I've been off the site for a long time, and am only slowly coming to grips with all the new features of the site.
When I started this game, the custom dice rules feature wasn't available. Now that it is, I've finally updated the game to make them available.
FYI, what this means is that, when you "Add new roll: Basic," you can include the text "DC##" (for a skill check) or "AC##" (for an attack roll) in the "Reason" field, and the roll's result in your post will include a little graphic to indicate whether the roll was a success (a green checkmark) or not (a red X). It's not a big thing, but I like it, mostly because it adds a visual dynamic to the in-game rolls.
So, if Morgran was talking to a farmer, trying to persuade him to sell Dungeon Busters some land, and he knew it was a DC 15 check, he'd type
"Persuasion check DC15" in the Reason field, and "1d20+4" in the roll field. The result is shown below: a failure. Note that he rolled a *1*, which is underlined and highlit in red. It's not relevant to a skill check, but if it had been an attack, it would be a critical failure, and the red/underline makes it easy (and somewhat melodramatic) to see.
Just letting you know that this little feature is available in this game, too.
Persuasion check DC15 - (1d20+4)
(1) + 4 = 5