Orc Cave

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May 18, 2019 6:29 pm
Zenithral gets the bag of holding from Halla and finds a corner of the cavern. He places it on the ground and has his whip at the ready. Asking Fluphy for help, he waits for the canoloth to awaken and has Fluphy speak to it telepathically, mostly transferring ideas and intents in addition to words. Whichever one it responds to, he'll continue with.

First, he conveys the idea that it needs to stay calm and not attack, otherwise it'll be knocked out again. Zenithral wishes to cooperate with it.


Persuasion - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Help from Fluphy? - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

May 18, 2019 6:31 pm
"We'll do what we can for him and the other villagers," Alalla assures her husband. "First we need to prepare for the meeting with Zenithral's mother. As for the light, I like that idea." Al shrugs at Zenithral. "Can't hurt, anyway."
May 18, 2019 7:17 pm
Fluphy hesitantly establishes a mental link between Zenithral and the wakening canoloth.

The fiend crawls out of the bag. Taking a close look at this ugly creature, Zenithral realizes that it doesn’t quite look like a dog. It moves on all fours, but the set of its spine and the length of its limbs appear all too reminiscent of a humanoid.

The face, though... That mouth was never on a human, elf, dwarf, or any other mortal face. And the lack of eyes is more than disturbing. The fiend’s head tracks Zenithral’s every movement with uncanny accuracy as slobber drips from its gaping maw.

The archer reads malice in the canoloth’s posture. But also... avarice. And more than a hint of laziness. This particular fiend may be reasoned with. It telepathically states its desire, mentally shoving aside Fluphy’s connection and inviting Zenithral to its own innate link.


Accompanying the word is the image of shining gold coins - a fairly large pile, perhaps 800 in number.
May 18, 2019 7:23 pm
Erevain’s head dips in a quick nod. "A magical light may be just the thing."

He looks at the bound tribesmen. "And what will be done with these? We haven’t got many pairs of eyes to keep watch on them, not with everything else we plan to do."
May 18, 2019 7:42 pm
"We're not taking prisoners, but Reothadh seemed to think he could talk some sense into them. If he can get through to them, we'll let them go. If they refuse to cooperate and abandon the devils, they'll be executed."
Last edited May 18, 2019 7:42 pm
May 18, 2019 7:47 pm
Erevain’s eyes widen at the judgment, but he says no more about it. He begins cleaning and caring for his equipment. "With all of the enemies around, we may wish to think of our own method of escape, should the meeting turn sour."
May 18, 2019 10:42 pm
Zenithral raises an eyebrow at the canoloth.

I don't think you're in much of a position to bargain. I owe you no favors, but I don't want to hurt you. But I will if I need to.

Zenithral scowls inside, realizing that even if the creature does comply now, it could come out to wreak havoc whenever Ilmadia shows up. He doubted they were allies, but it would be an opportune moment for it to escape. It likely honored such deals, but what fiends do with gold, anyway? Eat it? Make other deals? He knew Alalla wouldn't have any of it.

I will if I need to... What would Ilmater think of that? If it suffered to reduce suffering elsewhere, would that be right? He hadn't had moral dilemmas like this before...Cutting off its tongue might be a good idea, after all. That would help prevent it from doing further evil. Like taking the sword of a treacherous bandit. Yes, that seemed fair...but who determined 'fair'? Zenithral wasn't fond of being disarmed himself, but he'd rather that then beaten senseless. Torm was a god of duty and righteousness, right? Alalla probably made the right call after all...

Fetch Alalla for me, Zenithral tells Fluphy.
Last edited May 18, 2019 10:49 pm
May 19, 2019 12:26 am
The reddened skin showing beneath the canoloth’s armor quivers in anticipation as it opens its mind further to Zenithral. Beneath the evil, the hate, the greed... strip those away, and there is only pain. Raw, like an open wound, an exposed nerve, the pain is overwhelming. Whatever this creature was before becoming what it is, the transformation - its punishment - must have been awful...

And yet, there is also streak of pride here. This is no tanar’ri eager to watch the multiverse burn, nor a baatezu bound by rigid laws. This fiend, this yugoloth, is unconcerned with the philosophical war that rages between the other types of fiends. Zenithral finds himself considering what might befall all of creation if evil were to put aside its concerns for law and chaos and simply... be. In a way, the yugoloths may be the most wicked of all fiends.

Horrid laughter echoes in Zenithral’s mind, and the canoloth once again offers:
May 19, 2019 12:29 am
"They're lucky we spared them at all," Al says to Erevain's raised eyebrows. "It would have been easier to deal killing blows. They are getting a second chance this way." She sighs, then follows his example and begins removing her armour. "If it goes south I believe we are fighting our way out. I pray it does not. But I leave this in Zenithral's hands. Speaking of..."

Zenithral's familiar floats up and begins tugging at Alalla's arm gently. She begins to stand, then stops and turns to her husband. "I'm glad you made it back to us safe, sharuhk," she murmurs in orcish. "You know me. I had already decided I wasn't going to see you again." She gives him a kiss, gingerly, because of the blood, then stands and faces the flumph.

"Yes, Fluphy, I'm coming."

Alalla follows the tooting flumph over to Zenithral. "Not cooperating?" She rests a hand on her sword.
Last edited May 19, 2019 1:39 am
May 19, 2019 12:45 am
"I believe you were right," Zenithral tells her. "It only wants gold. Much like you would disarm a brigand or thug after acts of misdeed, it seems fit to disarm it and try to prevent it from doing further harm."
May 19, 2019 1:26 am
"That's what I was thinking." Alalla clubs the creature over the head without further ceremony. It sags to the floor. She pokes it a couple of times to make sure it's unconscious, then kneels beside the creature.

"Watch it in case it starts to wake up." She unsheathes her belt knife, but after fishing out the fiend's unnervingly large and thick tongue, she trades it for a hand axe. She lines the weapon up carefully, then one clean movement has the appendage severed as close to the base as she can manage.

"We don't aim for suffering," Al says by way of prayer as she puts a finger to the bloodied stump of tongue. The wound closes over as a gentle glow surrounds it, and while it is not fully healed, it is not likely to be more than mildly uncomfortable.

"Well?" Al stands and cleans her axe. "Was that all right? We could go for its teeth and legs while we're at it, if all we care for is disabling it, but I think this is fair. It will get it's tongue back, after all, whether it deserves it or not." Her stance is sure and confident, as usual, but Zenithral can see uneasiness in her. She really wants to know what he thinks.
Last edited May 19, 2019 1:31 am
May 19, 2019 3:49 pm
The canoloth’s tongue writhes upon the ground for a few moments before turning to black sludge. Ichor spills from the fiend’s circular maw until Alalla’s healing touch closes the wound. The creature’s limbs jerk, then still.
May 19, 2019 4:06 pm
Late into the night the party finally takes its rest. The cave stinks of blood, death, and foul brimstone, but the heroes take solace in that the recent threats have all been defeated.

The canoloth is kept under constant watch, for even with its tongue destroyed it remains a possible danger.

Mona and Lance seem to sleep not at all. With their leathery wings folded tight they perch on one wall of the cave, much like a pair of gargoyles keeping watch. Their eyes shine like candles in the darkness as they wait for morning.

When dawn’s light creeps in from the cave’s entrance, the five captured tribesmen stir. They begin pulling at their bonds, attempting to break them.
May 19, 2019 4:24 pm
When all seems lost, a dwerf can still teleport the lot o’ us if we don’t stray far from one another. Difficult as it may be, another day there is to live an’ survive."

The stoic dwarf sits in silence watching the strange fiend interact with Zenithral and Alalla; disturbed by its nature and apparent greed, the dwarf walks out after the tongue is removed, seeking fresh air to rid the foul odor of its ichor. Once the nausea has passed, Reòthadh finds his way to the tribesmen hoping to reason and spare those who will not seek more violence.

The one who has fallen, who will remain to honor his life? If those fiends have what they want, who will remain to honor the North? Have you no family or loved ones? Why would you ally yourselves with those that would shackle you once you have done their work for them?"
May 19, 2019 4:46 pm
One of them, a burly blonde giant of a man, pauses in his efforts to free himself and meets Reòthadh’s eyes. "Jorgar died fighting, and there’s no better way to go." His accent is as thick as his biceps. "We have families. And they starve each year, because of the towns hunting our herds. But now, with the great shaman Jerrod returned to us, our home will be free once more!"
May 19, 2019 4:49 pm
Alalla stands at Reòthadh's back, glaive in hand. She watches carefully to make sure the bonds hold. As a native towner, she has her own opinions about the barbarians and what they think of the Ten Towns, but she buries them deep when she speaks.

"I don't know what this hero is supposed to be like, but if he tells you to ally yourself with fiends he is no hero. They care nothing for how your families eat or don't, and only want your bodies and souls for their war. 'Free' is not how you will find your home if you aid instead of fight the fiends. Your families will do worse than starve before this is over if you continue on this path."
Last edited May 20, 2019 9:06 pm
May 20, 2019 10:19 pm
Nodding along to Allala’s excellent points, the elder dwarf can feel the pain that some of these tribesmen have gone through to protect their families.

"This dwerf has no fondness for the extravagance of cities, nor the allure of civilization’s comforts. The wild does not seek the destruction of civilization, rather it defends its own, unyielding to those that would not respect it. Those fiends do not want to deliver your wilds back to you, they will have your souls to be their slaves. If you truly seek the best intentions of your family and kinsmen then you must not align with those seeking destruction. The North has delivered a dwerf from the brink of icy death to stand once more to in its defense and this one will not stop until he is needed no longer."
May 21, 2019 12:14 am
The barbarian opens his mouth several times to respond, but each time he closes it again, blue eyes searching the faces of these two companions. Eventually, he and the others sag in their bonds. The truth of Reòthadh’s and Alalla’s words simply cannot be denied by the claims of the evil creatures these tribesmen have been working with.

The blonde berserker straightens his neck and meets their eyes. "To our shame... you speak reason. If Jerrod is in league with devils, he is not the leader we need."

The other tribesmen nod in agreement, their bruised faces downcast in sorrow.

The berserker rubs at his chafing wrists. "Free us, and we will help you send these fiends back to their fiery home."
May 21, 2019 12:34 am
Alalla looks the men over for a moment, then looks to Reòthadh. When she's positive they are sincere, she steps forward and unties the barbarians.
Last edited May 21, 2019 12:36 am
May 21, 2019 3:45 am
Zenithral nods to Alalla. "I think so...this is always hard...But we can tie the legs. Its mouth can't reach the bindings, and if it can't move, it can't bite. Unless you really want to rid its teeth...I think this suffices, though."
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