Fate of the Universe

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Apr 30, 2019 2:30 am
"We have been given a name, that is all we know at this point. Perhaps you have more details as to why you suspect something is different about this...Dr. Valik?"
Apr 30, 2019 7:00 am
"Well, for one, his personality suddenly changed. Before, he was rather reclusive and prefer not to go for public events, and he is respectful and reserved when he speak. But now, he have been filling all online message boards with his rantings about religion and sexuality, saying that all religion should be destroyed, and that anything besides cis-gendered heterosexuality is insanity. It might be posible that he simply changed by coming across toxic ideas online, but if it weren't accompanied by his one green eye, I would not have sent the report... Anyways, let's get going before somebody might see us."
Apr 30, 2019 12:12 pm
"Yes, let's get going. The sooner I'm out of this body, the better"

Itari is still walking a little a awkwardly, trying to get used to the new body. He's feeling a bit constrained, his vast array of internal/external sensors in the ship now reduced to the journal 5 senses, and the large data processing centres resided to what he can carry on board. The overall effect is add though he had taken a heavy blow to the head
May 1, 2019 1:35 am
"After you then. It does so bother me when people of high intellect show themselves to be so closed minded. In my experience, wherever you go, people are people, the only ones that cause problems are the ones that can't leave others alone."
May 1, 2019 4:39 am
As the 3 member party and the hooded lady left the landing site, she continued talking. "I agree! Especially since right now, Dr Valik is an influencial figure, and with him spouting all sorts of hateful messages, I fear that we'll be headed into another era of conflict. We've been living in peace for about a century since the last awful war that have caused a third of the world to be wiped out by bio-weapons..."
I'll move the action slowly forward, hope that's OK.
May 1, 2019 11:47 am
"I'll never understand why humans make up labels and then kill each other over them... How popular are his views? It doesn't make a lot of sense for an alien to invade just to rile up a few dorks on a message board somewhere, but with a critical mass this could be a plot to soften the planet for invasion... Can you get me an internet connection as soon as you can?"
May 1, 2019 3:52 pm
"Presently, he has only a small loyal following. Most of the people generally are surprised and bothered by his new attitude, while the rest simply does not care. As for Internet connection, we've got a really fast one at our base. Or atleast relative to most of the world."

After treking for roughly 20 minutes under the dim light of the moon, the group have arrived at a building that sits in a valley of a mountain range. It has a large radio tower, as well as a sizable telescope, emerging from the simple looking structure. As they near the entrance, Gorovon is standing infront with a bored expression. "Took you long enough. Also, you look funny." He says with his eyes leveled at the disguised robot.
May 1, 2019 5:06 pm
To the lady:

"That's a big mystery then, unless they're making a long play, or there are more infiltrations you haven't detected yet"

To Gorovon:

"Hmm, funny how? I suppose it's too late to reconfigure..."
May 2, 2019 2:11 am
"Bio-weapons. Are there any connections to the old regime that used the bio weapons and Dr. Valik's current group? Anything at all...people from the same government, or relatives of the leaders? It might be hold-overs from the past generation that are influencing this group."
May 2, 2019 1:17 pm
"Hey, that's rude to speak of our guests like that, Gorovon!" Saromia reprimands her partner.

Still not changing his expression, Gorovon says: "What? He does not look like a real person. Even his walk his weird."

"Anyways, welcome to The Obervatory, our little hideout where we both serve the local government and the UWP." The lady says, turning to the party. "Please ignore my friend, he is not used with dealing with people, especially those that are from another planet."
May 2, 2019 1:22 pm
"As for old connections, we have not delve too deep into researching Valik's group, but we do know that the team is made up of people from different countries. But, we found that he himself is from Ginoma, the country that was responsible for the deaths of millions in the war."
May 2, 2019 1:31 pm
"That's ok, but I'm concerned. My walk will get better, but if it's that obvious I'm not from Homgern that might be a bit problem for a stealth mission. Maybe I should just stay here"
May 3, 2019 5:22 am
"Oh! Well, we have face masks and some spare hoodies that you can wear. Though it won't make you completely inconspicuous, atleast it's less alien than what you're currently wearing. And also..." She turns to Gorovon. Please help me boot up the computer, thanks Goro."
May 3, 2019 5:34 am
"As we wait, I'll tell you more recent news. Lately, Dr Valik have gone on public speeches organised by himself this past few weeks. Today, he'll be going on another one, conveniently at the nearby city of Vas Conra. We can send you there with our van this afternoon if you think it's a good opportunity to meet him. "
May 3, 2019 12:56 pm
"Do you have a surgical mask? One that someone might wear when they're sick? I think that would be a good cover, and prevent people from getting too close, instinctively. And yes, we should definitely go to that speech... Oh, is this the computer?"

Itari walks over to the terminal, and sizes it up. It's obviously less advanced than what he's used to but should serve his purposes.

"What are the local laws around hacking like? I want to gather a lot of information really quickly, but I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident. Does your government already do a lot of hacking, that I can use to cover my activities, or would alarms be raised at the first sign of intrusion? Either way is fine of course, it just determines how subtle I need to be"
May 4, 2019 12:17 am
"I agree. At least observing his speech and getting a feel for his organization."
May 4, 2019 4:57 pm
"Yup, it's one of those masks. And well, hacking is illegal. The government and company sites are full of security, and if you do manage to hack into them, there is a chance you may be traced. As for the government doing hackings... I am not aware of that, so there is that risk of a deeper conspiracy. But of course, since you are no doubt professionals, then you may find some info without too much trouble, I hope."
May 4, 2019 10:42 pm
"Understood," says Itari, as he begins typing. As this is a government ip, he first needs to wash his traffic through other servers. Then he writes a few bots to scrape for Dr Valik's posts, past and present


Computers +5

3 Positive, 1 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +3

May 5, 2019 9:30 am
Hope you guys can be patient with me. I'll take a moment to decide what to do. If you have any suggestions for me to GM this better, I welcome them.
May 5, 2019 12:49 pm
You're doing fine so far
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