General OoC discussion

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Aug 23, 2024 5:03 am
MaJunior says:
It does say you keep your INT, WIS, and CHA while transformed. Would it be the spider's +2, or Theran's +3? Rolling the +2 but it might be one higher. Not sure if it will even matter.

Also: 40 minutes has passed already? That's 400 turns. I'd honestly have thought with 20 feet of movement in a turn and the ability to Dash I'd have accomplished a lot more than three rooms.

This may have been a much worse plan than I anticipated.
OK, I take it back. I realize that I have been running it wrong, probably out of my enthusiasm for the AD&D nature of this adventure.
You're right; it doesn't work that way in 5e. The Wild Shape is not an actual polymorph - you're not turning into the animal - you're adopting the shape of the animal and some of its abilities (the physical ability scores). So you have Theran's natural eyes and ears, no matter the shape (unless there is a specific animal ability like tremorsense or keen senses), and you don't have to perceive the world like the beast whose form you are emulating. I'll amend the entries in the 1.7 thread.
Aug 23, 2024 1:18 pm
Are you sure? We don't need to retcon anything. Wildshape is a new thing for Theran, we could let everything stand and chalk it up to learning curve. I'm fine with that.

I was just seriously rethinking my plan, possibly for future events.
Aug 25, 2024 3:24 pm
@MaJunior - because there's so much to potentially explore, I haven't just said "Here's everything that Theran sees as a spider" in one post, because you won't have time to explore everything on all the levels of the Inn AND get all the way out again in the time remaining. At the same time, though, I'd rather not take days and days and days of posts exploring room by room while everyone else is waiting for Theran to return and report. So how about this? Let's assume that Theran DOES go past the door he found in the kitchen two days ago. Behind this are stairs leading down to a basement.

Here, Theran has a choice. Nearly a third of his Wild Shape time has elapsed. He can:
a) Return to Reptile now, revert to humanoid form, and find the others to report on what he's seen so far,
b) Go down and explore the basement, going as far as he can, then turning back when he has just enough time to get out in spider form, return to Reptile, revert to humanoid form, and find the others
c) Go up and explore the second floor of the Inn, going as far as he can, then turning back when he has just enough time left to get out in spider form, return to Reptile, revert to humanoid form, and find the others
d) Go down and explore the basement and at some point revert to humanoid form while still in the Inn if it takes that long to explore it all
e) Go up and explore the second floor of the Inn, reverting to humanoid form while still in the Inn if it takes that long to explore it all
Aug 25, 2024 4:12 pm
Let's start with D, and we'll see how that plays out?
Aug 25, 2024 5:14 pm
MaJunior says:
Let's start with D, and we'll see how that plays out?
Good; in exploring, if there is a choice between multiple paths/doors, do you want to lay a general rule like "always follow the left wall" or "choose the closer door," or should I roll randomly to determine the order?
Aug 26, 2024 11:24 am
Probably whichever is closest, to start with. Trying to be systematic and not leave a lot of gaps. I suppose, all else being equal, sticking to the left path is doable.
Aug 29, 2024 2:10 pm
I just wanted to assure you all: next time the party splits, I will split the narrative into two threads, so each will be easier to follow. It had occurred to me to do this with this split (Theran and Reptile going to investigate the Inn while the others explored the area), but I didn't because I thought that the time apart would go a lot faster. Sorry about that.
Aug 29, 2024 10:18 pm
All good, no worries.
Sep 8, 2024 1:20 am
Note: I will be posting more about the results of each of those rolls shortly (it's a busy day today). Sorry for the wait.
Sep 8, 2024 1:24 am
spaceseeker19 says:
Note: I will be posting more about the results of each of those rolls shortly (it's a busy day today). Sorry for the wait.
All good
Sep 16, 2024 5:06 am
Sorry I've slowed down the past few days; it's been very busy with my wedding anniversary, a new housemate moving in, and my wife's birthday. I will post more tomorrow.

Note, however, that I will be out on a trip Friday - Sunday (next weekend), so I may be sporadic then, too.
Sep 16, 2024 7:37 am
No worries, mate. I’m quite busy too, I fully understand.

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