I'm interested in playing. I will admit it's been a while but I used to base all my own campaigns in Greyhawk and love the setting. My submission will be an wood elf sorcerer from the Dreadwood. I know sorcerer's are rare in Greyhawk so I would see him as a wild talent (Wild Magic). If that doesn't work I can easily change him to be a wizard.
If you are open to the sorcerer then background would be along the lines of the fact that he is a young elf and his mentors in the Dreadwood have recognized a great potential for wielding magic within him, but he does not appear to be able to control the talent he has, the age old training methods used throughout the years by the elven mages in the Dreadwood are not having an impact. He picks up bits and pieces of magic here and there and wields them with what would appear to be great potential but without discipline. Frustrated with his lack of progress his mentors in the forest are sending him with a letter of reference to the mages in the elvish court in Celene, or maybe referring him to a member of the Circle, for further evaluation about this form of magic. He has made his way from the Dreadwood to the village of Saltmarsh looking for passage on a ship travelling around the Pomarj and to either Safeton on the Wild Coast or to Greyhawk City.
Last edited Jun 12, 2019 7:04 pm