Orc Cave

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May 25, 2019 1:30 am
Ilmadia shrinks away from Saki's touch for a brief moment, surprised, but she relaxes and doesn't attempt to escape.

She blinks up at Zenithral, and some of her fire starts to return to her eyes. "No, I don't want to go to Avernus. It was Belhifet's contract that made me lose hope I could ever be your mother. Once ownership passed to him I never saw you again until Dorn's Deep. I believed it was for the best, I believed in his cause because if I didn't..." Her clenched fists shake for a moment, then she stills.

"I- I don't know if I believe you, about Ilmater. I don't know if I belong with him... But... he took- takes- care of you. And he takes care of Madae, who takes care of Isair. That's enough. I can give him another chance for that. I can take his second chance for that."

She pulls her black feathered cape from her shoulders and tosses it aside. "Yes. I am willing."
May 25, 2019 2:15 am
Zenithral places his hands on Ilmadia's shoulders, nods, and smiles warmly. Then he bows his head and closes his eyes.

"She is ready."
May 25, 2019 4:03 am
Ilmadia begins to glow.

At first the radiance appears much like Zenithral’s own when he calls on his divine power. Ilmadia stares in wonder at her hands for a moment as they ripple with light. Then she flinches, a precursor of what is to come.

A moment later, light bursts from her eyes and mouth, a scalding torrent that causes the air in the cave to hum. Ilmadia lets out a cry of pain, and then a pulse of radiant energy billows out into the rest of the cave (Everyone present takes 20 radiant damage).

As the companions blink away the blinding light, they see that whatever is happening to Ilmadia is only beginning. The glow intensifies again, and they know another charring pulse is imminent.
May 25, 2019 4:05 am
From the rear passage of the cave, Hjollsted and the five tribesmen peer with alarm behind raised hands. "What is happening here?"
May 25, 2019 4:12 am
"Why don't we wait to go until tomorrow, sharuhk? I really think this is the sort of decision we should sleep on." Alalla digs some rope from her pack and wrestles Erevain's feet together from her seat on his chest. The blast of light pouring from the cave's entrance distracts her from her task. She gapes, rope forgotten. "What in the Nine Hells?"
Last edited May 25, 2019 4:13 am
May 25, 2019 4:20 am
Unphased by the radiance, Zenithral gestures for everyone to back away. "Purification."
If allowed, Zenithral will expend as many uses of Martyr's Empathy as he can (up to 3) to help Ilmadia.
HP: 105 + 5 THP
Last edited May 25, 2019 4:21 am
May 25, 2019 4:22 am
Arannis shies away from the light, then tries to move closer. "Ilmadia!" He is forced back by the sheer brilliance, clothes smoking lightly.
May 25, 2019 4:25 am
Hjollsted and the tribesmen move quickly through the cave and past Ilmadia, wincing as they pass through the all-consuming light. They stumble out of the cave and back away from the entrance.
May 25, 2019 4:26 am
Saki takes Arannis’ arm and ushers him out of the cave. "It has begun, my love. There is nothing we can do."
May 25, 2019 4:28 am
Halla melts back into her human form, her expression a mix of awe and apprehension. She tries to lay a hand on Zenithral, but then she, too is forced out by the powerful light.
May 25, 2019 4:36 am
Of course Zen can use Martyr’s Empathy!
Another pulse of light rips free from Ilmadia’s form, and for a moment Zenithral’s vision goes entirely white. Just before him, Ilmadia gasps in pain (30 radiant damage to all in the cave).

As his sight clears, Zenithral notices an afterimage lingering in his vision: a web of chains wrapped all about his mother, intricately fashioned and crushing her with terrible strength. The outmost layer of chains has a molten glow about it, as though it is being superheated to a breaking point.
May 25, 2019 4:57 am
Zenithral stands his ground, allowing the searing light to flow to him instead. He grits his teeth as he feels it burn, using the discipline and resolve he's gained as a warrior to steel himself. "It's alright..." he tries to comfort her.

(Zenithral takes a total of 50 radiant damage so far and regains 21 from Second Wind. One use of Martyr's Empathy left. Ilmadia has taken no damage so far.)

HP 91/105
Last edited May 25, 2019 5:01 am


Second Wind - (1d10+12)

(9) + 12 = 21

May 25, 2019 5:06 am
"No! No, it's mine." Ilmadia grips his hand with dismay. "Go. Don't let me hurt you." Zenithral has been a soldier long enough to recognize her look. The look of someone who is terrified, but is trying to be brave.
May 25, 2019 5:07 am
The area around Ilmadia’s eyes reddens as if burned as the light continues to pour out, but Zenithral absorbs as much of the pain as he can, channeling it into his own body.

The outer layer of chains about Ilmadia glows white-hot and then shatters, revealing another layer below. The bindings are deep.

This isn’t over yet.

Another pulse of light condenses around Ilmadia and then radiates outward, even more powerful than the first two (40 radiant damage).
May 25, 2019 5:23 am
"It may be yours, but I shall help you bear it...!" He growls in pain. (Martyr's Empathy. Zenithral takes a total of radiant 40 damage. Ilmadia doesn't take any. No more uses.)

HP 51/105
May 25, 2019 5:34 am
Another layer of chains explodes into light. How many more are there to go? Just how deeply can one bind oneself to a hellish patron?

The floor rumbles as the light continues to expand.

Those without the cave can hardly stand to look at the cave entrance as a fourth pulse flashes from within (50 damage to those in the cave). Surely only those gifted with celestial resistance can survive in that. But for how long...?

Ilmadia screams with pain, but seems determined to see this through.
May 25, 2019 5:45 am
Zenithral cries out but and pushes through, trembling, to reach Ilmadia. Then he draws out the staff of healing, pouring even more healing light into her. (Healing Hands + Action Surge for Cure Wounds. Ilmadia regains 35 hit points.)

Spare her...

HP 27/105
Last edited May 25, 2019 6:08 am


Healing Word (COME ON!!) - (1d4+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Cure Wounds - (4d8+3)

(3617) + 3 = 20

May 25, 2019 5:51 am
Ilmadia clutches Zenithral’s hand and gasps as his strength flows into her. As Zenithral summons his heavenly power, he notices something on the floor nearby. Two somethings.

Through the blinding light, Zenithral just barely makes out two severed wings on the ground. They appear much as his own that he can sometimes call upon, but these are crumpled. Discarded.

Another pulse of light threatens to char body and soul (Another 50 radiant damage).
May 25, 2019 6:03 am
Zenithral sees the crumpled wings and fights to give her one last bit of support as he feels himself start to slip from consciousness. (Healing Word. She regains 6 hp)

Spare her...

To give Ilmadia further courage and hope before he falls, Zenithral summons his own radiant wings and his eyes alight.

HP 2/105
Last edited May 25, 2019 6:08 am


Healing Word - (1d4+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

May 25, 2019 6:20 am
Ilmadia weeps, but the tears immediately vaporize before fully forming.

Zenithral’s own light adds to the glow in the room, but rather than blind him further, he finds he can suddenly see much more clearly with his own eyes alight. The cave walls and floor, the discarded wings. His mother’s face...

She looks terrified. Not only from the searing radiance within and around her, but also the hellish chains that continue to restrict her. Even as each of the thick chains breaks, yet another reveals itself beneath.

With this newfound awareness, Zenithral notices for the first time a golden tether behind himself that seems to extend upward, through the cave ceiling and beyond. Somehow, he is simply aware of Myllandra on the far end of the tether. His counselor. His guide. His unique connection to the divine.

I cannot. The pact still binds her, and so Ilmater will continue. Myllandra’s voice is stiff and formal, but Zenithral thinks he detects sorrow in her voice.

His own radiance will not be enough to protect him from this next pulse. As the wave builds, he knows that it will be the worst one yet.

Something about his mother draws his attention once more in the moments before the next pulse is released. There, just beneath the next layer of chains, Zenithral sees slack line - another tether, this one connected to Ilmadia. Unlike his own shining one, Ilmadia’s is dim and sickly, as though it has never been used.

The floor rumbles, and Ilmadia lets out a ragged sob. Any moment now...
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