Al and Erevain

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May 6, 2019 12:06 am
For their time in Kuldahar before leaving to meet with Ilmadia, and also any conversations they might have afterwards.
May 9, 2019 2:49 am
This conversation takes place during the first night in Kuldahar after Dorns Deep, sometime after dealing with Whitcomb.
As soon as she is in their room at the inn and free of her plate mail, Alalla collapses face first into bed. "Well," she mutters to Erevain through her faceful of pillow, "that was one of the better outcomes I could have hoped for."
May 9, 2019 3:03 am
Alalla feels the bed shift as Erevain sits next to her on its edge. His hand begins to knead her back, massaging muscles that only a warrior would know ache after wearing plate armor for long. "Something has gone well. Finally! Tell me, sharuhk, what happened in the temple?"
May 9, 2019 3:19 am
Alalla groans as Erevain releases knots she had put out of her mind so long ago she forgot they were there. After a moment she turns her head so her face is clear to speak.

"I went in the temple to... pray to Torm. I knew I needed to make paladin oaths to gain more power against Belhifet, but what if Torm started sending me on all kinds of holy errands? I have responsibilities with my Cagebreakers. What if eradicating them became one of those holy errands? I had to be sure what I was getting into, and I had no one to ask but him." She pauses, both to collect her thoughts and to breathe through the pain as Erevain works over one of her newer scars both grateful for and angry over the attention.

"He answered. He brought me to his realm in some kind of projection and he spoke to me like an equal. Well, not like an equal." She searches for the words. "But like I mattered.

He answered my questions plainly and honestly. No games. I wanted to know who exactly who I would be swearing to so he showed me his life. No hiding the bad parts, no playing up the good. I asked him what he would require of me, and he told me basically that I could continue as I have been, but that I would do things in his name. In exchange he grants power, an endorsement of my cause, and any aid he can with Gruumsh. Options are tricky and limited, and there is still much searching to be done on that front, but he said he would help.

So I swore."
Last edited May 9, 2019 3:20 am
May 9, 2019 12:29 pm
Alalla can hear Erevain’s wide smile. "This is wonderful news! Indeed, what better outcome could we have hoped for? You are safe, at peace, and empowered both to fight Belhifet and to lead your people to a better way!" The elf lightly touches her hair. "I am so proud of you."
May 13, 2019 3:43 am
"At peace..." Alalla chuckles softly. "Of all the things I've been searching for, and of all the things I hoped Torm could give me, I hadn't even considered that one. But I am."

She rolls over and sits up. "Torm had my life displayed over a bunch of pillars. Paintings of certain moments. Seeing it laid out like that... I started to understand what you were talking about when you were in the sword. That stuff about having perspective to see you had done enough.

Then I went to see the Cagebreakers- they're camped close by- and Keggruk over a couple hundred more orcs with him than when we were there last! He did that all without me, and I can tell they've made progress. He swore himself to Torm tonight and the people celebrated."
Her beads click as she shakes her head with awe at the whole thing.

"There's so much work to do still, and I'm not going to stop until I'm made to, but if I die tomorrow, it won't matter. I've done enough."
May 17, 2019 3:17 am
Erevain sighs, and it seems to Alalla that all of the elf's muscles have relaxed, as though a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders. "You've done it, sharuhk. You are free of both Gruumsh and Belhifet. You are in a place - spiritually - to do more good than most people will ever be."

His hands fall into his lap. "You are going to be alright... and you've done it all yourself."
May 17, 2019 4:09 am
Alalla sits up with a scoff. "Hardly." She takes her husband's pale hand in her dark one. "If not for you I likely would have been too prideful or wounded- or both- to turn to the gods for help. Lord Ulbrec's book would have stayed with him or ended up in the snow."

"And I'm not free from Belhifet. Not really. He still holds my strength." She grips Erevain's hand tightly, then continues with some hesitation. "I could make a deal with him at any time. I like to think I won't, and that I can resist him, but I'll only know there is no risk of that when he is dead, or I am."
May 17, 2019 9:55 pm
Erevain’s lips turn up in a smile. "Then I have done something good. Something worthwhile in my centuries of life."

His fine brow furrows as he considers Alala’s words. "But what purpose would Belhifet’s death actually serve? He will not stay dead, for fiends are incarnations of evil itself, and so are subject to a certain form of immortality." He chuckles, but there is a darkness to it. "After slaying him here, will you pursue him through the Nine Hells to put a sure and final end to him?"


Religion (adv) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (16) + 7 = 23

1d20+7 : (11) + 7 = 18

May 17, 2019 10:16 pm
Alalla rolls her eyes. "I know for a fact that hasn't been the only worthwhile thing you've done to justify your years. But you're right, you know. It's all for naught. But you know what? I'm still packed. Let's slip out of town and go back to the Moonshae Isles. I'm dying to feel warm sand again."
May 18, 2019 12:26 am
Erevain sighs and puts an arm around her. "Yes, that would be nice. But I’m afraid I am fresh out of helpful wizards willing to lend out helms of teleportation."

He lingers for a moment, then turns to look at her. "Are you still the leader of this party?"
May 18, 2019 1:02 am
Alalla draws him in closer. "Hm? I suppose. No one has said otherwise. Though I can't say my leadership really counts for much."
May 19, 2019 5:48 am
Erevain taps her hand thoughtfully. "Your leadership has made all the difference. But with all of the responsibilities to the orcs, perhaps the party would best be served by having another leader. Someone more focused..." He chuckles and shakes his head. "When will Zenithral step forward and take charge?"
May 19, 2019 3:27 pm
Alalla laughs. "Truly! Maybe Halla will teach him a bit more about commitment." She taps Erevain's hand back, a little scoldingly. "Though I resent your implications, once again, that I am distracted. Do I really do so poor a job handling my responsibilities?" She started mock scolding, but concern and worry seeps through her manner by the end.
Last edited May 19, 2019 8:36 pm
May 19, 2019 11:30 pm
Erevain lays a reassuring hand on her arm. "You have done exceptionally well! Perhaps I merely long for a little more free time for myself." He gestures to the window. "Then again, it may be better to wait until this is all over." He lapses off into silence, his green eyes clouded over with deep thoughts.
May 19, 2019 11:43 pm
Alalla frowns. "Is there free time at all, when we are at war? I've always been dissatisfied with what I had to give you, and I didn't even understand what we were mired in, then." She shifts so that she can take a turn working on Erevain's tight muscles. "There's nearly a week until our meeting with Ilmadia. There is a little I have to do with the Cagebreakers, but only a little, and we probably won't need to watch our backs too closely or be ready to get into fights every few hours. Will that do, for now?"
May 21, 2019 1:34 pm
"There will always be war somewhere." Erevain closes his eyes. "I’ve lived through a few. But that does not mean we are to stop living."

He opens his eyes and puts a hand in Alalla’s. "I would never be dissatisfied with what you give me. I wonder, though, if when this is over there will only be another adventure to go on. We are husband and wife. But will we ever have time to be a family? To start a family?"
May 21, 2019 7:20 pm
Alalla blinks. "Of course we will. Why do you think I twisted Zenithral's arm into replacing my heart? I did it for you."

She sighs, gripping his hand. "I... I don't know if this body can bear children, but if it can, I have a responsibility to give them to you. I don't take that lightly. We'll make the time."
Last edited June 5, 2019 3:33 am
Jun 11, 2019 12:23 am
Erevain smiles, but there is a distant forlornness in his eyes. "And what if I am not freed from Belhifet? What if, before this war is over, I am ripped away from you forever?" He blinks as his eyes redden. "Is it selfish of me to wish that when I am gone I have some progeny in the world, someone to remain with you?"
Jun 11, 2019 12:53 am
Alalla laughs gently, and she brushes Erevains hair from his face. "Well, I can't judge too harshly when that is the exact reason I find it so important to give children to you. But..."

She kisses him on the nose to hopefully soften her words. "A baby now is hardly a favour. In battle, the distraction of sickness could be fatal. When it passes, I'll be weighed down and less agile. And labour, coming on whenever it likes!

I'm too involved in things in ways that I can't pass to others. Pregnancy will risk my life, and the child's, and if we live, where would it go? We can't care for it with our lives the way they are."
She shakes her head. "I don't think you understand what you're asking of me."
Last edited June 11, 2019 1:50 am
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