossbow he gets as a sorcerer...but sorcerers do not have spear proficiency. Sorcerers have proficiency in dagger, dart, sling, staff, and light crossbow.
7. Please make Jonel public.
8. Jonel should start with Inspiration.
9. I like the background that you've created for Jonel: meeting the Fae creature, unlocking powers, apprenticing to a wizard, then going to work for the Fairview guard. Jonel has had a busy life already! For his Bond, is the mentor the wizard, a guard captain, or someone else?
Next I want to see what approach interests you for inserting Jonel into the story. Before I start suggesting things, do you already have an idea for how Jonel enters the ongoing story?
KidEnnui says:
Should I exclude Origin feats as well?
Yes, there are no feats. It's a different game system that has that (Origin Feats are from D&D 2024/5.5, not D&D 5e).