Chapters 1, 2, and 3

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Apr 7, 2016 3:59 pm
The great demon is still approaching the shore, still being about 50 feet out. A lot of the kuo-toa are frozen in shock and haven't moved yet, but others are running, abandoning their homes. The beast roars again and you all know what true power looks like.
Apr 7, 2016 4:03 pm
Hunter has no idea where she is running, having lost her orientation during the chaos and not paying attention while they were escorted. She just takes as direct a route as possible away from the demon prince, clutching Stool close to her chest.
Apr 7, 2016 4:07 pm
My voice low and quivering, I look Soliin in the eye. "Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons. Run and don't look back! The others are fools if they don't do the same! Lets go!" I run in the opposite direction of that thing.
Apr 8, 2016 7:22 am
Mai'ngor momentarily snaps out of his insanity to find himself shoveling dirt into his snout. Terrified, he dismisses Sinag's blade so as not to attract undue attention, and runs for his life. He has just enough sense left to drag the cowering Jimjar with him. As he passes his companions he yells, "Fly, you fools! This foe is beyond any of us!"
Apr 8, 2016 6:04 pm
A quick peek back at the lake only confirms Elfog's fear, the beast is still approaching. "Banagril foolik humgrep!!!" he yells as he turns to put even more distance between him and the demon.

"Jorply funbce haf!!!"
He'll take a brief look to see if he can locate any of the others in the party.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Apr 8, 2016 9:33 pm
"To the archpriest's house! Follow me!" Ma'ingor yells, still dragging Jimjar along.
Apr 11, 2016 2:44 pm
Mai'ngor rushes, with Jimjar in tow, to the archpriest's home, and then realizes that it's not far from where the great demon is emerging from the lake. Seeing no other choice he drags Jimjar out of the city.

Hours later you all manage to find each other. The madness that had overtaken certain members of your party has long since worn off.
Apr 11, 2016 3:54 pm
After hours of wandering with weapons out next to Xeliss, relying on his ally to help him traverse the darkness, Soliin is finally glad to find the rest of party. "A demon. If a demon blocks out path, we have no hope of finding out way home. The visions it instilled nearly destroyed me. I have no idea what to do next." Soliin's words are more solemn than his party has heard before; he's quieter and less confident, though still somewhat collected.
Apr 11, 2016 4:46 pm
Nearly succumbing to exhaustion, Hunter collapses to her knees where she is. Without words, she pulls Stool to her chest and curls up, looking like she is willing to sleep in the open.
Apr 11, 2016 4:56 pm
"Sleep. Rest now." I lean against the closest rock wall, hoping to blend into it as I rest my eyes for a moment and catch my breath.
Apr 11, 2016 10:23 pm
Finally able to speak properly "What was the thing?" Elfog asks between gasps of breath as he finds a place to rest.
Apr 12, 2016 2:16 pm
Mai'ngor just stands wordlessly, staring in the direction of the kuo-toa city.
Apr 12, 2016 2:19 pm
Too exhausted to even think clearly you all pass out one by one. Horrible nightmares assail you in your sleep. Visions of horrible things. Flesh being ripped from the living as they scream in pain. Sometimes you are the torturer, and sometimes the tortured. Bugs crawl underneath your skin, biting and tearing at your insides as your loved ones watch and laugh at your misery. This continues through your whole rest, until you finally wake, even more exhausted than before you slept.
You all gain one level of exhaustion (disadvantage on all ability checks)
Apr 12, 2016 2:27 pm
At length, Mai’ngor turns and speaks. "What now? Do you still wish to make for Neverlight Grove? I for one crave the surface and hope to never see that demon again."
Apr 12, 2016 2:34 pm
"Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons. What they say about him... it..." I just shake my head, still shaking from the ordeal. "Is there another way?"
Apr 12, 2016 3:50 pm
Hunter looks about as rested as she did before she even lay down, and undoubtedly the cold stone floor did not help. It seems to take all her strength to just rise to a sitting position. She remains propped against her hands, disheveled and tangled hair falling across her face.

"Sarith," she croaks, her voice hoarse and parched. "You know of the way to Neverlight. Darklake is no longer an option; what route is still available? Are we better for making to the surface?"
Apr 12, 2016 3:54 pm
Mai'ngor snorts, "You ask a DROW of making for the surface?!"
Apr 12, 2016 4:01 pm
"I ask one who ought to know of a way to the surface," Hunter snaps. "Unless your girlfriend of a sword works part-time as an oracle?"
Apr 12, 2016 4:09 pm
Mai'ngor's eys flash for a moment but then twinkle with amusement. The haughty half-blood has a point of course, but MAi'ngor will never fully trust the drow. ANY drow. The tikbalang says nothing more but stands with arms crossed across his bare chest.
Apr 12, 2016 10:05 pm
Elfog merely rests and watches on as the others discuss their options. Normally an exchange such as that between Hunter and Mai'ngor would stir the dwarf to a hearty laugh but after his nightmarish experience Elfog doesn't even crack a grin.

"Drow on the surface are how most of us got here in the first place, innit?" the weary dwarf pipes up remembering the moments before his capture. "Speak up, Drow! What's the quickest way outta this hole?"
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